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Moderatori: Waldorf, Moderators
Originally posted by Beogradjanin18
Kate Winslet je svoje najbolje role imala u "Iris" i "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"... Dobra je i u "Quills". Za "Revolutionary Road" ne mogu da dam objektivan sud jer mi DiCaprio "ozraci" svaki film i ucini ga tesko gledljivim.
Originally posted by Beogradjanin18Ne zaboravi Heavenly Creatures!
Kate Winslet je svoje najbolje role imala u "Iris" i "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"... Dobra je i u "Quills".
Originally posted by M666Može,hvala
@ sunflower5: jbg. guarana?![]()
Originally posted by sunflower5il' ako neces da se trujes posle oskara jutujbuj isti...
Originally posted by M666Može,hvala
@ sunflower5: jbg. guarana?![]()
Da...vidiš,to još nisam probala,ali moraću.Možda bi i moglo da upali![]()
Whatever it takes to keep us awake!![]()
Originally posted by gorilicaNa HRT-u, ali i oni smaraju komentarima.
Dodela je nocas u 2.
Mene interesuje na kojim ce se kanalima josh prenositi, osim na RTS-u?
Nemam zivaca za komentatore sa istog.
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