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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Stripi
Originally posted by p?elica
1 kutija O-Cake keksa
Kakve je vrste taj O-Cake keks?
Da znam, da mu naðem supstitut ovdje :D
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
pojavio se domatji mladi sir - marke 'dukat'

odlican za kolac. provereno :)

sad se spremam da ga isprobam u slatkoj piti od sira :mljac:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
Originally posted by anche
ima neko recept za cizkejk bez jaja?

idi na, tamo imas i bRez jaja sto se ne peku...

mada tu cesto moRas imaT ok sir, neke cake (ja sam ubacivala mlak gustin ili zelatinl) da se ne bi raspao.
2. verzija je uglavnom da je recept vise 'kolac sa sirom' u nego cheesecake - fil izmedju kora, ili cak i neMA fiLL (ja kod bivseg BF stalno jela prelep kolac sa sirom, grizom valjda, limunom :mljac: a izgleda kao debela potisHpanja heh).

p.s. oTkrila sam jos jedan GENIJALAN sir za cheesecake (a i za jelo ) - mlekara S. Mitrovica - sremski sir, pravi sHvapski, eXtra neslan i mlad, ali nije masan pa ga mesam sa slatkom pavlakom, ili mileramom.

zaviSi od recepta, bitno je da se mojoj zeni sviDZa (a nije odaWle, tak da mi je to veliki komplimet :ogledalce: ; maDa se plasim da joj se viSHe sviDaaJu moje dr.oetker /dZemfix/ zHelatin djaKonije jeR oBE volimo klasicne, poput onog sa belom cokoladom itd, ili naravno kombinacija limun vanila pa ja to naBadZim malo goUre :njam: )
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
P.S. jela sam oetkerovu kesiCa verziju cheesecake, ali da li je neko probao CENTROPROIZVOD- ov cheesecake ??

Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
opeT ja



samo prepisah koji recept...

1. /////////////////////////////////////////////////

250gr izmrvljenog keksa i 100 gr otopljenog putera za koru se pomesaju, stave u modlu i pritisnu da se dobije kora/podloga i to se stavi u frizider da se ohladi

Za gornji deo se uzme 250gr krem sira i pomesa sa jednim jogurtom od voca koje želiš, dodas nekoliko kasika secera ili ne (zavisi da li volis sladje ili ne jer je fino i sa i bez), otopis zelatin i kada je malo prohladjen dodas u masu uz naravno sveze voce ili voce iz kompota. Prohladjeno sipas preko kore i stavis nazad u frizider da se hladi.

2. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////


300gr. mlevene plazma keks sa okusom lesnika
100ml. mleka
150gr. butera
50gr. secera u prahu
2kesice Podravka vanilin secera


200ml. slatke pavlake
250gr. svezeg sira
2dl. kisele pavlake
100gr. secera
1kesica vanilin secera


500gr. visnje bez kostica
2 banane
50gr. secera
2kesice zelatina
50ml. vode

1. Samljevene kekse izmesajte sa mlekom,secerom,vanilin secerom i buterom kao za bombice.Utapkajte prstima testo na lim sa obrucem br.24 ili 26.Rastvorite zelatin u malo vode.
2. Kuvajte visnje sa secerom i malo vode oko 5min.umesajte zelatin,dodajte iseckane banane i ostavite na stranu da se malo ohladi.
3. Izmutite slatku pavlaku sa secerom,dodajte sir,kiselu pavlaku.
4. Premazati fil preko biskvitnog testa,lepo poravnati i preliti preko pazljivo zelatin masu sa vocem.
5. Stavite u friz da se ohladi.

3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

KORA: - 150 gr. mljevenog keksa
-70 gr. secera u prahu
-70 gr. margarina
-1 zumanjce
-malo soka od narandze

FIL: -500 ml. slatke pavlake
-70 gr. secera u prahu
-200 gr. kravljeg kremastog sira (ne mora marskapone)
-sok i strugana kora od 1 limuna

PRELIV (se stavlja na nasjecen kolac u tanjir)
Maline(puno bolje) ili kupine (mogu zaledjene)samo prokuvati sa malo vode(bas malo) i secera.
Mogu se kupiti I gotovi prelivu, vocni….

Priprema: pomjesati sve sastojke za koru pa staviti na dno kalupa za tortu kojem se skida okvir.
Dobro umutiti sir sa secerom u prahu ,sokom I stuganom koricom od limuna,pa dodati u već umucnu pavlaku.
Fil staviti na koru u kalup i ostaviti u frizider da se dobro stegne.
Skinuti stranicu kad se stegne radi lakseg rezanja.

4. ///////////////////////////////////////////////

1 tecni slag (fresh cream ako si vani)
1 paket keksa (digestive)
1 zelatin ( ovo je zelatin s razlicitim ukusima npr lemon jelly al pretpostavljam ako nema može i običan zelatin u kesicama)
1 limun ili koje već voce hoćeš meni je najbolje sa sokom koji ostane od narezanih jagoda
50 gr margarina (ili već koliko treba za kolicinu keksa)
1 filadelfija sir ili još bolje mascarone sir ili već kakav ima kod tebe
I kalup za tortu koji se otvara

Izmrvi keks u kesici sa oklagijom . Istopi margarin i dodaj keks da sve upije. Stavi smesu u kalup i dobro utisni npr.okrenutom ravnom casom. Stavi u frizider dok pravis masu za fil.

Izmuti sir sa sokom kojeg već hoćeš okusa i uto dodaj tecni slag ,muti dok se ne stegne i ne brini ako ne izgleda dovoljno gusto.
Posebno u malo vode istopi zelatin i kad se lagano ohladi (ne da se potpuno stegne,ja stavim dosta vruc ) dodaj zelatin u tu masu. Dobro izmesaj s kasikom prelij preko biskvita i u frizider. Najbolje da stoji sat dva.

5. //////////////////////////////////////////////

150 g mlevene plazme
75 g otopljenog putera
3 kasike mleka

500 g neslanog sremskog sira
500 ml slatke pavlake
12 kasika secera
1 vanilin secer ili 1 vanila ekstrakt
2 zelatina

2 belanca
2 case secera (casa od kiselog mleka, 2 dl)
2 case iseckanih jagoda

U plazmu sipati otopljen puter i promesati. Dodati mleko. Masu sipati na dno okruglog pleha precnika 26 cm kome se skida ivica. Masu dobro utabati.

Dve kesice zelatina sipati u 100 ml hladne vode i ostaviti da nabubri. Sremski sir i secer izmesati varjacom. Dodati slatku pavlaku (ne mutiti, samo je onako tecnu sipati u sir). Nabubreli zelatin ugrejati da se ne poznaje tekstura, da bude skroz tecan. Dodati beloj masi. Hladnom vodom navlaziti ivicu pleha pa sipati fil preko kore. Ostaviti u frizideru da se dobro stegne, bar 4-5 sati.

U dublji sud staviti belanca, secer i iseckano voce. Mutiti mikserom sve zajedno. Mora malo duže da se muti, bar 7-8 minuta, dok se ne dobije lepa penasta masa.

Dobro ohladjenu tortu pazljivo odvojiti od kalupa i prebaciti na tacnu. Iseceno parce torte obilato preliti kremom/prelivom od jagoda.

Ako ostane preliva i kad se potrosi ceo kolac, iskoristiti ga kao preliv preko svezih jagoda...


toliko za sad (a svi su na isti fazon, al o5 lepi :D ), uzivaJte :njam:
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Moj je slican kao ovaj sto je Kittrie napisala...Ne pece se a mnooogo dobar
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
Originally posted by hlaefdige
ja sad samo da umrem koliko mi se jede!
me 2

Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
ugnjavicemo Superstara da nam napravi sledeci put kad dodjem u bg....kad dobijem platu, jel'te
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
Originally posted by hlaefdige
ugnjavicemo Superstara da nam napravi sledeci put kad dodjem u bg....kad dobijem platu, jel'te

mogao bi stvarno... :sweet: :trep:
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Dobro dobru tju da vam napravim...
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie

samo JA mogu prawit cheesecake, moja temA, moj kolac, od MENA se narucuJe, evo koliko sad i 'perVerznih' recepaTa ubachih na zahtev.

saMo ceKam da me pitatE tipa -jeL moUze cheesecake bRez sira, a i da ne bude koLJach nego da Ga sluZim kaO slano predjeLo na slaWi i pLJus da neSti iskaChe iz njega sTo peWa 'best of grand zWezda'. i nako da zaciNiMo. dual C inteL neki unutrA i wc solja pa da ziWimo u chEEsecakeu.

niste vi noUrmalni, no , no , noUUUUUUUUU :elvis:
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
fala kittrie!

(jes da u trecem, valjda, recepisu ide zumanac - al to nije celo jaje :lol: )

al ona perverzija da bude plazma sa ukusom lesnika :drama: meni vec kalkulacija u glavi da savim obican keks i dodam mleveni lJesnjak :mljac:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
@superstar!! *my aSS
molim lepo, voDIm se primerom pariSSke koja je patentiraLA sTejtnment : "that's hot" :merlinka:

a moja je:
"bck oFF biA'ch , that sWeet chEEseecake booTy and aLL legal stuFF , riGhts and leFt(s, )including those that R noT, like eatin', ARE MINE !!

caTchy, aYYYYYY??? :luda:


hun, preletala sam reecptei organizovala da bude sto preglednije prezentovano *ujednaceno.
skidala sam to sa , lajK, 3 sajta dok sam istovremeno pRicala sa keWom, odLucivala koJi cju ja danaS praviT (gledam u noWchanik :lol: ) i gledala SNIMAK kako se pravi americKi cheesecake na ... cheesecake mi upaDe zumanac :bubblegum:
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
ma fala tebi na trudu bre! :)

nema veze, vazno da se nesto mesi :kuvar: :giggle:
Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
Originally posted by Kittrie
samo JA mogu prawit cheesecake, moja temA, moj kolac, od MENA se narucuJe, evo koliko sad i 'perVerznih' recepaTa ubachih na zahtev.
signed, sealed, delivered.....pravi cizkejk, odmah!....gotovo! prva pisem pet!
Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
ma jel'te?

moje srce i stomak su dovoljno veliki za sve cizkejkove koje vi mozete da napravite!!
Korisnikov avatar
By Wilhelmina
Originally posted by Stripi
Originally posted by p?elica
1 kutija O-Cake keksa
Kakve je vrste taj O-Cake keks?
Da znam, da mu na�em supstitut ovdje :D

Hm, to je integralni keks sa ovsenim pahuljicama. Sigurna sam da takav postoji i u Hr, jer sam slican jela u Italiji...
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
Originally posted by hlaefdige
Originally posted by Kittrie
samo JA mogu prawit cheesecake, moja temA, moj kolac, od MENA se narucuJe, evo koliko sad i 'perVerznih' recepaTa ubachih na zahtev.
signed, sealed, delivered.....pravi cizkejk, odmah!....gotovo! prva pisem pet!
jeL tak pet'ca za 5 parCHadi :lol: , ili za moje qLinarske sposobnosti ? :misli:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
serbsKi cheesecake (bRez slatke pavlake, philadelfije/mascarponea ili na brZ dobrih pomagala iz dr Oetker kesice itd., i keX kore);
mrZelo me da izLAzim po odrwratnom vrImenu u shopping, pa iskoRisrtih sTa je biLo u Qcji.

RECEPT prilazem:

rokala sta sam stiGla u frEEstYle koru :merlinka: : jaja, brasno, ulje (ja stavila buter), secJer, mleko, prasak za pecivo - to je valjda osnovno :shrug: + mlevena plazma bez uQsa, griza - sve to za teXTuru; za aromu rendana cokolada, malo rum eXtakta + kasiciCa cimeta.
naravno, provene podloge su vam sigurnije.

za seRbski fil :marinac: sam koristiLa onaj sremski (shWapski) sir -oko 300g , 200ml milerama, 2-3 kasike buTTEra, (prah ) seceR, vanilu, svez limun (rendanu koru od + sok).
za zgusnjavanje sam koristila vanila puding (mada moUze i gustin, zelatin.. sve je to eXtra), kolicina odoKa (ubacen mlak).preliti preko podloge.

gore zelatin wocNi preliV.

ne pece se u rerni, u friZHider na nekoliko sati, mada je kao bolje da prenoci.

posto je podloGa imala jaChi ukus, zelela sam da fil ima blaZu aroMu. inace takve CheeSecakeS preFeriram.


moJi su naskociLLi na CC ko aVganistanski sirociCji na ameRicke donacije (HEJT< HEJT< HEJT na jebeNu AMERIku :sekirica: ).
A ocarana mamas koleZinica (kako je doMaca radinosT izrodiLa LiP CheeseCake) razmisljala da li da joj secnemo jos malo (voli cheesecake, eh) a ja umaLo dobi sRchQ !!
..i tako ja zaWrssi sa jenim parcetom, kme :place:
Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
Originally posted by Kittrie
Originally posted by hlaefdige
Originally posted by Kittrie
samo JA mogu prawit cheesecake, moja temA, moj kolac, od MENA se narucuJe, evo koliko sad i 'perVerznih' recepaTa ubachih na zahtev.
signed, sealed, delivered.....pravi cizkejk, odmah!....gotovo! prva pisem pet!
jeL tak pet'ca za 5 parCHadi :lol: , ili za moje qLinarske sposobnosti ? :misli:
all of the above!

cekam.....ja cekam!! :freddy:
Korisnikov avatar
By BellyButton
Ima u Maxiju da se kupi "A la Kajmak"... Tako se zove sir... Krem sir, zapravo... Njega mixujete sa slatkom pavlakom... Sa njim je cheese-cake vrlo ukusan...
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
verujem , jeR sam probala :D (jel to onaJ moje, SHabaCHke mlekaRe? ), ali veruj mi, ukus u odnosu na Sremski (mitrovacHka mlekara), ili neki shwApski domaci, sa malo buterA i mmiLEramom,i prah slagom umesanim u mleko (slatka pavlaka, lol) je 90% posTO isti;

sWe imas u kuCji, kinTA 3-4 puTA manja (SRPSKI CHEESECAKE - patentiRAcju :yay: ). a i mnogo zavisi oD liCnih caka i uCja Qvala/poslasticara :eureka:

ko onDA za vRime sLobe kad sU ljudi ceKAli u reDu da bi jeLi ono Sto su nekaD orangutani bacali :rotflmao:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Cheesecake Recipes

Chocolate Velvet Cheesecake
1 c Vanilla Wafer Crumbs
1/2 c Chopped Pecans
3 tb Granulated Sugar
1/4 c Margarine, Melted
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/2 c Brown Sugar, Packed
2 ea Large Eggs
6 oz Semi-sweet Chips, Melted
3 tb Almond Flavored Liqueur
2 c Sour Cream
2 tb Granulated Sugar
Combine crumbs, pecans, granulated sugar and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform
pan. Bake at 325 degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream sheese and brown sugar, mixing at
medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each
addition. Blend in chocolate and liqueur; pour over crust. Bake at 325 degrees F., 35 minutes.
Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees F. Combine sour cream and granulated sugar; carefully
spread over cheesecake. Bake at 425 degrees F. 10 minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool
before removing rim of pan. Chill. VARIATION: Substitute 2 Tablespoons milk and 1/4 teasponn
almond extract for almond flavored liqueur.

Cookies and Cream Cheesecake
2 c Cream-filled Cookies *
6 tb Margarine, Softened
1 ea Env. Unflavored Gelatin
1/4 c Cold Water
8 oz Cream Cheese Softened
1/2 c Sugar
3/4 c Milk
1 c Whipping Cream, Whipped
1 1/4 c Creme-filled Cookies **
* The cookies (24) should be chocolate cream filled cookies and be to as fine as can be done. **
These cookies should be chocolate cream filled cookies and should be coarsely chopped.
Combine cookie crumbs and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Soften gelatin
in water; stir over low heat until dissolved. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium
speed on an electric mixer until well blended Gradually add gelatin mixture and milk, mixing until
well blended. Chill until mixture is thickened but not set. Fold in whipped cream. Reserve 1 1/2 C
cream cheese mixture; pour remaning cream cheese mixture over crust. Top with cookies and
reserved cream cheese mixture. Chill until firm.

Creamy Chilled Cheesecake
1 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
1/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Margarine, Melted
1 ea Env. Unflavored Gelatin
1/4 c Cold Water
8 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/2 c Sugar
3/4 c Milk
1/4 c Lemon Juice
1 c Shipping Cream, Whipped
1 x Strawberry Halves
Combine Crumbs, sugar, and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch spring- form pan. Soften
gelatin in water; stir over low heat until dissolved. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at
medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Chill until slightly thickened; fold in whipped
cream. Pour over crust; chill until firm. Top with strawberries before serving.

Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Creme-filled Cookie Crumbs *
2 tb Margarine, Melted
32 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1 1/4 c Sugar
3 ea Large Eggs
1 c Sour Cream
1 ts Vanilla
6 oz Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips**
1/3 c Strained Raspberry Preserves
6 oz Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1/4 c Whipping Cream
* Cookie crumbs should come from 18 Cream Filled Cookies that have been finely crushed. ** This
6 ozs of Chocolate chips should be melted and cooled slightly .
Combine crumbs and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Combine 24 ozs of
cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs,
one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in sour cream and vanilla; pour over crust.
Combine remaining 8 ozs cream cheese and melted chocolate, mixing at medium speed on eletric
mixer until well blended. Add Red Raspberry preserves; mix well. Drop rounded measuring
tablespoonsfuls of chocolate cream cheese batter over plain cream cheese batter, do not swirl.
Bake at 325 degrees F., 1 hour and 25 minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before
removing rim of pan. Melt chocolate pieces and whipping cream over low heat stirring until smooth.
Spread over cheescake. Chill. Garnish with additonal whipping cream, whipped, raspberries and
fresh mint leaves, if desired.

Arizona Sunset Cheesecake
Shortbread Crust
1 1/2 c Flour
1/2 c Finely ground pecans
1/3 c Sugar
1 lg Egg, separated
1/2 c Butter, softened
Cranberry Glaze Filling
1 cn Whole berry cranberry- sauce OR 2 cups cranberry orange relish
2 tb Sugar
1 tb Cornstarch
1 tb Grated lemon zest
1 tb Lemon juice
White Chocolate Filling
1 1/2 c Fresh orange juice
1-3 Inch x 1 inch piece- of orange peel (orange part only)
4 8 oz pkgs cream cheese
2/3 c Sugar
1 tb Grated orange zest
2 tb Cranberry Liqueur (such- as Crantasia Schnapps)
8 oz White chocolate, melted
4 Eggs
Candied Orange Topping
4 c Water
2 c Sugar
3 Seedless oranges (unpeeled)- cut into paper-thin slices
Whipped Cream
Shortbread Crust: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Working on a large flat surface, such as a
pastry board, place flour, pecans, and sugar in the center of the surface and mix together. Form a
small depression or well in the center of the mound. Add the egg yolk and the softened butter to
the well, then blend these with the dry mixture. Mix the ingredients thoroughly using your hands --
there is no substitute for warm hands. Shape the dough into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill
for at least 10 minutes. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1/4-inch. You should have a
circle of about 11 inches in diameter. For best results, roll out your dough between 2 sheets of
waxed paper, then peel away the paper and cut the crust in a 9 inch circle. Place the circle inside a
9 inch springform pan. Prick the crust several times with a fork to keep the crust from puffing up
during the baking. Place the springform pan in the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until
light brown. Allow to cool. Using the leftover dough, line the sides of the springform pan. Press the
dough against the sides of the pan, smoothing it so as to have a continuous layer of crust all the
way around the sides of the pan. Make sure that the side crust meets the bottom crust all the way
around. Brush the reserved egg white onto the shell, covering the bottom and sides. This will seal
the dough and keep it from becoming soggy. Set aside until ready to use.
Cranberry Glaze Filling: Mix the sugar and cornstarch together in a small saucepan. Stir in the
cranberry sauce. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick. Stir in the lemon zest and
lemon juice. Set aside to cool slightly.
White Chocolate Filling: Reset the oven to 350 degrees F. Boil the orange juice and piece of orange
peel in a heavy medium saucepan until the juice is reduced to 3 Tbsp - about 12 minutes. Remove
and discard the strip of orange peel and set aside the reduced orange juice. Using an electric
mixer, beat the cream cheese, sugar, grated orange zest, Crantasia, and reduced orange juice until
smooth. Beat in the melted white chocolate and then the eggs, one at a time, beating just until
combined. Pour the cranberry glaze filling into the prepared crust, spreading evenly. Pour the white
chocolate filling over the cranberry layer and bake about 50 minutes (the top will be dry and the
sides puffed slightly - the center will not be set). Move cheesecake to a wire rack and cool
completely to room temperature. Chill in the refrigerator overnight.
Candied Oranges Topping: Cover a wire rack with waxed paper. Set aside. Combine the water and
sugar in a heavy shallow wide skillet. Stir over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Simmer 5
minutes longer. Add the orange slices 1 at a time and adjust the heat so that the syrup bubbles
only around the edges of the pan. Cook the oranges for one hour. Turn over the top layer of
oranges and cook until the oranges are translucent and the orange peels tender, about another one
hour longer. Lift and drain each orange slice out of the syrup, and arrange the slices in a single
layer on the prepared rack. Let dry 1 hour. Boil the orange-sugar syrup until thick, about 6
Loosen and remove the sides of the springform pan. Set the cheesecake on a serving dish. Overlap
the candied orange slices around the top of the cheesecake. Reheat the orange syrup, if necessary,
and brush over the orange slices. Drizzle any remainder over each serving. Garnish: whipped
cream NOTE: You may substitute grapefruits for the oranges in the Candied Oranges Topping if you

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Supreme
1 c Chocolate Wafer Crumbs
3 tb Margarine, Melted
24 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
3/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
3 ea Large Eggs
1/2 c Sour Cream
1 ts Vanilla
1 c Mini Semi-sweet Chips
Combine crumbs and magarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees
F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese, sugar and flour, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer
until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in sour cream
and vanilla. Stir in chocolate chips and pour into crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 55 minutes. Loosen
cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill. Garnish with whipped cream and
fresh mint leaves, if desired.

Cappuccino Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Finely Chopped Nuts
2 tb Sugar
3 tb Margarine, Melted
32 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1 c Sugar
3 tb Unbleached All-purpose Flour
4 ea Large Eggs
1 c Sour Cream
1 tb Instant Coffee Granules
1/4 ts Cinnamon
1/4 c Boiling water
Combine nuts, sugar, and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch spring- form cake pan. Bake at
325 degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese, sugar, and flour, mixing at medium speed on
electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in
sour cream. Dissolve coffee granules and cinnamon in water. Cool; gradually add to cream cheese
mixture, mixing until well blended. Pour over crust. Bake at 450 degrees F., 10 minutes. Reduce
oven temperature to 250 degrees F.; continue baking 1 hour. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool
before removing rim of pan. Chill. Garnish with whipped cream and whole coffee beans if desired.

Chocolate Mint Meringue Cheesecake
1 c Chocolate Wafer Crumbs
3 tb Margarine, Melted
2 tb Sugar
24 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
2/3 c Sugar
3 ea Large Eggs
1 c Mint Chocolate Chips, Melted
1 ts Vanilla
3 ea Large Egg Whites
7 oz Marshmallow Creme (1 Jr)
Combine crumbs, margarine and sugar; press onto bottom of 9-inch spring- form pan. Bake at 350
degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed on electric
mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in mint
chocolate and vanilla; pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 50 minutes. Loosen cake from rim
of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill. Beat egg whites until soft peakes form. Gradually
add marshmallow creme, beating until stiff peakes form. Carefully spread over top of cheesecake
to seal. Bake at 450 degrees F.; 3 to 4 minutes or until lightly browned.

Cherry Cheesecake
1 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
3 tb Sugar
3 tb Margarine, Melted
24 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
3/4 c Sugar
3 ea Large Eggs
1 ts Vanilla
21 oz Cherry Pie Filling (1 cn)
Combine crumbs and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 325 degrees
F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until
well blended. Add eggs, one at a time mixing well after each addition. Blend in vanilla; pour over
crust. Bake at 450 degrees F., 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperatur to 250 degrees F., continue
baking 25 to 30 minutes or until set. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of
pan. Chill. Top with pie filling just before serving.

Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake
2 c Vanilla Wafer Crumbs
6 tb Margarine, Melted
14 oz Carmels ( 1 bag)
5 oz (1 cn) Evaporated Milk
1 c Chopped Pecans, Toasted
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
2 ea Large Eggs
1/2 c Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips *
* Chocolate chips should be melted.
Combine crumbs and margarine, press onto bottom and sides of 9-inch spring- form pan. Bake at
350 degrees F., 10 minutes. In 1 1/2-quart heavy saucepan, melt carmels with milk over low heat,
stirring frequently, until smooth. Pour over crust. Top with pecans. Combine cream cheese, sugar
and vanila, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time,
mixing well after each addition. Blend in chocolate, pour over pecans. Bake at 350 degrees F., 40
minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill. Garnish with
whipped cream, additional chopped nuts and maraschino cherries, if desired.

Chocolate Orange Supreme Cheesecake
1 c Chocolate Wafer Crumbs
1/4 ts Cinnamon
3 tb Margarine, Melted
32 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
3/4 c Sugar
4 ea Large Eggs
1/2 c Sour Cream
1 ts Vanilla
1/2 c Semi-sweet Choc. ChipsMelted
2 tb Orange Flavord Liqueur
1/2 ts Grated Orange Peel
Combine crumbs, cinnamon and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch spring- form pan. Bake at
325 degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed on electric
mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in sour
cream and vanilla. Blend chocolate into 3 cups batter; blend liqueur and pell into remaining batter.
Pour chocolate batter over crust. Bate at 350 degrees F., 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to
325 degrees F. Spoon remianing batter over chocolate batter continue baking 30 minutes more.
Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill.

Cocoa-Nut Meringue Cheesecake
7 oz (1 pk) Flaked Coconut *
1/4 c Chopped pecans
3 tb Margarine, Melted
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/3 c Sugar
3 tb Cocoa
2 tb Water
1 ts Vanilla
3 ea Large Eggs, Separated
Dash salt
7 oz (1 jr) Marshmallow Creme
1/2 c Chopped Pecans
* Coconut should be flaked and toasted.
Combine coconut, pecans, and margarine, press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Combine
cream cheese, sugar, cocoa, water and vanilla, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well
blended. Blend in egg yolks, pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 30 minutes. Loosen cake
from rim of pan, cool before removing rim of pan. Beat egg whites and salt until foamy, gradually
add marshmallow creme, beating until stiff peaks form. Sprinkle pecans over cheesecake to within
1/2-inch of outer edge. Carefully spread marshmallow creme mixture over top of cheescake to
seal. Bake at 350 degrees F., 15 minutes. Cool.

Tempting Trifle Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Soft Coconut Macaroons*
3/4 c Sugar
1/2 c Whipping cream
2 tb Sweet Sherry
10 oz Red Raspberry Preserves
1 x Toasted Slivered Almonds
24 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
4 ea Large Eggs
1/2 c Sour Cream
1 ts Vanilla
1/2 c Whipping Cream, Whipped
* Soft coconut macroon cookies crumbs.
Press crumbs onto bottom of greased 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 325 degrees F., 15 minutes.
Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed on electric mixture until well blended.
Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in sour cream, whipping cream,
sherry and vanilla; pour over crust. Bake at 325 degrees F., 1 hour and 10 minutes. Loosen cake
from rim of pan; cool befroe removing rim of pan. Chill. Heat preserves in saucepan over low heat
until melted. Strain to remove seeds. Spoon over cheesecake, spreading to edges. Dollop with
whipped cream; top with almonds.

Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake
8 1/2 oz Chocolate Wafers, Fine Crush
1/2 c Butter, Melted
12 oz Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1 1/2 c Heavy cream
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/4 c Sugar
4 ea Large Eggs
3/4 c Cherry Flavored Liqueur
1 ts Vanilla Extract
1 lb Cherry Pie Filling
1/2 c Heavy Cream Whipped (Opt.)
In large bowl, combine chocolate wafer crumbs and butter. Pat fimly into 9-inch springform pan,
covering bottom and 2 1/2 inches up sides. Chill. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Combine over hot
(not boiling) water, chocolate chips and heavy cream. Stir until morsels are melted and mixture is
smooth. Set aside. In large bowl, combine cream cheese and sugar, beating untl creamy. Add
eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add chocolate mixture, cherry liqueur, and
vanilla, mix until blended. Pour into prepared crust. Bake at 325 degrees F. for 60 minutes. Turn
oven off. Let stand in oven with door ajar 1 hour. Remove, cool completely. Chill 24 hours. Spread
cherry pie filling over top of cheesecake leaving 1-inch from the edge. Decorate edge with whipped
cream, if desired.

Tuscan Cheesecake
3 lb Ricotta cheese
8 Eggs
2 c Sugar
1 c Milk
2 Oranges, grated zest only
2 Lemons, grated zest only
2 2/3 oz Grand mariner
1 tb Clarified butter
1/4 c Plain bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Beat ricotta cheese with blender until smooth. Add eggs, sugar, and milk. Blend until well-mixed
and smooth. Add orange and lemon zest and Grand Mariner. Mix well.
Grease one cheesecake pan with butter and coat lightly with bread crumbs. Fill pan 3/4 of the way
with cheesecake mixture. Set pan in a larger pan filled half full with water and bake 1-1/4 hours.
Turn oven off, leaving the cake within. Let stand for one hour. Remove, let cool, and refrigerate.

Another Chocolate Cheesecake
1 pk (8 1/2 oz) chocolate wafers; crushed (Oreos work well, filling and all)
6 tb Unsalted butter; melted
2 pk (8 oz) cream cheese; softened (low fat works well)
2/3 c Sugar
3 Eggs
12 oz Or 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate, melted
1 c Whipping cream
2 tb Unsalted butter; melted
1 ts Vanilla
1/2 c Kahlua
Heat oven to 325F. In medium bowl, combine wafers and butter, reserving 1 tablespoon of the
crumbs for garnish. Press remaining crumbs in bottom and 2 inches up sides of an ungreased 10-
inch springform pan. Refrigerate.
In a large bowl, combine cream cheese and sugar; beat until smooth. Add eggs 1 at a time,
beating well after each addition. Add melted chocolate; beat well. Add remaining ingredients, and
beat until smooth. Pour into crust-lined pan.
Bake at 325F for 55 to 65 minutes or until edges are set. Center of cheesecake will be soft. (To
minimize cracking, place a shallow pan with about 3/4 inch of hot water on the lower oven rack
while baking.) Allow cheesecake to cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then carefully remove the sides
of the pan. Allow the cheesecake to cool completely. Garnish with the reserved crumbs (provided
you can keep your spouse from eating them), and refrigerate (at least 2-3 hours, preferably
overnight). Keeps well in refrigerator for 3 days, probably longer.

Cheddar Chili Cheesecake
1 1/2 tb Butter (for pan)
1/4 c Fine breadcrumbs, toasted
1/4 c Finely grated cheddar cheese
6 oz Thinly sliced ham
1 1/2 lb Cream cheese, room temp.
3/4 lb Sharp cheddar, grated
1 c Cottage cheese
3/4 c Chopped green onion
4 Eggs
3 tb Jalapeno pepper*
2 tb Milk
1 Garlic clove, halved .
*seeded and finely chopped.
Preheat oven to 325. Butter 9" springform pan. Mix breadcrumbs and 1/4 cup cheddar. Sprinkle
mixture into pan, turning to coat. Refrigerate. Dice about half of ham; reserve remaining slices.
Mix diced ham with remaining ingredients in blender or processor until smooth. Pour slightly more
than half of filling into prepared pan. Top with reserved ham slices in even layer. Cover with
remaining filling. Set pan on baking sheet. Bake 1 1/4 hours. Turn oven off and cool cheesecake
about 1 hour with door ajar. Transfer cheesecake to rack. Remove sides of pan. Cool to room
temperature before serving.

Coconut Chocolate Cheesecake
1 c Grham Cracker Crumbs
3 tb Sugar
3 tb Margarine, Melted
2 oz Unsweetened Baking Chocolate
2 tb Margarine
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1 1/4 c Sugar
1/4 ts Salt
5 ea Large Eggs
1 1/3 c Flaked Coconut (3.5 oz Can)
1 c Sour Cream
2 tb Sugar
2 tb Brandy
Combine crumbs, sugar and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch spring- form pan. Bake at 350
degrees F., 10 minutes. Melt chocolate and margarine over low heat; stirring until smooth.
Combine cream cheese, sugar and salt; mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well
blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in chocolate mixture and
coconut; pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 55 to 60 minutes or until set. Combine sour
cream, sugar and brandy; spread over cheesecake. Bake at 300 degrees F., 5 minutes. Loosen
cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill.

Chocolate Cheesecake
12 oz Semi-sweet chocolate; chopped
1 1/2 Sticks (3/4 cup) unsalted butter
1 c Sour cream at room temperature
1 ts Vanilla
3 lg Eggs
1 c Sugar
3 8-oz packages cream cheese; softened
1 c Chopped pecans
Confectioners' sugar and unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting the cake if desired
1 Chocolate graham wafer pie crust
In a large metal bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water melt the chocolate and the butter,
stirring until the mixture is smooth, stir in the sour cream and the vanilla, and let the mixture cool.
In a bowl beat together the eggs and the sugar until the mixture is thick and pale and forms a
ribbon when the beaters are lifted and beat in the cream cheese. Stir in the chocolate mixture and
fold in the pecans.
Pour the filling into the prepared crust and bake the cheesecake in the middle of a preheated 325
degree F oven for 2 hours, or until it is just set. (The cake will fall in the middle.) Let the
cheesecake cool in the pan on a rack, chill it, covered loosely, overnight, and remove the side of
the pan. Sprinkle the confectioners' sugar and the cocoa powder decoratively over the cheesecake.

Banana Cream Cheesecake
1 Yellow cake mix, prepared in 13x9 pan.
8 oz Cream cheese, room temperature
1 pk (3-oz) instant vanilla pudding
2 c Milk
3 Or 4 bananas
1 lg Container Cool Whip
1 c Chopped nuts
Beat cream cheese until creamy. Add milk, gradually; add pudding, beating until well mixed. Pour
over cooled cake. Slice the bananas over cake. Cover with Cool Whip and top with nuts.

A Masterpiece Cheesecake
2 C. graham cracker crumbs
1/4 C. melted butter
1/3 C. powdered sugar
2 Tbsp. flour
Mix well and pat into greased 9" spring form pan (grease bottom of pan only). Place in refrigerator
while making filling.
1 lb. cream cheese
3 eggs
1/2 C. sugar
Beat well and pour into pie crust. Bake in 350 degree F oven for 20 minutes ONLY. Remove and
cool. Cake may be decorated with any variety of fruits, canned or in season.

Amaretto Peach Cheesecake
3 tb Margarine
1/3 c Sugar
1 Large Egg
3/4 c Unbleached All-purpose Flour
24 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
3/4 c Sugar
3 tb Unbleached All-purpose Flour
3 Large Eggs
16 oz Canned Peach Halves *
1/4 c Almond Flavored Liqueur
* Peach halves should be drained, and then pureed.
Combine margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Blend in egg. Add flour; mix well. Spread
dough onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 450 degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream
cheese, sugar and flour; mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs,
one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add peaches and liqueur; mix well. Pour over crust.
Bake at 450 degrees F., 10 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 250 degrees F.; continue baking 65 minutes. Loosen cake from rim of
pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill. Garnish with additional peach slices and sliced
almonds, if desired.

Almond Amaretto Cheesecake
1/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Almonds, toasted
1 c Unsifted all-purpose flour
Pinch salt
1/2 c Unsalt butter
1 lg Egg yolk
1/4 ts Almond extract
5 pk Cream cheese, softened 8-oz each
1 2/3 c Sugar
2 ts Grated lemon zest
5 lg Eggs plus 2 yolks
1/4 c Heavy cream
3 tb Amaretto liqueur
1 tb All-purpose flour
Strawberries for garnish
Make Crust: Lightly greased 9-inch springform pan. In food processor, process sugar and almonds
until nuts are finely ground. Add flour and salt; pulse to blend. Cut up butter into bits; add to flour
mixture. Pulse until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add egg yolk and almond extract; pulse just
until dough holds together. Press dough into prepare pan to line bottom and 2 inch up sides.
Refrigerate 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 400. Bake crust 8 minutes or just until golden. Place on wire rack; let stand stand
until cool. Make filling: In large bowl, with electric mixer at medium-high speed, beat cream cheese
until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in sugar; beat 3 minutes or until mixture is blended and
smooth. Beat in lemon zest. At medium speed, beat in eggs and yolks, on at a time, beating just
until blended after each addition.
At low speed, beat in heavy cream and liqueur. Beat in flour just until blended. Increase oven
temperature to 500. Pour filling into cooled crust in pan. Bake 12 minutes. Reduce oven
temperature to 200.
Bake cheesecake 1 hour longer, cover loosely with foil if top browns too quickly. Turn off oven; let
cheesecake remain on rack for 30 minutes with oven door propped ajar with wooden spoon.
Place cake on cooling rack. Let stand until room temperature. Cover; chill 6 hours or overnight. To
serve, run knife around edges of pan to loosen cake. Remove pan sides. Place cake on serving
dish. Garnish with strawberries. Before cutting each slice, dip knife in cold water.

Cappuccino Cheesecake Pie with Pecan Sauce
1 10" pie crust
3 pk (8 oz) cream cheese; softened
1 3/4 c Firmly packed dark brown sugar
4 Eggs
2 tb Strong coffee
1 c Firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 c Whipping cream
1/2 c Butter
1/4 c Strong coffee
2 tb Coffee-flavored liqueur or strong coffee
1 c Pecan halves
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
In large bowl, beat cream cheese and 1 3/4 cups brown sugar until smooth. Add eggs; beat until
well blended. Add 2 tbsps coffee; blend well. Pour into crust.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 45-50 minutes or until edges are set and golden brown (center will not
appear set). Cover edge of crust with strips of foil after 15-20 minutes of baking to prevent
excessive browning.
Cool, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled and center is set, about 2 hours.
In medium saucepan, combine all sauce ingredients except pecans. Bring to a boil over medium
heat, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat; simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in 1 cup
pecan halves. To serve, pour warm sauce over each serving. Garnish with whipped cream and
pecan halves.

2 c Graham cracker crumbs 6 T Butter, melted 2 T Sugar, white 1/2 t Cinnamon, ground
Cake Filling:
1 1/2 lb Cream cheese 3/4 c Sugar 3 Eggs 1/4 c Lemon juice 2 t Lemon rind, grated 2 t Vanilla
2 c Sour cream 3 T Sugar 1 t Vanilla
1/2 c Sugar 1 1/2 t Cornstarch 1/4 t Salt 3/4 c Water 1/3 c Lemon juice 1 Egg yolk, Well beaten 1
T Butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine crust ingredients. Press crust on bottom and sides of
buttered 10-inch springform pan. Bake 5 minutes and cool.
Beat cheese until soft. Add sugar and blend well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each.
Mix in the lemon rind and the vanilla, and add to the mixture. Pour into the pre-baked crust and
bake 35 minutes.
Combine topping ingredients, spread on top of cheesecake, and return to oven immediately. Bake
10-12 minutes and remove from oven.
Combine dry glaze ingredients; add liquid glaze ingredients. Cook over low heat until thick. Add
about 1 T of butter. Cool and spread this glaze on the cake before the glaze thickens too much.

Chocolate Amaretto Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Chocolate wafer crumbs
1/3 c Heavy cream
1 c Blanched almonds, lightly toasted and chopped
1/2 c Amaretto
2 ts Vanilla
1/3 c Sugar
4 Eggs
6 tb Butter, softened
2 c Sour cream
24 oz Cream cheese, softened
1 tb Sugar
1 c Sugar
1 c Blanched almonds, lightly
Preheat oven to 375. Combine crumbs, almonds, sugar and butter. Pat mixtur on bottom and sides
of a 10 inch springform pan. cream together the cream cheese, sugar, heavy cream, liqueur, and 1
t vanilla. Beat in eggs, 1 at a beating well after each addition. Beat mixture until light. Pour into cru
lined pan. Bake in middle of oven for 1 1/2 hours or until top of cake cra and knife inserted in
middle comes out clean. Let stand on rack 5 minutes.
Combine sour cream, 1 t vanilla, and sugar. Mix well and spread evenly ove cake. Bake for 5 more
minutes. Place on rack and let cool completely. cove lightly with wax paper and let chill overnight.
When ready to serve, remov sides from pan and garnish with toasted almonds around outer edge
and on to of cake.

Diabetic Cheesecake
6 Plain graham wafers - 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches each
1 1/2 tb Margarine, melted
1 tb Granulated gelatin
1/2 c Cold water
1/3 c Boiling water
1/2 ts Grated lemon rind
1/2 c Fresh lemon juice
Sugar substitute equivalent to 1/4 cup sugar
2 tb Water
2 c (16 oz) cream-style cottage cheese 4% fat
1/2 ts Lemon extract
4 lg Strawberries
Prepare an 8" x 8" x 2" cake pan with vegetable pan-coating; set aside. Make fine crumbs, with
graham crackers (1/2 cup) and mix thoroughly with melted margarine; set aside. Soak gelatin in
cold water. Combine boiling water and lemon rind; add to gelatin; add lemon juice and sweetener,
stirring until completely dissolved. Chill until it is the consistency of unbeaten egg whites. Put 2
tablespoons water, cottage cheese, and lemon extract into a blender or food processor and cover;
turn to high speed for 10-15 seconds. Add partially set gelatin mixture; turnto high speed 15
seconds or until well blended. Pour into prepared pan. Sprinkle graham cracker crumbs evenly over
top. Wash, hull, and dry strawberries. Slice in halves lengthwise. Arrange on top of cake so that,
when cut into eight servings (4 by 2 inches), each will have a strawberry garnish in center. Chill
several hours, until set.

Strawberry Topping
1 tb Cornstarch
2 tb Orange liqueur
1 Unsweetened strawberries; thawed
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 c Orange juice
Dissolve cornstarch in orange liqueur. In pot over mdium heat combine remaining ingredients.
Cook until berries are very soft, 10 minutes. Add cornstarch; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture
just thickens, 3-4 munutes. Cool completely. Makes 16 servings

Chimpanzee Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Graham Cracker Crumbs 1/4 c Sugar; Granulated
1 lb Cream Cheese
2 ts Lemon Juice
1 c Sour Cream
6 tb Melted Butter
1/4 c Granulated Sugar
4 Large Eggs
1 c Bananas Mashed *
* Approximately 3 medium bananas should yield the 1 cup of mashed
Crust: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the crumbs in a mixing bowl and add the butter
and sugar. Blend well. Press the crumb mixture onto the bottom and partly up the sides of a
greased 9-inch springform pan. Smooth the crumb mixture along the bottom to an even thickness.
Bake for about 10 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees F. Cool before filling.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar and
lemon juice together. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the sour
cream and the mashed bananas and blend well until very smooth. Pour the mixture into the
prepared crust and bake for 1 hour. Cool in the oven, with the door propped open, until the cake is
at room temperature. Chill until serving time.

7-Up Lemon Cheesecake with Strawberry Glaze
Crumb Crust:
2 c Graham cracker crumbs 1/2 c Powdered sugar 1/2 c Butter; melted 1 ts Cinnamon
7-Up Filling
1 pk Unflavored gelatin 1 1/2 c 7-up; divided 1 sm Lemon pudding & pie filling, not instant 6 tb
Sugar 2 Eggs; beaten 3/4 c Water 11 oz Cream cheese; softened
Strawberry Glaze:
1/2 c Strawberry jelly; melted Fresh strawberries or unsweetened frozen, thawed whole
Crust: Combine well the graham cracker crumbs, powdered sugar, cinnamon, and melted butter.
Press onto bottom and partway up sides of buttered 9" springform pan; chill.
Filling:Soften unflavored gelatin in 1/4 cup 7-up for 4 minutes. In a saucepan combine pie filling,
sugar, beaten eggs and water. Blend well. Add 1-1/4 cup 7-up and bring just to a boil over medium
heat stirring constantly; remove from heat. Stir in softened gelatin; cool 3 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of
this warm mixture to softened cream cheese; mash together. Mix together with remaining 7-up
mixture and stir until well blended. Turn into chilled crust and chill for at least 8 hours. Remove
from pan and add topping.
Topping: Brush top of chilled cheesecake with melted jelly. Arrange strawberried upright on cake
and spoon any remaining melted jelly over them.

8 Minute Cheesecake
1 pk (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1/3 c Sugar
1 c (1/2 pt.) sour cream
2 ts Vanilla
1 (8 oz.) container Birds Eye Cool Whip whip
1 Keebler
Fresh strawberries for garnish
Ready Crust graham cracker pie crust
Beat cheese until smooth; gradually beat in sugar. Blend in sour cream and vanilla. Fold in whipped
topping, blending well. Spoon into crust. Chill until set, at least 4 hours. Garnish with fresh
strawberries if desired.

Cherry Cheesecake
2/3 c Cottage cheese Artificial sweetener; equal to 6 tb. sugar 1 tb Lemon; rind grated 1/2 ts
Vanilla 2 Eggs; separated 1/4 c Evaporated skim milk 1/3 c Instant non-fat dry milk
Cherry Topping:
1 c Sweet cherries; pitted 1/4 c Cherry flavored beverage; dietetic Artificial sweetener; to taste 1/4
ts Cherry extract
Cheesecake: Combine cottage cheese, sweetener, lemon rind, vanilla extract, egg yolks,
evaporated milk and dry milk in a blender and blend for about 1 minute until well mixed. Transfer
to a bowl. In another bowl beat egg whites until they stand in stiff peaks; fold into the cheese
mixture. Transfer to springform pan and bake 40 minutes at 350 degrees F.
Topping: In a covered saucepan, cook cherries in beverage until they are tender and liquid is
evaporated. Sweeten, add extract, spread over baked cheesecake and return to oven 5 minutes

3-Step Blueberry Cheesecake
2 pk 8 oz cream cheese
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 ts Vanilla
2 Eggs
1 9oz graham cracker crust
1 cn Blueberry pie filling
Mix cream cheese, sugar, vanilla until smooth and creamy. Add eggs and mix well. Pour into pie
crust. Spoon 1/4 to 1/3 of pie filling on to top. Gently swirl with toothpick. Bake at 350 degrees for
40 minutes or until center is set. Cool to room temperature and then refrigerate. Serve topped with
remaining pie filling.

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
Crust Bottom:
2 c Graham cracker crumbs
1/4 c Sugar
6 tb Butter, melted
2 1/4 lb Cream Cheese
1 2/3 c Sugar
5 Eggs
1 c Bailey's Irish Cream
1 tb Vanilla Extract
1 c Semisweet Chocolate Chips
1 c Whipping Cream
2 tb Sugar
1 ts Instant Coffee Powder
Chocolate curls
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Coat a 9" springform pan with nonstick vegetable spray. Combine
crumbs and 1/4 cup of sugar in the pan and stir in the melted butter. Press mixture into bottom
and 1 inch up the sides of the pan. Bake until light brown, about 7 minutes. In a food processor,
beat cream cheese, add 1-2/3 cup sugar and eggs and mix. Blend in Bailey's and vanilla. Sprinkle
half of the chocolate chips over crust and spoon in filling. Sprinkle with remaining chocolate chips.
Bake cake until puffed, springy in center and golden brown, about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Cool
cake completely. Beat whipping cream, 2 tablespoons sugar and coffee powder until peaks form.
Spread mixture over cooled cake and garnish with chocolate curls.
Serves 12 to 15.

Cheesecake with Cranberry Jewel Topping
1 1/2 c Vanilla wafers, crushed
1/4 c Sugar
6 tb Butter; melted
1/2 c Whipping cream 1 pk Vanilla powder 1 1/2 lb Cream cheese; room temp. 1 c Sugar 1 pn Salt
4 lg Eggs
12 oz Fresh or frozen cranberries 3/4 c Sugar 1/2 c Cranberry juice concentrate 1/4 c Water
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Wrap the bottom and outsides of 9-inch springform pan with aluminum foil. Lightly butter inside of
pan and set aside.
Combine cookie crumbs, sugar and butter. Press mixture onto bottom and halfway up sides of
prepared springform pan. Bake for 10 minutes on center rack of preheated oven. Set aside, but do
not turn off oven.
Using electric mixer, blend together all ingredients. Add eggs and mix just until well-combined.
Pour filling into prepared crust.
Bake until center is just set, about 50 minutes. Refrigerate cake immediately, and leave until
thoroughly chilled (at least 6 hours or overnight).
Combine all ingredients in heavy medium saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved.
Bring to a boil and continue cooking for 3 minutes. Strain mixture through a sieve set over a lage
bowl, pressing firmly with the back of a spoon to force as much of the liquid through sieve as
possible. Spoon warm topping evenly over cold cake. Refrigerate until topping is set, at least 2
hours. (Can be prepared 1 day before serving. Store covered in refrigerator.)
To serve, pipe rosettes of whipped cream around edges of cake. Garnish with whole cranberries.

Amaretto & Ghirardelli Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
1 c Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tb Butter, unsalted
1 1/4 c Vanilla wafer crumbs
1/4 c Nuts; finely chopped
3 tb Sugar, confectioners'
24 oz Cream cheese; softened
1 c Sugar
4 lg Egg; room temp
1/4 c Amaretto
2 tb Cornstarch
1 ts Vanilla extract
1 c Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 c Sour cream; room temp
1/4 c Sugar
1 ts Amaretto
1/2 c Almonds, toasted sliced
Make the crust: Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 375 degrees F. Lightly
butter the bottom and side of a 9 x 3" round springform pan. Trim a 9" cardboard cake circle so
that it fits snugly within the curved lip of the bottom of the springform pan. Cover the top of the
cardboard lined springform bottom with a piece of aluminum foil, leaving a 2" overhang all the way
around the edge. Carefully attach the side of the springform so as not to tear the foil. Wrap the foil
overhang halfway up the side of the springform pan. Lightly butter the foil covered bottom and side
of the springform pan. In the top of a double boiler over hot, not simmering, water, melt the
chocolate chips with the butter, stirring frequently, until smooth. Remove the top part of the
double boiler from the bottom and cool the chocolate mixture until tepid. In a large bowl, stir
together the crumbs, nuts and sugar until combined. Add the chocolate mixture and using a fork,
stir together the chocolate and crumbs, until combined. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom
of the prepared pan, making sure that the crust extends 1" up the side of the pan. Set aside.
Make the filling: In a large bowl, using a hand held electric mixer set at medium high speed, beat
the cream cheese with the sugar for 2 to 3 minutes, or until smooth. One at a time, beat in the
eggs, beating well after each addition. Beat in the liqueur, cornstarch and vanilla until smooth. Stir
in the chocolate chips. Pour the cheesecake filling into the prepared pan and smooth the surface
with a rubber spatula. Bake the cheesecake for 50 to 60 minutes, or until a knife comes out clean
when inserted near the center. Cool for 5 minutes. Do not turn off the oven.
Make the topping: In a large bowl, stir together the sour cream, sugar and liqueur until combined
and spread it evenly over the surface of the cake. Bake for 5 minutes longer. Cool the cheesecake
completely on a wire rack. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Remove the side of
the pan and sprinkle the top with the almonds.

Brooklyn Cheesecake
16 oz Ricotta cheese
16 oz Cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
Juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
1/4 t Vanilla
3 tb Cornstarch
3 tb Flour
1/4 c Melted butter
16 oz Sour cream
Blend together ricotta and cream cheese, and add sugar. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add lemon
juice, vanilla, cornstarch, flour and butter. Mix well. Fold in sour cream and pour into buttered 10-
inch springform pan.
Put cake in a cold oven. Heat to 325 degrees, and bake for one hour. Turn oven off and leave cake
in for two more hours. Do not open oven door while cooling. Remove cake and finish cooling. Wrap
and refrigerate. Cake is best the next day.

No Bake Cheesecake
Graham cracker crust
1 1/4 lb Cream cheese, room temp.
1 1/2 ts Vanilla
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Boiling water
Lemon gelatin (3 oz.)
1 qt Whipping cream
Prepare your favorite graham cracker crust and press into the bottom and onto the sides of a 10"
springform pan. Bake or chill depending on your recipe's instructions.
Combine cream cheese, vanilla, and sugar. Beat until smooth and fluffy. Bring water to a boil and
add lemon gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Cool to room temperature and fold into cream cheese
mixture. Whip cream and fold into cream cheese mixture. Pour into graham cracker crust and
decorate with a few cracker crumbs. Chill until firm and serve.

Amaretta Cheesecake
6 Egg Beaters
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla Extract
1 ts Almond Extract
2 tb Amaretta Liquor
2 lb Fat-Free Ricotta
6 tb Flour
1/2 ts Baking Powder
Cinnamon as desired
In a large bowl, combine egg substitute, sugar, vanilla, almond extract & amaretta. Beat with a
wire whisk until frothy. Add ricotta & beat until smooth & creamy. Combine flour & baking powder
& add gradually to cheese mixture, blending thoroughly after each addition. Pour into a 9"
springform pan. Bake at 350 degree F for 1 hour or until toothpick inserted into center of cake
comes out clean. Cool; then remove springform rim & chill thoroughly in refrigerator. Sprinkle with
cinnamon before serving.

Autumn Cheesecake
1 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
1/2 ts Cinnamon
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
2 Large Eggs
4 c Thinly Slied Peeled Apples
1/2 ts Cinnamon
3 tb Sugar
1/4 c Margarine, Melted
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 ts Vanilla
1/3 c Sugar
1/4 c Chopped Pecans
Combine crumbs, sugar, cinnamon and margarine, press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed
on electric mixer, until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.
Blend in vanilla, pour over crust. Toss apples with combined sugar and cinnamon. Spoon apple
mixture over cream cheese layer; sprinkle with pecans. Bake at 350 degrees F., 1 hour and 10
minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill.

Aloha Cheesecake
1 c Vanilla Wafer Crumbs
1/4 c Margarine, Melted
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/3 c Sugar
2 tb Milk
2 Large Eggs
1/2 c Macadamia Nuts, Toasted
8 1/2 oz Crushed Pineapple, Drained
1 Med Kiwi Peeled, Sliced
Combine crumbs and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees
F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese, sugar and milk, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer
until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well well after each addition. Stir in nuts; pour
over crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 45 minutes. Loosen caek from rim of pan; cool before
removing rim of pan. Chill. Before serving, top with fruit.

No Bake Lemon Cheesecake
1 pk (3 oz.) lemon jello
1 c Boiling water
2 pk (8 oz.) cream cheese
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
1 Envelope Dream Whip instant topping mix
1 1/2 c Graham crumbs
1/3 c Sugar
6 tb Melted butter
CRUST: Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and butter; set aside 1/4 cup for topping. Press
remaining crumb mixture on bottom and sides and up to 1 1/2 inches in a 7x11x2-inch pan; set
Dissolve lemon jello in small bowl with boiling water; chill until slightly thick. Beat cream cheese,
sugar and vanilla until fluffy. Beat in gelatin. Prepare whipped topping according to package
directions. Fold into cream cheese mixture. Pour into prepared pan; sprinkle with remaining
crumbs. Chill 3 to 4 hours before serving.

Banana Cheesecake
1 10" pie crust, pre-baked for 10 minutes
12 oz Cream cheese
1 1/2 c Plain yogurt
2 c Pureed bananas (4 medium bananas)
2 Eggs (opt)
1/4 c Honey (opt)
Blend all the ingredients in the blender until smooth and creamy. Pour into the pre-baked pie crust
and bake for 30 minutes or until set. Allow to cool before serving. You can top with a layer of
yogurt and decorate with any fresh fruit (try a mixture of strawberry and banana slices). Serve well

Banana Nut Cheesecake
1 c Chocolate wafer crumbs
1/4 c Margarine, melted
16 oz Cream cheese softened
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Mashed ripe bananas
2 lg Eggs
1/4 c Chopped walnuts
1/3 c Milk chocolate chips
1 tb Margarine
2 tb Water
Combine crumbs and margarine; press onto the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350
degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese, sugar and banana, mixing at medium speed on
electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Stir in
walnuts, pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 40 minutes. Loosen cake from rim;cool before
removing rim pf pan. Melt chocolate pieces and margarine with water over low heat, stirring until
smooth. Drizzle over cheesecake. Chill.

Black Forest Cheesecake Delight
1 c Chocolate Wafer Crumbs
3 tb Margarine, Melted
16 oz Cream Cheese Softened
2/3 c Sugar
2 Large Eggs
6 oz Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips, melted
1/4 ts Almond Extract
21 oz Cherry Pie Filling (1 Cn)
Frozen Whipped ToppingThawed
Combine crumbs and margarine, press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees
F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese and sugar, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until
well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in chocolate and
extract; pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees F., 45 minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool
before removing rim of pan. Chill. Top cheesecake with pie filling and whipped topping just before

Brownie Swirl Cheesecake
8 oz (1 Pk) Brownie Mix
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
2 Large Eggs
1 c Milk Chocolate Chips, Melted
Grease bottom of 9-inch Springform pan. Prepare basic brownie mix as directed on package; pour
batter evenly into springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees F., 15 minutes. Combine cream cheese,
sugar and vanilla, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a
time, mixing well after each addition. Pour over brownie layer. Spoon chocolate over cream cheese
mixture, cut through cheese and chocolate mixture several time to acheive a marble effect. Bake at
350 degrees F., 35 minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill.
Garnish with whipped cream, if desired.

Cranberry & White Chocolate Cheesecake
4 oz White chocolate, chopped 2 pk 8-oz cream cheese 3/4 c Sugar 3 Eggs 2 ts Vanilla pn Salt 3 c
Sour cream
1 c Graham cracker crumbs 2 tb Butter, melted 2 oz White chocolate, chopped
2 c Cranberries 1/3 c Sugar 1 ts Cornstarch Grated white chocolate for garnish if desired
Crust: Stir crumbs with butter until well moistened; stir in chocolate. Press into the bottom of a
greased 9-inch springform pan. Centre pan on a 20 X 14 inch piece of foil; press up tightly around
side of pan. Bake in 325F oven for 8 minutes. Let cool on a rack.
Cake: In a double boiler melt chocolate. Let cool. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese until
softened. Gradually beat in sugar; beat for 3 minutes or until fluffy. On low speed, beat in eggs,
one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in vanilla, chocolate and salt; stir in sour
cream. Pour onto crust.
Set cake pan onto a larger shallow pan; pour in enough hot water to come 1 inch up the side. Bake
at 325 degrees F for 1 1/4 hours or until the edge is set but centre still jiggles slightly. Turn oven
off; let cool in oven for 1 hour. Remove from larger pan and remove foil; let cool on a rack. Cover
and refrigerate over night.
Glaze: In saucepan cook cranberries and 1/4 cup water, partially covered, just until boiling. Stir in
sugar and return to a boil; cook for 2 minutes or until sugar is dissolved but berries have not
popped. Drain, reserving juice and berries seperately.
Remove cake from pan; place on cake plate. Return juice to saucepan; blend in cornstarch. Cook,
whisking, until boiling and thickened; let cool slightly. Spoon berries around edge of the cake.
Spoon glaze over top. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. Garnish with chocolate gratings.

1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
2 tb Sugar
2/3 Cube margarine; melted
2 8 oz pkgs cream cheese; at room temperature
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 ts Vanilla
2 Eggs
1 c Sour cream
1/2 ts Vanilla
2 tb Sugar
Stir together Crust Ingredients and press into 9 inch pie pan. Bake at 350 for 5 minutes and set
Beat Filling Ingredients well and pour into crust. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes until not too jiggly
in center.
Mix Topping Ingredients together and pour over top of cheese cake. Bake at 350 for 5 minutes.
Chill for 3 hours. Top with your choice of pie filling, for example, cherry, lemon, raspberry or
strawberry. Serves 6-8.

Candy Cane Cheesecake
1 1/3 c Chocolate Cookie Crumbs
2 tb Sugar
1/4 c Butter or margarine
1 1/2 c Sour Cream
1/2 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tb Flour
2 ts Vanilla
1/4 ts Peppermint extract
3 8oz packages of Cream Cheese
2 tb Butter
2/3 c Crushed peppermint candy
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Combine first 3 ingredients and press into a 9-inch springform pan.
Blend sour cream, sugar, eggs, flour and both extracts until smooth. Add cream cheese and 2 T
butter. Stir in crushed candy.
Pour into crust and bake on lowest rack of oven for 50-60 minutes or until firm. Allow to cool (top
may crack) and refrigerate overnight. Remove from pan and serve.
Top with sweetened whip cream and garnish with candy cane if desired.

Black Forest Mini Cheesecakes
24 Vanilla wafer cookies
16 oz Cream cheese; softened
1 1/4 c Sugar
1/3 c Hershey's Cocoa
2 tb All-purpose flour
3 Eggs
8 oz Dairy sour cream
1/2 ts Almond extract
Canned cherry pie filling chilled
Sour Cream Topping
8 oz Dairy sour cream 2 tb Sugar 1 ts Vanilla extract
Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Line muffin cups (2-1/2 inches in diameter), with foil bake cups. Place
one vanilla wafer (flat-side down) in bottom of each cup. In large bowl, beat cream cheese until
smooth. Add sugar, cocoa and flour; blend well. Add eggs; beat well. Stir in sour cream and
almond extract. Fill each muffin cup almost full with batter. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until set.
Remove from oven; cool 5 to 10 minutes. Spread heaping teaspoonful sour cream Topping on each
cup. Cool completely in pan on wire rack; refrigerate. Just before serving, garnish with cherry pie
filling. Cover; refrigerate leftover cheesecakes. 1-1/2 to 2 dozen cheesecakes.
Sour Cream Topping: In small bowl, stir together 1 container (8 oz.) dairy sour cream, 2
tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract; stir until sugar is dissolved.

Berry Good Cheesecake
1 Envelope unflavoured gelatine
1/4 c Orange juice
1/4 c Milk
1 Egg, separated
2/3 c 1% cottage cheese
2/3 c Yogurt cheese
7 tb Equal, sugar substitute
Grated rind of 1 orange
1 Corn Flake Pie Crust
1 c Fresh strawberries, halved
Smooth and so satisfying, no one will quess that this cheesecake is calorie and fat trim.
In 2 cup glass measure, sprinkle gelatin over orange juice. Microwave at HIGH until gelatin
dissolves. Stir in milk and egg yolk. Microwave at medium for 30-60 seconds, or until hot and
slightly thickened. In food processor or blender, process cottage cheese until smooth; stir in yogurt
cheese, 4 tbsp Equal, and orange rind. With food processor or blender running, add gelatine
mixture and process just until blended. Refrigerate until consistency of egg whites. In separate
bowl, beat egg white until soft peaks form. Add 2 tbsp Equal and beat until stiff peaks form. Fold
into cheese mixture. Pour into corn flake pie crust and refrigerate several hours until set. Just
before serving, toss strawberry halves with remaining 1 tbsp Equal. Arrange on cheesecake. Cut
into 6 wedges. Makes 6 servings.

Arkansas Cheesecake
1 Egg, seperated
1/2 c Skim milk
1 pk Gelatin (envelope)
1/8 ts Salt
1 tb Equal (no substitute)
1 1/2 c Cottage cheese
1 tb Lemon juice
1 ts Vanilla
6 tb Lite Coolwhip
Take cottage cheese and cream in blender until very SMOOTH. Set aside. Put egg yolk in top of
double boiler beat well and add milk. Add gelatin & salt. Cook over boiling water until gelatin
dissolves and mixture thickens. (about 10 minutes) Remove from heat, add sugar substitute. Cool.
Add cottage cheese, lemon juice and vanilla to cooled mixture. Chill, stirring occasionally, until
mixture mounds when dropped from a spoon. Beat egg white until stiff. Fold egg white and coolwhip
together into mixture. Pour into graham crust. Or pour into pie plate and top with crumb
Crumb Topping: crush 2 graham crackers fine. Mix with pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Cheesecake Bananan
1 1/2 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
1/4 c Sugar; Granulated
1 lb Cream Cheese
1/4 c Sugar; Granulated
2 ts Lemon Juice
4 Eggs; Large
1 c Sour Cream
1 c Bananas; Mashed; *
6 tb Butter; Melted
* Approximately 3 medium bananas should yield the 1 cup of mashed
Crust: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the crumbs in a mixing bowl and add the butter
and sugar. Blend well. Press the crumb mixture onto the bottom and partly up the sides of a
greased 9-inch springform pan. Smooth the crumb mixture along the bottom to an even thickness.
Bake for about 10 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees F. Cool before filling.
Cheesecake: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl; beat the cream cheese,
sugar and lemon juice together. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir
in the sour cream and the mashed bananas and blend well until very smooth. Pour the mixture into
the prepared crust and bake for 1 hour. Cool in the oven, with the door propped open, until the
cake is at room temperature. Chill until serving time.

Cheesecake Pecan Pie
8 oz Cream cheese, softened
1 Egg
1/3 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
1 Unbaked 9 inch pie shell
1 1/2 c Pecan halves
2 Slightly beaten eggs
1/4 c Sugar
2/3 c Light corn syrup
1/2 ts Vanilla
Combine cream cheese, egg, 1/3 cup sugar, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy.
Spread over bottom of pie shell. Arrange pecans on the cream cheese mixture. Mix remaining
eggs, sugar, corn syrup, and vanilla, stirring well. Carefully pour over the pecans.
Bake at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes or until done.

Cappucino Chocolate Cheesecake
1 1/4 c Chocolate wafers, crushed
1/8 ts Cinnamon
1 pk Light cream cheese (8 oz)
1 c Sugar
1 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ts Cocoa powder for garnish
2 1/2 c Sour cream
2 Eggs
2 tb Coffee liqueur
1 ts Vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Stir together wafer crumbs and cinnamon. Pat into bottom of 9-
inch springform pan.
Beat cream cheese until light and fluffy. Beat in sugar and cocoa powder. Beat in egg. Stir in 2
cups sour cream, coffee liqueur and vanilla. Turn into prepared pan. Bake for 30 minutes or until
Spread remaining sour cream evenly over top. Return to oven 1 minute to glaze top. Cool to room
temperature, then chill thoroughly, covered. Remove from springform pan. Just before serving,
dust top with cocoa powder.

Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce
1/4 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
500 ml Cottage Cheese, 2% Fat
500 g Cream Cheese - Fat Free Philadelphia
1 c Sugar
2 tb Cornstarch
1 ts Vanilla Extract
1 ea Egg
2 ea Egg Whites
300 g Raspberries, Frozen Thawed
1 tb Cornstarch
1/2 c Jelly
Sprinkle graham crumbs evenly over bottom of lightly greased 9 inch springform pan. Puree well
drained cottage cheese in processor until smooth. Add cream cheese, cut into cubes and continue
processing until smooth. With processor on, gradually add sugar, cornstarch and vanilla. Add egg
and egg whites, one at a time to cream cheese mixture; process using on and off action until just
blended; pour into pan. Bake at 450 for 10 min.; reduce to 250 and bake 35 - 40 min. Cool.
Refrigerate overnight. Serve with Raspberry sauce. Raspberry Sauce: Drain thawed,frozen
raspberries, reserving juice. Place berries in sieve; crush to extract additional juice. Discard seeds.
Whisk cornstarch and heated jelly into juice. Cook sauce in microwave on High until thickened (1-2
min). Refrigerate until cool. Makes 1 1/4 cups.

Apple Cheesecake
1 c Graham cracker crumbs
1 ts Cinnamon; divided
3 tb Margarine; melted
16 oz Cream cheese; softened
2 Eggs
1/2 ts Vanilla extract
4 c Apple slices; thinly sliced, peeled, about 2 1/2 lbs apples
1/2 c Pecans; chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine crumbs, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and
margarine in small bowl; mix well. Press onto bottom and up sides of 9-inch pie plate. Bake crust
10 minutes.
Beat together cream cheese and 1/2 cup sugar in large bowl until well blended. Add eggs, one at a
time, beating well after each addition. Blend in vanilla; pour into crust. Combine remaining 1/3 cup
sugar and remaining 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon in large bowl. Add apples; toss gently to coat. Spoon
apple mixture over cream cheese mixture. Sprinkle with pecans. : Bake 1 hour and 10 minutes or
until set. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Refrigerate.

Amaretto Cheesecake
1 1/2 c graham cracker crushed
1/2 Stick butter, melted
15 oz Ricotta cheese
8 oz Cream cheese
4 Eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 c Sugar
1/3 c Amaretto liquor
1 ts Vanilla
1/4 ts Salt
Great topped with strawberry jam. Combine crumbs of graham crackers and butter; press over
bottom and sides of greased 9 inch spring- form pan. Chill. Preheat oven to 325. Beat together
ricotta and cream cheese until smooth. Pour mixture into pan; bake 1 hour and 15 minutes, or
until firm in middle. Cool 30 minutes in pan before removing. Cool completely (preferrably in
refrigerator overnight) before serving. Top with fresh fruit, or jam.

Amaretto Hazelnut Macaroon Cheesecake
Hazelnut Crust
1 c Hazelnuts, roast 10 min at 350
3 Egg whites
2 ts Vanilla
2 c Powdered sugar
1/2 c Sugar
1/8 ts Salt
1/2 c Amaretto
3 ts Gelatin, unflavored
2 ts Vanilla
1 1/2 lb Cream cheese
3/4 c Sugar
2 tb Lemon juice
1 ts Lemon zest
2 c Cream
Hazelnut macaroon: heat oven to 350. grease 10 inch springform pan. line with parchment. Grease
parchment. Line a cookie sheet with greased parchment.
Whisk together eggs and vanilla. Remove as much skin from the hazelnuts as is convenient. Chop
the nuts in a food processor with one cup of the powdered sugar for 30 sec. Add both powdered
and regular sugar. Pulse a few times to combine. With processer running, pour in egg mixture.
process for 15 sec until smooth
Reserve 1/2 - 1/3 cup batter. Pour remaining into springform, smooth with spatula. Pour reserved
batter onto cookie sheet, spread in a 7-8 inch disk
Bake crust 25-30 min., disk 20-25 min. cool on wire rack
Chop up the disk into 1/8 inch pieces and soak in 1/4 amaretto.
Carefully remove crust. Replace bottom of springform with foil wrapped cardboard circle. Replace
Amaretto cheesecake filling: sprinkle gelatin over 1/4 cp amaretto, let stand 5 min. Heat in sauce
pan with hot (not boiling) water stirring for 4 min., leave in hot water to stay warm
Beat cream cheese in mixer for 1 min. Add lemon juice and zest, mix. Beat cream to soft peaks.
Fold 1/3 cream into cream cheese. Fold in remaining whipped cream. Fold in soaked macaroon disk
Scrape into prepared pan, cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate at least 3 hrs. (preferably overnight)

Amaretto Chocolate Cheesecake
7 oz Amaretti (see note)
1 oz Chocolate, unsweetened, 1 square
2 tb Granulated sugar
5 tb Sweet butter
6 oz Chocolate, semisweet
1 1/2 lb Cream cheese
7 oz Amaretti
4 oz Almond paste
4 lg Eggs
1/3 c Amaretto liqueur
1/2 c Heavy cream
1/4 c Sugar, granulated
Make Crust: Butter the sides only (not the bottom) of a 9-inch spring-form pan (about 2 1/2 to 3
inches deep). Grind the Amaretti very fine in a food processor or blender. Mix with sugar in a
mixing bowl.
Melt the chocolate and butter in the top of a double boiler, stirring occasionally. Add the melted
mixture to the Amaretti crumbs and sugar and mix thoroughly. (Don't wash the double boiler;
you'll be using it again in a minute.) Turn the mixture into the prepared pan. With your fingers,
distribute it evenly over the bottom and press it down into a very firm, compact layer. Refrigerate
while you prepare the filling.
Make Filling: Adjust rack 1/3 up from the bottom of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees F.
Partially melt chocolate in the top of a double boiler, then uncover and stir until completely melted.
Remove the top of the double boiler and set aside to cool.
Break the Amaretti coarsely into a bowl and set aside. Cut the almond paste into small pieces, and
beat on low speed with an electric mixer, while gradually adding the Amaretto liqueur. Beat until
thoroughly mixed and set aside.
Beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the sugar and beat until smooth
again. Add the almond paste- Amaretto mixture and beat until thoroughly mixed. Add the melted
chocolate and beat well again. Add the eggs one at a time, beating at low speed until they are
incorporated after each addition. Add the heavy cream and beat until smooth. Add the coarsely
broken Amaretti and stir gently only to mix.
Turn into the prepared pan, pouring the mixture over the bottom crust. Rotate the pan gently to
level the batter. (Don't worry if the mixture comes almost to the top; it won't run over.) Bake 45
minutes. It will seem soft and not done, but don't bake any more; it will become firm when chilled.
The top of the cake is supposed to look bumpy because of the large chunks of Amaretti. Let cool
completely at room temperature, then carefully remove the sides of the pan and refrigerate the
cake (still on the bottom of the pan) for 4 to 6 hours, or overnight.

Amaretto Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce
1/4 c Butter
2 c Almonds, chopped
2 tb Granulated sugar
12 oz Cream cheese, softened
1/2 c Granulated sugar
3 Eggs
1 c Sour cream
2 tb Amaretto
1/2 ts Vanilla
1/2 ts Almond extract
3 c Raspberries, frozen, unsweetened, thawed
2 tb Amaretto
Base: In 9-inch microwavable quiche dish, shallow round baking dish or deep pie plate, melt butter
at high (100 per cent power) 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. Stir in almonds and sugar until evenly coated
with butter. Press into bottom and sides of dish. Microwave at high 2 to 3 minutes or until firm. If
necessary, rotate dish during cooking.
Filling: Beat cream cheese and sugar until light. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add sour cream, 2
tablespoons Amaretto or almond liqueur, vanilla and almond extract. Beat until smooth. Pour into
baked crust.
Microwave uncovered at medium (50 per cent power) 14 to 18 minutes or until cheesecake is
almost set in centre. Rotate dish partway through cooking, if necessary.
Cool on countertop to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until serving time.
Sauce: Reserve some whole raspberries for garnish. Puree remaining raspberries. Push through
sieve to remove seeds. Stir 2 tablespoons Amaretto or almond liqueur into puree. Add sugar to
To serve, spoon some sauce on to dessert plates. Place slice of cheesecake on sauce. Garnish with
reserved berries.
Makes 6 to 8 servings. If you prefer, use 1 cup graham cracker crumbs with 1/2 cup finely chopped
almonds for the crust. Use a food processor and pulse to chop nuts to an even consistency, rather
than a fine powder. Also, you could substitute strawberries for the raspberries. To omit liqueur,
increase almond extract in the filling to 1 teaspoon and use just a drop in the raspberry puree.

Amaretto Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
2 tb Sugar
1 ts Cinnamon
1 Stick margarine; melted
24 oz Cream cheese
1 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1/3 c Amaretto (up to 1/2 cup)
8 oz Sour cream
1 tb Plus 1 tsp. sugar
1 tb Amaretto
Almond halves
Shavings from a Hershey bar
Combine crust ingredients and press into the bottom and sides of a 10" springform pan.
Combine cake ingredients and pour into the crust. Bake at 375 F. for 45 to 50 minutes.
Turn the oven to 500 degrees F. Meanwhile, combine topping ingredients. Spread on the
cheesecake and return to the oven for five minutes. Chill overnight and garnish as desired.

Amaretto Cheesecake
3 pk Cream cheese -- 8oz.
1 c Sugar
4 lg Eggs
1/3 c Amaretto
1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
1 ts Cinnamon
1/4 c Sugar
6 tb Butter -- Melted
8 oz Sour Cream
1 tb Sugar (plus 1 teaspoon)
1 tb Amaretto
Mix graham cracker crumbs, cinnamon, sugar and bu
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