Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

"My name is Maarten van der Weijden. On March 12th 2001, I was diagnosed with leukemia. After a stem cell transplant I was lucky to recover. On May 8th 2008, I became World Champion 25 kilometers open water swimming. At the moment I am preparing for the 10k at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing."

"Just a few years ago, Maarten van der Weijden of the Netherlands was on his death bed with Leukemia. Today, the cancer survivor is now the inaugural gold medalist in the men's 10K race at the 2008 Beijing Games."





Kako ono ide: Never ever give up! :)
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
stvarno neverovatan čovek. ja sam plakala od sreće kad sam vidla da je osvojio zlato. :hail2:
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
on je trenirao godinama sa Van der Hoogebandom, čuvenim holandskim plivačem, koji je sve to vreme verovao u njega i bodrio ga u osvajanju zlatne medalje na OI :love:

a Martin je divan, skroman, sa izuzetno jakom voljom i hrabrošću. :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Egmont
Kako me ne čudi što je Simor istakao politički korektnog sportistu? :)
Korisnikov avatar
By KiWi
Originally posted by Egmont
Kako me ne čudi što je Simor istakao politički korektnog sportistu? :)

gde ti tu vidiš političku korektnost? znaš nešto što mi ne znamo?
Korisnikov avatar
By reveal
Mnogo je sladak... I jako mi je drago da je osvojio zlato! Volja i zelja su chudo!
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
Zivot je chudo...zato se pravi ljudi nikada ne predaju :)
By mikka
Ovakvi ljudi uvek daju nadu :sesir: :sudija:
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