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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

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Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by Lunja
Sestre Wiliams su okupirale Wimbledon.

Serena je kao masina za mlevenje mesa: prvo samelje protivnicu (u prvom setu), onda napravi kobasice od nje i pojede ih (u drugom). Samo ne znam kako ce protiv Venus, ta mala je zilava!

Go Venus!
Serena je savrseno igrala i zasluzuje da bude No. 1, ali ja cu navijati za Venus jer zelim da vlada Vimbldonom. Niko ne zna tako da se raduje posle pobede. Na terenu je elegantna, smirena i ozbiljna, a kad pobedi skakuce kao dete. :love: Medjutim, po meni je Serena komplentnija igracica. Obozavam seke Vilijams i jako mi je zao kad ih uporedjuju sa gorilama. :(

@anche: Hvala ti za komentar avatara. Ja sam fotkao taj iris, sliku sam nazvao "Iris dances with oranges".

Sto se Tipsarovica tice, neka ne serucka. Muski tenis jeste kvalitetniji, ali zene su kao individue mnogo zanimljivije. Sekundarne muske karakteristike muskaraca su misici, a kod zena nisu, sto otezava fizicku spremu kod zena. Zenama je mnogo teze da igraju tako dobar tenis: fizicke predispozicije, zenski problemi itd. Kad se jedan muskarac uradi u teretani, onda je on frajer, a kada se urade zene, onda su gorile. :( A bioloski sat, a ciklusi...

Jelenu volim jer ona ne igra snagom vec mozgom, kod nje se mogu videti sve te nijanse koje Tipsarevic pominje. Fantastican mi je podatak da je toliko puta pobedila sestre Vilijams.

A zamislite cinjenicu da je Jelena pored Serene gotovo jedina uspela da pobedi Venus na Vimbldonu.

Jankovic - Serena: 3/3

Rnk/Seed Year Event Surface Rnd Winner Score Rnk/Seed
44 / 0 2004 SAN DIEGO HARD (O) R32 S. WILLIAMS 6-7(3) 6-3 6-2 14 / 1
28 / -- 2005 DUBAI HARD (O) S J. JANKOVIC 6-0 4-3
ret. 4 / 2
28 / 16 2006 LOS ANGELES HARD (O) S J. JANKOVIC 6-4 6-3 110 / --
11 / 11 2007 AUSTRALIAN OPEN HARD (O) R16 S. WILLIAMS 6-3 6-2 81 / --
4 / 3 2008 AUSTRALIAN OPEN HARD (O) Q J. JANKOVIC 6-3 6-4 7 / 7
3 / 4 2008 MIAMI HARD (O) F S. WILLIAMS 6-1 5-7 6-3

Jankovic - Venus: 4/3 :hail:

Jankovic leads 4-3
Rnk/Seed Year Event Surface Rnd Winner Score Rnk/Seed
19 / 7 2005 STANFORD HARD (O) Q V. WILLIAMS 6-3 6-3 10 / 2
38 / -- 2006 ROME CLAY (O) Q V. WILLIAMS 5-7 6-4 6-1 12 / 9
29 / 26 2006 WIMBLEDON GRASS (O) R32 J. JANKOVIC 7-6(8) 4-6 6-4 12 / 6
9 / 2 2007 CHARLESTON CLAY (O) S J. JANKOVIC 3-6 6-3 7-6(5) 29 / --
5 / 4 2007 FRENCH OPEN CLAY (O) R32 J. JANKOVIC 6-4 4-6 6-1 27 / 26
3 / 3 2007 US OPEN HARD (O) Q V. WILLIAMS 4-6 6-1 7-6(4) 14 / 12
4 / 4 2008 ROME CLAY (O) Q J. JANKOVIC 5-7 6-2 6-3 9 / 7

A sto se tice JIE ZHENG, stvari stoje ovako:

Jankovic leads 3-1

Rnk/Seed Year Event Surface Rnd Winner Score Rnk/Seed
128 / 7 2003 VIENNA CLAY (O) Q- R16 J. JANKOVIC 6-1 6-1 167 / --
17 / 6 2005 BEIJING HARD (O) R32 J. ZHENG 7-5 4-6 7-5 46 / --
10 / 4 2007 TOKYO CARPET (I) R16 J. JANKOVIC 6-4 6-0 33 / --
3 / 4 2008 MIAMI HARD (O) R16 J. JANKOVIC 6-4 7-5 174 / --

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
#1164155 ... entID=2394


Zheng's Donation

LONDON, England – Wimbledon surprise packet Zheng Jie has announced she will donate her portion of the prize money she earns at The Championships to victims of the Chinese earthquake in her own Sichuan province in May, which killed over 60,000 people.

"I will donate my entire portion," Zheng said. "Apart from that I will do as much as I can to help the Sichuan region people because I'm from Sichuan province, as well."

Her efforts so far have guaranteed her prize money of £187,500 (US$373,000) and winning the final on Saturday could take that up to £750,000 (US$1,496,000). After assigning a share of the prize money to the Chinese tennis federation, her remaining portion will go straight to a cause close to her heart.

"Going back to China after Wimbledon I will do more charity work and encourage more people to come and support the stricken region, and I hope people from Sichuan will have their new homes as soon as possible."

The news of her donation has received widespread media coverage in China, which is just over a month from hosting the Olympic Games in Beijing.

Zheng, who will be celebrating her 25th birthday on Saturday, has surprised the tennis world by reaching the semifinals at Wimbledon, and she has broken records along the way: ranked No.133 in the world, she is the first Chinese player to reach the semifinals of a Grand Slam, the first wildcard to get so far in the Wimbledon ladies' singles event and only the second player ranked outside the Top 100 to get to this point in the tournament.

Having won the doubles title at Wimbledon in 2006 with partner, Yan Zi, she believes there has been much more support for her this year.

"It was very exciting in 2006 but it was also during the same time as the World Cup football and it wasn’t received as sensationally as a football match. But Wimbledon is a very historical tournament, and it has far reached affection in China."

Zheng was surprised at being told that she was the first Chinese player to reach the semifinals of a Grand Slam singles tournament and has had huge support from her country where her quarterfinal victory over Nicole Vaidisova was watched by millions of TV viewers in the early hours of the morning. On Thursday she will face two-time former Wimbledon champion Serena Williams whom she has met once before at Wimbledon in 2004 and lost.

"Serena, with no doubt, is an outstanding player, and so far I haven't found any weak link about her. But as my first time to enter the semifinal, I would rather now enjoy the game than anything else."

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Originally posted by anche
malo? :evilgrin:

dakle, nije mi trebalo ovo da procitam :drama:

tako je krajicek srao, da prostite, devedesetih pa se celo rukovodstvo wta obrusilo na njega. mislim da je popio i par tuzbi/kazni.
ako ovaj (a vise mu ni ime necu spominjati :kletva: ) ikada postane znacajniji teniser i nastavi 'vako ne pise mu se nista bolje. (al' tesko da tje!)

Malo? Mislio sam "malo".
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
Originally posted by Sunce
Za koga navijate?

skroz mi je svejedno - nadam se mecu u tri seta sa puno lepih poena. a verujem da ce biti i veoma emotivno. milsim da ih nikada nisam gledala, a prvi put je uvek prvi put.

nego danas navijam za safina. ima li sanse, ima li sanse, ima li sanse :fige:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Pocheo sam bash da ih ne gotivim jer je komentator rekao da su Vilijamsovi Jehovini svedoci... Koliko je to tachno ne znam, al me je malo uzdrmalo...

Ne volim ih, ali da dobro igraju, to potvrdjujem...

Pa ako vetj mogu da biram, navijam za Venus. Postoji nekoliko razloga:
- nema taj pobednichki duh, ili nije toliko izrazen, u odnosu na Anu, Mashu, Serenu [to ponashanje me bash vodi u out]
- pobedom bi se priblizila Shtefi i Martini po broju trijumfa
- i naravno, ako Venus trijumfuje, Serena ne bi disala za vrat nashoj Jeci po bodovima. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
kakve veze ima sa tenisom to što su sestre Williams Jehovini svedoci?
da li to ikako utiče na kvalitet tenisa koji one igraju?

to šta one rade u svom privatnom životu ne bi trebalo nikog da zanima.

lm, ja navijam za KEMP Serenu, njenu belu pelerinicu i luster mindjuše :love:
uvek sam navijala za nju kad su sestre u pitanju, tako da ni sada ne odustajem od svoje tradicije.
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Luster mindjushe... :lol:
Video sam ih i moram da priznam, nijesu loshe.

Shto se svedoka tiche, ne utiche na igru. Ja ih kao osobe manje volim zbog toga.

Kao osobe najvishe gotivim Jecu, Zheng [zbog donacije], i naravno Enanovu, iako vishe "nije sa nama".
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Meni ne smeta sto su W-sestre "J-svedokinje". :lol: Boli me picka i da su pravoslavke!

Navijacu za :peace: .

A najbolje mindjuse su bile ove:

Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Pa nisu loshe, al' meni oni lusteri su bash extra... :)
Jel josh neka nosi lustere k'o Serena?
Jel neka nosi vetje lustere od Sereninih?
Jeca nosi male, Sharapova one "gliste"...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Father Richard will not be in London to watch his daughters on Saturday when Venus will be trying to reverse two Wimbledon final defeats by Serena and land a fifth singles title. The sisters have also won two doubles titles together here.

"He said he did his job and his job was done, so I guess he's feeling good. No matter what happens he's for sure going to be a winner," Serena told reporters.

"I assume he'll be in Florida, because I knew he flew back to Florida. I don't know if he'll watch it, but I know he'll be there."

When asked after her 6-1 7-6 semi-final victory over Russian Elena Dementieva if there is any family discussion about the outcome of a match between the sisters, the American said: "I find the question pretty offensive because I'm extremely professional in everything that I do on and off the court.

"I contribute my best in my sport, and I also have a ton of respect for myself and my family. So any mention of that is extremely disrespectful for who I am, what I stand for, and my family."

Only younger sister Serena stands between Venus and a fifth Rosewater Dish, while Serena will be keen to maintain her 100 percent record of beating Venus at All England Club finals.

"Our main focus obviously for both of us was getting to the final," Venus said.

"Then from there, it's every Williams for themselves."

The pair play a doubles match on the eve of the final and Venus said they would go home together afterwards and go about their match preparations as if they were facing any other opponent -- except they will not trade tactical advice.

"I'll give her advice for this match (the semi-final), but she's not gonna say, okay, now make sure you play my forehand because, you know, my wrist has been hurting," she joked.

"We both prepare in different ways. I usually read a book, she usually watches a video."

She said the key to retaining her crown would be to return well.

"Obviously I rely on my serve a lot. When I get it going it helps me out a ton," she said.

"I think being able to go out there and return really well will be key for me. I'll definitely use my speed. As always, to win a title, you've got to play aggressive and not just hope that your opponent misses."

She said she was not thinking about getting revenge for the fact that Serena had beaten her in both Wimbledon finals so far, saying she had nothing but respect for her.

"I respect her as a player more than anyone else on the tour." she said. "I think that's really the only factor that goes into it."

Ucinilo mi se da sam video Lunju da seta kuce. :pas:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Meni se i ucinilo da me neko spijunira.

Jesi ti bio onaj sa perikom, mantilom i naocarima za SUNCE?


Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Ha, ha, perika mi je plava. :plavusa:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Originally posted by Sunce
Za koga navijate?
obe sestre williams su mi drage i igraju fantastichan tenis

ipak navijam za

Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Ako izgubi Venus, ide na 8. mesto.
Serena u oba sluchaja na 5. mestu.
Originally posted by dooffey
LM, ako Serena osvoji Wimb, bitje, ako se ne varam, nekih 10 poena ispod Jece. Jezivo. :uplasen:
Ovde sam pogreshio u rachunu, pa se ovom prilikom izvinjavam...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
:yay: Moja Venus pobedila! Nemate pojma koliko sam sada srecan.

Posle Vimbldona Serena moze da je pobedjuje koliko zeli, samo ne dam na Vimbldonu :) .


Korisnikov avatar
By deran
E svašta-ne predadoše mu trofej...POSLE će...:indijanac:
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
svaka čast Zikiju i Nestoru. odličan meč su odigrali. uživala sam.

Korisnikov avatar
By anche
Originally posted by Sunce

bas je mogla i duze da ostane na terenu :durenje:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Ali onaj poen... Prvi u poslednjem gemu... Svaka chast...

Eto, ostali su josh Jeca i sTipsa bez neke znachajnije titule...
Pa imaju shansi da se pokazu do kraja godine - Olimpijada, US Open 2008 i Championships [ako se Stipsa potrudi, ali slaba vajda]
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Venus je kraljica Wimbledona! Zasluzila je! :love:

Serena je mogla bolje da odigra. Mnogo je histerisala posle svake greske. Sta ce joj to?
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by anche
Originally posted by Sunce

bas je mogla i duze da ostane na terenu :durenje:
Venus se kretala kao 2002. godine - fenomanalno. Steta sto nije mogla, zbog sestre, da skakuce na kraju meca.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by IriS
svaka čast Zikiju i Nestoru. odličan meč su odigrali. uživala sam.

Bravooooo! :yay:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

V. Williams interview - 5 July

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Saturday, 5 July 2008

Venus. Williams def. Serena Williams 7-5, 6-4

Q. Could you talk about the primary emotion you felt when you won it?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, obviously that first match point she hit a serve that was untouchable. So, of course, I mean, that's classic Serena Williams.

But in that last one, I mean, I had a chance at a second serve: the ultimate opportunity. So I just stayed tough in that opponent, and she was going for it until the end. Of course when I saw it go wide, I'm thinking, Oh, my God, it's five. Wow.

Q. Five titles?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Five titles. Just five titles. It's the first thing that popped into my head.

Q. How concerned were you early? She came out in a ferocious mood, playing well.

VENUS WILLIAMS: To be honest, this is the Wimbledon final, so of course I expected her to play that well. And, of course, I mean, she's Serena Williams. She can pull out anything. I did expect her to just be all over anything I put out there. But I didn't really think a lot; I just kept playing, and it wasn't looking that great, you know. 3-1, 4-2, but then when it got to be even it was closer.

Q. Can you just talk a little bit about the conditions, which were obviously pretty awkward. I mean, you kept pulling out of your serve. Serena didn't seem to pull out of her serves at all.

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, it was windy, and the wind kept blowing and swirling. The longer the match went on, it kept changing directions. At first, it was only windy on one side, then it was windy on both. I could see the wind blowing on her side, but it wasn't windy on my side yet. So, you know, it was tough out there, but I just needed to take my time until I got a good toss.

Q. What is your approach to the post-match celebration on court, and how does it differ when you play Serena versus anybody else?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, because I think that -- when the match is that close it's obviously more exciting to win. And, of course, if it's a 6-2, 6-3 win, the celebration isn't as elated because you're just cruising to glory. But I was pretty excited about that win because it was so close. You know, I'm definitely more in tune with my sister's feelings because one of us has to win and one of us has to lose. Of course the celebration isn't as exciting because my sister just lost.

Q. To what degree, if any, does that detract from your enjoyment of the moment?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I mean, you could never detract from winning a Wimbledon (smiling). So, of course it doesn't detract from that. But I'm definitely thinking about how my sister's feeling.

Q. With the exception of the early part of this match, your serving throughout this tournament has been very dominant. Could you talk a bit about just how much emphasis you put on your serve, and with particular reference to the number of body shot serves that you've hit in this tournament.

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, body is my favorite here. You can't defend it, I mean, especially if -- I mean, I'm hitting it with a lot of pace. My second serve, I hit it with a lot of pace, too. So even if my opponent knows where it's going, if it's on the line, close to a hundred miles an hour, it's tough to return. So the serve has been key for me here. I never felt very happy about my groundstrokes here. But my serve, I felt like any time I needed it, it was putting me out of any bind. As long as I could get a return in, then, you know, the win was coming for me.

Q. You're only the third, if I'm correct, along with Martina Navratilova and Graf, to win as many as five Wimbledons in the modern era. What do you think of that? Does that make you think, I'm up there with the all-time greats, anything like that?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I think definitely winning this tournament so many times definitely puts you in the stratosphere, to be honest, just because of what this tournament means. I think had I had this achievement at any other tournament it would have been awesome, but not nearly the same meaning at Wimbledon. I think the difference is just because of the prestige of this event.

Q. Serena had more aces, more winners.


Q. You played bigger in the big points. She was 2 for 13 on breakpoints; you were 4 for 7. How were you able to be bigger on the big points?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I felt pretty relaxed out there today. I mean, when the match points came, I mean, I was a little tight, but that's normal. But mostly because her serve is so good, I'm hoping that I can get my racquet on it to be in that point. So it's a lot of not pressing too hard 'cause you know if you get a chance that you have to do something with it. But I think I was maybe a little bit more relaxed than her.

Q. An all-Williams final. Is this a start of a second era of dominance for the sisters at the top of the women's game?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I would love that. The main goal for both of us is to stay healthy. We've both worked really hard this year, and I think the results showed here, both in the singles and the doubles. So the goal is to stay healthy so that way we can play singles and doubles and have a lot of fun with it.

Q. Besides the number of Wimbledon titles, can you let us into any of the things that motivated you tennis-wise in the recent past that raised your level between the French and now to do so well?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Uhm, I just feel like a lot of times I'm unlucky at the French. I come in with a sickness or injury, and I try to win, but I'm just not lucky. I find that happens a lot at the French and the Australian. A couple of times here, too, when I had my early losses. But, I mean, obviously coming off those losses I'm just like, This can't be my life; I have to do better. So I think that's what motivates me.

Q. When you play Serena, do you look at her as playing and African or playing a Russian that you need to trash?

VENUS WILLIAMS: No. At no point am I ever able to forget that it's Serena, because I have the ultimate respect for her game and I have a lot of respect for her serve. If I was playing anyone else I wouldn't have to face what I had to face today, so it's impossible to forget.

Q. There was the critical let call. What are your thoughts on that? Could you imagine any of the other girls on tour giving you the point?

VENUS WILLIAMS: No. Serena is the ultimate sportsperson. We both are. I think we play, we keep playing. We don't take injury timeouts. We just play. We don't question too many calls. And I would expect from her to be the ultimate sportsperson. I was confused as to what was happening. I didn't know if the ball was in, out, or what had happened. So I had no idea what the call was, to be honest, until the umpire told us.

Q. Have you had a chance to have a chat with Serena? If you have, can you share some of that with us?

VENUS WILLIAMS: No, we didn't talk so much because I was on the court for a minute there. You know, there's a lot of people in the hall when you pass by, so I'm going to see her after and we're going to get ready for doubles.

Q. Can you share what you're going to say to her?

VENUS WILLIAMS: No plans. Just the usual.

Q. You now have five titles. Can you allow yourself to dream of targeting Martina's nine?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Oh, my God. That would be the ultimate. That's not easy. Her career also spanned like three decades, so I'm not sure if I have that much time. If I did, I think I would definitely dream of that. So, you know, tennis is so much different now. You know, tennis is a big business now. You know, all the tournaments, the draws, and the players, it's just so different that the pressures are different.

Q. You seem to be able to keep yourself fresh not doing as many tournaments.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I've had my fair share of downtimes. I try to stay as fresh as I can, with God's blessing.

Q. You've earned the right to go home and put the racquet down and indulge yourself for as long as you want before Los Angeles. What are you going to do?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, I can't wait to see my dog. I love that little guy. He's my favorite. My favorite dog ever. I have to play TeamTennis, so I'll do that. I want to take a break from eating five meals a day. I'm gonna cut back and eat a light breakfast and maybe two meals, not five and six meals like every day I have.

Q. We can see you're getting real heavy.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I can tell (smiling).

Q. It's hard to judge when you're playing sometimes, but where would you put the level of play today compared to the other matches you all have played over the years?

VENUS WILLIAMS: You know, uhm, I think the level of play was really high. I think a lot of the times one of us was overpowering the other. So I hit a hard ball on the line, she can't get it back. Or, you know, I tried to go for too much because I'm anticipating that she's gonna run my shot down. Or I hit a huge serve, she hits one I can't return. So in between us overpowering each other we had, I think, some really competitive rallies and intense points, you know, where one player would come back and take the point, when it looked like the other player was gonna win. So, you know, we're both very powerful, and I think it showed out there.

Q. Can you tell us a little about your morning, the day before the match. Did you spend some time together with Serena?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, we said, Okay, we're eating breakfast. We always have lunch for breakfast to stay fueled. We're both trying to choke it down. Okay, only two more matches. This is the last time we have to do this. Just encouraging each other. Just that, you know, we're eating lunch again, two lunches before the match. It's like, It's the last time. It's okay. That's pretty much the atmosphere beforehand. Just still encouraging each other, not with specific advice like, Yes, serve me body, okay, because that'll work good for you. None of that. But still encouraging each other to eat and be healthy.

Q. In the middle of winter when your mind turns to Wimbledon, what is the one thing or vision that comes to your mind?

VENUS WILLIAMS: In the middle of the winter?

Q. When you're far away from here.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I don't think about Wimbledon that much. It seems so far away. I have my eye on the Australian, obviously. Just hopefully healthy enough to play, which in the last few years I've been hoping that more than anything.

Q. There were some points today where Serena really ran you from one side of the court to the other it seemed. You kept getting to shots it seems very few people could. When you're able to get all those balls, get them back strong, do you get any sense that this is demoralizing Serena?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I mean, to be honest, I felt like, I'm not running fast enough. I should be hitting more of an offensive shot. Why am I hitting this shot. You can do better. That's mostly what I'm thinking. The funny part is when I see the tape. I'm like, Wow, how did I do that? How did I cover that shot? So when I do see the film, then I do have to give myself a little credit. But when I'm out there I'm like, This is not good enough. It's funny.

Q. How did losing here twice to Serena sit with you, and what does today's experience do to those memories?

VENUS WILLIAMS: The times I lost, I tried. She put a ton of pressure on me. She hit my best serve back for winners, just was unbelievable, and she just played better. So there was not much I could do. I tried. Obviously today I wanted to try to improve that record, and I didn't want the same trend to keep happening and then be like 6-1. So I climbed a tiny little notch up, so it's 2-5. Still behind, but I'm working on it.

Q. If Serena had won today, you being the defending champion, how would that have affected your experience?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I think I would have been happy for her. I would have been more disappointed that I didn't have -- about the number. Like five is really monumental. Like last year I thought four was incredible, but now five is -- I would have been more disappointed about not being able to make the history than actually not winning the match, if that makes any sense. So more about that.

Q. It's very impressive the way both of you honor your parents and bond as a family. Do you attribute that to your faith, your upbringing, or is it just coming naturally? Do you recommend that to youths all over the world?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, our upbringing, we're taught to respect our parents, and also religious upbringing, you know. At least in the Bible it says that you if obey your parents all will go well with you, and I respect my parents. I would never give them a hard time. I would never want them to worry. For me, I feel happy when they're happy with me, so...

Q. You've been training seriously or playing professional tennis for 18 years of your life now. Do you and Serena sometimes sit down and reminisce about the journey you've made from Compton, California, to the finals at Wimbledon?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, actually this morning I was just saying -- I was asking Serena if she remembered the match when, I don't know, I was in Sydney playing some match and Serena was watching my match and she finds out that she's gonna be on court in about 10 minutes, and so she runs from my match to go play her match.

We were just talking about that. That was maybe in '98. So we do sometimes talk about the things in the past, just some of the things that have happened have been so amazing that we definitely draw a lot of energy and inspiration from it.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Sestre Vilijams su osvojile i titulu u dublu :hail:

Korisnikov avatar
By anche
Originally posted by Sunce
Steta sto nije mogla, zbog sestre, da skakuce na kraju meca.
da i ja primetih da je bila vrlo uzdrzana. i to joj lepo stoji :blush:

nego red je da se dve titule cestitaju pesmom "mi znamo sve!". :dance:

ko resi da gleda - oko 4' :D

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Originally posted by Sunce

5. titula na wimbeledon-u

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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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Lasagna on me this time ok? I got plenty of cash

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