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Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

US Open 08

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by Lunja
Originally posted by ^Paranoid Androgynoid^
JJ je popravila SVE sto moze da popravi i (bar) ja se ne secam da je ikada onako dobro igrala.
Popravila je sve, samo jos da nauci da iskoristi jednu od 3 gem lopte (40-0), kad dodje u takvu situaciju, npr. 3 puta tokom jednog meca. :D

I jos malo (vise) da pojaca porpilicno nejak 'ofanzivni' udarac koji ona naziva forehand. :tegovi:

I da se malo manje uplasi finala - da se slozim sa s.savanovicevom konstatacijom da se cesto povlacila u toku poena - meni je to delovalo kao posledica straha. Ali oh well, kad se setim Aninog prvog finala, protiv Henin, ono nocas je bila definicija neustrasivosti. :superheroj:

Inace je bila slatka sa onim mariah-carey-glitter-sljokicama u kosi. Skroz njen fazon. Samo je masnica falila.
I bas mi je zao sto je izgubila. :placko: Kako je bila tuzna posleeeee... :meda:

Sereni svaka cast. :fancyklap:

Jelena se povlacila, po meni, jer je Serena bila mnogo snaznija - njeni udarci su je terali da se povlaci. A tacno je da JJ ne zna da zavrsi mec, tj. da iskoristi prednost. To je pokazala i u mecu sa Anom Ivanovic, sa Enan, Savaj itd. :(

Ali, definitivno mi se dopada kako su igrale. Jako pametno i atraktivno. Obe su znale da lepo konstruisu poene. Jelenin ritern je bio odlican. Safina je Serenine servise cekala 2 m iznad osnovne linije dok je Jelena cekala na liniji - to sam primetio.

Anini mecevi znaju da budu dosadni jer se poeni najcesce zavrsavaju nakon dve tri razmene. Tako ne igraju ni muskarci, a videli ste da ni Serena ne igra tako.

Popajka, volim te! :kiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Slatki su mi bili Jelenini uzvici: "Ma ne mogu jbt, pa sta da radim...".

Ako je suditi po njenoj istoriji, sledece godine ulazi u jos jedno finale, a titulu osvaja 2010. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Sledeće godine jedno finale (Australija ili US) i titula (RG).
Tako :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
I bilo je divno.
Divno je igrala, divno je prihvatila poraz i čestitala na kraju.

A sad juriš na broj jedan od kraja godine :superheroj:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
...pogotovu jer ne brani veliki broj poena! :yay:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. In spite of the loss, this must be an improvement in your Grand Slam resume.


Q. This is definitely an improvement in your Grand Slam...

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yes, I had a great two weeks. I really fought hard out there every match, and tonight I really gave everything I had, you know, on this certain day.

Serena was a little bit better on the important points. I had my chances the first set, and the second set, as well, and I just, you know, some unlucky points. I should have won them, but I didn't. You know, I let my opportunities slip away.

But overall, I was ‑‑ I'm happy that I made it to the finals, especially that I struggled a lot this year. I had a lot of injuries and all these problems, and I really worked hard to be here on this stage.

For me, you know, I'm proud of that, and it will give me hopefully a lot more motivation to continue to work hard. Hopefully I can be healthy and work on my game and become even a better player.

Q. Could you feel that she was a little tired in the second set?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I felt her ‑‑ she was tired and I really had my chances. I really, you know, was a little bit upset about the umpire, you know, not ‑‑ she took quite a lot of time in between the points, and I thought it was not fair.

Because when I played against, you know, against Dementieva and I just went to take the towel, I received a towel, a time violation.

So I think it should be for all the players. If she goes and takes more than 15 seconds ‑ and not once ‑ many times. She took her time to recover and get back herself together.

You know, but maybe it wouldn't make a difference, maybe it would. But you can, you know, talk all day about this. I lost; she won. That's, of course, what counts.

I let it go. I had it. I had, you know, a lot, lot of chances. Second set I had a lot of set points and I didn't do the right things. You know, I let her come back into that set and win it in two.

Q. Since you have never gotten to this point before, what about this tournament and about this final in particular and you learned from for the next time?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's a great learning experience for me. This tournament is great. It's one of my favorite Grand Slams, and I really love the atmosphere here. I really enjoy the whole, you know, the crowd, the people, you know, the city. It has so much energy, and it suits my personality quite well.

I really had fun the whole two weeks, and I really gave my best throughout the whole tournament. Tonight was also special, you know. It was my first final of a Grand Slam, but I didn't look at it that way.

I really went out there like it's just another final of a tournament, and I really tried to play my best tennis. You know, we had great points. It was some entertaining tennis out there, but she was, you know, the better one tonight.

So hopefully, you know, next time that I can do better.

Q. Serena says she's playing more consistently now because she's playing more. Do you see that? Is it harder to catch her on a bad night now than it used to be?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I thought, you know, before she played ‑‑ you know, because I played her quite a few times. This year we were 1‑1 before this match. In Miami I thought she was hitting a lot harder the ball, and a lot ‑‑ she had more power.

And now she's a little bit more consistent, and she, you know, she's not making as many errors as she used to.

But I felt that, you know, I had her, you know. I had her, because she was really tired at the end of the second set. You know, I'm really disappointed that I didn't use those chances, because who knows what would have happened if I would have got into the third set?

I would probably have the upper hand, but who knows? You know, if ‑‑ what if that happened, you know, you can talk all day, all night. It's too late now. I didn't do the right things and I lost, and that's all I can do.

I can just be positive and learn from ‑‑ analyze what I've done wrong and go from there.

Q. Do you feel if you had slam‑final experience in the past the result could have been different?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't think, you know, it would have been different. It was not ‑‑ that didn't make, you know, a difference at all, you know. I didn't look at it ‑‑ like I said, I didn't look at it was a Grand Slam final.

I believe that I will be playing many more finals in the future, so it's not that it's like my last final of my career. I'm only 23 years old, so my time will come. I just went out there to enjoy my tennis and to really go out there and try to play my best. That's all I cared about.

I didn't think about, Oh, my God, it's my first final, whatever. I need to be nervous; I need to be scared to be there. I just went out there and I really enjoyed the whole experience. Unfortunately I didn't win, but, you know, I still have to take the positives out of this tournament.

I have done a great job to even be in the final despite having, you know, so many bad things, so many injuries and so many problems. You know, being here, it's a great achievement for me.

Q. On what you just said, physically it's been a very tough year for you. How are you feeling now?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I feel great, you know. Believe it or not. I feel that I have been improving since the beginning of the tournament. I was really working hard with my coach and my fitness coach, and they really have done a great job with me, because otherwise I wouldn't be here tonight.

Because I was really out of shape. I was really not confident with myself, with my body, and I was really weak. I felt that, especially in the Olympics and the tournament before. I had no endurance, I had no strength, I couldn't hold my ground, and it was very hard for me to compete at this level.

I felt that, you know, all of these girls were much powerful than me, that they had all this power, they were faster, they had, you know, everything better.

And since I started working ‑‑ because I didn't have injuries, you know, I'm now at the moment healthy. So I've been working every, every day to try to improve some of the segments, you know, in my tennis and in my fitness, which is all this hard work is paying off.

That's why I probably came quite far. I made it to the finals of a slam, so for me, I'm really proud of that. Hopefully, you know, I can continue to work and, you know, I have a lot of room to improve, a lot of room for improvement, to get better.

I haven't still reached my limits. So this is the good thing.

Q. Okay. Out there on court you're sighing, you're smiling, you're laughing. You said that your personality suites this tournament. What's the one thing in your personality that clicks with this tournament?

JELENA JANKOVIC: You know what? You know, I got the trophy here, and you know what I was thinking? Because you guys or the commentators said all about this drama and all this, I thought, you know, I should have gotten an Oscar for all this drama throughout the week. Despite, you know, getting a trophy, I should have gotten, you know, a trophy for the acting, for my drama.

I think I've done a great job.

Q. Maybe best supporting actress?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Best ‑‑ no, the leading role, you know. The best one. (laughter.) I enjoy the crowd and I have fun.

Q. Since '95, the US Open final never went to the third set, and today you were, very close.


Q. You went very, very close to it. Four set points; the fourth was a double fault. The double fault was the point that you missed when you were close to 6‑All and the tiebreaker. Why that happens? Tension?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. It was not really tension. We had some low points, and, you know, I got tired. I don't know. I didn't use enough of my legs or I didn't accelerate enough with my arms. I made all these double faults, especially at the wrong times when I should have, you know, made those balls and started the point.

You know, I gave her a lot of gifts when it was crucial. But, you know, what can I do? You know, these things happen, and I'm disappointed, of course, about that, but there's nothing I can do now. I had a lot of chances, so many set points, so many things to win that second set and go into a third.

I let my opportunities go away. I was really frustrated out there, but... Now I can ‑‑ I cannot do anything. I cannot turn back the time. I wish I could, but it's too late.

Q. Still, it was a great match.

JELENA JANKOVIC: It was. Entertaining. The crowd was really great and enthusiastic and really involved. It's quite special, you know, to be playing here, and I think it motivates you to fight even harder and to really give your best.

Q. Given this is your first Grand Slam singles final, what pleased you most about your performance tonight?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I have ‑‑ I don't know. I don't know what pleased me because I lost. You know, it's not really pleasing when you lose, you know. (laughter.)

No matter what you have done right, you know, it's not ‑‑ you know, it was not good enough, you know, especially playing Serena. You know that you have to be at the top of your level, because just in general she's a lot more powerful than many of the players.

She has all the strength. She's a great athlete. So if you want to really beat her, you have to be even higher than a little level above your best, you know, because you cannot do it with her.

So I really tried everything that I had on this certain day, and unfortunately it was not enough.

Q. During changeovers when a lot of players are very focused, you're looking at the TV screen.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I was laughing at all these people dancing.

Q. Is that something you do to relax?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Probably that's why I lost, the concentration, and made all these double faults. I probably ‑‑ that's why I made all these mistakes when I shouldn't have.

I don't know. I just ‑‑ you know, I had fun. I think they should turn it off, because I keep looking at the screen. (laughter.)

Q. Did you really not know how much the runner‑up check is?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, I didn't. So now I have a lot of money to spend. (laughter.) Tomorrow is my day to go shopping.

Q. Mary Carrillo said that you enjoyed watching television, especially when you're on television. Do you have any thoughts about that?

JELENA JANKOVIC: What television? Who?

Q. The TV screen.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh, I keep watching, because you go to serve and you see your big face up there. You cannot help it to look up. No, I think they should turn it off, you know. I cannot focus, because I keep looking at it. I don't know why. Just the ‑‑ but you see it. You watch straight, and then your eyes just go up, because you know there's something going up on top.

But it's ‑‑ whatever. It's just fun.

Q. You said in the past that your mother obviously has a hard time sometimes with, you know, what goes on out there. What did she say to you afterwards?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Actually, I haven't even seen her. You know, I don't know where she is now. I just received a vaccine, you know, so that's the first thing I've done, receive the needle in my arm and some more torture.

You know, it's ‑‑ you think it's easy being a professional athlete, what we go through? You would feel a little bit sorry for us. (laughter.)

Q. At one point in the second set of the match, I'm not sure just which point, you turned around and you looked at the crowd as if you were trying to see who was yelling down at you. Did they make you lose your rhythm then at that point?

JELENA JANKOVIC: What did I look for?

Q. I don't know what you were looking for, but you were looking up.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I wasn't looking for anybody. I was probably just frustrated with myself that I lost the point or whatever. I wasn't looking for anybody. I was just ‑‑ that's not the case.

The only people I look at is my entourage, my box, my coach, my mom, my supporters. Nobody else.

Q. The No. 1 position was at stake. If you had your choice, what would you ‑‑


Q. No. 1 position was at stake, the US Open title obviously...

JELENA JANKOVIC: I wanted to take both, but it didn't happen. I don't want one or the other. I wanted both.

But next time, I guess.

Q. What was the vaccine for?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. It's ‑‑ all these women, I guess, for papilloma. I don't know what it is. I have no idea. I took three. You have to take three vaccines per year, and then women under 26 years old, I guess that's the time when you're supposed to take it and then you're free.

Q. After the championship match of the US Open you got this?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I just got it. Here. It's here. I have a Band‑Aid. I have to do the doping test now, so I have another Band‑Aid here. I cannot even go to the toilet, so I have to drink. (laughter.) I have to drink some more, otherwise I'll be here until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and I wouldn't feel good tomorrow for my shopping, which is not good.

Q. Is it a little strange to get this shot right after you come off the US Open final?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's a little strange, but do you think the trainers and the doctors will be waiting for me at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning? Of course they want to get it done so they can leave.

Q. Are you going to take a long break after this or get right back to work?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I'm going to retire. (laughter.) No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm going to take a break and see what I, you know ‑‑ just enjoy a little bit of time off and do something else other than tennis.

You know, especially playing a Grand Slam. It's always tough because mentally and physically, you're worn out after a hard two weeks of playing a lot of matches, a lot of ‑‑ you really give your effort. There's a lot of pressure to do well.

So I did my job, and now it's, you know, time to relax a little bit and have some fun, do other activities other than hit the ball and watch this, do a lot of running on the court.

Now I can, you know, put maybe high heels and do something else. (laughter.)

FastScripts by ASAP Sports
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Uz svlacenje, sve cu oci da tumacim.. To je uslov, ha! :right:
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Hehe, sad kad pročitah za ček, setih se kad su joj davali taj ček, a ona ko razmaženo dete kaže "neću svoj ček, hoću još da igram" :) :tetka:

Danas kad sam ponovo pogledao meč, stvarno je super igrala, naravno s tim što joj fali još dosta agresivnosti. Ne znam da li je ikad servirala tako dobro. Na kraju je imala samo 3 ili 4 duple servis greške - to je svakako ogroman napredak (jedino loše što ih je pravila u pogrešnom momentu). Još i psihu da sredi i onda će sve biti na svom mestu :yay:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Marvin
Sledeće godine jedno finale (Australija ili US) i titula (RG).
Tako :)
Ma nemoj?! Pa zar ne vidish da je i na tvrdom dobra?!
Ako se doradi do sledetje godine, moze osvojiti i RG i jedan od ova dva. :)

A i veoma je interesantno kako 2 skoro najslabije teniserke mogu da pomrse rachune agresivnim devojkama kao shto je Serena...
Naravno, mislim na Jelenu i Elenu. :)
By cumpig
Oh well, mislim da smo sad svi u JJ modu :peca:
Bio je to stvarno super tenis, i da se ne lazemo, znalo se ko vise zeli pobedu. Pa tako je i bilo, ja ne pamtim kad se serena ovoliko natrcala i jos toliko fenomenalnih poena dobila. Ono sto je radila na mrezi je bilo apsolutno fantasticno (i naravno frustrirajuce za Jecku). A i sama statistika meca je neumoljiva, bacite pogled na vinere i poene na mrezi.

Narafski, Jelena je i sama krivac, toliko, toliko propustenih prilika i nemogucnost da zavrsi vec gotov posao :(
Ali zato, uzivancija je bila gledati je kako se izmedju dva servisa smesi nekome u publici, kako uziva da se gleda na ekranu i u pauzama caska sa fanovima. KRALJICA! I tacka. A ste primetili kako su pre pocetka ceremonijala caskale o svojim 'aljinicama, sve nesto zanesene u temu :) )))))

To je to, iznenadjujem samog seba kako mi nije bas previse krivo za poraz, kako sam imao snage da danas praznicno odem na planinu i ne tugujem previse :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
@ cumpig

Tracharile su o krpicama i nakon mecha... :yes:
Korisnikov avatar
By Savrsheno_nesavrshen
Originally posted by Sunce
Uz svlacenje, sve cu oci da tumacim.. To je uslov, ha! :right:
hehe,ali Jeca nije pobedila,pa ostah obuchen :)

mada ako budes dovoljno uporan hehe:)
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Savrsheno_nesavrshen, idi na prethodne strane. Dogovoreno ti je svlacanje do pola, a ti se nista ne pitas!
:gatara: :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Ljudi, kad i gde je Federer???????


Ne znam gde da nadjem...
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Sad vidim da je na Eurosportu....
Oni retardi ne mogu da Updejtuju program! GRRRR :kletva:

Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Ja sam glasala za Federerchitja.... :milkacanic:
Korisnikov avatar
By Savrsheno_nesavrshen
Originally posted by Sunce

Savrsheno_nesavrshen, idi na prethodne strane. Dogovoreno ti je svlacanje do pola, a ti se nista ne pitas!
:gatara: :lol:

ja se izvinjavam sad sam prochitao,chek,jel na kraju odozdo na gore ili od gore na dole? :D

i jel se ubraja skidanje preko kamere? :colorado: da je osvojila set,pa ajd i ispred Skupshtine ...:njanjanja:
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
I ja sam glasala za Federera,pa sam samo dosla da to proslavim :D

Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by ^Paranoid Androgynoid^
jesam li se ja to istripovala nesto..
..ili JJ stalno prica "you know"?! :maska:
Oooooo da, pricha :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Mada kada pogledaš intervju sa drugim teniserkama - sve imaju to "you know"... Valjda problem kad pričaš na jeziku koji nije tvoj...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Sve teniserke koriste "you know". I mene to nervira.
By Storm
Federer se vrlo obradovao tituli.
I vidim još se raduje po medijima.
Baš mu znači ta titula.

Marej je seksi.

Muški tenis nikad zanimljiviji.
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Originally posted by starky
I ja sam glasala za Federera,pa sam samo dosla da to proslavim :D



znaci, samo nas dve bile u pravu.... :cowboy:

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Morao sam da postavim.


September 7, 2008

Serena Williams


S. WILLIAMS/J. Jankovic
6-4, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How did you pull out that second set?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. I just got so positive. I was like, um, I really want to win. All I have to do is break and hold, break, and hold, and break.
I figured it seemed so simple, so I thought, Okay, all I have to do is win one point here and one point there, and I was ready.

Q. Your general feeling?

Q. Give us a sense of how you feel.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I'm so excited. I can't even describe it. Usually after a Grand Slam I feel like I still have another match to play, but I don't really feel that way today. I feel like it's done and it's all over, and I'm so excited. I just -- I think it showed on the court.

Q. What's most exciting, No. 1 or the title?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Definitely the title. No. 1 is an added bonus. Like I said, I wasn't even trying to be No. 1. I always said if I win tournaments -- and then, Ah, I can't believe I'm No. 1. It's been so long. It's kind of weird.

Q. Do you recall or have you ever gone through a major tournament winning every single set throughout the tournament?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I did that at the last US Open I won, so I tried to do the same thing today, or this tournament. I didn't try, but it just so happened.

Q. Your father said he thought this title meant more to you than any of the others, perhaps. Is the joy greater when you have to wait for something?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. I mean, everyone is so excited, believe me. I mean, this is cool, because I'm at No. 9, I'm pushing the doors closer to double digits, which obviously I want to get to.
This is cool, because I feel like my game has gotten a lot better and I've improved, and, you know -- I don't know. It was just -- each one is really special. Each one is so special.
I don't know. The Olympic gold medal, though, still, I love. I can't tell you how excited I was to win the gold medal.

Q. You really put your nose to the grindstone all year, working, working, working, and at times you liked the results but I don't know you weren't that thrilled about your results at the majors. It must feel good you finally put the work in and can sit back and say, Yeah.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Absolutely. I've been working so hard all year. Sometimes I wake up at like 6:00 in the morning to go practice and it was too dark. I would have to wait until it gets light. It's just paying off.
No one really, really knows the work that an athlete puts in. You know, it's worth it. And then I felt like, Gosh, I've been working the hardest. I should win.

Q. Having won eight titles before this tournament, I mean, you've had great moments. Now that you've had tonight, can you say if you had never had another win, another Grand Slam win, would your career have felt somehow lacking? I mean, I guess, can you just frame this title?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Um, I don't think I would have felt lacking, because I've never had that attitude. Like I said the other day, I feel like I'm going to be No. 1 again, win lots of Grand Slams. It doesn't stop here.
Like I said before, I feel like I have a new career, like I feel so young and I feel so energized to play every week and to play every tournament.
I feel like there's just so much that I can do in my career yet, and I've never felt like I've played my best tennis.
So I can't even answer that question.

Q. Tough loss at Wimbledon. Does this make up for it? And also, talk about the Williams family triple this summer between Wimbledon, Beijing and...
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, it definitely makes up for the Wimbledon loss, I guess. Obviously I wanted to win Wimbledon, but at the same time I'm excited -- and I was excited that Venus won, as well, because it's like at least we both got to the pinnacle of our games and we both at least made the finals and we both won doubles. That was really cool.
This is just exciting, you know, because I knew -- before the year started I knew I was going to have a really busy summer, and I kept thinking, How am I going to get through all these tournaments?
But I got through them, and it's awesome.

Q. They were saying on TV just how positive of an influence Common has been on you and kind of telling you, This is really your moment. Can you just talk about how he's kind of influenced you.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't really talk about that. I mean, if anything, my mom and my dad have been so supportive. I mean, so supportive day in and day out. Just other aspects of my family, like my sisters, and, you know, they never give up on me. So I'm just really excited to have that support all around.

Q. How much motivation do you take from people, including Chris Evert, saying that you had spread your energies too thin and that you were never going to be the greatest player you could be if you didn't have a single-minded focus on tennis? How motivating was that for you to prove these people wrong?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I just like to win tournaments, and win Grand Slams especially. But I don't really focus on what people say about me. I just have to focus on what I can do, and I still do a lot of things.
You know, I'm on the phone at night talking to different people about designs within ANERAS, and then I wake up and I have a match.
It can be done. You just have to be able to do it. Not everyone can do it.

Q. In '99 you win your first title; you're hitting people off the court. Probably not as conscious of what was happening as you are now. Do you enjoy these things? Do they mean more as an adult, because you've been through a lot more than you were nine years ago?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, it just means a lot, each one. '99 was so special because I knew I was going to win it before. I just felt it. And then, God, I felt that coming into this tournament, too. I felt I was going to win.
Then also I wanted it so bad in '99. It was my first Grand Slam, so you can't really take that away. It's like your first one is so special, and, you know I won doubles that year, too.
It would have been cool if I had played doubles here, too.

Q. People are really excited hearing that there's a possibility that you and Venus might be coming back to New York to play in the Billie Jean King Cup in Madison Square Garden in March.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Oh. So much has been going on for me on and off the court, I really have been just focusing on the court. I have to get and talk about what's going on about off the court. I just know about forehands right now, and designs.

Q. That might have been your best match point celebration.

Q. What fed it, do you think?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I really wanted to win. Last time I played Jelena I got up and then I kind of had a lot of match points. She's a player that you have to win the match. She's not going to give it to you.
And I knew going into it that she was playing so well. I just knew that I had to take it. So when -- I don't even remember match point. I just remember I won and I was so excited, I just knew that I had to go for it.

Q. You're No. 1 now, Serena. If you have to keep this, you probably have to contend with Venus. I mean, going by performance this year, the one who is most likely to challenge you for No. 1. Will you be looking forward to that challenge?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I mean, we have to get back to 1 and 2. You know, I want to be 1 and I'm pretty sure she wants to be 1. She's playing great. She has a great opportunity. I just think I was so lucky to get through that match. It was good. So I think that really propelled me.

Q. Do you still enjoy the battle on court, because obviously you were out there against her and she's pushing everything back and it seems like a war. Is there enjoyment in that?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, you have to enjoy the battle. Like I always enjoy winning easy. Obviously you can't win every match easy, so you have to be ready to win them all.

Q. This is such an incredible win tonight, but Beijing was pretty special, too. Can you possibly talk about the two victories and just the different nuances and different feelings?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I mean, the best part of Beijing is I got to share it with my sister. I want her to do the best always, and so it's like -- and like here it's like only me, but I obviously would like Venus to do the best that she can, as well.
That's what makes Beijing so special, is we both were able to win. You know, it's different when you're playing doubles with someone because it's like we talk so much throughout the point, and we live literally every moment together. Plus she's serving big and I just stay at the net and look like an all-American. That really helps a lot, too.
It's just a great -- it's just been a great summer thus far, and I'm glad -- I can't believe I won. Still, like -- it's cool.

Q. What is the biggest factor behind your resurgence?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, it's been consistent. I've been playing a lot, even last year, and I worked my way back into the top 5 very briefly. Then unfortunately I lost that, but I was always in the top 10.
And this year I started out again top 10 and just working my way up, so it's just been consistent. It hasn't happened all of a sudden. It's been, you know, me playing a while.

Q. What's next for you tennis-wise, business-wise, fun-wise?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I have a lot of plans, you know, just always working on ANERAS to do well. But most of all, you know, trying to play in a couple tournaments in the fall in Europe, so that's next.

Q. Since this was the 40th anniversary, was there some weight of expectation to do something? They talked about the men not doing so well.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, there was no expectations with me. I don't put pressure on myself. I try not to.

Q. And the men?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I can really only answer for me.

Q. If you had to wrap the whole two-week experience coming to New York, emerging, triumph, in one or two words or a phrase, what would it be?

Q. Because?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Because it was. It was just magical. It was everything coming together, like magic.

Q. Is nine enough for you?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, no. I want to get double digits. I like that I'm at nine because I'm pushing for ten, and I feel like I can do it. I obviously play well all the time in Australia, so that's coming up soon.
I have to win another French Open and I love Wimbledon. I definitely had the game to do it. I love winning Grand Slams, so I look forward to it.

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