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moje ime je veronika, imam 27 godina i pocetkom 2006. sam pocela sa hormonskom terapijom. operaciju sam izvrsila sredinom 2006. i od tada se moj zivot pomenio u divnom smeru, konacno je sve stalo na svoje noge i pocela sam da zivim svoj novi i pravi zivot.
prvo sam koristila androkur tablete (oralno) i estradiol (u inekcijama jednom nedeljno). nakon nekoliko meseci umesto estradiola u inekcijama, prepisane su mi trisequens tablete, a terapija sa androkurom se nastavila.
opet nekon nekoliko meseci androkur mi je potpuno izbacen, a trisequens je ostao kao moja stalna terapija. nisam imala nikakvih side efekata, barem nisam bila svesna da ih imam. medjutim, u poslednje vreme imam izuzeno visok krvni pritisak, cija je srednja vrednost 160 sa 105 (u ekstremnim situacijama ide i do 194 sa 108), dok je u toku noci pritisak sasvim normalan 120 sa 75. konsultovala sam se svojom lekarkom koja i dalje insistira da trisequens verovatno nije uzrok visokog krvnog pritiska, ali jedan od glavnih nezeljenih efekata ovog leka upravo jeste visok krvni pritisak, kao sto pise i u upustvu.
nekoliko drugih doktora mi je takodje reklo da hormoni uticu na visok krvni pritisak, sto moze biti veoma opasno.
dosla sam u veliku dilemu, da na svoju ruku prestanem sa koriscenjem trisequens-a, ali ni sama ne znam kakve bi to posledice moglo da ima.
da li bilo koja od devojaka sa istim problemom ima slicno iskustvo, da li koristi trisequens tablete i razmislja da prestane da ih koristi (ili je vec prestala).
jako sam uplasena i svaki savet bi mi mnogo znacio!
hvala svima na vremenu!

Korisnikov avatar
By KosmickaCestica
Draga Veronika,

Moj iskreni savet je da odes kod endokrinologa, kod kog si isla, ili ako zelis
da promenis, da odes kod nekog drugog...

Znas i sama da hormonska terapija traje do kraja zivota, i da postoji vise
opcija. Te trisequens koje uzimas su super je kompletno externo simuliraju
pravi prirodni ciklus (one boje, bele, plave i crvene tabletice)...

... ali vidis ni ja nisam znala za te propratne efekte..

Ne znam kako se hranis, da li jedes dosta slanoga, pa ono sto laicki znam,
je da bolje da sto vise izbacis soli iz ishrane...

Ako si isla kod dr Svetlane Vujovic, idi opet kod nje.. Pretpostavljam
da jesi, jer ona prepisuje taj lek...

Korisnikov avatar
By KosmickaCestica
Evo sa neta sta sam nasla...


* Women taking any form of HRT should have regular medical and gynaecological check-ups. Your need for continued HRT should be reviewed with your doctor at least once a year.
* It is important to be aware that all women using HRT have an increased risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer compared with women who don't use HRT. This risk needs to be weighed against the personal benefits to you of taking HRT. There is more detailed information about the risks and benefits associated with HRT in the factsheet about the menopause linked above. You should discuss these with your doctor before starting HRT. Women on HRT should have regular breast examinations and mammograms and should examine their own breasts regularly. Report any changes in your breasts to your doctor or nurse.
* It is important to be aware that women using HRT have a slightly increased risk of stroke and of blood clots forming in the veins (eg deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism) compared with women who don't use HRT. The risk is higher if you have existing risk factors (eg personal or family history, severe varicose veins, smoking, obesity, recent surgery, immobility) and needs to be weighed against the personal benefits to you of taking HRT. There is more detailed information about the risks and benefits associated with HRT in the factsheet about the menopause linked above. Discuss these with your doctor before starting treatment.
* The risk of blood clots forming in the veins (thromboembolism) while taking HRT may be temporarily increased if you experience major trauma, have surgery, or are immobile for prolonged periods of time (this includes travelling for over five hours). For this reason, your doctor may recommend that you stop taking HRT for a period of time (usually four to six weeks) prior to any planned surgery, particularly abdominal surgery or orthopaedic surgery on the lower limbs, or if you are to be immobile for long periods. The risk of blood clots during long journeys may be reduced by appropriate exercise during the journey and possibly by wearing elastic hosiery. Discuss this with your doctor.
* Stop taking this medicine and inform your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms while taking this medicine: stabbing pains or swelling in one leg; pain on breathing or coughing; coughing up blood; breathlessness; sudden chest pain; sudden numbness affecting one side or part of the body; fainting; worsening of epilepsy; migraine or severe headaches; visual disturbances; severe abdominal complaints; increased blood pressure; itching of the whole body; yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice); or severe depression.
* This medicine will usually cause a withdrawal bleed towards the end of the white tablets or during the red tablets. You may also experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding during the first few months of treatment. If this continues after a few months of taking the medicine, or after stopping treatment, you should consult your doctor.
* A woman is considered fertile for two years after her last menstrual period if she is under 50, or for one year if over 50. HRT does not provide contraception for women who fall within this group. If a potentially fertile women is taking HRT but also requires contraception, a non-hormonal method (eg condoms or contraceptive foam) should be used.
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