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US Open 08

Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by Sunce
I da Vam priznam, prosto bi me bilo sramota da JJ nije usla u finale. :blush:

Meni se cini da Jelena polako napreduje: 2006. je odigrala jedno polufinale, 2007. jedno polufinale i jedno cetvrtfinale, 2008. godine 2 polufinala i evo sada je usla u finale GS.
Po ovoj računici očekujemo 3 GS titule sledeće godine. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Originally posted by Ulix
Prosto me sramota samog sebe koliko sam zloban. :iskusenje:
e ja sam tako hejtovao zzastinku :obesen:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by spliff
a kada je finale?
Sutra u 2 izjutra (ako im ne naiđe ta prognozirana tropska oluja)
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
shta mislite za ovo drugo polufinale

ja mislim serena :gatara:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
I ja mislim Serena.


Sad čujem da ako prođe Safina Jelenče ipak broj jedan, a kako je meni -kako Ulix ono kaže- "jedan od osnovnih ciljeva u životu da Jelena bude broj 1" onda bolje da to bude Safina.

A i umorna je jako (pre neki dan je plakala na terenu dok je trenirala-nije mogla da se pomeri)
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Za koga navijate sada? Meni jos nije jasno za koga da navijam.
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Bojim sa da je seka Sera na nekim steroidima, s obzirom da igra k'o sumanuta... Tako da je bolje da bude Safina u finalu...

Ali bitju zadovoljan ako Jeca uzme i jedan set u finalu...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Definitivno za Safinu navijam. :snob:
By cumpig
ajmo srecnici, jesmo svi na okupu???? :D :D :D

cek da se kopi/pejstujem sa drugog foruma:
O jee, o daaa!!!!! :) ))))))

neznam koji mi je od svih onih bogova pomogao, ali jako , jako sam srecan sto je konacno prebbrodila tu prepreku od polufinala!
Stvarno je izgledalo laganica, jedino sto bih zeleo malo vise ofanzive, bar u poenima koji nisu kljucni. Ovako, ispada da je Dementieva samu sebe pobedila sa ogromnim brojem neiznudjenih gresaka a skoro duplo vise vinera :/ Mislim, zadnji gem i da ne pominjem :)
Kako god, zelim ju svu srwecu na ovom svetu da konacno zgrabi GS titulu, zapusi usta gnjavatorima i nas fanove ucini najsrecnijim na svetu.
I da, nekako bih bas voleo da joj Serence dodje na reket, ima skroz da je izludi, bice opasna lomljava reketa :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by cumpig.
I da, nekako bih bas voleo da joj Serence dodje na reket, ima skroz da je izludi, bice opasna lomljava reketa :D
Moze i to. :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
JA ne mogu da opišem koliko sam srećan, ma ko da mi je sestra najrođenija pobedila danas tamo. Mislim smešan sam sam sebi i da ste mogli da me vidite koje je izbezumljeno radovanje bilo verovatno bi me zatvorili na duuuugo posmatranje... Al nema veze JELENA JE POBEDILA JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! :trans:

A od samog finala će mi biti zanimljiviji meč dve neurotičarke Serene i Safine. Hoće li RTS prenositi taj meč???? (nemam kablovsku :( )
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Sava_Savanovic, ma sta ti je, ovde smo svi ludi za Jelenom. Jbt, ova pobeda poput orgazma koji traje i traje. Jupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Popajkaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :grouphug:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Originally posted by Sunce
Definitivno za Safinu navijam. :snob:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Novak Djokovic said he overreacted to jokes about his long list of injuries when he lashed out at Andy Roddick after defeating the American to reach the semi-finals of the US Open.

"He made a joke and it was a misunderstanding," the third-seeded Serbian said after he had cooled off following an angry courtside outburst that brought boos from the Arthur Ashe Stadium crowd.

"Maybe I exaggerated and reacted bad in that moment. I apologise if I reacted like that. This was just impulsive."

Roddick had commented to the crowd courtside after his previous match on the assorted maladies cited by Djokovic, who complained about stomach, hip, ankle and breathing problems during his five-set win against Spain's Tommy Robredo.

"That's not nice anyhow to say in front of this crowd that I have 16 injuries and I am faking it," Djokovic said on court after a 6-2 6-3 3-6 7-6 victory set up a semi-final clash against four-times champion Roger Federer.

Roddick, who had joked to reporters that anthrax, bird flu and SARS could be future complaints from the Serb, also tried to defuse the issue in his post-match news conference.

"It was completely meant in jest," the 2003 US Open winner said. "I'm sorry he took it that way. There's nothing else to say. I don't think I was over the line. It wasn't my intention and I'm sorry he felt that way.

"Maybe I did him a favour tonight," Roddick added ruefully, suggesting he might have inadvertently fired up the Serb.

Djokovic would not detail his current physical condition but gave no signs of duress in dispatching Roddick.

"I had a very, very tough day yesterday," said the 21-year-old Serb, who was given medical treatments during the Robredo match. "Physically I was feeling very exhausted and very empty. I wasn't able to practise."

Other players in the past, including Roger Federer during a Davis Cup rubber, have accused Djokovic of stretching the rules that allow players to receive multiple medical breaks provided it was a new problem that needed to be treated by the trainer.

"Maybe people think that I'm exaggerating with these things," Djokovic said, "but I just want to make sure that everything is all right. That's all.

"It doesn't mean that if I'm inviting a doctor to the court or a physiotherapist that I'm dying."

Roddick suggested another underlying current to disquiet in the locker room with Djokovic having last year entertained fans at the National Tennis Center with on-court parodies of tennis luminaries including Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova.

"I figure if you're going to joke and imitate other people and do the whole deal, then you should take it," Roddick said.
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Ovo mora da se zalije (Gorki List naravno)

LM, između Serene i Safine mi je svejedno koja će da pobedi sve dok Jeca pobedi bilo koju od njih dve. Mislim da je čak i bolje da prođe Serena, jer kako je Safina sad u nekom + naletu bolje da se razlika između nje i Jece poveća.... Al u svakom slučaju navijam za mnogo polomljenih reketa, neurotičnih ispada i drugih prepoznatljivih elemenata Serene i Safine :D
:indijanac: :shmi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Izgleda da cemo gledati finale Majamija. :giggle:
By Ulix
I bi Serena.

Izgleda da je ovo kraj Nove Dinare.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Da, da, finale Majamija, finale Majamija! :klap:

Dinara je igrala kao Ana Ivanovic - brzopleto, a Serena se tako ne pobedjuje. :bananica:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Ulix
I bi Serena.

Izgleda da je ovo kraj Nove Dinare.
A gde ti je tjirilica?! :oklagija:

Originally posted by Sunce
Izgleda da cemo gledati finale Majamija. :giggle:
Da, ali radni naziv je

Miami SonyEricsson Open 2 - Jetza's Revenge

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

Q. You had a pretty rough run in the last game or so with unforced errors. Reflecting on that, I mean, how do you feel about how that happened? What was going on in your mind at the time?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Yeah, I just feel like I did too many unforced errors today. She was playing, you know, very solid, very safe, especially in the conditions, like today, you know, on a windy day.

So she was trying to do everything, and I just was trying to go for the winner and couldn't make it.

I feel like it was a good run, you know. Like I won 12 matches in a row. I mean, just feel little tired today. I couldn't play my best.

Q. Do you think it was not possible to win the Olympics and to win this back to back?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I think Steffi did it, right? But I think she's the only one. I mean, it's quite difficult, especially in the, you know ‑‑ we had to play in the very, you know, hot and humid condition in Beijing. It was quite difficult, you know.

So really I was trying to, you know, stay positive. I was trying to not to think how tired I am, but, you know, when it comes to the second week, it's really difficult physically.

Q. How frustrating is it to lose a match like that? We know Jelena is a great retriever, but given you were dictating so many of the rallies.

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, but I couldn't close the point, you know. I was trying to play aggressively, but I couldn't make the last one. She was playing everything back to me.

Well, like I said, too many unforced errors for me, you know. Some easy, you know, shots at the net, you know, just in the open court. I couldn't make it.

Yeah. Against her, you really have to work hard, you know, every single point. With some other player, you know, two, three balls is enough, but with her you have to be ready for 7‑6 or even more.

Q. How frustrating is it when she steps away when you're about to serve?


I don't know what to say. It has to be frustrated. No, that's okay.

Q. Given that you won the Olympics, if that hadn't happened, would you have been more disappointed today? Would this have been more of a goal?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I'm not disappointed at all. For me Olympics was my biggest goal, and I did my best. I have no regrets about it.

Even if I came here and losing first round, I had no regrets at all. So just like I said, it was a good run. I tried everything I had. I tried my best here, but I couldn't do, you know, more than that.

Q. What's the most difficult thing about playing her? You said before that you needed to be aggressive.

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: You know, I think it was quite windy today in the court, so I just couldn't step into the court and, you know ‑‑ just I feel like I need to put more pressure on her.

You know, especially on her second serve, and I missed a lot on the second serve today. So against her you don't want to play long rallies, because she's too good at that. You really have to finish your point in two, three shots, you know.

Make sure that she's not ‑‑ when she's reaching the ball, you have to advance to the ball, you know, you have to go to the net.

I was not able to do that today.

Q. You've had such a wonderful career over many, many years. Do you think there would be something missing in your career after all this effort and all the great wins?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I hope so.

Q. Would something be missing if you did not have a Grand Slam win?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I feel like ‑‑ you know, I feel like I can do it, you know.

I had a great experience playing in a lot of semifinals and some finals in the Grand Slams, so I hope I can make it in the future.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

Q. What were you going to get a degree in when you almost made a mistake by going back to university?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I'm not really thinking about that at the moment, you know.

I didn't actually know what I wanted to study in the beginning. I'm only in the second year, and in the third year I would really choose what I want to study. But now I am focused on tennis. Little by little.

Q. Of course you are. What do you think it would have been?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. Off the court, I really love acting.

Q. You're pretty good at that.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Sure. I don't know. (laughter.)

I don't know. We'll see.

Q. In all your tries to get past the semifinal, what was the difference today?

JELENA JANKOVIC: You know, actually, to be honest, this has been the first set Grand Slam that I don't have any injuries, that I don't have any issues bothering me.

It really takes off ‑‑ it really took me ‑‑ you know, I wasn't thinking about, you know, tennis. I was thinking, Oh, my God, this is hurting. This is bothering me. So I was really struggling and really not playing my tennis and not thinking about my game.

And now, first time, you know, this year, Grand Slam, I'm healthy and, you know, I really want to do well. I'm really focused, I really believe in myself, and I'm really going one match at a time.

I'm really trying my best out there, and so I'm motivated. So I'm happy to be in the final for the first time.

Q. That was a battle of mental strength today and you won it.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, mentally, I feel I'm a lot stronger, because I really believe in myself. I really want to do this, and, you know, I think it's about time for me to make that step forward to break that barrier and go a long way.

I want to win a Grand Slam, and this is why I came here. Not having injuries, not having some problems, is giving me a good opportunity to be here, so I'm really thankful for that.

Q. In a strange way, have your physical problems helped you build mental strength in the sense that you know that you can battle through that so you could also battle through...

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, but throughout the year I had all these different kinds of injuries, because due to ‑‑ I didn't prepare well enough in the beginning of the year. Actually, in the preseason I didn't prepare.

So I started with a lot of injuries. It was like a chain, going from one injury to another. I had some kind of bacteria for like three or four months where I was blowing my nose the whole time and I couldn't breathe and all these problems.

So of course when you're having some things like that it's tough to be at the top of your level and really play your tennis. You're really struggling with many things.

And now, you know, to knock on wood, you know, it's a miracle, for me to be here and to be healthy and to enjoy my tennis.

As you could see, I'm really fighting out there. I'm really never giving up. I'm really there until the last point. No matter what, I'm going to really, until I ‑‑ until the last point I'm going to be there and I'm going to try my best.

This is what has helped me propel through this tournament and helped me until now to come into the final.

Q. Can you take us through the injuries from the very beginning?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's a long story. It's going to be a long story.

Q. Abbreviated version.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh, my God. Actually, it all started in exhibition in Hopman Cup. I injured my glut muscle. I don't know how you call that.

Q. Back side.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, in the back. Yeah.

Then I had a back pain in Australian Open. Then I had ‑‑ I don't know what I played afterwards. Then I got sick in Indian Wells really bad and was sick for three or four months. I had some bacteria that they couldn't ‑‑ they didn't know how to get rid of it, and so my nose was running the whole time. It was really bad in my throat and it was hard for me to breathe.

Then French Open I had problem with my arm, you know. My arm was like swollen, and since the second round of the tournament I was struggling.

In Wimbledon, I made some movement and I had a tear in my meniscus where they told me I went to have surgery and I'm not going to play for a while. I recovered in three weeks, but it really took me a long time, you know, to come back.

It was amazing how my knee got weaker. Through Olympics and LA and Montreal I was really out of shape. I couldn't move. I was not fast enough. I was just ‑‑ it was hard for me.

And then finally now I'm really working hard, you know, with my coach, with my fitness coach, really, you know, taking care of every little detail. Even the food I'm eating, I'm really taking care of everything, because all these little things are going to make a big difference, especially for me.

So these things are starting to pay off, and I'm really being disciplined in the moment. I'm really listening to everything. I'm really eager, you know. I'm really motivated to do the right things and to win a Grand Slam.

I'm really happy to be in the final, and tomorrow is another day. Hopefully I can give my best in the last match with her.

Q. I'm sure you heard about the possibility of a lot of rain tomorrow. Would you rather have the extra day if you push it back to Sunday?

JELENA JANKOVIC: For me it doesn't matter. Just whenever I play, I'm going to play. I'm going to be there. I'm going to try my best, and that's all I care about, even if it's tomorrow or next day or in a week. I'm going to go out there and compete.

Q. If you play Serena Williams, how does your history against her where you've split six matches, you've split the two matches this year, all the...

JELENA JANKOVIC: This year we are 1‑1. I beat her at the Australian Open; she beat me in Miami in three sets. So it will be a tough match. She's a powerful player. She loves to play here at the Open, but so do I. I love being here. I love the atmosphere.

It's going to be an interesting match if she wins, but I don't know what is happening now with Safina. She's also in great form and doing really well the last couple of months. So whoever it will be, it will be a difficult opponent.

But I will go out there and do my best.

Q. What has been the difference when you've played Serena since you've split those matches? What has been the key when you've played against her?

JELENA JANKOVIC: What do you mean? When I have won?

Q. When you've won or when you've lost, what's been the difference?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Overall, she's, I think, the strongest player on the tour, together with her sister. Nobody has the power that they have.

We cannot compare. At least I cannot compare to any of them, you know, with their strength. They're great athletes, really. I'm a little athlete. They move really well. They hit the ball so hard.

So if you want to really win when they're in form, you really have to be on the top of your level and you really have to go for every shot and really have to run a lot.

So it will be difficult, but it's doable.

Q. Having spent so much time at Nick's, do you regard the United States as sort of a second country?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I have a house here in America, and I love spending time here. You know, when the tournaments are in America I'm here, and when the tournaments are in Europe I go back home to Serbia. So it's like a second home.

Q. When Novak struggles with hostile crowds, and of course he had an issue with that last night, how important is it for you to be loved out there on court?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know how important it is to be loved, but I'm being myself. You know, I say everything that I feel to say, and, you know, it comes out naturally.

So, you know, different players, you know, they have different personalities. People may like them; some people may not like them. Of course when you play a crowd favorite, when you play an American here at the Open, the majority of people will be against you, which is normal, which is understandable.

Because if I played in Serbia, of course, the crowd would be on my side. So when you play, for example like Djokovic played against Roddick, it was, you know, very ‑‑ you could understand that, you know, 90% of the crowd was for Roddick.

But, you know, then with the issue between them, you know, with the injuries and the things they had, you know, I cannot comment on that because it's not my thing.

I try to ‑‑ I can say what I do. I don't like to comment on other people's, you know, comments or whatever they had.

Q. Did you see the on‑court interview?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I did, and I saw that ‑‑ you know, it was ‑‑ they booed him. They didn't really appreciate what he said.

But, you know, from my opinion, he just defended himself, because, you know, when Roddick said that he was ‑‑ you know, he took all these timeouts and all these injuries ‑‑ you know, in a way I didn't think it was nice to say all of these things, even though maybe he had injuries.

Whatever he had, I don't think it's nice to say, because you don't know for a fact what this guy has, what kind of issues. But at the end of the day, from my opinion, most important this is to win. This is what counts, and this is the one who goes forward.

The one who went into the semifinal was Djokovic. All these things that he has done or didn't do, that doesn't matter. It's the winner that counts.

Q. What were those guys in the balcony shouting? They were for you. I mean, it was sort of like a cheering squad.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh, the one from upstairs?

Q. Yeah, upstairs.

JELENA JANKOVIC: They kept saying, Jelena, we love you, and all these things, cheering, you know, in kind of a ‑‑ I don't know, like a poem, you know, rhyming.

Q. When she pushed at you today, you responded well, no nerves. You played offense when you had to. Defense, you got past this stage. Grand Slam final you've never experienced, so just talk about how you think you're going to hold up.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, it will be just like another match. I didn't make ‑‑ for me, at least, doesn't make a difference, semifinal or final.

I want to go out there the same like I've been doing the last, you know, couple of matches. I want to go out there and really, from the first point, be there and really be focused.

You know, come out with a game plan and know what I have to do to win and just fight. You know, I have to believe in myself. I know that I can do it, and that is what matters.

Q. If you play Serena, the winner will be No. 1 in the world as far as I understand. If you play Safina, even if you lose, you are going to be No. 1 in the world. Does it make a difference? And also, you lost to Safina three times out of four, and you are even with Serena.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I lost to her the last two times.

Q. Yes.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I didn't lose last three.

Q. Three out of four. Three out of five.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Since when? Since when I've lost to her so many times? I don't...

Q. Anyway, doesn't matter. Not so important. Would you prefer to play to Serena because you're on even...

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. It doesn't matter, because I'm improving. I lost to Safina when I was just coming back from an injury. I was really ‑‑ if you could watch the matches that I played in Olympics or Montreal, it was really hard for me, you know, to move, to go from one side to another.

I had no reaction. I had no ‑‑ I was really, my game was kind of falling apart. I was really struggling. When you're not, you know, there, it's ‑‑ and I lost in three sets in those circumstances.

Now that I feel much stronger, I'm still, you know, very, very far from my limit for my full potential, but I feel that I'm getting better. I feel that I'm moving faster. I feel I'm a little bit stronger. I feel I can hold my ground.

When I played against Safina, for example in the Olympics, every time she hit hard I was falling back. I couldn't stand my ground. She was overpowering me.

And now I feel that, you know, I can stand there, and I can, you know, hit back to back with whoever it is on the other side. So that is something that is giving me a lot more confidence and a lot more belief when I go into my next match.

So I hope that, you know, I can do and give really 100%, and hopefully I can do it. I don't know. We'll see.

Q. When you were at Bollettieri's, you were a little kid.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I'm still a little kid. (laughter.)

Q. Okay, kid.

JELENA JANKOVIC: For you. (laughter.) I didn't say anything in a bad way.

Q. When you're having those battles on the back locals with Sharapova and all those people, did you ever think, I can't do this. It's just too tough.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Tennis, you mean?

Q. Yeah, yeah.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. Tennis, in the beginning I never really took it too seriously. Tennis was, for me, I really loved the sport, I really loved to play and compete, but as a young girl I never knew that I was going to make it.

I never knew that, you know, this is something I really want to do, that I'm going to become a professional. Because how many people, especially coming from Serbia, we didn't have a tradition in tennis.

Not many people ‑‑ nobody made it from that country, so I didn't have anybody to look up to. I didn't know, you know, how far I can go, what is my potential, what is my limit and all this.

People were telling me I'm talented, you know, I'm going to about be this and that, but you never know. So in the beginning, for me it was most important to go to school but then, you know, to play tennis.

Then when I became No. 1 junior in the world and won Australian Open juniors, that's when I started thinking I'm going professional and really maybe trying my best. When I finished high school I started to train a little bit more, and that's when I wanted to make that transition into the professional level. You know, here I am. I came a long way.

Q. You just said you were just a little kid, and obviously you love still to joke and have fun. So many players on the circuit start as teenagers. They're happy, they're bubbly, but slowly they get more serious.

JELENA JANKOVIC: That's not the case with me.

Q. How important is it for you for you to have...

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's important to be yourself and to really have fun out there. Our life is not easy, and traveling everywhere, traveling around the world, and really being away from your country, being away from the family, from the people you love and from your friends, it's hard, you know, sometimes, to take everything.

If you don't enjoy yourself, you don't enjoy competing, you know, of course, we have a lot of pressure, we go out there, we really try our best, we really compete at our hardest. But when we step off the court, we're real people and we're human beings. We try to ‑‑ at least I try to enjoy myself. I try to laugh. I try to have a good time.

I'm young, so why not? When am I going to have fun? When I'm ‑‑ now is the time. For example, the driver, when he was driving me back home he told me, You know, you made my day. You laugh a lot. All these players, you know, they complain about traffic all the time.

And I said, you know, I don't complain about traffic. All I want is to get home. I'm really tired. We started making some jokes. He said, Thank you for making my day. You really lighten up, you know, even this car.

And I said, You know, I don't know what it is. I'm just laughing. I have a good time. And he said, Is this because you're No. 1 or No. 2 in the world?

And I said, No, I was laughing when I was 1,000 in the world, but maybe a little bit more now that I'm No. 1 or No. 2.

Q. Do you think it's too bad that Novak has stopped pretty much doing these imitations which brought so much fun to so many people?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. That's his thing to do, you know. He loves imitating. I don't know why he stopped it. Maybe some of the players were complaining they didn't like, you know, his imitations. They didn't like him, you know, maybe making fun of some other people.

In his own individual way, in a positive way, you know, it's not ‑‑ when you're imitating something it's just for fun. I don't think people could get offended by that. But, you know, that's his thing. I can ask him, you know, to keep doing it. Why you stopping? The people like it.

Q. Were you ever concerned today when she started the match quite aggressively?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I mean, the match is not over until it's over. Until the end you are out there competing. You're playing every point. So until it's finished, you never know what's going to happen.

Q. What about the weather conditions? Did they affect your game at all today?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It was hard for both of us, especially from one side the wind was very strong. So you keep hitting as hard as you can and the ball doesn't go anywhere. From the other side, you hit a little bit and the ball flies. It was difficult, but it was the same condition for both players.

Q. Are you concerned that it's the same conditions for tomorrow or the day after?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's okay, you know. We're getting used to it, because the whole two weeks the weather has been like this. You have to really try your best. The most important thing is to move your feet and be on every ball.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Konacno Jelena! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Igrala je skroz ok, cini mi se najbolja partija do sada na USu.

Originally posted by DooFFKe
Originally posted by Ulix
I bi Serena.

Izgleda da je ovo kraj Nove Dinare.
A gde ti je tjirilica?! :oklagija:
To ja forsiram cirilicu. :D

Mec Стара Динара - Serena je najruzniji mec ove godine. :barf: Toliko neiznudjenih gresaka... Jedva sam cekao da zavrse. Posebno je Динара bila iritantna sa 41 greskom. :mete:
Posle njihovog meca Jelenin je izgledao kao vrhunac kvalitetnog tenisa.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Originally posted by DooFFKe
Bojim sa da je seka Sera na nekim steroidima, s obzirom da igra k'o sumanuta...
I nije bila nesto impresivna, bar ne kao u mecu sa sestrom. :hand:
Mada nije ni morala, zahvaljujuci posrnuloj, iscrpljenoj, izmorenoj i napacenoj Ruskinji.
By Ulix
Lunjo, kao i obicno, slazem se sa tobom. Serena ne igra bas najbolje. I Jelena ima odlicnu priliku. Posebno sto ima talenat da izvede Serenu iz takta.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Izvodi je iz takta zato sto ne pokusava, kao Safinka, da poentira posle dva udarca. :yay:

Bice tesko. :meduza:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Pa uporedite situaciju sa Aussie Opena:
Serena bila statichna, Jetza je shepala.

Sad je Serena malo aktivnija, Jetza "100% zdrava"...

Znachajan faktor moze biti Serin bes, ako uspe Jetza da ga probudi... :)
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