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Umetnost oblačenja i svlačenja

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Korisnikov avatar
By IL_Divo022
Sto manje to prirodnije,ne wolim nistsa sto je napadno,sto sljasti,pisti,
sisti,dreci,bode oci i ponekad unakazi,,,,,,,
Stripped of all make up, no need for fancy clothes
No cover ups, push ups
With him, I dont have to put on a show
He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin
Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in
He's real,he's honest, he's loving me for me

Korisnikov avatar
By bakalar
Those Rules That Should be Considered When Dressing A Gothique Lady

Ladies, We see far too much beauty in the world of the gothique to abide when so many of you commit fashion atrocities of a most vile degree.

1) The first thing to remember, is that black clothing is your best friend. Light splashes of jewel tones (maroons, purples, the occasional bit of white) accentuate the blackness of what you are wearing. Beyond that, all other colors are taboo. Most especially the dreaded "Neon" shades, which are *known* to turn us to dust when placed in sunlight.

2) Makeup is your best tool to accomplish the look of the Gothique.
Lipstick should be of a dark coloration. Use the dark reds, purples, and blacks to achieve your look. Certain metallic colors, most notably silver, and the most recent combinations of fine jewel tones with silver are often highly appropriate as well.
Eyeliner should be Ebony, and elegantly applied. If you have a good hand at it the eyeliner may be extended down the face, flowing and blending with your bone structure. Spiderwebs are gauche. So are other overdone abstract and make the lines flow and move with your face. Remember, ladies, that the simplest eyeliner can often be the most attractive.
Eyeshadow can be a series of browns or black and greys, depending upon your basal skin tone. Some Ladies prefer the Grey shadow as a complete circle around the eyes, but We find this to be too Halloween. One popular method of application is to use a light grey/brown on the lids of your eyes, and a dark brown/black just above in the crease of your lids to accentuate. Another popular method is to create a "Cat's Eyes" look with darker shadows near the eyelash line and progressively lighter shadows as one moves further in and up on the eyelid. If you wish, you may spread the shadow in a dovetail to the sides, following underneath with the eyeliner.
Pale powder is applied before mascara, but after everything else. It should be applied liberally, and to all parts of flesh that are showing. There is nothing more distasteful than a pale beautiful face above a healthy tan neck, arms and decolletage.
Foundation should be pale, not white. Let's not look like clowns at the circus, Ladies.
Mascara is always black, and don't forget to emphasize the lower lashes as well as the upper! But please, no *globs* of mascara, and false eyelashes are right out.

3) Always wear clothing that accentuates the less generous portions of your anatomy and minimizes the more generous portions. This keeps the illusion of "gauntness" which so many of us Goth Ladies strive for. Your skirts, if they are long, should just barely brush the tops of your feet, and swirl around your legs as you walk. If you prefer short skirts, they should be at just the middle of your thigh.
The right shoes are the perfect compliment to a Lady's outfit. Dancer's shoes, flats, mary janes, and court shoes are all excellent when worn. Short boots with heels are appropriate, as are tall boots that are worn fitted to the Lady's calf and ankles. Combat boots, although popular, are clunky and unseemly. A definate "no-no."

4) Acceptable styles of Gothique clothing are as follows:

a: anything that looks victorian or as though it has come from times well steeped in history. For a Victorian feel, use items such as waistcoats, poet's shirts with lace at cuff and collar, corsets, or long satin gloves. Fashions from other eras which enhance a Lady's looks, however, are always appropriate.
b: dresses with trains and trailing sleeves, lace trimming, or ribbons on shoulder or sleeve.
c: any long skirt or dress that is fitted down to the knees and then has an elegant flare of cloth to the floor.
d: any long coat that is fitted at the bust and waist, with a flare to the Lady's knees, lace trim on the sleeves, or velvet trim on the collar.

5) All clothing should be made of Lace, Satin, Silk, Brocade, Chiffon or Velvet. Do try for natural fibers, most especially if you intend to dance or be active in your clothing. You will be happier for it. Polyester will wither your skin, and anything else will just look like "Trailer Trash". There is no comparison to a good fabric, and don't forget to check the stitching for quality. Stitches should be even and strong and hems should be straight and flat.

6) Hair should flow freely and look healthy. Any hair color is acceptable, but if you must dye your hair, then be sure to use a good conditioner, and take time and care while grooming your locks. Dull frizzy hair is the mark of an ill-groomed Lady, and should be well avoided. Complex and overly large hairstyles are definitely out. Simplicity is the Lady's best choice, as it will ensure that your hair does not detract from your face or clothing.

...And remember, Girls: If you are going to take a photograph of yourself, use Black and White film to express your truly Dark and Sinister nature!
Korisnikov avatar
By devojcica
Otkrila sam svoje trikove u sminkanju. Ipak, ista stvar ne stoji svakome isto pa tako ni ista sminka ne stoji svakome isto. Na primer, korektor za lice u stiku cini cuda a reklo bi se da je to isto kao puder. A nije. Mnogo je razlicito. To je jedan trik.
Korisnikov avatar
By AngraMaina
ma jel se on to negde oko 4:00 zakasljao od tolikih hemikalija? :sigh:

(jeste sladak)
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars

Kako li zapamti kad šta ide, kojim redom. I gde. Koja tubica, koja kutijica...

Ja da se time bavim, morao bih da gledam u neki spisak, neki algoritam.
Korisnikov avatar
By 2Q2Bstr8
Originally posted by bakalar
mali/a razbucao
products used:

Matte creme
studio finish concealer
select cover up
Clinque repairware anti ageing spf 15 foundation
mineralized skinfinish natural
invisible set powder

Urban Decay primer Potion
Pure white pigment
forgery e/s
electra e/s
silver ring e/s
print e/s
carbon e/s
studio fix powder
pink opal pigment
spiked eyebrow pencil
smolder eye kohl
Mac lash curlers
plushlash mascara
zoomlash mascara

well dressed blush
pink opal pigment

Up the amp lipstick
Mac Fafi sugar trance lipglass

Korisnikov avatar
By 4NY K3Y
zaista mnogo proizvoda,

sto je i normalno za profesionalnu/scensku sminku

za svaki dan se to svede na:

senka za oci
sjaj za usne

ili samo 1 od toga
By Garbo
Originally posted by ...Sitnicava...
Ništa bez kreona i tamne senke za oči.

By жњ
moje lice je takvo da ne trpi puno sminke...

vise puta su mi to potvrdili razni sminkeri. ako stavim makar kreon ili senku, pretvorim se u cirkus... zaista sam prenapadna.

inace, ne izlazim ni da bacim djubre bez pudera, rumenila, maskare i sjaja za usne... u istom izdanju mogu produziti i na prijem :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Blond Brat
Originally posted by ...Sitnicava...
Ništa bez kreona i tamne senke za oči.

I MASKARE :smug:
Korisnikov avatar
By Blond Brat
Originally posted by ...Sitnicava...
To se podrazumeva.

Korisnikov avatar
By Crazy_Bee
od tih silnih sitnica i golemica za face ja koristim samo eyeliner i maskaru, i zimi labelo, i meni dosta :fancyklap:
Korisnikov avatar
By Titja
Originally posted by Crazy_Bee
od tih silnih sitnica i golemica za face ja koristim samo eyeliner i maskaru, i zimi labelo, i meni dosta :fancyklap:

Nice ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By jovanabeograd
Leti nista ne stavljam, jednostavno ne volim da imam ista na licu na 50 stepeni, dok zimi stavljam puder(najsvetliji, da se razumemo, jer i ja imam izuzetno svetao ten). Sjajeve/labelo/bilo sta na usnama ne volim, sem nekog lip buttera od badema iz Body Shopa koga stavljam iskljucivo jer ima ukus marcipana :D Kad izadjem uvece, stavim i kreon, jer mi naglasi ove moje svetle oci i doprinese stvaranju kontrasta. Maskaru sam ranije stavljala kao sumanuta, dok nisam shvatil da me zapravo iritira polucasovno skidanje iste, i drapanje sopstvenih kapaka i osetljive koze u tom reonu, a i vise mi prija neki prirodniji izgled.

Kod drugih devojaka mi najvise prija da vidim potpuno anemican, ispijeni, prirodni izgled, bez sminke, eventualno sa kreonom da naglasi (svetle) oci.
Korisnikov avatar
By toni79
ja evo volontiram da me angie777 nasminka :happy:
Korisnikov avatar
By haemoglobin
ja koristim maskaru, olovke za oci (tamno plavu, crnu i crvenu) i ponekad se nakrecim belo :)
Korisnikov avatar
By *deni*
Korektivna šminka uvek i u svakoj prilici, a to znači kvalitetan tečni puder Maks faktor ili Loreal i olovka za obrve.
Ništa više nije potrebno.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Ja sam zaljubljena u kutijice i bojice. Vise volim da ih gledam nego da ih stavljam (na sebe). Hocu reci, koliko volim da ih gledam i imam, nije srazmerno tome koliko ih stavljam.

Volim kada su tako sarene i svuda ih imam i tako...... :maska:

I uvek ce mi biti zanimljivije da nekog drugog sminkam nego sebe, tome mogu da posvetim i dva sata, dok ja nekako, i pored najvece volje, sebi posvetim nekako 15 minuta pred izlazak za sminkanje.

Izverzirana sam, znam pravila sminkanja, malo sam se i bavila time profesiJonalno, mada volim i da se zezam (tako da se uvek super nasminkam kad mi je dosadno pa se igram duze na gajbi).

Za bilo koji oblik ociju vazi pravilo-svetla senka ide u unutrasnji ugao oka i ispod obrva, tamna senka se nanosi iskljucivo ajlajner cetkicom ako je uz liniju gornjih trepavica, maskara se nanosi prvo odozgo, svetle oci retko prate zift crnu maskaru, plave oci i plava senka retko ne ispadnu slut-like, zemljane boje mogu da progutaju brinete ako nemaju zlatastu nijansu, kreon ako nije perfektno nanesen izgleda mrljavo....

Usne ako su tanke, bolje da imaju samo sjaj, ali nikako toliko da izgleda kao da su jele frisko prase (vidim da to devojcice ne kapiraju pa izgledaju kao da su izasle sa sumadijske svadbe)

Ali od svega-najvazniji je ten. Dobar konsiler (kaziprstima utapkavanje, nikako namazivanje), dobra podloga i dobar puder, i sve to ne sme da ostavi utisak praznog platna, nego nijansiranje sa kvalitetnim cetkicama+rumenilo koje se nanosi najvecom cetkom pokretima nagore, uvuku se obrazi, pa prate konture.

I trik-svako ko nema bas uzak nos, po sredini nosa jedna linija braon olovkom po sredini koja se onda razmaze milimetar po milimetar sa strane sa vrhovima prstiju.

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