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US Open 08

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Mislim da ovde Sofiji treba odati pocast. :hail:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by reveal
Ana je vrlo "zhiva" igracica..
Ima vrlo interesantne meceve, lepe poene...
Ova Jelena ako je jednom odigrala interesantno :qqlele:
Ne kaki: ako ti ovo nije interesantno, onda ne znam.
By Ulix
Originally posted by Sunce
Originally posted by reveal
Ana je vrlo "zhiva" igracica..
Ima vrlo interesantne meceve, lepe poene...
Ova Jelena ako je jednom odigrala interesantno :qqlele:
Ne kaki: ako ti ovo nije interesantno, onda ne znam.

Pa jeste bilo interesantno, mora se priznati.

S tim da je Jelena igrala jezivo lose. Ne znam koji joj je kurac, da izvinete. Lepo sam rekao da najbolje igra kad je povredjena. Dakle, Jelena, slomi nogu. Bukvalno.
By Ulix
Originally posted by reveal
Ana je vrlo "zhiva" igracica..
Ima vrlo interesantne meceve, lepe poene...
Ana je :sunce:

Samo, morala bi daleko bolje da igra, s obzirom na to kakav zreb ima.

Plasim se da do kraja Dementijeva ne osvoji US Open. Majko mila, nek ga i Ceca osvoji, ako treba, samo ne Dementijeva.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
JJ je igrala standardno, a standardno je i to da joj nedostaju snazniji udarci. U Majamiju je isto tako imala probleme sa Sofijom pa je dogurala do finala. Nadam se da ce ovde biti repriza.

Moram i ja, izvinite: Jelena, pizda ti materina! Živcojedico!
By Ulix
Originally posted by Sunce
Moram i ja, izvinite: Jelena, pizda ti materina! Živcojedico!
Ako ti to kazes, onda je jasno koliko je sati. :D

Nije samo stvar u snaznim udarcima, vec u tome da se ponasa kao zid. Vraca sve i to vraca tako da protivnici lopta dodje direktno na reket. :gotika:

U sustini ima lak zreb i mogla bi doci do finala. Samo da se uozbilji.
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Do sada kad je god žreb bio takav da se Jelena i Ana susretnu tek u finalu nikad nisu stigle do tog finala. Uvek je ispadala jedna ili obe. Ali zato kad god se susreću u polufinalu - dođu do njega... Red je da se razbije i ova tradicija...

Nego čini mi se da su ovaj meč ovee odigrale nekako na silu. Udarale su jako ali nekako jalovo... Zato su na kraju crkle obe. Jelena nije pokazala ništa od svoje igre... Nije gađala linije, ćošak terena, samo je vraćala udarce na protivnicu... Zato se i oteglo ovoliko...

A sad, Đokica :sw:
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
Originally posted by Ulix
Originally posted by Sunce
Moram i ja, izvinite: Jelena, pizda ti materina! Živcojedico!
Ako ti to kazes, onda je jasno koliko je sati. :D

upravo sam i ja to rekla kad sam pročitala šta je napisao.

Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
:doh: :doh: :doh:

Isuse bože.
Ja sam srećom SREĆOM imao goste, pa sam gledao možda 3 puta po 10ak minuta.

I imam samo jedno pitanje.
Da li je Jelena imala i jedan viner?
Ali onako vinerast viner. Da grune i da ova ne može ni da priđe. To me zanima.
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Imala je...

Ali je mech bio stvarno boring...
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Prosto ne mogu da verujem da je imala.
Gledao sam oba puta kad je imala meč lopte... i onako igrati na meč lopte protiv tamo nekog...

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Ja se ukljucio na 3.2 u trecem setu za JJ. :D

Zid protiv zida.

Ali nema veze. Najbitnije je da je PONOVO pobedila Sofiju, na jedvite jade, i prosla dalje.

Vec u sledecem moze da se desi da odigra drasticno bolje.
Bolje = agresivnije i sigurnije.

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Originally posted by Ulix
Plasim se da do kraja Dementijeva ne osvoji US Open. Majko mila, nek ga i Ceca osvoji, ako treba, samo ne Dementijeva.
Je l znas da i Dementieva moze biti nova #1 posle US-a?

Are you scareeeeed? :flasher:
By Ulix
Originally posted by Lunja
Originally posted by Ulix
Plasim se da do kraja Dementijeva ne osvoji US Open. Majko mila, nek ga i Ceca osvoji, ako treba, samo ne Dementijeva.
Je l znas da i Dementieva moze biti nova #1 posle US-a?

Are you scareeeeed? :flasher:
Uzasnut sam. Bilo bi to potpuno porazavajuce. :kosa:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Bože oprosti, ukljucim se na Djoku, a ono foot fetis scena. :blush: Nasi lenji foot fetiseri foruma sigurno nisu videli.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by IriS
Originally posted by Ulix
Originally posted by Sunce
Moram i ja, izvinite: Jelena, pizda ti materina! Živcojedico!
Ako ti to kazes, onda je jasno koliko je sati. :D

upravo sam i ja to rekla kad sam pročitala šta je napisao.

Sta je vama, pa ja je stalno psujem, samo sto se ne cuje! U sledecem kolu igra protiv pirincane "pritajeni tigar, skriveni zmaj" Zheng :uplasen: .

J.Jankovic leads 3-1
Rnk/Seed Year Event Surface Rnd Winner Score Rnk/Seed
167 / -- 2003 VIENNA CLAY (O) Q- R16 J. JANKOVIC 6-1 6-1 128 / 7
46 / -- 2005 BEIJING HARD (O) R32 J. ZHENG 7-5 4-6 7-5 17 / 6
33 / -- 2007 TOKYO CARPET (I) R16 J. JANKOVIC 6-4 6-0 10 / 4
174 / -- 2008 MIAMI HARD (O) R16 J. JANKOVIC 6-4 7-5 3 / 4

Jos jedna Majami razbijacica.

Ana protiv nje ne da nije bila :sunce: (nemoj da me vredjas), nego je bila za :spank: !

Ali, hoce li neko reci da je Sofija (adidasova zenetina) zaista bila mudra, kako joj i ime kaze?Po meni, Serena i Venus mnogo, mnogo vise grese od ove devojke. Cudi me da nije u prvih 20.

P.S. Voditelj na eurosportu nema pojma. Po njemu je JJ prosle godine izgubila u 1/4 finalu od Henin. Pobrkao loncice. :zongler:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Originally posted by Sunce
P.S. Voditelj na eurosportu nema pojma. Po njemu je JJ prosle godine izgubila u 1/4 finalu od Henin. Pobrkao loncice. :zongler:
Ma, samo da je taj. Grozni su! Oni ne mogu da ne grese. Pih
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Originally posted by Sunce
Originally posted by reveal
Ana je vrlo "zhiva" igracica..
Ima vrlo interesantne meceve, lepe poene...
Ova Jelena ako je jednom odigrala interesantno :qqlele:
Ne kaki: ako ti ovo nije interesantno, onda ne znam.

iskljucila sam se u medjuvremenu!

:p :p :p :p

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by Ulix
Nije samo stvar u snaznim udarcima, vec u tome da se ponasa kao zid. Vraca sve i to vraca tako da protivnici lopta dodje direktno na reket. :gotika:

U sustini ima lak zreb i mogla bi doci do finala. Samo da se uozbilji.
Kod Jelene su, po meni, glavni problemi jacina udaraca (sto znaci brzina) i servis. Da joj je npr. forhend jaci (brzi), oko trideset posto poena bi zavrsavala u dva tri poteza. Njene mekane udarce protivnice koriste tako sto je kaznjavaju paljbom.
Sto se tice zida, u tome je ona najbolja zaista (najbolja je defanzivna igracica). Zato je pobedjivala i Venus, i Serenu, Sarapovu itd.
By Paranoid Androgynoid
Ovo je i definitivno bio poslednji mec JJ koji odgledah u ovom zivotu.
Ako umrem sutra i rodim se odmah prekosutra a ona nastavi da igra.... .. ovo....... bocjanje... i narednih 7 godina dok postanem svesna tenisa, gledacu je opet mozda.. ovo je prevrsilo svaku meru.
Na stranu to sto mi je pokidala zivce.. i sto sam DESET puta u toku meca molila svevisnje da pobedi Sofia (eto dotle je doslo!).. jel ono neko smatra za tenis dostojan broja dva (i jedan) na wta-u? :qqlele:
..mozda, ako je wta preuzeo odgovornost nad pravljenjem lista i za badminton, vise je na to licilo.

..a onda i onaj :dramakvin: trenutak lezanja na terenu.. i ono ogledavanje o video bimove :drama:
Helooooooooou... this is US Open, not a faking feshnvik! :cupakosu:


Nek' joj je sa srecom, drugo joj nece pomoci.
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
U, ja bi volela da tako Sharapova lezi na terenu....... :pinknaocari:
By Paranoid Androgynoid
Samo sto ce ona pre lezati u mom krevetu nego na terenu.. :smeh:
To je borac! .. a ne k'o ova zvaka danas.. :drama:
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
Originally posted by ^Paranoid Androgynoid^
jel ono neko smatra za tenis dostojan broja dva (i jedan) na wta-u? :qqlele:
..mozda, ako je wta preuzeo odgovornost nad pravljenjem lista i za badminton, vise je na to licilo.

..a onda i onaj :dramakvin: trenutak lezanja na terenu..

Helooooooooou... this is US Open, not a faking feshnvik! :cupakosu:

ove dve stvari su i mene dovele do ludila...

sve u svemu,sporo da sporije ne moze biti,dosadno,i tragicno...

a lezanje na terenu...prava :drama:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Jaoj, jaoj, sto ste vi okrutni. Pa lezala je jer je crkla od umora, sta vam je. Lepo je rekao jedan teniser da na ekranu sve izgleda sporije nego na terenu. Mec uopste nije bio lak i spor. :hail:

"It was really tough. I am completely out of breath," second-seeded Jankovic said immediately after the two-hour, 45-minute match.

"I was pushed to the limit. The last time I played her, she was up 5-1 in third and I had to come back."

Sarapova borac? Pa gde je ona sada? :nokti:
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Originally posted by ^Paranoid Androgynoid^
Samo sto ce ona pre lezati u mom krevetu nego na terenu.. :smeh:
To je borac! .. a ne k'o ova zvaka danas.. :drama:
We'll see u kojem ce krevetu pre lezati :evil:


By Paranoid Androgynoid
ili troboj? :trep:


marvi sreco znas da sam se razvela.. :sweet:
a gde je, eno je shepuri se po NYu i "pati" sto ne moze da igra, gledala sam je na intervjuu veceras :sweet: i nikad lepse nije izgledala! :shok2: :drama: :bale: :bale: :bale:
kaze da je boli rame i dok samo 'postoji'.. ne moze da zamisli kako bi bilo da igra a ovo je prvi GS koji ne igra i to verujem da znas :mazi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Kome to pises, Marvinu ili meni? :smeh:

Dakle, ona se sepuri a ne bori se. Toliko o tome da je borac. :napitak:
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Sharapova da se shepuri??? Odakle ti to?
Ona samo voli puno da "viche" dok igra..... :drama:

I sa tim vikanjem pokazuje koliku snagu unosi u svoj poen... :hail: :hail:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. There came a time in the third set in which you were on the ground. You were down for about 30 seconds and there was no noise at all. Were you injured at all, or were you just trying to just regain yourself?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, I was just tired, and I couldn't get up. I was so exhausted at that moment. I was breathing hard, and I didn't have the energy to get up.

That was the reason I was just lying there without, you know, kind of moving. I was just trying to come back to, you know, normal position where I can just stand up and regroup again and play the next point. That was it.

Q. Was the pavement hot?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, but I thought I was going to get my dress really dirty, and then that was my biggest concern.

Q. Did you think about taking a nap?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I would have loved to, you know, take a nap on court, because I was really exhausted. But, you know, the rules are the rules. I had to keep going.

Q. You remember ever doing that before in a match, being down for 30 seconds or so?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, not really. I do the splits and fall down, but for a few seconds. I get up right away. But I never lie there for ‑‑ I don't know how long I was lying there, but that was just ‑‑ I fell down.

I don't know what I did, so I couldn't get up. That's just the way it goes, because I was really tired.

Q. Why do you think you were so tired at that point?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. You know, to be honest, you know, after I finished the match I went to jog a little bit on the treadmill. I jogged for three minutes and I cramped.

I couldn't go anymore and I couldn't ‑‑ the part where I had the tear in my meniscus after Wimbledon, I couldn't ‑‑ my leg was straight, and I couldn't bend it.

It was really ‑‑ the muscle was, like, in spasm, and I had a lot of pain. I couldn't make another step, so, you know, I was ‑‑ my fitness trainer was there. He gave me a lot of things to drink and, you know, stretching and ice, massage and all this.

I finally recovered and I could go, you know, back to the locker room and take a shower. Otherwise I was really ‑‑ it was really uncomfortable.

It's not easy to get through this kind of things, but I'm not in the best shape. For me to play three hours, it's amazing at this moment, because I haven't been training, you know, as hard as I want to. I'm now training to get that, but, you know, it takes time. It's not going to happen overnight.

So I need, still, you know, a lot of days to get better and better. I feel that I'm improving, but, you know, it's going to take, you know, some time.

Q. So you won just in time.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Whew. You know, I was lucky. I was saying to my coach, I was saying, Can you imagine if this happened during the match? I probably wouldn't have been able to finish it. Luckily, I finish before it happens. So just in time.

Q. Is there one aspect of your game that's more difficult to get back after the injury?

JELENA JANKOVIC: You know, it's tough. Also the confidence in my shots, and sometimes, you know, I want to go for it, but, you know, the balls don't go in, you know. I don't have the same timing. I don't have the rhythm that I would like to.

But as you play the matches, ever day you should get better and better and more confident in yourself because you get match tough. It's not the same when you're practicing. You feel the ball very well, but then you go on the court and you just ‑‑ it's a completely, a different story.

So it takes, you know, time to play those matches and to feel comfortable and gain that confidence again where you can, you know, go for your shots and really believe 100% that you're going to make it, especially in the big moments.

Q. I just spoke to Sofia Arvidsson, and she felt you showed bad sportsmanship, especially you serve. She did with this with her hand and you still served. What is your comment on that?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I didn't really see that. Maybe she lifted her arm up, but I didn't see it. You know, I was so tired, and it doesn't mean it's bad sportsmanship. I didn't see that. If I did that, if that for her is bad sportsmanship, it was not my intention.

If she lifted her arm and I really saw it... No. And also, the receiver should always follow the server. When I'm ready to serve she should be ready to receive, as well. Those are the rules.

I mean, it's the opposite, you know. If she was, for example serving and I'm stopping her, you know, breaking her rhythm, and that's what she's doing to me, you know.

It's not ‑‑ when I'm ready, when I go to the line to serve the ball, she should be ready, and that's what is happening. And she can keep doing that, and the umpire can tell her, You have to be ready when she's there to serve. Those are the rules.

I'm sorry. Maybe she lifted her arm up once and I didn't see it and I served, but I don't think that would make a big difference in the match.

Q. Is it bad blood between you? Because she was a bit annoyed also when you lie down, you know, the ball we were talking about just before.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know what is ‑‑ I have nothing, no problem with her whatsoever. You know, I go out there to play my match, and I tried my best. I don't really think about all the other, you know, factors.

If she's angry at me for going down, if she's angry because, you know, I didn't see her lifting her arm up, you know, you can keep going with all these things that happen in the match.

But all of the players, you know, do this, and we all try our best to win the match. And a win is the most important thing.

Q. What do you make of this situation where five of you have a chance to be No. 1 by winning this tournament?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's okay, you know. I achieve ‑‑ you know, I was No. 1 in the world. By doing that I achieved one huge goal in my career, in my life, and it's something amazing. I would love to come back to that position.

But in order to do that, I feel that I really need to work hard. I need to lift the level of my tennis, and to try to play a lot better. I'm trying really hard, but because I had so many injuries I had a tough time.

You know, I'm trying to get, you know, get back to form, you know, the way I want to. And so I will try my best to do that.

Q. To follow up on that, that question, I mean, obviously you want to be No. 1, but do you think in your mind it's better for tennis to have a dominant player who's No. 1?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. Nowadays, I can see so many injured girls, so many girls that are struggling and are ‑‑ especially the top players, because we play a lot and everybody wants to beat us.

You really have to be in shape. You know, you have intense matches, so it's tough on our bodies, and many of us are having some problems.

So in the moment, maybe, you know, there is a chance that, you know, a couple of girls can, you know, become No. 1.

Me and Ana, we already been there, you know. We achieved the No. 1 spot. But the other girls could be the new No. 1s, depending on how we all do in this tournament, so it's going to be a battle.

Q. Aside from injuries, is there any other reason that you think it just kind of keeps being passed from one player to another?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, I'm doing fine. I just ‑‑ I have no injuries now, and I don't want to say that I don't have anything and the next day I have something. I don't want to bring bad luck.

But now it's just, you know, to get back in shape. I feel a little bit weak. I'm not as strong as I used to be. I'm not as fast as I used to be. My endurance is not there. That's why I cramped after the match.

So it all needs work. In order to improve that, you need to spend a lot of hours in the gym working out, doing all these exercises to improve your fitness, and of course that will help and transfer to my tennis game where I'm going to feel more comfortable with my body and I'm not going to break down at some, you know, certain periods of the match.

Q. Can you go for a second week?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I hope so. I try my best. It's also mental. Sometimes like today in a match, I thought that, you know, I was so tired I couldn't go anymore. But then, you know, I kept saying to myself that I was not tired, I can go, and I pushed myself.

But, you know, with your mind, I think you can achieve big things.

Q. If you look at your draw, though, this is probably your best chance ever to reach a Grand Slam final if you play to your level. Are you saying that you cannot get to the level to reach a Grand Slam final here?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, I didn't say that. You know, I will go one match at a time, and I will do my best and we will see how everything goes.

Like you said, you know, I haven't really, you know, checked the draw too far. But many people said, you know, I have the best draw as I ever had in the last two or three years, because I never really had good draws, especially in the Grand Slams.

But that doesn't matter. If you're playing well, if you're doing the right things, doesn't matter if you have a good or bad draw. You're going to go a long ways. I will just go one match at a time. What happens, happens.

Q. Having a good time otherwise?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I'm always having a good time, especially off the court. I'm laughing, I'm enjoying my time. I'm just being me.

Q. Dancing?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't think I have enough energy to do some dancing. Too bad.

Q. You said you cramped on the treadmill after the match; is that correct?


Q. Is that normal for you after a lengthy match?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, it's not normal. I haven't cramped for a year or two years. I have no idea when was the last time I cramped, but I guess because I played three hours.

To be honest, when I started in LA I got tired after like 40 minutes; I couldn't do it. I couldn't play anymore, so it's a big improvement. I see already that I can play longer and longer, but, you know, it's still, you know, very far to my potential.

Q. Is it customary for you to go on a treadmill after a lengthy match?

JELENA JANKOVIC: You're supposed to just jog very, very ‑‑ very easy jog so that you kind of flush and get all the lactic acids from your muscles, so that you feel better. Then you stretch and then you can shower, and then you have a massage so you feel much better if you do that.

As when you just finish the match you're very tight and you're just go in and shower and you feel so stiff. But I didn't have enough, you know, power to jog, because I cramped after three minutes of jogging.

Q. And you cramped where? It was behind the meniscus?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Next to my kneecap, you know, the one I injured in Wimbledon. That was, I guess, the weakest muscle.

Q. How long would you have run if you didn't have the problem?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Ten minutes. After three hours, my work would be three hours and ten minutes.
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