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Forum za pripadnike manje vidljivih delova populacije.
Transrodno, Interseksualno, Aseksualno, Queer, ...

Moderatori: Hys., Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
Transzfeszt 2014 is the first trans festival in Budapest, Hungary that celebrates gender diversity.

Short Summary
Transzfeszt 2014 is a three day FREE event that celebrates trans artists and their creations (like films and artworks) that bring our community together.

This will be Hungary's first ever trans-themed festival, and possibly the first one in the region.

One of our main goals is bringing awareness about the issues that as trans, intersex and gender variant people we face in our everyday lives in Hunagry. It is also our priority to give voice to transgender leaders and artists. Given the grave economic situation in our country we want to make the parcicipation in the festival as inclusive as possible (all events will be free of charge).

The festival will allow our diverse trans community to come together and celebrate gender diversity, and hopefully will be an eye-opening experience for some of the less accepting people in our country.

What's the Money for?
These donations will help us funding the main expenses necessary to make the festival happen -- from covering screening fees to paying for the venue. Every little bit helps! As a free event, the festival is run completely on a basis of generous donations and support of people who wish to see our community continuing to grow and form tighter bonds.

Other Ways You Can Help
We know not everyone can make a financial contribution, but there are other ways you can help!

If you are not able to donate at the moment you can still help by getting the word out about our campaign. Post this link on Facebook. Share it on Tumblr. Tweet about it. Send it directly to friends and contacts you think might love this idea. You can use the share tools right here on Indiegogo!

Like us:

Want to volunteer?
Want to perform?
Want to write about us?
Please e-mail us:" target="_blank

We thank you greatly for your support, time and engagement!
TranszFeszt Organizing Team
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