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Call it a hunch, but I think “Burlesque” already has its place in film history set. Not only will it be the acting debut of Christina Aguilera, but the modern musical has signed on the music icon of all icons: the one and only Cher. Yeah. It’s going to be flamboyant.

According to Variety, Aguilera will play an ambitious small-town girl fresh from the cornfields of Iowa. Possessing one heck of a voice (hey, it’s Aguilera) she goes West to pursue her singing and dancing dreams. The aspiring star winds up in a neo-burlesque club on Sunset Boulevard that’s run by Tess (Cher), a former dancer who struggles to keep the club open and gives the young girl a chance to become a star.

The film will be a career first for the “Moonstruck” Oscar winner, as it will be the first time she uses her singing talents as part of a film role. Cher’s songs have appeared in countless films, but she’s never actually taken a musical part. The film will be directed by Steven Antin (Troy from “Goonies“!!!) off of a script co-written by Antin and Susannah Grant (”The Soloist”). Shooting is set to begin in November.

Cher was last seen onscreen in 2003’s Farrelly Bros’ comedy “Stuck on You,” but is taking a break from her show in Las Vegas to return to the big screen. In addition to “Burlesque,” she has also signed to co-star opposite Johnny Knoxville in “The Drop Out.”

MTV Readers, can Aguilera hold her own against Cher? Is “Burlesque” going to be too over the top to be anything but a cult classic? Or do you see another “Moulin Rogue” on the horizon?
Korisnikov avatar
By Lucem Ferre
Već želim da ga weedim :P
Volem Šer, šta ću kad sam geeeej :P ?!
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
'Twilight' Star Cam Gigandet To Get 'Sexy' With Christina Aguilera In New Movie


"It's about a girl from the Midwest who moves out to Los Angeles to pursue her career as a singer," explained Gigandet, whose busy post-"Twilight" schedule has him releasing the sci-fi flick "Pandorum" this weekend. "Obviously, it's Christina Aguilera, so she has an amazing voice. She finds a club run by Cher, a burlesque club. And she takes it to a whole level and, of course, meets me — the love of her life.

"I am a struggling piano player, and I'm currently working as a bartender at Cher's burlesque club," Gigandet said of his character. "Christina and I meet, fall in love, and drama ensues."

The next question is an obvious one for "Twilight" fans: Will Cam sing and dance? When we asked the star, he hesitated to even call "Burlesque" a musical. "That's interesting — I don't know. There's music in it, and they do sing. I mean, they're at a burlesque club, so they do sing and dance," he explained. "It's a very sexy, sexy movie."

But this much Cam would confirm: He will not be singing any two-part harmonies with his new leading lady. "Oh right, a duet with me and Christina?" he laughed, looking forward to the film that begins shooting in December. "That would be like Kermit the Frog and Christina. I can't sing."
Korisnikov avatar
By Morgan Le Faye
Nemam pojma ko je ta Kristina, niti me interesuje. Ali pošto je Cher jedina profi pevačica koja zna da glumi trudiću se da odgledam film.
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Originally posted by just_me
Već želim da ga weedim :P
Volem Šer, šta ću kad sam geeeej :P ?!
da kazesh to mami i tati
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