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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

By cumpig
Uh, ovo je ved divan dan :D :harmonika:

Moji strahovi nisu bili neopravdani, opasnica ova Wozniacki. Ali, jebote, Jelena ima i plan B, kad je olako izgubila 1 set, stvari su krenule u drugom smeru bas zato sto je ona tako insistirala. Odlicna igra i jos bolja mentalna snaga. Sda mislim da ce biti mnogo lakse protiv one tajlandjanke.

I Jankec ispljeska Tursunova, jeeeeej.

Napomena: ja se palim na Tursunova kad je sa velikom bradom i sa kacketom. Danas je bio smesan sa onom trakom na glavi, krelac, a bas sam se nadao neocekivanim erekcijama usred dnevnog boravka :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Erekcije ti nece izostati na ovoj temi:

Slika Slika

Za Marvina:


Za Lunju:

Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
jelena :love:

josh par koraka do pozicije br 1 na wta listi
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Tamarine Tanasugarn je na Ordina Openu ove godine u finalu pobedila Safinu, tako da nije bas laka protivnica na travi. Dodirni mi kolena Jelena ima da je pobedi. :redaljka:
By cumpig
Fala sunce, fala
(jel jeste da je uber hot?) :hyper:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Bravo, Tipsy!!! Sto on lepo igraaaaaaaa (par puta godisnje) :zen:
Ne sme da propusti priliku u 4.kolu. :sudija:
Tipsy, Tipsy, Tipsy!
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Jeca u ponedeljak igra u 12.00h po lokalnom vremenu, na terenu br. 18 (??).

Tamarine ima da je namuci kao nijedna do sada. :uplasen: Bakuta je prava opasnica na travi.

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Venus je danas sa servisom od 204 km/h oborila sopstveni rekord na Wimbledonu. :vruce:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Bravo Venus! Mnoge teniserke su dosle nabildovanije nego ikad: Jelena, Dementieva, Serena, pa i Venus. Prosle godine je bila mnogo mrsavija a sada se verovatno uradila zbog snage. Krivo mi je sto su istom delu zreba Jelena i Venus.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by Lunja
Jeca u ponedeljak igra u 12.00h po lokalnom vremenu, na terenu br. 18 (??).

Tamarine ima da je namuci kao nijedna do sada. :uplasen: Bakuta je prava opasnica na travi.

Bakuta ti u gacama :oklagija: ! JJ je vec jednom pobedila bakicu, ali na sljaci:


Mislim da je Jeleni prednost to sto ne igra na centralnom terenu. Danas je na tribinama bilo dosta poznatih imena, pa i Martina Navratilova, a cini mi se da je i zbog toga JJ imala tremu na pocetku. Na manjim terenima nekako bolje tece komunikacija sa trenerom :trac:.

Taktika za Venus je vec poznata: neutralisati servis, a onda Venus drzati van osnovne linije. Ukoliko Venus udje u polje, Jelena je gotova. JJ treba da se spremi za savrsenu defanzivnu igru, ne bi smela da gubi svoj servis.

Gde ja odoh, pa do Venus je put - trnova, tajland ruzica!

Danas me je Jelena odusevila jer bukvalno sve ono sto sam pomislio i sto je komentator primetio, ona je sprovela u delo.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Q. Have you thought about your next round opponent?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Who am I playing? I don't even know who yet.

Q. Thai girl.


Q. Tanasugarn.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I was thinking, Tiger Woods (laughter)? I was like, are we playing golf on grass or what (laughter)?

Korisnikov avatar
By sleepingsun
Jelena rules!!!Iako nije lepa riba ima harizmu i od srca nawijam za nju..nekako mi je prirodnija od Ane Ana swa njanjawa dok izgovori recenicu prodje woz:oklagija:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by cumpig
Fala sunce, fala
(jel jeste da je uber hot?) :hyper:
Pojma nemam.
Kifer je na stranici, ne vidim ništa drugo :hypno:

Nisam gledao ni Jelenu ni Janka :sigh:
Šta je to sa povredom? Nigde ne piše detaljno! :cupakosu:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mahnitu
Slušaj ti Marvine, manje da se smucaš a više da buljiš u televizor :evil: :lol:
Gledao sam i uživo i reprizu i ništa ti neću reći :durenje:

Originally posted by Sunce
JELENA JANKOVIC: I was thinking, Tiger Woods (laughter)? I was like, are we playing golf on grass or what (laughter)?

E jeste opičena, gde li njoj mozak zaluta :smeh: :alikako:
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
Originally posted by Sunce
Q. Have you thought about your next round opponent?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Who am I playing? I don't even know who yet.

Q. Thai girl.


Q. Tanasugarn.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I was thinking, Tiger Woods (laughter)? I was like, are we playing golf on grass or what (laughter)?


Sunčice ( :P ), Popajka je ipak horoskopska riba, nije njoj lako u glavi. :giggle:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Čuj gde joj mozak zaluta...
Pa ja sam ubeđen da ona tek nekad (na vrlo vrlo kratko vremena) i dođe u kontakt sa mozgom svojim :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
ja moram da se učlanim u fan klub JJ. mnogo volim te pogubljene ljude, koji su polupogubljeni, a poluduhoviti :lol:

dosad sam je isključivo posmatrala kao teniserku i analizirala njene kvalitete, eto, možda ću je kao lika više voleti (jednog dana, možda) nego Anu, ali kao teniserku nikad. :P
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Pa to aman! Toooo!!!!

Ne priča se tu samo o tenisu.
OK, volim ja i njenu igru više od nekih... ali u tenisu se računa sve.
I forhend i mašnica.
I servis i umiranje od smeha kad ne možeš Venus da vratiš sevris.

Jednom rečju- sve je bitno i zubi i duša :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Originally posted by Sunce
Mislim da je Jeleni prednost to sto ne igra na centralnom terenu.
Ja mislim da je to mana, iz razloga sto na terenu br. 18 nema hawk-eye sistema. A loptice, fala Boginji, sve padaju oko linije, a Jeca, fala Boginji, obozava da se raspravlja sa sudijama... :grebanje: Ne zelim da se secam US Opena 2006. :sweet:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by Lunja
Originally posted by Sunce
Mislim da je Jeleni prednost to sto ne igra na centralnom terenu.
Ja mislim da je to mana, iz razloga sto na terenu br. 18 nema hawk-eye sistema. A loptice, fala Boginji, sve padaju oko linije, a Jeca, fala Boginji, obozava da se raspravlja sa sudijama... :grebanje: Ne zelim da se secam US Opena 2006. :sweet:
JJ na manjim terenima savrseno komunicira sa trenerom i opustenije igra. I na RG i na Vimbldonu, na manjim terenima, nije imala problema sa protivnicama. Jedina mana je to sto se nece navici na igru na glavnom stadijumu pa ce sa Venus bice teze.

@Iris: Jelena je negde pisala da je bila jako stidljiva kad je bila mladja. Ona se ponasa sada kao da pokusava da savlada taj neprijatan osecaj i kao da zeli da vlada situacijom. Pricala je da je imala neprijatnosti sa devojcicama kad je bila mala, u Americi. U svakom slucaju, ja se divim njenoj upornosti.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Jelena Jankovic def. Caroline Wozniacki 2-6, 6-4, 6-2

Q. Can we ask about the knee.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yes. It happened in the beginning of the first set. I slid and my leg went straight and then bent so quickly, and it was a sharp pain in that moment. But then, you know, I continued to play and play, and it was getting worse and worse. Because especially on grass you have to stay low every time. You have to bend a lot. And especially in the end, in the third set, I was struggling a little bit, but somehow came through.

Q. Why did you take the tape off?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It was getting numb, and I'm not used to. I never, never had any problems with my legs, with my knee, and I couldn't move. I just had even more pain. The physio was not happy about that because I was taking a risk to get injured even more. That's what I chose because I wanted to win. With the tape I felt like I couldn't move, and I was having a lot more pain. But at the end I did it.

Q. How is it feeling now?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's very sore now. After this press conference I will go to do an MRI and just make sure that just to know what I have and what it is. I hope for the best so that I will be able to play my next match.

Q. At this stage, is there any danger that you might not be able to participate in the fourth round?

JELENA JANKOVIC: No, I don't think so. It's a little bit swollen at the moment, but I don't think it's that bad. I didn't break anything so I'm not able to walk or move on the court. I have pain on it, but, you know, I don't play tomorrow, and hopefully now I can get some treatment and feel better for my next match.

Q. You aren't going dancing this weekend?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Unfortunately not (smiling).

Q. Is this match a classic example of a veteran player knowing how to beat

JELENA JANKOVIC: You're calling me a veteran? I'm a veteran at 23 years old (laughter). Thanks for making me feel very old.

Q. Is it a classic case of a veteran player

JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh, my God, he keeps continuing with the veteran. I don't feel good at the moment.

Q. An experienced player, how is that?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Okay. I'm older than the girl. I don't know how many years. She's 18 years old.

Q. 17.

JELENA JANKOVIC: 17? She's very young. I didn't know she was that young.

Q. She's not a veteran.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Her body's quite, you know, strong and mature for her age. So I'm six years older, or five years older. I think somebody said it's her birthday around here in Wimbledon or after Wimbledon. That's what the Danish people told me.

Of course I'm more experienced than the girl. I'm older and I played many more matches on the Centre Court. I'm the No. 2 seed. I'm No. 2 in the world. My opponent didn't have anything to lose. She's very young, motivated. She wanted to win, of course.

Nobody goes out there and puts, you know, the white flag. She did the best she could. But somehow I was really not happy with the way I was playing, especially the first set. I made so many unforced errors. It was very windy out there and very complicated for me to find my rhythm.

I was really, you know, disappointed with my performance at that time. And also throughout the whole match, I didn't play the way I wanted to play, the way I was supposed to play. But it's also very important to somehow find a way to win when you're not doing it your best.

Q. A lot of the big names have lost in the tournament, a lot of upsets.

JELENA JANKOVIC: And I was thinking maybe I'm the next one (laughter).

Q. But you've only gotten to the fourth round here at Wimbledon. Maybe this surface doesn't play into your defensive skills that way. No one really is playing that great. Do you feel like this is a tournament you can win?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't go too far. I just play one match at a time. Grass is not my favorite surface. I play my worst record this year in Wimbledon, where I reached only the fourth round, so I hope to improve that record somehow.

Q. When you get out on the court, outside of what grass is supposed to be, do you really feel like it's playing radically different than a fast hard court?

JELENA JANKOVIC: What do you mean by that?

Q. Does the ball bounce a lot differently than a fast hard court?

JELENA JANKOVIC: The ball sometimes skids and you also have bad bounces. It's a very specific surface where everything if you lose your focus, if you lose your timing, it's very hard to come back into the match, to really get your rhythm again. Like on other surfaces, on clay or on hard court, if you start playing badly, somehow you can get back into the match and start playing well again. On grass, that is a little bit more difficult, because everything is happening so fast, in a hurry. You don't hit so many balls. So if you were hitting your ball, you know, too late or you have some problem technically, it's very hard to fix it.

Q. Consistency is rewarded in the rankings. You have a legitimate shot at No. 1 if you do well here. Is that in the back of your mind here?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I'm not thinking about that. I'm just trying to enjoy my tennis, trying to play one match at a time. I don't really want to get involved with the rankings or ranking points or who is losing, who is winning. I really have to focus on myself and try to do the best that I can do.

Q. Have you thought about your next round opponent?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Who am I playing? I don't even know who yet.

Q. Thai girl.


Q. Tanasugarn.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I was thinking, Tiger Woods (laughter)? I was like, are we playing golf on grass or what (laughter)? Tanasugarn. I think she won a tournament a week before and she beat Safina in the final, so she must be playing very well on grass. And most of the players say that, you know, this is where she plays her best. She's a veteran. Now I can say it, that I'm playing against a veteran and I'm the young one there. You know, she plays very flat. You know, she stays very low. She likes to play on this surface.

Q. Do you like grass any more this year than previous years?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I will tell you at the end of the tournament if I like it or not.

Q. Are you surprised that Ana Ivanovic and Sharapova have gone out of the competition?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yes, it's surprising. Somehow the top players, the top seeds, even though they're not playing so well, somehow they get through these rounds and then they start playing better and better for the rest of the tournament. But the conditions are quite tough here. It's very windy. You have a lot of bad bounces. You know, the players that they played against, they just go out on court and really played their best tennis. They swing freely and most of those balls go in, so when you're not at your level you have a lot of trouble. So it's very tough to get out of that, and they couldn't somehow. And today I was lucky that I could, you know, get out of that and get through the match.

Q. What was the last tournament you actually did not call a trainer in one match?

JELENA JANKOVIC: What tournament?

Q. Do you remember the last time you didn't call a trainer? You didn't call it against Ana Ivanovic.

JELENA JANKOVIC: In the French Open I had a problem with my arm. I was swollen, so I couldn't play for nine days after the French Open. That's why I wasn't able to play Birmingham and defend my title there and finals in the next tournament. So I've been injured.

I had so many problems lately with my health. And this today it's really unlucky because I was sliding and I made some really sudden move, which is unusual. But, you know, sometimes you don't have luck and you twist your ankle or you injure your knee because of, you know, some sudden move.

What can I do? I don't like being injured. It's no fun going to treatments, going to have an MRI, sitting, sleeping in the physio room. I prefer to go out with my friends and just have a good time than being there all the time. But, you know, this is what the players have to deal with, and injuries are part of the sport.

@Marvin: ako ti znaci statistika poslednjeg meca:

Match Summary

Wozniacki (DEN) Jankovic (SRB)

1st Serve % 62 of 90 = 69 % 65 of 96 = 68 %

Aces 3 1

Double Faults 2 6

Unforced Errors 31 39

Winning % on 1st Serve 35 of 62 = 56 % 46 of 65 = 71 %

Winning % on 2nd Serve 16 of 28 = 57 % 11 of 31 = 35 %

Receiving Points Won 39 of 96 = 41 % 39 of 90 = 43 %

Break Point Conversions 3 of 11 = 27 % 4 of 9 = 44 %

Net Approaches 11 of 17 = 65 % 10 of 14 = 71 %

Total Points Won 90 96

Fastest Serve 109 MPH 106 MPH

Average 1st Serve Speed 103 MPH 98 MPH

Average 2nd Serve Speed 82 MPH 88 MPH

Inace, mozes da SKINES mec pa da ga na miru pogledas! ... 112ms.html

Mec je bio jako dramatican sa drama momentima. :drama:

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Serena Williams after she turned up for her first-round match wearing a coat on a sunny day: "I have a wonderful white coat I can wear on the court and also in New York for those rainy's ladylike and goes perfect with my personality."

Williams and her coat again: "I absolutely love trench coats. I probably have more coats than anybody. I just love coats. I don't know why because I live in Florida."

Maria Sharapova explains her latest outfit. It was seen only twice as the Russian was knocked out in the second round: "It's the tuxedo look. I was very inspired by menswear this year and every time at Wimbledon I want to do something classy and elegant. This year I said: 'Why don't we do shorts?' and I have never worn shorts before at a Grand Slam. There is a place to do it and that's Wimbledon."

Britain's man of the moment Chris Eaton paints a picture of life before Court One stardom at the All England Club: "I drive a Vauxhall Astra with duct tape on one wing mirror."

Andy Roddick on Federer's latest Wimbledon look -- a 1920s-style cream, gold-trimmed cardigan: "I personally don't care but I think any attention drawn to tennis for whatever reason is good. If that means wearing the Mr Roger sweater, whatever else you got, then so be it. I don't know if it would be a good look for me or any of my friends or relatives."

Third seed Novak Djokovic looks for the nearest exit following his second-round loss to Russia's Marat Safin: "I'll rest a little bit. Without the racket. I'll leave the rackets at home and go somewhere many miles away."

Roddick, when asked whether he had heard of references to the 'big three' of Federer, Rafael Nadal and Djokovic. 'A-Rod' went out in the next round: "As far as fun nicknames, headlines and whatever, I don't really care. Everyone's beatable. I've beaten the three of them. But if you're asking if it pisses me off at all, I don't really care. I just want to win tennis matches."

Roddick remembers better times following his second-round defeat to Janko 'Tipsy' Tisparevic: "You know, when you've seen the Rolling Stones from the front row and then all of a sudden you're like seven or eight rows back and there's a really tall guy in front of you waving his hands and screaming, you can't see much, it's not going to be as good as the other show."

Alla Kudryavtseva explains what spurred her to her shock victory over Sharapova: "It's very pleasant to beat Maria... Why? Well, I don't like her outfit."

Sharapova reflects on her shock early exit: "Everybody can present a challenge. Everybody has a lot of strength. Everybody is hungry. This girl that beat me today, she might not win the tournament but she beat me and it probably made her tournament."

Kudryavtseva speaks up for her sex: "It's guys. They always say the women's game is predictable. They always say you women can't serve, you don't go to the net, you can't slice. No, we can do it all. We're strong. Don't listen to them."

Ana Ivanovic, whose defeat to Zheng Jie was the earliest exit by a top seed since Martina Hingis lost in the opening round in 2001: "Coming from clay, it's a completely different mentality you have to going out on court. Because on clay, if you are struggling a little bit, you still have time to get into the game. Here everything is happening so fast."

Jelena Jankovic after her victory over 17-year-old Caroline Wozniacki: "You're calling me a veteran? I'm a veteran at 23 years old? Thanks for making me feel very old."

Czech Nicole Vaidisova on newly-elected ATP board member Justin Gimelstob who had to make a public apology for a series of offensive remarks about female players which included describing Vaidisova as a "well-developed young lady: "I know his sense of humour a little bit. I know he kind of talks like that a little bit. So I can cut him some slack."
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Lunja
Izgubice 360 (ono-kao, okrene se za 360 stepeni i nastavi u suprotnom smeru) :D

4188 - 360 = 3828
Originally posted by spliff
Ako udje u polufinale JJ ce biti No. 1!
Jeca ako dodje do Venus [ili QF] osvaja 250 bodova, dakle
3935 ...shto je u 100 bodova vishe od Ane.

Dakle, jedino nam ostaje da sutra Ceca Meca izgubi od Serene ili josh bolje od Radvanske, jer bi tu izgubila 110 poena dok bi gubitkom od Serene bila na nuli...

Ne verujem da joj treba polufinale, osim ako ne postoje josh neki kazneni/dodatni bodovi za koje ne znam...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by dooffey
Jeca ako dodje do Venus [ili QF] osvaja 250 bodova, dakle
3935 ...shto je u 100 bodova vishe od Ane.

Dakle, jedino nam ostaje da sutra Ceca Meca izgubi od Serene ili josh bolje od Radvanske, jer bi tu izgubila 110 poena dok bi gubitkom od Serene bila na nuli...

Ne verujem da joj treba polufinale, osim ako ne postoje josh neki kazneni/dodatni bodovi za koje ne znam...
dooffey, a sta cemo sa poenima JJ od prosle godine? Posto je odbranila poene proslogodisnjeg 4. kola, Jelena moze da dobije samo 250 - 140 = 110 ulaskom u 1/4 finale. Ulaskom u 1/2 finale Jelena dobija: 450 - 140 = 310 poena.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Originally posted by dooffey
Ne verujem da joj treba polufinale, osim ako ne postoje josh neki kazneni/dodatni bodovi za koje ne znam...
VERUJ! :opatica:

Kao sto ti je Sunce lepo objasnilo, prvo oduzmes poene koje je prosle godine osvojila, pa tek onda dodajes ovogodisnje. Na WTA sajtu jos uvek stoje poeni koji ukljucuju proslogodisnji Wimbledon, tj. ukupno 3685.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by IriS
Originally posted by Sunce
Q. Have you thought about your next round opponent?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Who am I playing? I don't even know who yet.

Q. Thai girl.


Q. Tanasugarn.

JELENA JANKOVIC: I was thinking, Tiger Woods (laughter)? I was like, are we playing golf on grass or what (laughter)?


Sunčice ( :P ), Popajka je ipak horoskopska riba, nije njoj lako u glavi. :giggle:
Danas idem po stanu i smeskam se zbog ovih recenica :smeh: , zamisljam njen glas i poluzbunjeno lice. Ja mislim da ce Kusturica napraviti film o njoj :yay: . Jelena od teniskih meceva, skoro redovno, napravi pozornicu sa kompleksnim dramskim momentima. :giggle:

Na Australian openu sam je obozavao zbog ponasanja na mecu sa Marijom Sarapovom. Marija se kao luda drala, a Jelena je u momentu stala, pogledala je, nasmejala se i kao da je rekla: "Devojko, aman, sta ti je, pobedices..."

03:58 ... re=related
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
A da mozda niste zaboravili josh koje kaznene i dodatne bodove... :)
Hmmm... "Zao nam je gdjice Svetlana, ali na vashoj marami za glavu nema mashnice! Stoga tjemo vam oduzeti 40 bodova. Nemojte nam praviti dramu. Kako gdjica Jankovic uvek ima mashnicu? " :)

Stvarno nisam znao da to tako ide. A eto chudno mi je i pitam se:
Na konto chega je Masha izbila na 2. mesto uochi Wimbledona??
Koliko se setjam neje igrala DFS classic, Ordina Open i International Women u Istburnu...
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Ali mislim ove godine...
Neje otishla ni na jedan...
Znam da su se obe propustile Birmingen ove godine...
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Sorry, trebalo je prvo da bachim pogled na wtatour pa onda da lupetam... Masha proshle godine nije ni bila na Ordina Openu...
A sve sam bio u tripu da jeste...
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