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Moderatori: Waldorf, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
novi obećavajući film gej tematike: ... tyn.seivom" target="_blank

In its commitment to candid, sympathetic emotional exploration, “Keep the Lights On” invites comparison to Andrew Haigh’s “Weekend.” Mr. Sachs takes a longer view, but the films share an interest in mapping the nuances of feeling that arise between men for whom sex is the easy part. They also both examine the complexities of gay life at a time when closets have (mostly) emptied, the threat of AIDS has (largely) diminished and the tide of intolerance has (significantly) receded.

Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
fala kurcu, izgleda da se polako izlazi iz onog nekreativnog i dosadnog gay interest filmskog geta i vječne coming out repeticije. kao što reče fassbinder (otprilike ^^), problem gej likova u filmu ne treba biti što su gej, nego nešto drugo.
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
srčuj ga preko piratskog zaliva. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
da, ima tu facu koja budi ono najgore u čoveku. :gotika:
By Shoplifter
ima l' neki linak za subtitlove? ne merem ič na netu naći, kad su krenuli neki skandinavski da parlaju ne bi mi dobro
Korisnikov avatar
By KorvinOdAmbera
Download status: 6.5%
Reception: 0.4 kB/s

Umreću pre nego što skinem. :drama:
By Shoplifter
y u no have subs :federi:

ne znam da l' skidaš sa piratskog zaliva, meni se nji'ov toerrent skinuo u roku od odma (the one avec most seeders, of skroz :kopanos:
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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