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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Savrsheno_nesavrshen
e bas sam gledao kad je pobedio ,presladak je,jos je i plakao kao kisha.i pomislio sam da je gay.

Bas super! :happy:
Korisnikov avatar
By shishmish
u gazeti je izasao danas clanak kako su ove OI bile bas uspesne za homoseksualce/ke
osvojeno je 9 medalja
By Çâðê_DUP
Bio je bas cute,poljubio mamu pa decka.... :)

:zastava: :zastava: :zastava: :zastava:
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
Originally posted by shishmish
u gazeti je izasao danas clanak kako su ove OI bile bas uspesne za homoseksualce/ke
osvojeno je 9 medalja
u "Gazeti"?!

radikalskim novinama?

jel to bilo u "podjebavackom" fazonu ili...?
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Ko su ostali gay osvajaci medalja?
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
Originally posted by Lunja
Ko su ostali gay osvajaci medalja?

Vicky Galindo (USA, Softball) -- srebrna
Lauren Lappin (USA, Softball) -- srebrna
Natasha Kai (USA, Football) -- zlatna

Gro Hammerseng (Norway, Handball)
Katja Nyberg (Norway, Handball) -- zlatna (njih dve su lezbo par)

Linda Bresonik (Germany, Football) -- bronza

Korisnikov avatar
By 2Q2Bstr8
mislim da je Lunja pitao za muškarce. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
pa izgleda da su žene hrabrije kad je outovanje u pitanju :neznam:

Mitcham je jedini outovan gay na olimpijadi. sve ostalo su žene.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Zapravo, mislio sam na sve - lgbt... :D

Mada, nisam ocekivao da su zene toliko progresivnije od muskaraca, 6:1.
Korisnikov avatar
By BellyButton
Originally posted by Lunja
Zapravo, mislio sam na sve - lgbt... :D

Mada, nisam ocekivao da su zene toliko progresivnije od muskaraca, 6:1.
I ja sam siguran da je ovaj odnos posledica spremnosti na outovanje...

I da, Matthew je k'o bombona :D
By cumpig
ijao, Meju je presladak. I uber-zgodan. Ali zar nisu svi skakaci takvi (osim onog engleskog klinca, ipak je to dete, prerano je da ga hvalimo). Oni kolumbijci su bili... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i super za Gro i Katju, obe su mi preslatke, Gro mi je ustvari bas lepa, onako skandi plavusa. nisam ni znao za ovo.
Korisnikov avatar
By shishmish
Originally posted by starky
Originally posted by shishmish
u gazeti je izasao danas clanak kako su ove OI bile bas uspesne za homoseksualce/ke
osvojeno je 9 medalja
u "Gazeti"?!

radikalskim novinama?

jel to bilo u "podjebavackom" fazonu ili...?
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
The head of Olympics at American television network NBC has apologised for the way in which they reported the story of Matthew Mitcham.

The 20-year-old Australian diver won gold at the Beijing Games last week.

However, NBC caused outrage by appearing to censor pictures of the athlete celebrating his win with his boyfriend Lachlan.

The only out gay contestant at the Games, NBC made no mention of his sexuality when discussing his triumph at the 10 metre platform diving event.

After the Australian national anthem was played Matthew went into the stands to embrace his mother and kiss Lachlan, an event missed out of the NBC coverage broadcast across the US.

After protests led by gay entertainment blog, the network initially claimed they were unaware that there was an issue over their coverage.

"Anyone watching NBC’s coverage of the Beijing Olympics is aware how much time the network devoted to many athlete’s personal stories," said

"Michael Phelp’s record setting eight Olympic gold medals and his relationship with his mother, Usain Bolt’s gold medals and world records, and even Sanya Richard’s relationship with her fiancée who plays for the New York Giants.

"Was Mitcham's win simply not that noteworthy? Given that he single-handedly kept the Chinese from winning every men’s diving gold medal, that explanation is highly unlikely."

NBC responded: "It's not possible to cover the entire personal story of every athlete regarding their performance. It’s just not possible to single out coverage."

However, yesterday the network's head of Olympics conceded that NBC had been at fault.

"We regret that we missed the opportunity to tell Matthew Mitcham's story," Gary Zenkel told

"We apologise for this unintentional omission."
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