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Za sve nase gledaoce ispred malih ekrana...

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Korisnikov avatar
By Dr_Shortbus

Da li ste pogledali novu epizodu, prvi utisci?

Osim što mi je bilo awkward gledati Muldera i Skali onako matore (Skiner ne izgleda loše :lol: ), utisak je dodatno srozala i poprilična usiljenost koja prati čitav tok epizode kao i u najboljem slučaju osrednja gluma(mnogo su bolje igrali u starim epizodama). Očekivalo bi se da David Duchovny i Gillian Anderson poslije tolikih godina glumačkog iskustva(pogotovo rada na The X Files), pruže malo više publici. Ili jednostavno šupljina scenarija ne dozvoljava da se tu pokaže neko glumačko umijeće. Vidjećemo šta će biti dalje, stvarno bih volio da mi se taj utisak popravi.
Previše su nekako senzacionalno krenuli, sve nekako zbrda-zdola, sve već viđeno. Da ne spominjem kako su neke scene na trenutke izgledale smiješno, maltene kao parodija starog The X Files.
Osim toga što mi je probudila taj neki melanholični osjećaj, epizodu sam doživio kao razočaranje. Stvarno će biti bez veze ako nastave ovako. Mogli bi skliznuti u totalni prmašaj. Očekivao sam mnogo više. :alien:
Korisnikov avatar
By HalfJack
Nisam još gledao, ali imam dojmove. :lol:

Nostalgija me lupa kada njih dvoje vidim, skinut ću te nove epizode (kada tada), očekivanja mi nisu neka. Dosta vremena je prošlo i te neke završene serije treba ostaviti na miru. Dosta vremena je proteklo i ne znam koliko mogu napraviti nešto dobar scenarij. Nadam se samo da neće mi biti jako užasno. :radosnice:

Or maybe da uopće ne gledam pa da si ne pokvarim serijal? <3
Korisnikov avatar
By Dr_Shortbus
Ja volim te melanholinostalgičkomazohističke igrice, pa ću pod svaku cijenu da odgledam i ove nove epizode. Uz Muldera i Skali i govno je slatko. :mljac: :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By bothways
Da, slažem se, i meni je bilo uglavnom razočaravajuće. Loša gluma, zbrzana radnja, neubedljivost... Valjda će biti bolje.
By filipkum
Molder mi je bio bolji od Skali iako mi nema vise taj isti osecaj, na momente je delovalo ko da je lik Henka Mudija zalutao u seriju ili ja to umisljam. Ona mi deluje suvise zategnuto pa joj se i ne vide emocije sto me je razocaralo, a radnja sta znam mnogo natrpano videcemo kako ce nadalje
Korisnikov avatar
By Macan86
dobro...nije prve epizode prvog serijala nisu bile nešto mnogo bolje...
Valjda im treba malo vrema dok se zagreju
Korisnikov avatar
By Hitsugaya
Iznenadila me je losa gluma, posebno Skali. Prva epizoda se posrala po celoj staroj seriji, Molder ovde vise sazaje za 5 minuta nego tamo za 9 sezona. Nerazradjeno, zbrzano, just forced af. I ceo taj mystery smek koji sam voleo je.. well, gone.
By Ulix
Meni se gluma jedina dopala, baš su ostarili onako kako je trebalo - Molder ostao budala, a Skali izveštačena, uštogljena snobica.

Sve mi je delovalo ubrzano u ovoj prvoj epizodi, u originalnoj seriji je ritam bio sporiji, atmosfera je bila važnija. To mi nedostaje. Inače je priča besmislena kao što je bila svih devet prethodnih sezona, ali valjda niko od njih i ne očekuje drugačije. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
bila mi je omiljena serija...a sad nisam ni znao za nove epizode...

neke stvari prosto (se) prestare i ja neću gledati...(a zasrali jesu još zadnje sezone uz katastrofalan završetak)...

i zar je toliko manjak novih priča...?
Korisnikov avatar
By Macan86
ja jedva čekam da nekoj epizodi obrade neku creepypasta priču...
Korisnikov avatar
By sallys
njah... i nekad i sad je gledala samo zbog Skali, ali Skali mi sad nekako.... mnogo matora. mnogo matorija nego u The Fall.
Korisnikov avatar
By antibiotic
Volim kad Scully kaze "Mulder" kao da ima vrelu poparu u ustima
Korisnikov avatar
By Zvonki
Gledao prvu epizodu,usiljena gluma ali uzasno usiljena,neubedljivo i efekti im bas nisunesto naj naj ali ajde to je produkcija za seriju....cela prica je preterana nije sija nego znam bas mi nije drzala paznju
Korisnikov avatar
By Kiborg
Preskočiću :)
Dosije X je za mene odavno završen, još onda kada je molder otišao iz prethodne serije, kad ga je zamenio onaj Doget ili kako se već zove.
By Ulix
Ova treća epizoda je bila jedna od boljih, u celokupnom serijalu. Fenomenalna je. :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dr_Shortbus
Druga epizoda dosta bolja. Čak mi je i poneku emociju izmamila.
Treća potpuno otkačena. :lol: Imali su već ranije par epizoda u tom maniru. Sviđa mi se.

Definitivno popravljen utisak nakon one prve epizode.
Korisnikov avatar
By 李香兰
Nisam gledala nove epizode ali sam cula da su sranje. Cini se da jesu sranje. Trans drug mi je poslao ovo. ... ter-reboot" target="_blank
I’m really enjoying the X-Files reboot, to my pleasant surprise—it’s campy, it’s fun, it’s deliciously spooky, and it’s a constant send-up of itself. The latest episode, “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster,” was completely meta. The episode written by Darin Morgan and X-Files creator Chris Carter would have been delightful, except for a glaring problem: The transphobia.

The episode pokes fun at the classic “monster of the week” format that the original series wholeheartedly embraced: a mysterious lizardman is roaming around a small town, people are dying brutal, grisly deaths, and the dynamic duo is determined to get to the bottom of things. It’s absolutely littered with Easter eggs (spoilers!), and it makes for great fun… right until it comes to a screeching halt when a tall woman of color leans through the window of a car, promising the occupants a good time in a deep, sultry voice.

This character, Annabelle, is clearly intended to be seen as a transgender woman, though she was actually played by DJ “Shangela” Pierce, a gay drag queen who doesn’t identify as transgender. This further perpetuates the notion that trans women are just “men in dresses” and that transvestites are all transgender. The decision to make her a sex worker also reinforces a common stereotype about trans women.

Trans characters are often sex workers, whether fetishistic, with other characters knowing they’re trans and enjoying the thought of taboo sex with a “tr*nny” or “she-male,” or stealth, in which case they run the risk of being punished via outing. In the real world, trans women—especially women of color—are sometimes forced into sex work as a result of poverty, discrimination, and other social pressures, and it puts them in extreme danger.

Annabelle claims the monster “wore tighty whities, like I used to,” baffling Mulder for a moment before she announces out of nowhere that she transitioned the year before. This isn’t the kind of thing most trans women casually bring up with people they’ve just met, nor do most openly tell law enforcement that they’ve just been smoking crack, as she does. Cue Mulder staggering around, making a series of misgendering comments.

This could have been a brief, albeit painful scene, but Annabelle comes up again when Mulder talks to the eponymous Were-Monster:

Guy: Man, she hit like a man!

Mulder: That’s because she used to be... she once... she’s transgender.

Guy: What? You can’t transform into a different sex! That’s nuts!

Mulder: It’s not nuts, it’s actually a very common medical procedure. You don’t need the surgery, technically, to—

Guy: Maybe that’s what I could do! It’s a cure! I’ll do the surgery!

Mulder: No, completely different.

Guy: Tell me how much it costs, I’ll do it.

Mulder: They cut off your genitals.

Guy: No, leave it. That’s a step too far, isn’t it.

The conversation ticks a series of boxes—lurid fascination with The Surgery, followed by an emasculation joke about trans women. This kind of “he in the she” presentation of trans women is not at all uncommon—shown literally in the case of a 2008 Bones episode of the same name. CSI similarly objectifies trans women when they land on morgue tables. And an episode of the short-lived Backstrom featured yet another dead transgender woman.

It’s not a coincidence that all of these fictional cases revolve around transgender victims of violent crime. In a 2012 survey, GLAAD found that transgender characters were victims in 40 percent of appearances. Additionally, 20 percent were sex workers. These are the roles people associate with transgender people, especially women.

Being a victim isn’t the only negative representation of trans people on screen, though. Some auteurs, including beloveds like Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer, bring their transphobia to the table, too. An episode of Dunham’s Girls featured a throwaway joke about a “tr*nny,” while on Inside Amy Schumer, Schumer asked a series of invasive and intrusive questions about a trans woman’s genitals. She should have taken a lesson from Katie Couric, who got roundly slapped down when she quizzed Carmen Carrera and Laverne Cox about the contents of their underpants. South Park compared The Surgery to getting a “dolphinoplasty,” suggesting that being transgender boils down to hot-swappable genitals. Mike and Molly relished in referring to trans women as “she-males” on multiple occasions. Friends, of course, featured a gay man who wore drag and may have transitioned, though it was never made clear, and he was frequently the butt of trans jokes. Hot Pursuit recently brought transphobia to the big screen.

And all the way back in season one, The X-Files ran “Gender Bender,” another episode (rightly) accused of transphobia. Across ten seasons, it would appear that the team hasn’t learned their lesson. So much for the “trans tipping point.”
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
nova epiozda je zapravo bila scary
By Ulix
Ova epizoda od pre neki dan je tako besmislena. Imaju 6 epizoda i oni jednu potroše na reciklažu slične priče s početka serija. :ozbiljan:
By Ulix
Da, ako nisam nešto u hodu pogrešno čuo, ova sezona će imati samo 6 epizoda. Bezveze.
Korisnikov avatar
By Zvonki
4 epizoda je sranje,ali kao da nisu znali gde idu sa dve paralelne price koje nemaju nikakve veze pa su tako ostavili bzvz da visi...
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