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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By inga
Naravno da postoji.
Biseksualac/ka se dobija ukrštanjem homoseksualca/ke i heteroseksualca/ke.

Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Ova tema ima deset strana. Oh lord.
By Speculum Columbae
Zašto se, ovih dana, svaka tema ovde pretvori u vređanje i omalovažavanje?
Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
zasto ovaj topic nije u recycle binu?
odvratan je i gadi mi se sto se u njemu dopusta izljevanje primitivnih govana bifobnih retarda po biseksualnim osobama.
Korisnikov avatar
By dharmox
Tema je otvorena 11-10-2005 u 17:20 .
Od tad do danas smenjivale su se generacije moderatora; zar niko tokom 5 godina nije primetio ono što je očigledno - diskriminaciju?

Zatvorite temu odmah.
By Ulix
Originally posted by hlaefdige

ali meni i dalje uopse ne ide u glavu odakle ljudima toliko uverenje da mogu mirne duse da odvale takvu budalastinu kao sto je "biseksualnost ne postoji"....

....odakle li se samo crpi to neizmerno zivotno iskustvo koje sluzi kao korpus znanja da se izvuce taj fenomenalni zakljucak......
Korisnikov avatar
By bern
Postoji, naravno. Sasvim je drugo pitanje šta meni prolazi kroz glavu kad mi neko kaže da je biseks - i koliko sam ja spreman da razmrsim to klupko.

Nažalost, bi osobe dospjele su na loš glas zbog gomile ljudi koji su homoseksualni, ali nemaju snage/volje da to sebi priznaju, ali istovremeno imaju dovoljno drskosti da gejeve i lezbejke smatraju sopstvenim mesom za je*anje.
By str00ja
I ja smatram da temu treba zatvoriti, ako nista, ono bar iz pristojnosti prema nekim ljudima koji se osecaju biseksualno.
Korisnikov avatar
Originally posted by dharmox

Tema je otvorena 11-10-2005 u 17:20 .
Od tad do danas smenjivale su se generacije moderatora; zar niko tokom 5 godina nije primetio ono što je očigledno - diskriminaciju?

Zatvorite temu odmah.
ne, tema je otvorena 2004.
samo se pocetak obrisao. pogledati ovde: ... p?tid=7675
malo se teze otvara stranica, ali uspeva!

kako se boriti protiv neznanja, samim tim i protiv diskriminacije koja proistice iz stanja neznanja, nego upravo jedinom alatkom koja to stanje moze izmeniti, tj. diskusijom na odredjene teme poput ove?

p.s. ja sam jos uvek biseksualna :dance:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dina
Naleteh na bifobiju pa sam se setila ove teme:


By Lani Ka'ahumanu and Rob Yaeger from conversations with Gerard Palmeri, Danielle Raymond, Loraine Hutchins, and Cianna Stewart. Portions adapted from material by the Rape Crisis Center of West Contra Costa County, CA; the Boston Lesbian Task Force; and Building Bridges. Visit the Bisexual Resource Center web site,

Bisexual women and men cannot be defined by their partner or potential partner, so are rendered invisible within the either/or heterosexist framework. This invisibility (biphobia) is one of the most challenging aspects of a bisexual identity. Living in a society that is based and thrives on opposition, on the reassurances and "balanced" polarities of dichotomy affects how we see the world, and how we negotiate our own, and other peoples lives to fit "reality."

Most people are unaware of their homosexual or heterosexual assumptions until a bisexual speaks up/comes out and challenges the assumption. Very often bisexuals are then dismissed, and told they are "confused" and "simply have to make up their mind and choose." For bisexually identified people to maintain their integrity in a homo-hating heterosexist society they must have a strong sense of self, and the courage and conviction to live their lives in defiance of what passes for "normal."

What Does Biphobia Look Like?

* Assuming that everyone you meet is either heterosexual or homosexual.
* Supporting and understanding a bisexual identity for young people because you identified "that way" before you came to your "real" lesbian/gay/heterosexual identity.
* Expecting a bisexual to identify as heterosexual when coupled with the "opposite" gender/sex.
* Believing bisexual men spread AIDS/HIV and other STDs to heterosexuals.
* Thinking bisexual people haven't made up their minds.
* Assuming a bisexual person would want to fulfill your sexual fantasies or curiosities.
* Assuming bisexuals would be willing to "pass" as anything other than bisexual.
* Feeling that bisexual people are too outspoken and pushy about their visibility and rights.
* Automatically assuming romantic couplings of two women are lesbian, or two men are gay, or a man and a woman are heterosexual.
* Expecting bisexual people to get services, information and education from heterosexual service agencies for their "heterosexual side" (sic) and then go to gay and/or lesbian service agencies for their "homosexual side" (sic).
* Feeling bisexuals just want to have their cake and eat it too.
* Believing that bisexual women spread AIDS/HIV and other STDs to lesbians.
* Using the terms "phase" or "stage" or "confused" or "fence-sitter" or "bisexual" or "AC/DC" or "switchhitter" as slurs or in an accusatory way.
* Thinking bisexuals only have committed relationships with "opposite" sex/gender partners.
* Looking at a bisexual person and automatically thinking of their sexuality rather than seeing them as a whole, complete person.
* Believing bisexuals are confused about their sexuality.
* Assuming that bisexuals, if given the choice, would prefer to be within an "opposite" gender/sex coupling to reap the social benefits of a "heterosexual" pairing.
* Not confronting a biphobic remark or joke for fear of being identified as bisexual.
* Assuming bisexual means "available."
* Thinking that bisexual people will have their rights when lesbian and gay people win theirs.
* Being gay or lesbian and asking your bisexual friend about their lover only when that lover is the same sex/gender.
* Feeling that you can't trust a bisexual because they aren't really gay or lesbian, or aren't really heterosexual.
* Thinking that people identify as bisexual because it's "trendy."
* Expecting a bisexual to identify as gay or lesbian when coupled with the "same" sex/gender.
* Expecting bisexual activists and organizers to minimize bisexual issues (i.e. HIV/AIDS, violence, basic civil rights, fighting the Right, military, same sex marriage, child custody, adoption, etc.) and to prioritize the visibility of "lesbian and/or gay" issues.
* Avoid mentioning to friends that you are involved with a bisexual or working with a bisexual group because you are afraid they will think you are a bisexual.
Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
Originally posted by EYA

kako se boriti protiv neznanja, samim tim i protiv diskriminacije koja proistice iz stanja neznanja, nego upravo jedinom alatkom koja to stanje moze izmeniti, tj. diskusijom na odredjene teme poput ove?
temama poput ove se samo daje legitimitet i podrska predrasudama. naravno da treba raspravljati, ali sigurno ne u temi koja se zove 'biseksualnost - da li postoji?'.
pitam se jel bi se tolerirala tema s naslovom 'homoseksualnost - da li je to bolest?' ili ' silovanje - koliko su žene krive za njega?'... zapravo, vjerojatno i bi. :lol:
ali to ne znaci da treba. uglavnom, nisam uvjeren da se na pogresnim temeljima moze izgraditi ista smisleno. naslov ovog topica je upucen na negiranje postojanja biseksualnosti, sto smatram da je totalno neprihvatljivo i nevrijedno bilo kakve rasprave. jedino sto to zasluzuje je osuda.
Korisnikov avatar
By badu
Listam temu po ko zna koji put, šećkam se u mislima i usput šutam neke ljude u glavu, i naletim na ovo i opet:

Originally posted by Dina


Korisnikov avatar
By badu
.... I na sebe.

Originally posted by jelenah

Uvek mi je simpatično kad neko ubeđuje nekog da ne postoji.
Ja sam, znate, ustvari krompir.
Volim i da budem pire i pomfrit.


I opet.
Korisnikov avatar
By dharmox
Originally posted by EYA
Originally posted by dharmox

Tema je otvorena 11-10-2005 u 17:20 .
Od tad do danas smenjivale su se generacije moderatora; zar niko tokom 5 godina nije primetio ono što je očigledno - diskriminaciju?

Zatvorite temu odmah.

ne, tema je otvorena 2004.
samo se pocetak obrisao. pogledati ovde: ... p?tid=7675
malo se teze otvara stranica, ali uspeva!

kako se boriti protiv neznanja, samim tim i protiv diskriminacije koja proistice iz stanja neznanja, nego upravo jedinom alatkom koja to stanje moze izmeniti, tj. diskusijom na odredjene teme poput ove?

p.s. ja sam jos uvek biseksualna :dance:
I ja.
Ne smeta mi diskusija nego naslov koji nije nepristrasan...
Korisnikov avatar
By taurus
heteronormativi su stvorili tu rech,to ne postoji :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By 4NY K3Y
procitala sam poslednju stranicu i izgubila volju da citam ostatak teme

nadam se da ce neko da rezimira - jel' postojim ili ne? :vulkanac:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lepa Krepa
ne postojiš. slabo šta uopšte i postoji, al' biseksualnost baš ono dibidus ne postoji.
Korisnikov avatar
By Torry
jel da citam prethodnih 9 stranica ili ne?
Korisnikov avatar
By Dina
Originally posted by Torry

jel da citam prethodnih 9 stranica ili ne?
Ne! :nono:

Nemoj da gubis vreme, eno u mom postu sa linka o bifobiji komentara ukratko, mada ima mozda i nekih koji oni stranci nisu mogli ni da zamisle... ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By Loni
Biseksualnost svakako postoji s tim da nije toliko česta pojava, koliko se spominje.

Po nekim pokazateljima kod žena su češće biseksualke u odnosu na čista lezbejke,
a kod muškaraca česti čisti gejevi od biseksualaca.

Nezvanična (za ove, koji bi da me napadnu opet da ponovim nezvanična percentacija)
nekih psihologa u tv emisiji bila je, ako sam dobro zapisao ovakva:

Čiste strejterke ---------------------------------------------- 94 %
Uglavnom strejterke (latentne lezbejke) --------------- 3 %
Biseksualke (fifti/fifti) --------------------------------------- 2 %
Uglavnom lezbejke ------------------------------------------ 0,66 %
Čiste lezbejke ------------------------------------------------ 0,33 %

Čisti strejteri ---------------------------------------------------- 86 %
Uglavnom strejteri - latentni gejevi ------------------------- 4 %
Biseksualci (fifti/fifti) -------------------------------------------- 2 %
Uglavnom gejevi (latentno strejt) --------------------------- 2 %
Čisti gejevi ------------------------------------------------------- 4 %

Sve u svemu žene mogu da se nadaju da će imati šansu kod svake tridesete,
a muškarci već kod svakog 9.
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