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Dugo prizeljkivani forum od sada medju nama :)

Moderatori: Waldorf, Moderators

By Simor
Sinoć sam sasvim slučajno naleteo na ovaj video-klip, koji je parodija na japanski horor "Krug" (to su valjda one parodije na horore, u seriji filmova "Scary Movie", koje ja nisam gledao), i ne mogu a da se ponovo ne oduševim Pamelom Anderson i njenom moći da, po hiljaditi put, ironizuje samu sebe. Skidam joj kapu na tome!

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]

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Korisnikov avatar
By V25
"Da li je to onaj film u kom se tip i riba krešu u autu, pa na brodu, pa u..." odgovor: "Ne, ne taj film!"

By ~ Le Saint X ~
Dok sam bio srednjoskolac i dok je BAYWATCH
bio popularan...moja soba je pored postera JAnet, Whitney, Michaela...bila puna PAmele Anderson!
By Simor
Pokaj se i vrati Pameline postere, iako nisi više srednjoškolac!

Korisnikov avatar
By 2Q2Bstr8
ta scena je legendarna! gledao sam Scary Movie 3 (beše 3?) samo zbog te scene. a i često volim da citiram čuvenu rečenicu: "How strange! Such a big house and just one phone!" :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By decko
Pa u trecem delu ta scena sa njom i onom drugom ribom iz Playboy-a i jeste najsmesnija...

(ne racunam scene sa onom Brendom posto mi je ona samo kao pojava smesna :lol: )
Korisnikov avatar
By Morpheus
Sta joj je drugo ostalo nego da se sprda na svoj racun....sto je svakako pozitivno,malo ko bi tako nesto pristao da uradi...Ali posto ona vise od ovoga ne moze da postigne ostaje joj samo da se sprda na spostveni racun.....Moram priznati da to radi prilicno dobro.
Korisnikov avatar
By Zoe
Ja sam jedne godine (davnooo) u Hrvatskoj kupila Playboy samo sa njenim fotkama....... :drkanje: i svom partneru takodje jedan primerak.....da i on :drkanje:

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Uclanjujem se i ja u fan club!


Sour Apple (Golden Apple Awards) and
Razzie Award - Worst New Star for: Barb Wire (1996).


Barb Wire
Scary Movie 3
Pam & Tommy Lee: Stolen Honeymoon (1998) (V)

ali, najomiljenija mi uloga:
Vallery Irons u V.I.P. (

:pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari: :pinknaocari:

By Simor
Originally posted by Zoe
Ja sam jedne godine (davnooo) u Hrvatskoj kupila Playboy samo sa njenim fotkama....... :drkanje: i svom partneru takodje jedan primerak.....da i on :drkanje:
E, to je altruizam na delu! Dole sebičnost! Živela solidarnost! :giggle:
Originally posted by Lunja
Eh, ko bi mene razumeo u fascinaciji do Lunje! :sunce:

Korisnikov avatar
By 2Q2Bstr8
Originally posted by Simor
Eh, ko bi mene razumeo u fascinaciji do Lunje! :sunce:
mene si iznenadio postavljanjem ove teme, no posle sam saznao na koji način si zapravo fasciniran pomenutom P. A. :)
By Simor

I, naravno, don't call me babe!

Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
V.I.P. je bila tako jebeno dobra serija!


VIP i Charmed su jedine 2 serije na koje sam stvarno otkinuo iz meni nepoznatih razloga...
Razum mi je govorio da su poprilicno trashy... ali nisam mogao da im odolim!
Korisnikov avatar
By decko
Ta serija je i bila dobra samo zbog nje i njenih izvala posto je sve ostalo u istoj bilo vec vidjeno milion puta :)

btw jel ima to neko na DVD-u? :trep: :trep:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Ako neko nabavi VIP na CD/DVDu, javljajte, ne pitam za cenu!

By ~ Le Saint X ~
Dolazi Pamela Anderson

Američka glumica i televizijska zvezda Pamela Anderson doći će u Crnu Goru 13. jula, gde će ostati tri dana.

Najpoznatija "čuvarka plaže" će posetiti gradilišta "Atlas grupe" i Meljine kod Herceg Novog gde je platinasta starleta zainteresovana za izgradnju turističko-zdravstvenog kompleksa.

Pamela je za Crnu Goru čula od grupe investitora u Dubaiju i da se kao veliki borac za zaštitu životinja i životne sredine zainteresovala za Crnu Goru.

Pamela Anderson promoviše zdrav stil života, pa je zato odlučila da poseti Crnu Goru, kao prvu ekološku državu u svetu. Prema rečima njenog menadžer Pitera Ašera, Pamelu se "zagrejala" za ovaj projekat jer u ovoj državi postoji "netaknuta priroda, a i ljudi širom sveta još ne znaju za Crnu Goru".

By жњ
i najbolji quote, ikad!!!

It is great to be a blonde. With low expectations it's very easy to surprise people.

Pamela Anderson

By alexandermagic
Originally posted by жњ
i najbolji quote, ikad!!!

It is great to be a blonde. With low expectations it's very easy to surprise people.

Pamela Anderson


OnT: Ta žena je izuzetno atraktivna i seksipilna. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By KiWi
Originally posted by Beogradjanin18
"Da li je to onaj film u kom se tip i riba krešu u autu, pa na brodu, pa u..." odgovor: "Ne, ne taj film!"

Obožavam Pamelicu generalno (Što zbog sisa, što zbog PETAe, što zbog ne glumatanja da je nešto spec. pametna)
ovo je deo sa Pamelicom i Kate:

Kate: I hate television - gives me headaches.
Becca: You know, there's so many magnetic waves travelling in the airspace because of TV and television, we're losing like ten times as many brain cells as we're supposed to.
Kate: Oh, please!
Kate: The cow says blank? Three letters?
Becca: Dude!
Kate: Dude! I dont know, magnetic waves, brain cells, I don?t understand the connection between all that stuff.
Becca: You know what else I heard? Magnetic waves shrink silicone molecules.
[both look down at breasts]
Becca: Agghh! Oh, my God, turn it off!
Kate: It's not working!
Becca: It's backwards!
Kate: What do we do?
Becca: I dont know! Aghhhh!
Kate: That was kind of scary.
Becca: I know something even scarier.
Kate: Ooh, what?
Becca: Have you heard about this videotape?
Kate: The one where they do it on the boat and then in the car and then in the bathtub? And he's like, "Hey, baby, I love you? and she's like "Where are we?" And did you see the size...?
Becca: No. Not that tape. The one with all the scary images, and after you watch the tape, the phone rings and this really scary voice comes on and says you're gonna die in like...
Kate: Seven days! Yeah, I saw that one with Josh last weekend!
Becca: You were with Josh last weeknd? Oh, my God!
[throws pillow at Kate]
Kate: Oh, yes I was!
[hits Becca with laptop]
Becca: You ho!
[smashes glass vase on Kate's head]
Kate: You know it!
[pulls Becca's G-string up]
Kate: [phone rings]
Becca: [walking to the phone] This is really weird.
Kate: Yeah, big house, only one phone.

Što se tiče Brende (neko je pomenuo gore), najbolje scene su mi kad kaže:

"Cindy, the TV's leaking." ... kao da kaže nešto potpuno normalno i očekivano :)

Ceo deo:

Brenda Meeks: [the TV is acting weird and turns on after Brenda turns it off. Finally she unplugs and when it turns on again, it shows a creepy black and white image of Tabitha getting out of a well] Oh, come on. Cindy, the news is on! Another little white girl done fell down a well. Fifty black people got they ass beat by police today, but the whole world gotta stop for one little whitey down the hole.
[the TV starts leaking]
Brenda Meeks: Cindy, the TV’s leaking. Cindy... Cindy something's wrong here.
[Tabitha comes out slowly as Brenda backs away. Tabitha empties her ears with water]
Brenda Meeks: Cindy, this bitch is messin' up my floor!
[Tabitha creeps slowly for Brenda]
Brenda Meeks: Cindy, Help me!
Cindy: [Cindy is busy in the kitchen and is refusing to believe Brenda after she tricked her so many times] I'm not listening.
Brenda Meeks: [Tabitha gets closer to Brenda when Brenda punches her down] Get up you little ugly bitch. C'mon, let me see what you got. What you gonna do?
[Tabitha gets up and starts swinging at Brenda while Brenda holds her back by her hair]
Brenda Meeks: That's all?
[Grabs Tabitha and punches her down]
Brenda Meeks: Oooh, I'm whippin' her ass, Cindy! Yeah, wassup?

A i ovaj deo je extra:

Cindy: Hello?
Tabitha's Voice: [indistinct] Seven days.
Cindy: What? Willie Mays?
Tabitha's Voice: [indistinct] Seven days.
Cindy: Who's gay? Hello?
Tabitha's Voice: [indistinct] Seven days.
Cindy: What?
Tabitha's Voice: Can you hear me now?
Cindy: Kind of.
Tabitha's Voice: Can you hear me now?
Cindy: Yes. Perfect.
Tabitha's Voice: Seven days.
Cindy: Seven days. Oh, my God. I'm gonna die next Monday?
Tabitha's Voice: Yes. No. Wait. Monday. That would be seven business days. This is seven days starting now.
Cindy: So seven days to this very hour? My watch broke. How am I gonna know the exact hour?
Tabitha's Voice: Forget hours. This day seven days from now.
Cindy: But there's a holiday coming up. Do you count the holiday?
Tabitha's Voice: Well, that depends. What holiday?
Cindy: Martin Luther King Day.
Tabitha's Voice: Then no.
Cindy: Why not? Everybody at work is taking it off.
Tabitha's Voice: Jesus Christ, lady. I'm giving you seven friggin' days. I can come over now and kill the shit out of you if you'd rather have that.
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