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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
Originally posted by Marvin
A što ne Federer?
On je meni od Australijana mnogo draži. Izgubio je potpunu dominaciju ali čovek ne odustaje. I baš bi bilo sasvim OK da osvoji ako svi drugi oko njega popadaju a mlađi su.
RG, pa eventualno još Wimbledon ili US i eto... Definitivno da bude broj 1 svih vremena.
A igra stvarno prelep tenis i trebalo bi da čovek sa takvom igrom nosi tu titulu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin

Nego, lepe vesti :

Dokic 'right' to play Wimbledon warm-ups

Linda Pearce
June 2, 2009

JELENA Dokic's recovery from the back injury that forced her French Open retirement will keep her off the practice court until the end of the week, but is unlikely to thwart the Australian's plans to contest Wimbledon lead-up tournaments at Birmingham and Eastbourne this month.

Dokic's agent, Lawrence Frankopan, said the world No. 80 expected to be able to play in both WTA grasscourt events as scheduled, having been cleared of permanent lower-back damage by an MRI scan after her second-round mishap against fourth seed Elena Dementieva in Paris.

A Wimbledon semi-finalist in 2000, Dokic will be returning to the All England Club for the first time since 2004. Her most recent qualifying attempt, at Roehampton in 2006, produced a first-round loss to Alexandra Stevenson.

Dokic's win-loss record of 17-6 at Wimbledon is her best at a grand slam, despite the 26-year-old also reaching the quarter-finals at Roland Garros and, this year, in Melbourne.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Navijam za Serenu (zelim novi Serena's slam) ili za Sarapovu (da zaokruzi slemove). Zbog Jelene sada jedem cokoladice da se smirim. :rida:

Vidi se da je htela vinere, a onda presla na plan B. Nije joj islo. :(

Ja jedva cekam americku turneju. Vimbldon ne volim.

S. CIRSTEA/J. Jankovic

6‑3, 0‑6, 9‑7

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Long, long match. It seems thatyou have maybe not the energy to finish it off.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, it was a long match. To be honest, I kind of let down in thesecond set. You know, I should have wonthat, you know, game at 2‑0. It was along one, and I give her huge lead.

And then we have to go,you know, of course in the third set. Iserve at 6‑5. I had 30‑Love, and that'swhen I should have went more for my shots and reached a little more and triedto finish off the match point by point.

You know, we were tied at 6‑All, you know,and all these games. At the at the endof the day didn't go in my favor. Reallytough match and tough loss for me.

Q. Howwere you feeling on the court? Becauseyou had a problem with the feet, with one foot, or what?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I had problem with my ‑‑ withsomething with my toe, you know. Ihad ‑‑ it was hurting me inside, and ‑‑ you know, but after that itwas fine. I forgot about it.

I also have pain in myabdominal. But, no, when I'm on thecourt I just try to just forget all the pains that I have, and I just try to dothe best that I can on the court and try to win.

But, unfortunately it didn't happen for metoday.

Q. Isthere something very difficult in her game?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's not something difficult in hergame. When you have 6‑5 and you have 30‑Loveand need two more points to go ‑‑ it's now for me easy to say, you know, Ishould have gone for more and I should have risked. But I didn't do that, and, you know, it costme the match.

I should have wonthat. I should've closed the match outat 6‑5. I had 30‑Love, and what more canI ask for myself? All of a sudden, pointby point, and the game went in her favor and everything got complicated.

The longer we played I got a little bittired, to be honest. But for sure shewas also tired.

At the end, you know, I lost thematch, so this is what counts. Doesn'tmatter what happened on the court. It'sjust the winner that gets through ‑‑ goes through this match and goes tothe quarterfinals.

Q. Didyou know how well she could play?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I didn't know how well she could play, but Iknow how well I can play. I'm notproducing that game, so it's obvious, you know. The way you play, this is the result you're going to have at the end ofthe day. That's all I can say.

I cannot control howshe's playing or what kind of game she has. All can I do is control my thing and what I can do best. But obviously I'm not playing the same gameand not same style as I used to play last year, end of the year when I waswinning a lot of matches and was the No. 1 player in the world.

So unfortunately, some things have to ‑‑I have to learn and I have to change.

Q. Youstruggled a lot at the beginning of the season, and then it seems that it wasmuch better, that you were improving maybe slowly, but you were improving. Do you think you are still far from yourbest, from the best you can do?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, I need ‑‑ you know, I need myconfidence back. I need this ‑‑ youknow, when it's important points, important moment of the match, I need to, youknow, go for my shots. I need to havethat belief that they're going to go in.

But because I playedquite poorly in the beginning of the year, my game was, you know, acatastrophe. It was really painful evento be on court. It's a little bit lackof confidence out there in the important moments, but hopefully this willchange in the future.

I have to, you know, try to keep working andtry to find my game for the, you know, for the future.

Q. Areyou going to change your coach, or you're still working with your coach?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know yet. I cannot tell you. You're asking me too much after thematch. You know, I really don't knowwhat I'm going to do.
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker

Dinara i Narikača :hail: na Filipu, a malo kasnije na Suzani - Kuca i Maša :cheer:
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Ajmo Shaki! Razvali tu Cibulkovu danas!
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
Jezus Marija i sveta Petko...ispadose svi nasi :(

Znaci ne verujeeeem....
By Ulix
Meni je žao što i Federer nije ispao. Pa da RG ove godine osvoji neko ko ni nosilac nije. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Sederling- Del Potro!

Što bi to :bale: finale bilo
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Originally posted by Sunce
Navijam za Serenu (zelim novi Serena's slam) ili za Sarapovu (da zaokruzi slemove).
i ja navijam za serenu i mariju :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Sta je Soderling cekao do sada? Kako igra! :wow:
Navijam za njega. :fige:
By Ulix
Ako će Fedrer ostati frustriran zbog neosvojenog RG-a, i ja navijam za njega. :)

Izvuče se Dinara na kraju. Šteta.
Korisnikov avatar
By zboO
sharapova zamalo da ispadne sa nularicom :lol:

da li je sada spremna za preokret?

Korisnikov avatar
By tinkerbell
kasno se probudila....


p.s. ako dobije ovaj set onda stvaaaaaarno..... bilo bi neverovatno :cookie:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
cibuljkova u polufinalu, jbt!!!

ana i jelena treba da se samoubiju
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Meni je drago zbog tasmanijske djavolice Cibuljice. :yay:


"Moj gran slam je Melcer!"

Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by Ulix
Ako će Fedrer ostati frustriran zbog neosvojenog RG-a, i ja navijam za njega. :)
Tako tako :klap: :D
(ja idem okolo i ubeđujem ljude da navijaju za Federera već 2 dana :lol: )

Ali zamislite pod kolikim pritiskom je taj čovek sada!
Nema Nadala od koga je gubio 3 godine, nema ni Đokovića od koga je izgubio poslednja 2 meča i polufinale GSa a koji je jedini pored njih osvajao GS.
A ostala 3 igrača...
Del Potro nikad nije igrao polufinale (i Federer ga je rasturio onomad)
Soderling nikad nije prošao do 4. kola!
A Gonzalesa je pobedio u jedinom finalu Grand Slame koji je ovaj igrao.

Ovakvu šansu niti je imao do sada niti će je ikad više imati na Roland Garrosu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Bože što ja davim kad sa raspričam o tenisu... ali tenis je :love: :love: :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Safina i Azarenka su odigrale super mec. :up:
Zabavno je gledati sudar dva agresivna stila. :grebanje: (za razliku od Jeleninog jucerasnjeg meca)

Prezive Динара prvu ozbiljnu prepreku.
Ocekujem da pregazi Cibuljku u polufinalu. :burner:

Slika Slika
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
I pregaziće je :yes:

Jao kako je ovaj Soderling lep, sladak i skroman i kako se lepo smeška :pinknaocari:
By Ulix
Originally posted by Lunja
ana i jelena treba da se samoubiju
Da. O daaaaaa. :ccn:
By Ulix
Originally posted by Marvin
Ovakvu šansu niti je imao do sada niti će je ikad više imati na Roland Garrosu.
Znam da sam užasno zloban ponekad, ali ja bih stvarno voleo da i sada podbaci. Ja mnogo volim njega da gledam, ali ako bi osvojio RG, njegov ego bi bio toliko velik, da bi njih dvoje mogli dublove da igraju.

A kad je ovo RG prepun senzacija, onda neka i završnica bude senzacija. :soderling:

Iz istih razloga ne bih voleo da Dinara pobedi. Ako već treba ime da pobedi, neka to ime bude Serena.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Slazem se sa Ulixom.

Hocu da Serena jos jednom razbije Safinu! A divno bi bilo kad bi Soderling osvojio RG.

Super sto je Marej izgubio. Podseca me na dete iz kukuruza,
Korisnikov avatar
By tinkerbell
Originally posted by Marvin
I pregaziće je :yes:
pa vidi je kakva je... ugazice je...


Originally posted by Marvin

Jao kako je ovaj Soderling lep, sladak i skroman i kako se lepo smeška :pinknaocari:

prelep je!!! :love:

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Ih sad, "prelep"... daj, ne preterujte. :hand:
By Ulix
Baš mi i nije lep, ali na toj slici ima lepo telo. Ali simpatičan je. Toliko. :)
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