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"Generation 2000's movies"

Poslato: 04 Jan 2012, 02:02
od Hys.
Sa imdb, forum o filmu Reality Bites koji mi je iz raznih razloga izuzetno drag:

"Hi everyone. Reality Bites was considered as the movie most representative of the so-called Generation X. What I want to know is if you think that Generation X has already gone and if there's another term to define the young people of the 2000s, and if there's a movie that portrays all that.
I was born at the beginning of the 1980s so I don't think I quite fit in the Generation X group. I read once in a magazine that we were the Generation Y, but I don't like that since that term comes just because Y goes after X. Although it is difficult to find a film representative of that, which one do you think could be it? or at least that portrays in a generous or serious way how young people of the 2000s act. I would say Garden State maybe(?), but it didn't have all the reception that Reality Bites had. Are there any more movies? Thanks."

A sta vi mislite :)?

Poslato: 04 Jan 2012, 02:45
od svejedno

Re: "Generation 2000's movies"

Poslato: 04 Jan 2012, 03:13
od Srklet

Poslato: 04 Jan 2012, 03:19
od Misfit
što se tiče generacije X, definitivno pročitati istoimeni roman Douglasa Couplanda. ako ne zbog gen x teme, onda svakako zato što je sjajno štivo. previše sam bolestan i pripit za bilo šta smislenije od ovoga. :barf:

edit: mislim da sam ga već citirao na forumu, na onoj temi school's out. ima on dosta zanimljivih definicija vezano za ovo.

Poslato: 04 Jan 2012, 03:37
od Mars
A sta bi to bilo u domacoj (izvinte na izrazu) - kinematigrafiji?



Poslato: 04 Jan 2012, 03:44
od Dzelajza Rouz
A šta drugo, Marše, nego Sveti Georgije ubiva aždahu i Mojtevideo? Dve'iljadite.

Inače, ozbiljan topik, a ja trenutno nemam ništa pametno da kažem.

Poslato: 06 Jan 2012, 19:38
od colorado
Ja sam prestao da gledam nove filmove negde 2004. tako da ne znam.

Re: "Generation 2000's movies"

Poslato: 07 Jan 2012, 17:08
od Misfit