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Why Would you Settle for Less when you can have More? Do not let other Authors Fool you with Empty Marketing Keywords. FLATBOOTS is what you Deserve. Built to last, Built from Scratch, Nothing Less.
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Moderatori: EnRage, Moderators
Originally posted by SeamanDa... Bombi, Maza i Dina na novom faksu
bice sve ok, bitno da si pcoela. Uigraces se
Kad Dina zavrsi fax, odlucili smo da zajedno upisemo novi
Originally posted by Dinaaham a cirirala sam Lonia
Ledena ma sto da se ne petljas? Dobra su ti pitanja... nadam se da ce mi tema doziveti reinkarnaciju, tj da ce se i drugi ljudi raspisati
Originally posted by Bombinahe he kamo srece,,,razmisljam samo o mojima da vise nista ne pokusavaju sa mnom....itd
pivo,pivo da razmisljas o nekoj devojci koja cvrsto drzi ,aa Ledena
Originally posted by Seamanragbi? ima i toga ovde?
Danas idem na ragbi.
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