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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
jel ovo jeci prva pobeda protiv prve igrachice na wta listi?
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Hm hm...

Mislim da jeste :yes:

Aj da proverimo...

edit: provereno, jeste :D
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Safina i nije "prava" igracica broj jedan! :giggle:

Folirant! :spank:

By Ulix
Originally posted by sing&dunum
Safina i nije "prava" igracica broj jedan! :giggle:

Folirant! :spank:

"Folirant" je prvi jedno pola godine. :kosa:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
:hail: I sad recite da Jelena nije :superheroj: .

Devojka ne igra na snagu. I znate sta nam je porucila?

"Ja jesam pasivna, ali svrsavam kako treba!"
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
:smeh: :smeh: :smeh:

off: I dalje stojim kod cinjenice da je folirant... :durenje: :lol:

Zamisli Federera ili Nadala kao prve igrace, a bez titule na GS... :povez:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
More mars tamo. Ni Jelena nema osvojen GS.

Safina je zasluzeno No.1 igracica jer su pravila ista za sve.
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum

Ok, naravno da se slazem, zustro sam branio Jecu kada je bila u istoj situaciji kao Safina (dakle, bas sam subjektivno prase:lol: )...

Medjutim, ne mogu a da se ne slozim da igrac bez osvojenog ijednog GS-a, a broj jedan, nije potpuno kompletan (ne kazem da nije zasluzio da bude prvi, o tome bodovi vrlo surovo i objektivno "vode racuna")... Naravno, ne mogu reci ni da je Nole kompletniji (on je osvojio GS, a 3. mesto mu je, bar za sada, najvisi domet)...

Iako Jecu volim neuporedivo vise od Ane (i ocito je da je kvalitetnija igracica - konstantno je u vrhu), moram priznati da je Anina prva pozicija bila "sa tackom na i"...

Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Sunce
More mars tamo. Ni Jelena nema osvojen GS.
Ali joj se suđeni ( :fige: ) približava...
By Ulix
Originally posted by sing&dunum

(i ocito je da je kvalitetnija igracica - konstantno je u vrhu), moram priznati da je Anina prva pozicija bila "sa tackom na i"...

Već drugi put danas, moram ovo da kažem: :pilence:
By Ulix
Originally posted by Sunce
Safina je zasluzeno No.1 igracica jer su pravila ista za sve.
I ja mislim da je zasluženo broj jedan. :friends:
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Originally posted by Ulix
Originally posted by sing&dunum

(i ocito je da je kvalitetnija igracica - konstantno je u vrhu), moram priznati da je Anina prva pozicija bila "sa tackom na i"...

Već drugi put danas, moram ovo da kažem: :pilence:
:misli: Ne razumem kokosiji, sta zelis da kazes...?
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Ulix, razocaravas me sto ne zelis otvorenu diskusiju, nego izigravas tosu (sto bi cukunbabe rekle)...:giggle:
By Ulix
Originally posted by sing&dunum
Ulix, razocaravas me sto ne zelis otvorenu diskusiju, nego izigravas tosu (sto bi cukunbabe rekle)... :giggle:
Elnézést, nisam primetio da si nešto napisao. Gledam film, mrzi me da tipkam na forumu. :)

Ali :pilence: govori samo za sebe, veruj mi.
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
O cemu?

Volim slikovito izrazavanje u figurativnom smislu, da ja sebi stvorim sliku necijom recitoscu, a ne da mi crtas neke petlice, pilice...:lol:
By cumpig
ijao, sto volim kad je ova tema u vrhu :)
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
"My smile is back and I'm having fun playing the matches," ... "This is what I missed. I missed this for maybe seven months this year"
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
A komentar:

"Devojke, izvinite, ali je on meni mnogo lepši od Aninog golfera." me je zasmejao do suza.
By cumpig
pa i meni je lepsi, momci izvinite :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

What's up!

I'm happy to say the old Jelena is back! Cincinnati was really great. I played some really good tennis and beat some very good players. It had been a while since I did that. I had been working very hard and stayed really positive, and I knew my time was coming. My match against Elena Dementieva in the semifinals was so tough and it finished so late. I was down 6-2 in the tie-breaker in the third set but won, which was unbelievable for me. I was exhausted for the final with Safina and it was such a hot day, but I stayed strong and calm and I executed my shots. I did everything right that day. Beating the No.1 player in the world in a final was very important for me. My dad and coach and boyfriend were all there with me, too. It was a great week.

From there I went to Toronto and had some more good wins. I won a tough one against Schnyder and played one of my best matches of the year with Clijsters. Kim played really, really well. Even though she hasn't played for a while, she played like the No.1 player in the world that night. Physically it took a lot out of me, though. We finished at 1am, and I didn't get to sleep until about 4am because our hotel was an hour away from the courts! The next day, my body was completely destroyed. I had no gas left in my tank. I felt really flat in my quarterfinal with Kleybanova. I was down in the first set tie-breaker but came back to win it, then I was down in the second set and came back too. I had a match point in the second set tie-breaker and she served really short, I was too far back and wasn't ready for it. It was like a drop shot! I didn't use my opportunity at all. I lost the second set and in the third I just couldn't go any more. It was my limit. There were also some really strange calls that night. I hit a serve that was so far out but nobody called it, and I had to challenge it. I challenged my own serve to be out! I've never seen that before. The umpire didn't see anything. It was unbelievable. It's not appropriate for a professional match on that level. It took a lot of energy out of me. I tried everything that night, but it just wasn't enough.

The most important thing about the last few weeks, though, is that I'm back. My level of tennis has really lifted up. I'm moving well, hitting the ball well and I'm confident about my game. I needed these matches and these wins. Now I can go into the US Open confident about my chances. I was a finalist last year and I just love playing there. The atmosphere, the crowd... Especially those night matches, they're just electric! No other tournament has that. It's unbelievable to be there and to perform. Hopefully it will be my stage.

I took yesterday off and today I will as well. I need to rest up and recharge my batteries, and then I will train all week. I'm feeling a bit of a cold right now. My immune system is down a bit from not sleeping much in the last few weeks. Hopefully I can get over this quickly!

I love New York. Other than my hometown of Belgrade, it's one of my two favorite cities, next to Rome. It's huge and there's so much to do. You have so many kinds of shopping, people and restaurants. It really is the city that never sleeps. It suits my personality: I'm hyperactive! I like doing a lot of things. Right now maybe not because I'm quite tired, but in a few days I'll be back to normal and I can enjoy it and have fun here :)

Last time I talked about giving up coke and junk food... I'm proud to tell you I've been keeping it up. I'm learning more and more that when you give these up, you stop craving them at all. I don't even want these things anymore, and I feel so much better. When I'm playing a match I feel like I have more energy and am more fit. I'm moving as well as I ever have. I'm moving like a gazelle :)

Thank you for all of your support and I'll talk to you again very soon!

Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
She's back!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Mada, nisam procitao tekst, mrzi me, dugacko... :blush:

Sta god Jeca kaze ja otpozdravljam! :salut: :salut: :salut:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Sing&dunum, ovo je najbitniji deo:
Originally posted by JJ

I'm feeling a bit of a cold right now. My immune system is down a bit from not sleeping much in the last few weeks.
A ovo:
Hopefully I can get over this quickly!
Bolje bi ti bilo, devojko! :oklagija:
By cumpig
pa poznavajuci je, nekad je bolje da igra sva kljakava, tad zna da razbija :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Taj princip vazi samo za iscasenja, prelome, istegnuca, bolove i sl.

Kad god je bila prehladjena, izgubila je. (ili se jedva provukla u 3 seta)
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