Da je danas poslednji dan tvog života (i naravno, da ti to znaš ), kako bi ga proveo? Šta bi radio, s kim bi se video, sa kim oprostio...?
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 21:20
od Zwezdica
Sve ljude koji su mu bitni bih okupila, napravila oprostajnu zurku, a noc bih provela sa devojkom u krevetu i tako umrla.. Dramaticno, a?
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 21:23
od Anhedonie
Okupio bih voljene ljude, al im ne bih rekao da mi je ovo poslednji dan, a smrt docekao negde sam
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 21:30
od elektron84
Probala bih jos jednom da se izvinim osobi koju mnogo volim a ne zeli da prica sa mnom.
Nahranila bih psa i ribice i to je to. Ne bih uradila nista spektakularno
Kakav za zivota, takav i pred smrt!
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 21:50
od AngraMaina
Prvo bih kupio kartu za Tokio isto popodne.
Onda bih otišao na obalu okeana, seo u baštu neke kafanice i uz jutarnju kafu telefonirao ljudima koje sam voleo, sećajući se lepih uspomena.
Onda bih izveo nekoliko najbližih prijatelja na ručak u nekom restoranu na 100. spratu nebodera, sa spektakularnim pogledom na grad.
Onda bih se ukrcao na onaj avion za Tokio (u kome će ostati isto doba dana tokom putovanja), i sačekao smrt po danu i bez oblaka, na nebu, zureći u beskrajno plavo.
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 21:58
od scout_finch
bih ceo dan.
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 22:34
od unic0rn
objavio na fejsbuku da sam otisho da mrem
odbanovao sve banovane, podelio random opomene just for fun i postavio dinu i iris za administratorke
onda, spichkao sve pare koje imam na ruletu
na kraju, uzeo bih kartu za Prag, dosao tamo, prozdrao nekoliko vaclavskih kobasica, trdla, proshetao karlovim mostom, uzeo gromnu toplu chokoladu u starbaksu, seo i slao oprostajne sms poruke (pismeno je ipak poeticnije) i na kraju otego papke na hrachanima.
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 22:57
od Galadriel
nikom ne bih rekla sta ce se desiti
1. otisla u osiguravajuci zavod i uplatila sve pare na polisu zivotnog osiguranja
2. zavestala svoje organe na nekoj berzi gde se to placa, i da se ne placa svejedno bih ih zavestala
3. napisala testament u kome sve ostavljam svojoj sestri
4. u testamentu bih zahtevala i da mi se na sahrani svira shirley bassey - history repeating
5. onda bih otisla kuci na rucak sa mojima. posle toga legla na kauc da citam gospodara prstenova povratak kralja, grickam indijski orah i podesila stub na repeat tiho da mi svira natural mystic bob marley
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 23:00
od Mage
Ne znam šta bi radio... Mislim, šta realno možeš da uradiš za jedan dan? E setio sam se! Prvo bi se svima outovao, onda bi svakome rekao šta stvarno mislim o njemu/njoj, nekima bi podelio i šamare i tako
Poslato: 21 Feb 2010, 23:41
od Hys.
Mnogo volim ovaj citat:
If today was your last day on Earth, who would you call?
So what you're waiting for ?
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 00:12
od 4NY K3Y
uuuu, Hys.... do OO citat!
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 00:13
od Hys.
Svima koje volim bih rekla da ih volim a onda otisla kod ljubavnice i jebala se dok me strefi smrt.
A bilo bi lepo da me strefi dok svrsavam
:tanatos i eros:
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 00:15
od Galadriel
ako ima neka tema na forumu da neko ne spomene seks neka me odmah pregazi tramvaj
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 01:42
od mitrandir
Arwen, ja sam se naježio kad sam citao tvoj post (ne ovaj o seksu, nego onaj prvi)
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 01:51
od maka
... rucala bih sa mamom,vecerala s caletom,zaspala kraj moje devojke...
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 02:00
od Frey
1. popio sav alkohol koji imam kod kuće
2. ostatak života prepustio slučaju:)
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 02:17
od svejedno
"I write with a great vengeance./
Sort of like I'm innocent facing a death sentence,/
like I might not even finish my next sentence,/
like all I got left to live is ten seconds./
The clock's ticking this could be my last song,/
my last will if you will before I pass on./
I'd like to pass on some words that a last long,/
and mean something even after rap's gone./
Despite all the wickedness in the wilderness,/
and the fact that my life kind of been a mess,/
if I die tomorrow I feel no bitterness./
No sorrow and not one bit of stress./
I'm feeling blessed that I made it this far,/
my 26th year, my 14th bar./
I see the sunshine, feel the bass line./
Listen to it tellin' us not to waste time...
Cus if I'd die tomorrow,/ I'd feel no kind of sorrow./ I'd smile at my memories,/ and pray for my enemies.
Man, tough I�m sad I had to go and all, I�m so glad I got to know you all./
Don�t feel bad, I hope I told you all/
we had one hell of a ride so far./
If I did die, oh Lord, no need to cry, oh Lord/
cus I�ve been around. And been around friends who's been around since/
my story begins, seen my flaws and my sins./
I had the women, loved them all. Most the bads was my fault!/
Hope you forgive me and remember me by our happiest memories./
I tend to be afraid to give my heart away,/
but you was my light, and if It�s dark today, I know you'll rise and shine someway!/
I went away on my way up, but that's a good way to leave!/
Believe me when I say - You made it easy being me!
And mom, you taught me how to see things from the bright side./
That's why my brother survived, why you and dad stayed tight/
though you divorced and broke up. Now I ran outta luck/
but I know you grow stronger when the going gets tough!/
Hope I made you proud, hope you didn't worry too much,/
about my drinking and drugs, it never came between us./
Didn't keep no secrets, always told you about stuff./
And I know you know I love you, and to me that's enough...
So if I die rich and famous in the hall of fame,/
or in a prison nameless with a ball and chain./
Sky high above the clouds and the fallin' rain./
Makin' love to my woman hear her call my name,/
or bangin' my head against a brick wall in pain./
If the last days of my life I was called insane,/
it's all love cus it's all the same,/
and if I'd get a new life nothing at all I'd change...
I wouldn't undo it if I could - hell maybe I should,/
but it's one life to live, one love - it's all good./
Think I did ok at least enjoyed it while it lasted./
Think of how we laughed shit I'm smilin' in my casket./
Though I may have caused some beefs, and indeed I regret all,/
may have pissed off my peops. Best believe I won't forget y'all,/
when I'm chillin' in hiphop heaven or spittin' burners in hell,/
I hope you got your health and you're at peace with yourself./
Became older and wiser I hope you toast to my name./
I sit beside you guys even when my bones in the grave./
I got so much more to say, but this the end of the song,/
so just rewind the tape and don't mind singin' along... come on!
If this is the last song,/ and these are last days./ If the show really can't go on,/ then I'm catching the last train. X2 "
^mnogo jaka pesma.
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 02:20
od hlaefdige
mislim da bih se pravila da se nista ne desava...otisla u kineski restoran sa koloradom, mozda..
da mi je veceras poslednje vece,probala bih heroin
eh,sto nije
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 04:47
od jukie
Originally posted by mitrandir
Da je danas poslednji dan tvog života (i naravno, da ti to znaš ), kako bi ga proveo? Šta bi radio, s kim bi se video, sa kim oprostio...?
Zavisi koliko me boli
Ali mislim da bih se samo zavukao u krevet kod jastučka i čekao
Prvo bih pojeo 2-3 komada guščije paštete i 2 krem sira sa belim lukom i 3 punjene paprike sa mnogo začina
(što inače ne smem da jedem jer mi svuda iskaču bubuljice i boli me, ali onda neće više biti važno)
i još par kesica Njamba (što smem da jedem ali ne previše jer goji)
Poslato: 22 Feb 2010, 04:58
od blabla54380
napravio bih mega zurku. bio na teskim drogama ceo dan. a pred odlazak bi zaustavio muziku na sekund i rekao ja sad idem, a vi se svi jebite.