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The identity spectrum

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:06
od simarrgL*
da vas vidim :D


evo mog:


Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:08
od bas bleu
jel to sami da crtamo ili je test, ne kapiram. a i malo me buni otpor.

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:10
od simarrgL*
sama crtas :)

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:11
od bas bleu
i'll pass. al najvise odgovora pod a. uvek. :)

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:12
od Anhedonie

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:38
od str00ja
a to ono po slobodnoj proceni sopstvenoj? misim gender expression moz da varira u zavisnosti dal pitas sebe ili nekog drugog xD a kod nekih soljaca pameti to vazi i za orientation :P

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:46
od simarrgL*
pa ono.. slobodna procena

u pravu si sto se tice gender expression, ja sam lupila tu neku moju procenu, ali ne znam kako me drugi percipiraju

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 17:55
od Anhedonie
Kod mene varira od toga koliko sam obrijan :lol:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 18:17
od str00ja
anhe :lol:

Nadjoh ova objasnjenja, kontam da pomaze:

Biological sex, shown on the top scale, includes external genitalia, internal reproductive structures, chromosomes, hormone levels, and secondary sex characteristics such as breasts, facial and body hair, and fat distribution. These characteristics are objective in that they can be seen and measured (with appropriate technology). The scale consists not just of two categories (male and female) but is actually a continuum, with most people existing somewhere near one end or the other. The space more in the middle is occupied by intersex people (formerly, hermaphrodites), who have combinations of characteristics typical of males and those typical of females, such as both a testis and an ovary, or XY chromosomes (the usual male pattern) and a vagina, or they may have features that are not completely male or completely female, such as an organ that could be thought of as a small penis or a large clitoris, or an XXY chromosomal pattern.

Gender identity is how people think of themselves and identify in terms of sex (man, woman, boy, girl). Gender identity is a psychological quality; unlike biological sex, it can't be observed or measured (at least by current means), only reported by the individual. Like biological sex, it consists of more than two categories, and there's space in the middle for those who identify as genderqueer, bigender or neither gender. We lack language for this intermediate position because everyone in our culture is supposed to identify unequivocally with one of the two extreme categories. In fact, many people feel that they have masculine and feminine aspects of their psyches, and some people, fearing that they do, seek to purge themselves of one or the other by acting in exaggerated sex-stereotyped ways.

Gender expression is everything we do that communicates our sex/gender to others: clothing, hair styles, mannerisms, way of speaking, roles we take in interactions, etc. This communication may be purposeful or accidental. It could also be called social gender because it relates to interactions between people. Trappings of one gender or the other may be forced on us as children or by dress codes at school or work. Gender expression is a continuum, with feminine at one end and masculine at the other. In between are gender expressions that are androgynous (neither masculine nor feminine) and those that combine elements of the two (sometimes called gender bending). Gender expression can vary for an individual from day to day or in different situations, but most people can identify a range on the scale where they feel the most comfortable. Some people are comfortable with a wider range of gender expression than others.

Sexual orientation indicates who we are erotically attracted to. The ends of this scale are labeled "attracted to women" and "attracted to men," rather than "homosexual" and "heterosexual," to avoid confusion as we discuss the concepts of sex and gender. In the mid-range is bisexuality; there are also people who are asexual (attracted to neither men nor women). We tend to think of most people as falling into one of the two extreme categories (attracted to women or attracted to men), whether they are straight or gay, with only a small minority clustering around the bisexual middle. However, Kinsey's studies showed that most people are in fact not at one extreme of this continuum or the other, but occupy some position between.

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 18:22
od str00ja
ja bi sebi vako:


Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 20:15
od alexandermagic

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 20:57
od bothways
Necu. :durenje:

Hocu pop-science kviz koji ce na osnovu odgovora da mi iscrta sam sliku. :awesome:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 21:06
od antibiotic

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 21:07
od Dirrty

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 21:20
od Anhedonie
^ :lol:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 21:23
od Madonna
đa bolim kuratz

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 21:43
od Kittrie
^ :smeh:

ok, ja bih to uradila al sam zaboravila kako se crtaju ravne linije kakve se meni svidjaju u PS i u paintu. :retard:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:08
od Lepa Krepa
ja sam, kao što linija nedvosmisleno pokazuje, strejt. nakoso.


Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:20
od Kittrie
^ vish , ja nijesam znala da toliko vise volis muske.
mislila sam da si prilicno fifti:fifti oko toga.

svaki dan naucim nesto novo. :wundy:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:27
od str00ja
Krepo, štaš ti uopće ođe? Id širi anglicizme na nekom drugom forumu :lol:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:29
od Kittrie
^ nemo' tako.
ima moja zena i svoje lezbejske dane.

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:33
od Madonna
Originally posted by str00ja

Krepo, štaš ti uopće ođe? Id širi anglicizme na nekom drugom forumu :lol:


Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:38
od str00ja
Aman zezam se ljudi :wtf:

Bilo mi hit kad je neko prozivao za anglicizme, a ona rekla da se kreše s njima ko sa zečevima :lol:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:38
od Lepa Krepa
Originally posted by Kittrie

^ vish , ja nijesam znala da toliko vise volis muske.
mislila sam da si prilicno fifti:fifti oko toga.

svaki dan naucim nesto novo. :wundy:
pa, morala sam da napravim kompromis oko toga i vuman džender ajdentitija da bih zadržala strejt lajn. inače bi mi propala fora. :lol:

Originally posted by str00ja

Krepo, štaš ti uopće ođe? Id širi anglicizme na nekom drugom forumu :lol:
go back where you came from, you and the anglicisms you rode in on!

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:40
od Lepa Krepa
Originally posted by str00ja

Aman zezam se ljudi :wtf:

Bilo mi hit kad je neko prozivao za anglicizme, a ona rekla da se kreše s njima ko sa zečevima :lol:
ama, nou hard filings. meni se baš svidžeo tvoj išćerivački post. :shake:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:43
od bas bleu
and i thought i was the ultimate queen of riding anglicisms :kosa:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:45
od Srklet
if hans doesn't say so... :zvizdi:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:49
od Lepa Krepa
nećemo znati dok ga ne odbanuju. damn. :unsure:

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:51
od bas bleu

Poslato: 16 Jan 2011, 22:51
od Madonna
Originally posted by str00ja

Aman zezam se ljudi :wtf:

Bilo mi hit kad je neko prozivao za anglicizme, a ona rekla da se kreše s njima ko sa zečevima :lol:
jao pardon onda, evo da te odšamarim
