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Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Надал најбољи евопски спортиста 2008.

Најбољи тенисер света Шпанац Рафаел Надал проглашен је за спортисту Европе у 2008. години, према одлуци новинара 17 агенција. Српкиња Јелена Јанковић на осмом месту.

Најбољи Европљанин: Рафел Надал

Надал, који је освојио 146 гласова, ове сезоне је победио на Олимпијским играма у Пекингу и још осам турнира, што је допринело да годину заврши на првом месту АТП листе.

На другом месту налази се руска атлетичарка Јелена Ишинбајева која ни у овој сезони није имала достојну конкуренцију у надметању у скоку у даљ, док је трећепласиран шампион Формуле 1 Британац Луис Хамилтон.

Међу десет најбољих у избору агенција налази се и српска тенисерка Јелена Јанковић која је заузела осмо место.

Редослед десет најбољих спортиста Европе у 2008. години:

1. Рафаел Надал (тенис)
2. Јелена Исинбајева (атлетика)
3. Луис Хамилтон (формула 1)
4. Кристијано Роналдо (фудбал)
5. Себастијан Лоеб (рели)
6. Крис Хој (бициклизам)
7. Алберто Контадор (бициклизам)
8. Јелена Јанковић (тенис)
9. Валентино Роси (мотоциклизам)
10. Александар Овечкин (хокеј на леду)
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Tako i treba, samo što će sledeće godine nadam se zauzeti još bolju poziciju.

A što se tiče youtube-a, nije samo taj snimak skinut. Nailazio sam na dosta skinutih snimkova jer navodno krše neki kopirajt bla, bla, bla... I šta mi nindže sad da radimo?!?
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Pa ja sam otkrio ovaj

Sad još da nabavim Invite, u venu da sprovedem... i to je to :shmi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Jelena Jankovic has never trained this hard, can’t wait to face tough players

“My priorities will be on the big tournaments, Grand Slams and Tier 1s,” Jankovic said Thursday on a conference call. “When you prepare 100 percent, when you put all the hard work in, then you can really have higher expectations and you can expect yourself to achieve great things.”

Last season, Jankovic won more matches (65) than any other woman on the WTA Tour, claiming titles in Rome, Beijing, Stuttgart and Moscow in the 22 tournaments she played. But she said injuries bothered her for much of the season, and that’s why she has already started working out to prepare for next season.

“I’m really training hard,” said Jankovic, who started training in November and is currently practicing in Florida. “Before I came here I was in Mexico in high altitude … trying to get stronger and fitter.”

On Wednesday, Jankovic and top-ranked Rafael Nadal were honored as the International Tennis Federation’s world champions of 2008. But for 2009, Jankovic expects to go about her season differently, easing her schedule in order to stay healthy.

“What matters is how fit you are, how well you prepare,” said Jankovic, who admitted she was only injury-free for a major tournament this year at the U.S. Open, where she lost to Serena Williams in the final. “Last year in December, I didn’t have a good preparation before the new season. I only trained two weeks before the Australian Open.

“When you’re not ready, when you’re not prepared, when you’re not fit and playing at a high level … you’re going to have a high risk of getting injured.”

As the top-ranked player, Jankovic is also going to have to deal with others trying to prove themselves by beating her.

“I want the girls to play their best tennis against me and I want to win in those circumstances. I’m up for the challenge,” Jankovic said. “I want to compete in those best tournaments with the best players out there.”

As for simply being on top of women’s tennis, Jankovic is relishing that, too.

“I love being in that role, being in the role of the No. 1 player in the world. I like that position and I want to stay there as long as it is possible,” Jankovic said. “I haven’t trained in my whole career as hard as I’m training now, and I hope and I believe that all this hard work will pay off.”

Jankovic also hinted that she would continue playing in the Fed Cup for Serbia, which hosts Japan in the first round of World Group II in February.

“I am a huge patriot,” said Jankovic, who helped Serbia advance from the zonal group in 2008. “I love playing for my country and defending the colors of my flag.” ... h-players/

What did Jelena Jankovic wear during 2008 tennis season? ... is-season/

Koja Vam je pmiljena oprema? Meni crvena Rogers Cup, Stutgart i Moskva. :geisha:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
E pogledao sam film, poshto mi dokumentarci nisu omiljeni, retji tju samo OK :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Jankovic said. “I haven’t trained in my whole career as hard as I’m training now"
OOO hvalim te bože! :hail2:
A genijalno... šta treba da se desi da bi ona počela ozbiljno da trenira?
Da postane broj 1! :smeh:
By cumpig
znaci radi linkic, super!
znaci treba da pobrisem nesto od pornjave da napravim mesta, sranje!
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Sunce
Sada postoji ovaj snimak:

One of the greatest defence in tennis ever Jankovic saves MP

Ona sem Wimbldona super odigra ostale GSove, ali AO 2008. tje verovatno ostati najzanimljiviji i najnapetiji. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
pa nije ni u wimbledonu bila losha
4. kolo... mnogo bolje nego djokovitj i ivanovitj

a od 22 turnira koliko je odigrala u 2008, jedino na wimbledonu nije doshla do 1/4 finala
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Ma mislio sam samo na GSove...
Ajde finale na USO, ali AO08 :hail2:

Prvo onaj epik maraton sa Tamirom, a zatim malo zezanja sa Galovic, Razano, Delakvom, pa na kraju epik sa Serenom!! I to sve na jednoj nozi... :hail2:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker

Ali voleo bih da isprashi Mashu, s njom bash retko igra.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

"Dragi moji forumasi, moj cilj u Novoj 2009. godini je da privucem anofile. Moj osmeh, to spliff i DooFFKe znaju, moze sve. Cula sam da ste burno ispratili moje egzibicije u Montrealu. Dovoljno je da uzmem suncobran i da se forumi sveta probude. Davala sam u poslednje vreme hrabre izjave. :lol: , namerno da uplasim Safinu i sestre Vilijams! DooFFKe, sto si navalio sa Marijom?"
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Ne, ne i ne! Nikako drugachije! :tuc:

Sa Mashom si igrala 2007 u Birmingemu, a 2008. na AO.
Mogla bi da dodje kod tebe u Rod Laver Arenu, na kafu. :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce


By cumpig
jel set kupili vecernje novosti danas???
ima JJ poklon kalendar :D
By cumpig
dufke, os ti ga saljem autobusom? :D ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Ma nema veze...

Meni je bitno da uzivam s njom na AO... :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Hvala i pridružujem se čestitkama! Svim Džejdžejovcima puno radosti uz uspehe Jelene Janković u 2009-oj godini!
By cumpig
haha, specijalka cestitke samo za jj-ovce :D
tako i treba , moramo biti pomalo lujkasti da bi bili njeni pravi fanovi!

sve najbolje drugari :njami:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
U Blicu procitah da je JJ docekala 2009. u Beogradu! :yay: Srecna Nova godina!!!!
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja

Haha, this is probably the most bizarre magazine cover ever, and who else would be featured on it than our dear Jelena Jankovic. JJ with a dove and a sword in her hands, and this fixed smile on her face. Hahaha. Oh, JJ I will never stop loving you!

Congratulations to Jelena and Puls magazine for making me laugh every time I see this. I'm wholeheartedly giving JJ the Most Hilarious Magazine Cover award. She has no competition in this category, if you asked me.

If you know any magazine cover with a tennis player that you think could beat this one in its bizarreness, please share it. I can’t wait. ... ver-award/

:lol: :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Savrsheno_nesavrshen
Originally posted by Sunce

"Dragi moji forumasi, moj cilj u Novoj 2009. godini je da privucem anofile. Moj osmeh, to spliff i DooFFKe znaju, moze sve. Cula sam da ste burno ispratili moje egzibicije u Montrealu. Dovoljno je da uzmem suncobran i da se forumi sveta probude. Davala sam u poslednje vreme hrabre izjave. :lol: , namerno da uplasim Safinu i sestre Vilijams! DooFFKe, sto si navalio sa Marijom?"

hehe,volim ja i Jecu,ali njen osmeh nije ni prineti Aninom :) nemojte me lichovati :kiss:
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