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Moderatori: Hys., Waldorf, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Hahah, ja bih rado ali em spremam ispite.
A sta ti radi muz? :sweet:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Muz pawa :D
Srecno sa ispitima :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
U duhu teme:
"Tim Finnegan lived in Walkin Street, a gentle Irishman mighty odd
He had a brogue both rich and sweet, an' to rise in the world he carried a hod
You see he'd a sort of a tipplers way but the love for the liquor poor Tim was born
To help him on his way each day, he'd a drop of the craythur every morn

Whack fol the dah now dance to yer partner around the flure yer trotters shake
Wasn't it the truth I told you? Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake..."

:peva: :peva: :peva:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
Originally posted by Nanny Ogg
Originally posted by Lakiboy_ns
Jel to u Ilije Bircanina kod Sajma.
Ja zivim tu blizu odmah :blush:
U pitanju je Bircaninova preko puta italijanske ambasade, resavska ulica koja krece od slavije izlazi na nju :)
OMG ja sam debil pomislio da je u pitanju NS a ne BG :lood:
Korisnikov avatar
By Khons
Originally posted by Nanny Ogg
U duhu teme:
"Tim Finnegan lived in Walkin Street, a gentle Irishman mighty odd
He had a brogue both rich and sweet, an' to rise in the world he carried a hod
You see he'd a sort of a tipplers way but the love for the liquor poor Tim was born
To help him on his way each day, he'd a drop of the craythur every morn

Whack fol the dah now dance to yer partner around the flure yer trotters shake
Wasn't it the truth I told you? Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake..."

:peva: :peva: :peva:


Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
evo jos malo od onoga sto ce pustati :dance: :yay: :dance:

Traditional, arranged by Van Morrison/Paddy Moloney

I'll tell me Ma when I go home,
The boy's won't leave the girls alone. :srbin:
They'll pull my hair, they stole my comb,
Well that's alright till I go home. :cekam:

She is handsome. She is pretty. :wow:
She is the belle of Belfast City. :kosa:
She is courtin' one, two, three. :dance:
Please won't you tell me, who is she? :wtf:

Albert Mooney say's he loves her. :smirk:
All the boy's are fighting for her. :die:
They knock at the door and ring at the bell
Sayin' "Oh my true love, are you well"? :sweet:
Out she comes as white as snow, :carica:
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes.
Oul Jenny Murray say's she'll die
If you don't get the fella
With the roving eye. :durenje:

Let the wind and the rain and hail blow high
And the snow come tumbling from the sky,
She's as nice as apple pie. :mljac:
She'll get her own lad by and by. :P
When she gets a lad of her own,
She won't tell her Ma when she gets home. :maska:
Let them all come as they will
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still. :cuddle: :love:
:dance: :dance: :dance: the dubliners I tell me ma
By Tresh-grl
Originally posted by Nanny Ogg
sasvim pristojne velicine (dovoljan za moju vel'ku guzu) :namig2:
Ima dva dela pab, obicno sednem u onaj veci, ka prozoru :)
I, osh doci mrjo? Da upoznas i zenu, kad si vec muza :namig2:
dve dela!? :shok:
Ja se toga ne secam jbt
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
ima, sa leve i desne strane od sanka, levi je manji.
By Tresh-grl
Originally posted by Nanny Ogg
ima, sa leve i desne strane od sanka, levi je manji.
Ja sam bila tamo jednom na proslavi rodjusa od ortaka...toliko sam se prekinula od koke i dsa da nisam znala gde se nalazim...u bukvalnom smislu tih reci....tek sad skontala da ima 2 :pivce:
By Bombina
ijuu da li znaci u 25-og mogu li da dodjem ili ne :)
dok ne zavrsim rad
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Dodji Bombi, docice i Momo i vanilapuff :)
By Bombina
vazi dodji cu :kiss:
nisam dugo izlazila,imala sam dugo obaveze
za mene je vreme da izlazim
greek kaze koliko nisi dugo izlazila
a ja kazem uuuuuuuuh
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Originally posted by Khons
a rocky road to dublin?
Pa to se podrazumeva, kao i irish rover, wisky in the jar, pub with no beer, ...
By Bombina
jeste tako ona kaze,svidelo ili ne
Korisnikov avatar
By Khons
i i i i i the town i loved so well
Korisnikov avatar
By Khons
i love you :D
i love confucius :D
Korisnikov avatar
By KosmickaCestica
Ima li tamo nesto osim piva da se pije?
Na primer vince?

Znam da je irish night... ali pitam...

Izvesne persone ne vole pivce....

Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
Samo da kazem... ovog puta se gledamo. :smilegrin:

Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
:yay: :kiss:
Dolazis solo ili u drustvu:)?
Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
Pa ako smem da dovedem svoj harem... :smilegrin:

Mada mogu ja i solo... al ofaaaaj vise bi sa haremom. :njanjanja:

Odoh i vidimo se. :kiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Originally posted by Swanheart
Originally posted by Paki
Originally posted by andjelat
al ce biti parova...
me 2 :sigh:
me 3 :sigh:

Elem, dolazim i dovodim par ljudi avec moi! :tehno:
Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
Plasim se da na kraju necemo svi da stanemo... :smilegrin:

Da bude sto vise plavusa!!!! :molise:
Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
Tebe sam vec kresnula tako da se ne racunas. :njanja:
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