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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

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Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Friday, September 22, 2006

I have to tell you about something funny that happened today. Right before my match, I was getting ready, and I went to the bathroom. I had my mp3 player on, and I guess I was not really paying too much attention to anything, and when I came out, I had a whole roll of toilet paper in my hand. I got to the middle of the locker room, and Ai Sugiyama was there looking at me funny, and I said, "Why am I holding toilet paper in my hand?" We both just started cracking up. I just took it and didn't even notice. I probably would have gone to the court with it if she hadn't looked at me strangely. That would've been even more embarassing. Can you imagine walking out on the court with toilet paper in your hand, holding it like you would hold your gatorade or something?
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by Sunce
Jelenin svet - film: ... world.html

sve delove cete naci! :yay:
Jao diiivno :klap:
Hvala Sunce :sesir:

Pogledao sam i film mi se ič ne sviđa.
U životu dokumentarac koji je više amaterski izgledao nisam gledao. :hand:

Ali, vredelo je pogledati. Ako ništa zbog treninga sa Žastinkom. Iz toga se baš lepo moglo videti to što inače nikako ne možemo.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
OMG JJ kao fatalna plavusha :lol:

A koji bitan WTA turnir ima uskoro na kojem ce JJ da igra i da ce ga prenositi LIVE Eurosport ako ne RTS?
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
(verovatno Eurosport 2)
Za 7 sati (od 6) :kosa:

Pozdravi dečaka :smilegrin:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Central (from 12.00hrs)

1. A.Bondarenko vs. Schnyder
2. S.Williams vs. Benesova (NB 13.45hrs)
3. Mauresmo vs. Errani (NB 15.45hrs)
4. Schiavone vs. Jankovic (NB 18.15hrs)
5. Dementieva vs. Sugiyama
6. Kleybanova vs. A.Radwanska
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Proslo je neko vreme od kada sam vam poslednji put pisala, ali bila sam jako zauzeta, posebno proslog vikenda, koji je bio najneverovatniji vikend u mom zivotu.

Bio je to Fed kup vikend, i mi, reprezentacija Srbije, igrali smo prvi put kod kuce u Srbiji. Dugacak smo put presle da bismo stigle do ovog nivoa takmicenja. Igrale smo u raznim zemljama, poput Turske, Slovacke, Hrvatske i Madjarske samo da bismo dobile ovu neverovatnu priliku da se pojavimo pred domacom publikom u beogradskoj Areni. Moja porodica, prijatelji i svi drugi koji su mi bliski bili su takodje na tribinama. Osecali smo ogromnu podrsku: bez obzira na deo dana u kom smo igrale, navijaci su dolazili da nas vide, ili su nas bodrili ispred malih ekrana iz svojih domova. U subotu smo oborili rekord po posecenosti jednog Fed kup takmicenja kada je u Arenu doslo preko 15.000 ljudi. Cak je i predsednik Srbije prisustvovao ovom spektaklu u Areni.

Bila sam jako uzbudjena zbog atmosfere i energije u dvorani, i nas ceo tim je bio veoma pozitivan i pun medjusobne podrske. Imale smo ogromnu odgovornost i ocekivanja da moramo da ostvarimo dobar rezultat su bila velika, ali podnele smo pritisak na savrsen nacin. Ana i ja nikada nismo igrale pred punim tribinama kod kuce do sada u karijeri, ali smo ovog puta nastupale kao da to cinimo vec godinama. Ne mogu da izrazim recima kakav je bio osecaj kada sam osvojila treci poen i obezbedila pobedu. Takodje, kada su svi u publici uzvikivali moje ime bilo je nesto neverovatno...Bio je to najuzbudljivije iskustvo u mojoj karijeri, sa cim nista ne moze da se poredi. Nikada to necu da zaboravim.

Nazalost, dok je ostatak srpske reprezentacije slavio, morala sam da krenem kuci, spakujem se i naspavam se koliko je to moguce, pred polazak u Pariz, odakle vam i pisem. Volela bih da sam bila sa njima. Posle napornog rada i borbe sa velikim pritiskom, uvek je lepo opustiti se malo i podeliti radost zbog pobede sa koleginicama; Ali, kako smo zavrsili sa obavezama kasno juce a moj let je bio zakazan za 6 ujutro sledeceg jutra, morala sam da odspavam barem par sati! Slavili smo, doduse, malo na terenu, zajedno sa publikom, tako da sam se ipak i ja zabavljala :-)

Sletela sam u Pariz juce oko podneva. Moj stariji brat i trener su ovde sa mnom. Sada je doslo vreme da se koncentrisem na pojedinacno takmicenje, s obzirom na to da igram Open GDF SUEZ ove nedelje. Fed kup je jedno od retkih prilika gde teniserke igraju kao tim; Zaista verujem da ce mi to iskustvo pomoci i na turnirima gde nastupam sama, jer nisam ove sezone igrala mnogo meceva, a vreme provedeno na terenu je upravo ono sto mi je potrebno. Zbog toga sam i odlucila da se takmicim u Parizu, jer je takmicenje skroz drugacija stvar od treninga. Zelim da se vratim u najbolju formu, zato moram da opet pocnem da igram pod pritiskom i pronalazim pravu taktiku. U principu, potrebno mi je da imam meceve u nogama i budem maksimalno spremna. U poslednjem trenutku sam odlucila da dodjem u Pariz, ali kada sam o tome razmisljala rekla sam sebi kratko: pa, zasto da ne?

Hvala svima sto citate moj blog i opet cu vam se javiti veoma brzo

Zahvaljujem se svim navijacima koji su tokom vikenda od srca navijali za nas, za uspeh Srbije i ucinili da zajednickim snagama dodjemo do trijumfa, plasmana u plej of za popunu Svetske A grupe Fed cupa. Bili ste sjajni!!!!

Voli Vas JJ
By cumpig

ako mislis na ovaj, evo ga, mada juce i danas nije bilo prenosa, vidim da se od sutra najavljuju, tako da, bice gledanja

danas zevao u livescore, zajeban mec po svemu sudeci, ali kad se jeca zainati onda odigra i savrseni tajbrejk :D

a gledao i jelenin svet na jutjubu, ima pravo marvin, ovo sam ja mogao bolje da "izreziram". no, stigao sam samo do petog dela, sutra me ocekuje ostatak, kakav bi jj fan bio kad ne bih odgledao do kraja ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prvi set dobijen 6:0 a ja pizdim što nemam gde da gledam meč... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:zvezdice:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Ja stigao kući na 6:0 i sav razočaran... ništa neću videti... kad ono... :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Mislim da je Jelena prepustila namerno prvi gem u drugom setu Li Na. Kao da je zelela da se mec produzii da uvezba kretanje i jos mnogo toga. Nije ni cudo sto je sa Sofijom Anderson i Tamirom u prvim kolima odugovlacila.

Ceka je Cornet.

Za sve forumase, poslastica. Pogledajte kako je Jelena savrseno igrala sa Henin na US openu u 1/2 finalu. Mnogo mi je zao sto nije pobedila.

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Joj ćuti Sunce, ja taj meč nikada prežaliti neću.

A sve bi bilo drugačije.
U GS finale tako rano da je ušla... Enanku u polufinalu jednog grandslama da je pobedila...

Ah... :usamljen:
By cumpig
ah, sudba kleta....
fala na podsecanju sunce ;0

nego, odgledaste li ovaj horor danas??????
sve mi ide da stavim ovaj (muva) smajli, pa mi dodje zao, ipak je ovo njena fan strana

edit: obradjen smajli
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Taj meč nikako neću prežaliti... Krivo mi je što se ŽAstin povukla a da je JJ ni jednom nije pobedila...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Kad je imala 20 godina:

Long before she picked up a tennis racquet for the first time, Jelena Jankovic could make the strings sing with her soft touch. As a child growing up in Belgrade, Jankovic was a piano player years before she even considered becoming a tennis player.

Seeing a Monica Seles match on television inspired Jankovic to leave the keyboard for the court and compose a career that has seen her top the world junior rankings, crack the WTA Tour top 20, spend some as a back-seat driver for comedian Jim Carrey and receive an offer to co-star in a film.

It has been a relatively rapid rise for the 20-year-old Jankovic, who has only been playing competitive tennis for about a decade.

Jankovic didn't give much thought to playing professional tennis as a child. Her older brother, Marco, was the tennis player in the family and she was preoccupied with playing the piano when her brother and parents introduced her to tennis at the age of nine and a half in an effort to keep her busy. Even before she picked up a racquet, Jankovic was already a tennis fan thanks to Seles.

"I wasn't even playing tennis (when I first saw Seles)," Jankovic said. "I was always watching (Seles) on TV with my dad and I decided to play tennis not because I wanted to be a professional player, but because my parents wanted me to get involved in something so I wouldn't be running around the streets in Serbia."

Six months after she started playing, Jankovic was already entering tournaments. A gas shortage caused by the country's civil war made traveling difficult, so Jankovic dropped the piano lessons and focused her attention on tennis. Two and half years after she picked up a racquet her family moved to Florida. The right hander has trained at the Nick Bollettieri Academy and rose to the ITF No. 1 junior ranking behind her biting backhand that benefits from her strong left hand.

"It's just natural I just started to play like this I just hit the ball no one taught me to do it — I'm a little bit left handed," Jankovic said. "I kick a ball with the left leg and I write right handed now, but before I wanted to always right left handed, but they always told me write right handed."

A gifted athlete who moves well and wields a wicked weapon in her backhand down the line, Jankovic's biggest challenges have been compiling consistent results — though she reached three WTA Tour finals last year she has yet to surpass the third round in 10 Grand Slam appearances, including a straight sets loss to 188th-ranked Ukranian qualifier Olga Savchuk in the second round of last month's Australian Open — and refining her shot selection. Like many young players with top 20 talent, Jankovic is capable of cracking a series of explosive winners or scattering a string of errors outside the lines.

Continuing her maturation as a player, Jankovic is becoming committed to conditioning in the belief that becoming a stronger person can make her a smarter player by enabling her to play purposeful points in extended exchanges.

"I am working on every aspect of of my game, on moving forward, on my transition game," Jankovic said. "Also a very important part of my tennis is fitness. I want to be stronger, because in the past, this was my biggest weakness."

She is Snow White's daughter — Jelena's mother's name is "Snezana" which translates to "Snow White" — and is part of a talented group of Serbian players that includes 19th-ranked Ana Ivanovic and former top 10 player Jelena Dokic and the Octagon client's good looks, exotic appeal and outgoing personality have attracted both a fan following and interest from film makers. Jankovic was offered a role in a Serbian comedy last year and hopes to someday pursue acting. She recently sat down with Tennis Week for this interview in which she discusses how her tennis career began, identifies her ideal doubles partner and discusses an entertaining, energizing ride with Jim Carrey.

Tennis Week: Jelena, what areas of your game have you been working on?

Jelena Jankovic: I am working on every aspect of my game, on moving forward, on my transition game. Also a very important part of my tennis is fitness. I want to be stronger, because in the past, this was my biggest weakness.

Tennis Week: Where do you feel you have improved the most in the past year?

Jelena Jankovic: I feel that I improved so many different, small things in my game. Also I feel stronger and more experienced on the court, but my main goal is just to continue working hard because there is always room for improvement.

Tennis Week: What are your goals for this season?

Jelena Jankovic: I don't like to set goals ranking wise. It is crucial for me to believe in myself, play tennis with joy, have fun on the court, give my maximum, use my talent, fight for every point. If you want to last long in tennis carrier, you need to feel like that.

Tennis Week: Why do you think Serbia has produced so many good players: yourself, Ana Ivanovic, Jelena Dokic to name a few?

Jelena Jankovic: When I started to play tennis Monica Seles was an idol for many girls in my country. I was 15 years old when I won the Australian Open juniors and became number one in the world in juniors. After that I started to play professional tennis and a few years later I was the first Serbian after so many years that became number 17 in the world. This fact in my opinion inspired many young talented kids in my country to start playing tennis. Also, in that time, I was in regular school. Education in general plays a big part in my life. My parents have always felt that it is important to do well in school, and since I showed a lot of talent in tennis as well, they lead me to be successful in both areas and learn how to become a leader and example to others. Anyway, we are very talented nation in many sports, and in this moment tennis is growing and I am very happy because of that.

Tennis Week: The last time we spoke, at the 2005 U.S. Open in August, you had been offered a film role in Serbia in a comedy, which seemed like a natural fit with your sense of humor. Did you accept the role? Would you consider doing a film in the future? If so, what kind of film?

Jelena Jankovic: Last year's conversation wasn't finished. I have so many offers from different companies. Everybody is telling me that I am a natural, exotic looking and also that I have a good sense of humor. I didn't decide yet because in this moment tennis is my first priority. I would like do something funny, maybe a comedy or even some action movie.

Tennis Week: You're a person who sees the humor in life. What is the funniest experience you've had playing professional tennis?

Jelena Jankovic: During the 2005 U.S. Open, I finished my practice and I needed a golf cart to return to the player facility. People involved in this kind of transportation told me that I needed to wait, but accidentally a golf cart appeared and in the front seat was my favorite actor, Jim Carrey. He offered me a seat next to him. He was talking with me like he knows me for a long time. He was making jokes, we were laughing like crazy. In this moment I forgot that I am tired and my energy was back and I understood why so many people like him. I am using this moment to send best regards to him!!!

Tennis Week: What gives you the greatest joy playing tennis?

Jelena Jankovic: First of all, nobody put pressure on me to play tennis — my parents didn't (pressure me to play) — I choose tennis for me. I chose it because I love it. I enjoy making winners on the court. I enjoy the feeling of winning! In general, playing on big stadiums, feeling the atmosphere, interacting with the crowd gives me special excitement on the court! Also this sport gives tennis players the opportunity to introduce different people, different cultures, and habits. All these things make me very happy and satisfied because memories and people who I meet, victories from tournaments in different countries is something special for me and I feel very fulfilled.

Tennis Week: Do you live full-time in Serbia or Florida or split time between both places?

Jelena Jankovic: I was born in Serbia and I have always lived there, but in recent years I have been traveling so much that it is hard to depict one place as my residence. I spend most time in Serbia and Florida, but majority of time I am in numerous destinations globally!

Tennis Week: If you could pick an ideal doubles partner — anyone in tennis history — who would you pick to play with?

Jelena Jankovic: Monica Seles for sure. She is a wonderful person and she is my mentor now. I am proud because I (have spent time) working with her.

Tennis Week: What do you do to get away from tennis while you are on tour?

Jelena Jankovic: I am a very outgoing person, and I tend to discover and learn more about different places I visit during the tour. I love the beach so any time there is a chance, I am getting tanned by reading books next to the sea or ocean. I also like to try different cuisines and explore specific restaurants that are available, spend quality time with my family members that travel with me, and just try not to think about tennis since there are other things that make me happy even though my career plays a big role in my life.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

Jelena Jankovic's funny quotes
November 24, 2007 | In Jelena Jankovic |

Jelena Jankovic is a player whose statements very often make me laugh or sometimes confuse me. Many times I just thought why hadn't she kept her mouth shut, but after all, I'm used to Jelena's personality and I will always like and understand her.

Since her statements are at the moment most inspiring of all the WTA players, I have been collecting them for a few months from a variety of sources, and decided to publish them today. I've been reading many articles and interviews every day, and whenever I found some funny quote of J.J., I took note of it. So, here's my modest collection:

After losing to Ana Ivanovic at this year's East West Bank Classic Jankovic said: "I felt like I was playing against a guy, the way her serves were coming at me. It's sometimes scary, and when she starts to scream, I'm like, Come on. She's quite a powerful, big girl."

The next two quotes are from an interview for the New York Times: IF YOU COULD HAVE A SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE? "To be able to turn invisible. Wouldn’t that be cool? Just think of all the places I could go unnoticed."

FUNNIEST OR MOST EMBARRASSING THING TO HAPPEN TO YOU ON THE COURT "Some of the angles that photographers get on court are not always flattering." Hehe, I've always wondered how players handle such images of themselves.

At the US Open 2007, after waiting for eight hours to begin her match against Sybille Bammer, Jakovic said: "Being here all day, I was quite exhausted - I had to drink coffee before the match to stay awake."

Jelena on the group of her supporters, sometimes called The J.J. Block, after her loss to Venus Williams in US Open quarterfinals: DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A PLAYER WHO THRIVES ON SUPPORTERS? "I love when I have a lot of supporters. They were asking, What am I talking to the crowd? They go like, Jelena, we love your smile. I'm like, But, yeah, it doesn't help me return her serve (laughter). It's always funny. It's quite entertaining."

Haha, I especially like this one. Jelena talks about her turn of luck in 2007: "Since then I started to get better and better, and who knows, but if I didn't make it to the quarterfinals, if I didn't win a few matches in Rome, maybe I wouldn't be here right now, maybe I would be, you know, who knows, in my university, with thousands of books, reading, becoming a genius (laugh)."

After losing to Lindsay Davenport in Bali, Jankovic said: "I didn't train much and it's tough to get motivated here. But it's OK, now I can finally go to the beach."

And last but not least funny Jankovic's quote: "I didn't want to play but my mother forced me."
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Jelena: Biću ona stara!
Goran ČVOROVIĆ, 15.02.2009.


DVA lica Jelene Janković. Kad joj ide - niko joj nije ravan. Kad je protivnica "pritisne" - sve krene naopako. Jelena, u tim trenucima, na terenu deluje bezvoljno, greši, ljuti se...
To je najbolje pokazao i krajnje čudan rezultat u polufinalu pariskog VTA turnira protiv Ameli Moresmo. Posle glatko izgubljenog seta (2:6), u Jeleni je proradio inat. Maestralno se vratila u meč (6:0), a onda je, u završnom setu, bilo dovoljno da Ameli Moresmo, posle duge izmene poena, srećno osvoji svoj servis, pa da kola ponovo krenu nizbrdo (1:6).

U prethodnom meču, protiv Korne, takođe je izgubila prvi set, ali je tada uspela da se vrati...

- Posle gubitka prvog seta protiv Korne, bila sam ljuta na sebe i veoma nervozna, jer nisam mogla da podnesem da sam dopustila svojoj protivnici da se vrati u meč i da uzme set koji je trebalo da bude "moj". Nije mi bilo lako da podnesem samu pomisao da ostanem na terenu i odigram još dva seta. Ali, uspela sam da zaboravim sve što sam uradila loše. Koncentrisala sam se u nastavku i borila se do kraja, tako da iznenađenja nije bilo.

* Ti padovi su, čini se, mnogo više pitanje koncentracije, nego forme i kvaliteta?

- Odigram dobro nekoliko gemova, a onda nekoliko mnogo loše. Idem "gore-dole", što, potogovo na ovom nivou, ne smem da radim. Moram, jednostavno, da igram od početka do kraja istim intenzitetom. Ali, dobro, polako, ovo mi je tek drugi turnir u godini. Nisam se dugo takmičila i u ovom trenutku su mi potrebni mečevi. Potrebno mi je da osetim atmosferu, pritisak u određenim trenucima.

* Šta u tim trenucima presuđuje?

- Najbitnije je da se probudi moj borilački duh. Jer, mogu da igram i dobro i loše, ali ako nisam na terenu i nemam motivaciju, onda je sve mnogo teže.

* Jeste li, u suštini, zadovoljni svojom igrom?

- Ima tu još dosta posla. Ali, mislim da mi igra polako ide nabolje. Međutim, u nekim trenucima, jednostavno, padnem i ne odigram onako kako bi trebalo i vratim se na niži nivo, pa se onda ponovo dignem. I, kad dignem svoj nivo igre, baš dominiram nad protivnicom. I zaista se vidi da ne može da mi parira. Ali, čim malo spustim nivo, onda smo izjednačene, i onda to više nije to.

* Onda praktično, malo toga zavisi od vaše protivnice?

- Samo je bitno da igram ono što znam, da budem agresivna. U tom ritmu retko ko može da igra protiv mene. Trebalo bi da ostavi sebe na terenu, da bi mi uzeo poen. Ako preuzmem inicijativu u početku, imam prednost. I to je nešto što želim u sledećim mečevima da popravim.


* MOGU li se izvući neki pozitivni zaključci s pariskog turnira?
- Moja igra je već sada bolja nego u Australiji. To je veliki korak napred, i to me raduje. Mnogo bolje se krećem. Mnogo dublje šaljem loptu i počinjem da igram agresivnije. I, samopouzdanje mi raste. Trebalo bi samo da radim malo više na prvom servisu i u završnici poena. Poredeći s Australijom, osećam da mi je tajming mnogo bolji. Mnogo sam više iza lopte i imam bolju ravnotežu. U Australiji sam kasnila za svakom loptom
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Jelenu treba ošamariti da bi se isvestila.
Žalila se na loš servis krajem 2007e, a sada je bolji.
ALI, takođe se Prasica žalila na svoj servis tada, a sada je i-te-ka-ko dobar.
Jeca bi morala da mnogo ozbiljnije napreduje i mora da smanji te oscilacije u igri ... AKA da sredi malo svoju psihu.

et toq
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Tako je. Treba je kazniti sto se vise izmotava sa servisom. Sramota, ali stvarno. Sta ona sebi dopusta! :sigh: :protest: :crkla:

Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
ja samo da obavestim pojedince da sam odgledala Jelenin svet :kosa:

slatka je :sweet:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by IriS
ja samo da obavestim pojedince da sam odgledala Jelenin svet :kosa:

slatka je :sweet:

Meni se cini da je u svakoj sceni druga osoba. Jelena je bila jako, jako stidljiva, zato stavlja maske. Nezna scena je kad ulazi u svlacionicu a snimatelji filma navale: "Jesi pobedila, jesi li?" Tu je delovala kao devojcica. :mazi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Sunce
Za sve forumase, poslastica. Pogledajte kako je Jelena savrseno igrala sa Henin na US openu u 1/2 finalu. Mnogo mi je zao sto nije pobedila.

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]
Što ne pogleda kobila ovaj snimak?!

Da sam na njenom mestu, ovaj snimak bi me dobro podsetio...

Sviđa mi se klip. :)
Šta da kažem za Jecu sa snimka... Frizura bezveze.. A igra fenomenalna...
Korisnikov avatar
By istok
Rece neko juce na TV da ce JJ glumiti Lepu Brenu u novom nastavku filma "Hajde da se volimo"...

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by istok
Rece neko juce na TV da ce JJ glumiti Lepu Brenu u novom nastavku filma "Hajde da se volimo"...

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