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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

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Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Autor: E. B. | Foto:AP - Ilustracija | 08.09.2009. - 07:29

Srbija je, zahvaljujući teniserki Jeleni Janković, oborila Ginisov rekord u broju prikupljenih fotografija osmeha!


U kampanji „Mi sakupljamo osmehe, treba nam i tvoj” građani Srbije i „orbit” su nakon pet meseci uspeli da sakupe više od 130.000 fotografija osmeha i time obore rekord postavljen u Birmingemu u Velikoj Britaniji 2008. godine.
Akcija je počela 1. marta ove godine sa prvom fotografijom osmeha naše najbolje teniserke Jelene Janković. Nakon prve, pristizale su brojne nasmejane fotografije na sajt, ili putem elektronske pošte do magične cifre od 130.478 fotografija! Više od 80.000 fotografija skupile su „patrole” tokom leta na Zemunskom keju i Adi, družeći se sa sugrađanima i beležeći njihove osmehe. Mozaik fotografija osmeha biće postavljen na košarkaškim terenima Partizana na Kalemegdanu početkom oktobra na površini od 930 kvadratnih metara, a fotografije će lepiti više od 20 ljudi.

:shmi: :shmi: :shmi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

Hi everyone,

I started the US Open really well and was pretty excited about my chances, but the day before my second round match I got very bad news, that my grandmother passed away. I was very sad. I didn't even feel like going on the court. Mentally and physically, I wasn't there. I was a shadow of myself.

My mother came to New York to watch me play and my father was already here, so I had everyone here supporting me, and it was great. But my mom left the day before my match to be with my grandmother. Today was the funeral. My whole family was there. I'm at the airport now, and I'm going back to Serbia.

She was my only grandmother... I was very close to her and loved her a lot. She always told me she liked my red tennis dress, that it was the color of happiness and luck. I wanted her to be happy and I wanted to do well at the US Open, so I wore it. I was hoping it would bring luck to both of us. But unfortunately it didn't help this time. She dedicated her whole life to family, to all of us. She was an unbelievable person, beautiful on the inside and out. She was always supporting me and watching me play. Hopefully she was proud of me.

I was calling every day to see how she was doing.. I was praying every day she would be okay. This is especially hard on my mom... she was her mom. My mom is recovering from surgery herself and it's not easy for her.

I'm going to take some days off from tennis to just be there with my family. We're all very sad but we're trying to stay as positive as possible. I'm not thinking about tennis at the moment. I have some time before I play my next tournament so I want to heal from this and go from there. When something like this happens, tennis seems like just a game. There are more important things.

I want to thank all of you for your support right now. I am thankful for you all and I will be back soon.

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
#1643049 ... 0%26um%3D1


VOLLEYING Tim Zagat and Jelena Jankovic shared a few jokes over dinner at DBGB Kitchen and Bar.

Published: August 28, 2009

AS one of the top-seeded tennis players in the world, Jelena Jankovic is well practiced in the art of the volley. At DBGB Kitchen and Bar on the Lower East Side last week, she and Tim Zagat — half of the couple behind the famous restaurant guides — were enjoying a little back and forth of their own.

Mr. Zagat was regaling Ms. Jankovic, a 24-year-old Serb, and her parents, who were in town for the United States Open, with his New York stories: Which married actress had he just seen “canoodling” with a famous actor at the Minetta Tavern (sorry, we won’t tell), and which restaurant that no longer appears in his guides had once sued him because of an unfavorable review.

“Lucky Cheng’s is a transvestite restaurant, here on the Lower East Side,” he said, referring to the famous Chinese eatery where bawdy drag queens entertain birthday boys and tourists.

“Who goes there?” Ms. Jankovic interrupted, a bit shocked.

Mr. Zagat said: “People who want to see transvestites. Or transvestites.”

“So you go there?”

Charmed, Mr. Zagat stabbed a piece of veal tongue with his knife and slid it into his mouth.

“I spent three hours on the court today,” Ms. Jankovic said, “and you’re the one who’s starving?”

The two had met for the first time that night, but quickly bonded over a mutual love of food, tennis and wisecracks. Ms. Jankovic had contributed some comments to a special edition of Mr. Zagat’s guide that was made especially for the women’s tennis tour. (Sample observation: “Nobu is a real cool and trendy place.”) Mr. Zagat was showing his appreciation with a visit to one of New York’s newest restaurant destinations, the latest in the Daniel Boulud empire.

Ms. Jankovic is in town on a mission. She made it to the finals of last year’s Open, but lost to Serena Williams. She suffered a prolonged slump through the first half of this year — something she blamed on an extra 15 pounds of muscle she had acquired during training. But after taking the Cincinnati Open this month, Ms. Jankovic says she is poised for a comeback. She is seeded fifth in the tournament, which starts Aug. 31.

At dinner, she was taking no chances, eating conservatively from the endless tiny plates of artisanal sausages and hamburgers that crammed the table.

“If I were standing across from you, I wouldn’t be able to see the ball,” Mr. Zagat said.

Ms. Jankovic said, “I’m not that hard a hitter.”

He replied, “No, you’re that good a looker.”

Soon, the ice cream sundaes were devoured, and a smiling Mr. Boulud appeared.

“She is as good a tennis player as you are a chef,” Mr. Zagat told Mr. Boulud.
By cumpig
nemoze da se vidi slika, ali je bas funny tekst :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Jelena Jankovic has broken the Guinness record

Author: M. T. | 16.10.2009 - 08:45

The greatest mosaic of smiles in the world composed of 137,264 photographs with smiling faces was presented yesterday at the Belgrade Arena.

The ceremony of setting the mosaic and breaking the Guinness Record was hosted by the tennis player Jelena Jankovic, who was the leitmotiv of the campaign “We collect smiles and we need yours!”
In the campaign organized by the chewing gum manufacturer “Orbit” and the company “Wrigley” between March 1 and September 20, citizens were sending their smiling photographs with an aim to break the record of Great Britain. All photographs were set on 960 square meters.
“I am proud because I motivated such a great number of people to send their photographs and we have broken the Guinness record together. Smile has always been my trademark and from now on it will be a symbol of Serbia,” said Jelena Jankovic.
By cumpig
ne mogu da verujem da fanovi naseg kalibra tek sad komentarisu ovo! :kesa:

mislim da cu prvi put da kazem ovo: kako je lepa ovde! cudna, egzoticna lepota, slicno kao pevacica iz yeah yeah yeahs, zar ne. i super joj je ovaj crni autfit :hihi: :lezkiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
Originally posted by Marvin
Autor: E. B. | Foto:AP - Ilustracija | 08.09.2009. - 07:29

Srbija je, zahvaljujući teniserki Jeleni Janković, oborila Ginisov rekord u broju prikupljenih fotografija osmeha!


U kampanji „Mi sakupljamo osmehe, treba nam i tvoj” građani Srbije i „orbit” su nakon pet meseci uspeli da sakupe više od 130.000 fotografija osmeha i time obore rekord postavljen u Birmingemu u Velikoj Britaniji 2008. godine.
Akcija je počela 1. marta ove godine sa prvom fotografijom osmeha naše najbolje teniserke Jelene Janković. Nakon prve, pristizale su brojne nasmejane fotografije na sajt, ili putem elektronske pošte do magične cifre od 130.478 fotografija! Više od 80.000 fotografija skupile su „patrole” tokom leta na Zemunskom keju i Adi, družeći se sa sugrađanima i beležeći njihove osmehe. Mozaik fotografija osmeha biće postavljen na košarkaškim terenima Partizana na Kalemegdanu početkom oktobra na površini od 930 kvadratnih metara, a fotografije će lepiti više od 20 ljudi.

:shmi: :shmi: :shmi:
ja čestitam ljudima srbije na optimizmu...:kgcs3:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Odlično su to odradili...
Slika je :wow:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Marvin
Odlično su to odradili...
Slika je :wow:
Ali mi se ne sviđa kako se spremila za event. :katemoss:
Više bi mi prijalo da je došla kao na slici na kojoj stoji, spuštena kosa, bez karmina... :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
To slici je Jelena? Fenomenalna linija.
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Pa naravno kad žena ima BMI 18.8 :smeh: :smeh:

(da ne pomisli neko da sam toliko lud da znam napamet njen BMI, upravo pričamo o tome u Tenis temi :giggle: )
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
kada je zreb?
kako idu grupe? parne i neparne na race listi?
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Izgleda kao da joj faca i noga boluju od zutice. :kokice:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
JJ: "Zuta je ta tvoja sa avatara! :serena1: "
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff

jel ima negde da se skine velika slika iz arene sa hiljadama osmeha?
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

My dear fans,

A season 2009. has ended! It was quite a difficult and tumultous tennis year. Lots of things happened, which influenced me, my personality, the mood on the court, and my game. Beside all these circumstances I managed to stay strong and to finish the year in the top eight players of the world. Of course, the season wasn't successful like the previous one, which I ended as the number one, but, when you take a better look, this is also a great success, and it shouldn't be underestimated. I learned a lot in this year, and everything that happened to me was a great experience to me, also a great school, because I started to appreciate all the things I have, much more than before, and not to take tennis so seriously, since it is just a game. My family is the most important to me, and they are my greatest happiness and joy. It is important that we are all healthy. For the rest we will take care as it goes.
The time for a vacation finally came. It is better to say that this is more a short relax, because, just like in any other business these days, professional obligations can't wait. It means that enjoyment in the fruits of hard labour lasts very short, only for twenty days.

It is nice to be home, again, in Belgrade, especially during the winter when snow falls. I like it because most of the time of year I'm in warmer parts of the world, and I don't have much possibilities to enjoy winter magic. In the morning, when I wake up it is unusual not to have a schedule I must fullfil, which is my routine during the season. Now I am free to do what I want during a day, but I am still not aware of that. So, when I open my eyes in the morning I start to think how I should have to go to practice.
I haven't written to you for a while, so maybe we should say something more about the season 2009. In the year when the things haven't gone as I wanted and planned, I managed to capture two titles - in Marbella and Cincinnati, and also to play the finals in Tokyo. Beside all these individual results, I would like to mention a success in the FED Cup, where I gave my maximum, and together with other players from our national team I achieved historic success by qualifying among the best eight teams of the world. I know how many times I played injured for my country, and how much it hurt, but I was always there for Serbia, because it is a great honour and obligation for me. We are now in a position to fight for the champions title in 2010.

In september, during the Asian tour, I got an arm injury which worried me a lot. I didn't know how the situation would develop, and the rest of the season became uncertain for me. But, I managed somehow to heal this injury and without much practice play the tournament in Moscow, hold on the pressure, and qualify for the third time to the ending Masters tournament which was held in Doha. It wasn't easy to acclimatize, since I came from cold Moscow to the high air temperature in Doha. But, as time went by I was feeling much better, and eventually succeeded in ending among the best four on such a prestigious tournament.
I'm writing you this blog today, and I was thinking a lot about my results and game during 2009, but from now on, until the end of November, there will be no thoughts on tennis. Instead, I am going to rest my mind and body, until the start of preparations for the next season.

It is my goal to return to the very top in the next year, and to win the greatest tournaments. I believe in myself and my capabilities, and I just wish that I stay healthy, because it is the most important thing. I will give my best, and I hope to have a better year in 2010.
Thanks a lot to everyone who were with me in good and bad times, thanks for the support and love you give me. It means a lot to me, and lifts me up when I'm in difficult moments. Stay cheerful and healthy!

Your JJ loves you!

Korisnikov avatar
By Oziris
Udobno joj je da igra u tanga gacama??????????
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
:giggle: ... re=related

Jelena Jankovic will be Aleksandra Krunic’s WTA mentor

Jelena Jankovic will be Alexandra Krunic’s mentor and will help her with advice in the further development of his career.

Krunic is currently 627th in the WTA tennis rankings, and by the end of the year will play two more tournaments. She started professional tennis in 2008 at the ITF tournament in Prokuplje, where she won the singles and double titles, this year won two ITF titles and played a final.

“I am glad that I will have the opportunity to help in clearing Alexandra road through the professional tennis water. When I entered the world of professionals, I chose Monica Seles for a mentor. She was a role model, so that meant a lot to me her advice and her every word, “said Jankovic.

Jelena also said that the role models is very important in the career development of an athlete.

“I hope that I will help to develop our tennis and continue to go upward line. When we are still at the top, we will have successors, so that will be continued golden era of women’s tennis in Serbia, which lasts for several years “said Jankovic.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Fenomenalna muzika uz mec:


Ipak najbolji mec poslednjih godina!
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