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Korisnikov avatar
By disddaster
[url=]Greed napisao:[/url]
[url=]wizzy napisao:[/url]Juste une question d' amour mi je jedan od omiljenih. :grin: Glumci su odlični. Posebno Cyrille Thouvenin.
Savršen je. A s obzirom da obožavam francuski, ceo film mi je tako prefinjen, sexy... :)
Slažem se. Dopali su mi se i Loose Cannons i Shelter.
Korisnikov avatar
By Casino
Danas odgledah film Sasha. Snimljen 2010. godine. Zanimljiv je, mada je kraj mogao biti malo drugaciji ali vredi pogledati.


While Sasha's mother is dreaming of her son's great career as a pianist, Sasha is left speechless for other reasons: his beloved piano teacher Mr. Weber tells him, he is leaving town forever. Sasha is heartbroken, and the only person in whom he can confide his feelings, is his best friend, Jiao. As a son of an Ex-Yugoslav family even in Germany one rarely lives outside the closet, and Sasha is grateful that his homophobic father believes Jiao is his girlfriend. But what begins as a useful lie becomes a large and complicated one, when Sasha's younger brother, begins an affair with Jiao. All lies get exposed and what appears to be a catastrophe is in fact the revelation of new possibilities in the lives of Sasha's family.

Korisnikov avatar
By _liplock
Ne znam da li je vec postavljeno." target="_blank


On a Friday night after a drunken house party with his straight mates, Russell heads out to a gay club, alone and on the pull. Just before closing time he picks up Glen but what's expected to be just a one-night stand becomes something else, something special. That weekend, in bars and in bedrooms, getting drunk and taking drugs, telling stories and having sex, the two men get to know each other. It is a brief encounter that will resonate throughout their lives. The Weekender is both an honest and unapologetic love story between two guys and a film about the universal struggle for an authentic life in all its forms. It is about the search for identity and the importance of making a passionate commitment to your life.

Skidam, i planiram da gledam kasnije. :awesome:
Ne znam politiku foruma po pitanju postavljanja linkova, sooo ukoliko neko zeli torrent, neka mi posalje PM.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
gledaju mi se, ali nemam ih
By loreenche
Ja volim klišee, proverene klišee:

Boy Culture
Broken Sky
Come Undone
Dog Tags
Get Real
His Secret Life
Is It Just Me?
Just A Question Of Love
Like A Brother
No Night Is Too Long

Korisnikov avatar
By Delete
Izraelski film "Einayim Petukhoth" ili "Širom otvorenih očiju" sam odgledala i pozitivno me iznenadila cinjenica da i Jevreji snimaju filmove sa gay tematikom, ukoliko neko zeli da odgleda, grupa entuzijasta se pobrinula da titluje film i postavi ga na FB, pa preporucujem da posetite" target="_blank? v=9dBF3GsQzl4
Korisnikov avatar
By mirkec
[url=]Guion Nerville napisao:[/url]Slika

Kao da su oziveli likovi iz Tom of Finland da odigraju razne homoseksualne fantazme u krimi filmskoj prici, pogotovo kroz prelaze nasilnog (ubilackog) i seksualnog... Napucani mornari, policajci, 'prljavi i muski poslovi', posebna bratska relacija, bar bordel i uopste vizuelno naglasena falusocentricnost, pa ko voli...
Pozdrav ! Kako mogu da se pogledaju ti napucani mornari :nerd: , je lima neki link ? Hvala!
Korisnikov avatar
By nsc
i najnovijih pornica :up:

moj omiljeni sajt, skinuo sam 2 Tb od njih
By loreenche
Da, You Should Meet My Son je jako kul! Da su sve mame takve :sigh:

Make The Yuletide Gay je isto lep filmić.
Korisnikov avatar
By mirkec
[url=]_liplock napisao:[/url]Ne znam da li je vec postavljeno." target="_blank


On a Friday night after a drunken house party with his straight mates, Russell heads out to a gay club, alone and on the pull. Just before closing time he picks up Glen but what's expected to be just a one-night stand becomes something else, something special. That weekend, in bars and in bedrooms, getting drunk and taking drugs, telling stories and having sex, the two men get to know each other. It is a brief encounter that will resonate throughout their lives. The Weekender is both an honest and unapologetic love story between two guys and a film about the universal struggle for an authentic life in all its forms. It is about the search for identity and the importance of making a passionate commitment to your life.

Skidam, i planiram da gledam kasnije. :awesome:
Ne znam politiku foruma po pitanju postavljanja linkova, sooo ukoliko neko zeli torrent, neka mi posalje PM.
Jako dobar film i hvala na preporuci ! Je li još netko bio tako "blesav" da ide provjeravat da li uistinu postoji dotična scena Ruperta Gravesa u Sobi s Pogledom ?, postoji ! cool je i ona pomalo paradoksalna :meda: rasprava pred kraj filma o strejt-erima i zašto je sve tako kako jest. Kraj filma nisam odledao ...
Korisnikov avatar
[url=]mirkec napisao:[/url]
[url=]Guion Nerville napisao:[/url]Slika

Kao da su oziveli likovi iz Tom of Finland da odigraju razne homoseksualne fantazme u krimi filmskoj prici, pogotovo kroz prelaze nasilnog (ubilackog) i seksualnog... Napucani mornari, policajci, 'prljavi i muski poslovi', posebna bratska relacija, bar bordel i uopste vizuelno naglasena falusocentricnost, pa ko voli...
Pozdrav ! Kako mogu da se pogledaju ti napucani mornari :nerd: , je lima neki link ? Hvala!

linkove potrazi na ovom sajtu da ti ne saljem u okviru poruke posto verovatno i druge korisnike zanima :)" target="_blank
Korisnikov avatar
E, nije loš Weekend, skoro sam odgledao
Korisnikov avatar
By Clockwork Orange
[url=]Guion Nerville napisao:[/url]Slika

Kao da su oziveli likovi iz Tom of Finland da odigraju razne homoseksualne fantazme u krimi filmskoj prici, pogotovo kroz prelaze nasilnog (ubilackog) i seksualnog... Napucani mornari, policajci, 'prljavi i muski poslovi', posebna bratska relacija, bar bordel i uopste vizuelno naglasena falusocentricnost, pa ko voli...
Korisnikov avatar
By Delete
Hvala Clockwork Orange, zahvaljujuci tvom linku sam pronasla jos jedan njegov film, koji upravo skidam.
  • 1
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