Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Korisnikov avatar
By Clockwork Orange

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is arriving on the PC this September 18.

For the uninitiated, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition for Windows includes the entire Baldur's Gate adventure, the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack, and never before seen content running on an upgraded and improved version of the Infinity Engine. The entire list of "enhancements" include the following:

* New Adventure: The Black Pits
* New Character: Dorn Il-Khan
* New Character: Neera the Wild Mage
* New Character: Rasaad yn Bashir
* A new collection of player character voice sets
* Native support for high resolution widescreen displays
* Over 400 improvements to the original game
* Improved multiplayer support, with connectivity between all platforms (!)

Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
jao ovo sam ja igrao kao klinac :love:
samo sto sam ja igrao drugi deo...
drago mi je sto izlazi improved version...vrv cu je igrati :love: :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
[url=]Clockwork Orange napisao:[/url]Slika

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is arriving on the PC this September 18.

For the uninitiated, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition for Windows includes the entire Baldur's Gate adventure, the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack, and never before seen content running on an upgraded and improved version of the Infinity Engine. The entire list of "enhancements" include the following:

* New Adventure: The Black Pits
* New Character: Dorn Il-Khan
* New Character: Neera the Wild Mage
* New Character: Rasaad yn Bashir
* A new collection of player character voice sets
* Native support for high resolution widescreen displays
* Over 400 improvements to the original game
* Improved multiplayer support, with connectivity between all platforms (!)


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
By angelbelow
Igrala sam pre desetak godina FRP i to je ubedljivo najbolje vreme mog zivota. Ja, moj ex sada i par drugara smo danima igrali razne varijante FRP-a. Bas mi nedostaje to vreme. Deca dosla i samim tim nema vise vremena. Za mene je bolje igrati sa knjigama i kockama. Mnogo si aktivniji, masta cini cuda, igra ode u skroz neocekivanom pravcu a da ne govorim da si sa prijateljima ili voljenim/voljenom. Dobra varijanta FRP mi je bila ona sa vanzemaljcima, teorijama zavere, tajnim organizacijama..kao x file. bas je bila ubedljiva." target="_blank
Alternity Dark matter..odlicno!!
Korisnikov avatar
By Waldorf
pa nemoj sad. enhanced edition će za mesec dana.
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
ma dobro...taman cu ja da predjem drugi deo pre nego sto izadje nova verzija :)
By Almalia
Ou jea! Ja sam igrala keca pre par godina, jesam loša bila ali sam uživala... Samo se nadam da neće da tresnu neke system requirements-e koji su za mene nedostižni.
Korisnikov avatar
By Clockwork Orange
Ovo su sys.req:
Required System Memory (MB) 512 MB
Minimum Graphics GeForce 2 or Equivalent
Processor Speed (GHz) 1 GHZ

Inace, jedan od novih likova ce biti bisex, pa ce postojati same-sex romance.
Petpostavljam da ce to biti Rasaad yn Bashir.
Korisnikov avatar
By bern
kad je ova igra bila aktuelna nisam mogao da je igram. sad kad mogu, nikako da to uradim zbog grafike, nemam strpljenja. gržim fige za ovu "ee" verziju.
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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