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Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
kada me uvuku u neko grupno dopisivanje na fejsu pa ispamuju 837498379473 poruka
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
ljude koji na sve odgovaraju najkraće moguće kao previše sam kul da bih pisao više od 5 reči
ne mislim na to kad neko nekog smara nego ovako kad uopšte tako pišu uvek svima sve

aj molim te kad si tako kul nemoj ni disati sve vreme to je jako urbano mrš

Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
^ isto kao i sa onim zapretenim ribama sa misterijama, sto se mene tice, sut u dupe.
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
ali ketrin nije tako odbojno misteriozna samo zna lako da izmanipuliše napaljenike pa tako deluje : (

ot: zbirke/praktikume sa zadacima BEZ REŠENJA
svrstavam ih u level nepotpunih nabrajanja ono učiš i vežbaš a na kraju niti znaš niti ne znaš
baš superiška
By alexandermagic
Dodirivanje bilo cega masnim/znojavim/nedovoljno cistim rukama. Ljude kojima pepeo cigarete svuda padne prije nego u pepeljaru. Pusenje u mom automobilu. Pricu dok se jede. Knjige i novine sa zavrnutim listovima. Sjedanje sa podvijenim nogama po mom pokucstvu. Dovikivanje. Ekstenzije, vjestacke trepke. :ozbiljan:
By Kragi
Kad muskarci nose kratke carape i duge pantalone pa im se vidi noga. Znaci ljudi, carape obavezno dovoljno dugacke. One nazuvice mogu ali uz bermude ili sorc ili 3/4. :machevi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Anton Pavlovič
- kad mi neko uništi dan, istovari barele negativnosti, a onda još bezobrazno izjavi: "a ti se to naljutio..."
- pranje savjesti propraćeno jednim: "ali svi to rade"
- energetske vampire
- vukove u koži žrtvenih jaraca
- paradajz
Korisnikov avatar
By elizevin
[url=]Kiborg napisao:[/url]ne podnosim libtarde

priznajem da sam morala ovu rec da potrazim u recniku

evo definicije u urban dictionary:" target="_blank

treba li reci da je definiciju pisao konzervativni, pro-fasisticki kapitalista

sve sto ja volim

za one koje mrzi da citaju, evo sta, izmedju ostalog, autoru definicije smeta kod libtarda:
"In a large nutshell, a libtard's goal in life includes one or more of the following:

--the establishment of a Socialist "utopia" (a.k.a. a global nanny state)
--the promotion of the tyranny of the minority
--the filing of specious law suits to shakedown corporations for cash (under the guise of "social responsibility")
--the disproportionate taxation of citizens "who have more money than they need"
--the banning and confiscation of all privately owned guns (even though it has lead to genocide)
--the destruction of Capitalism
--the further insertion of Socialist ideology and indoctrination into public school curricula
--mass thought control through "speech codes" and political correctness
--the further promulgation of the homosexual/pedophile agenda
--the teaching of HATE (superficially disguised as "Women's Studies", "African Studies", etc.)
--the legalization of marijuana ("far OUT, man")
--the establishment of world wide socialized medicine (under the guise of "fairness")
--the conservation of the environment over the conservation of the American economy --the demonization of attempts to make English America’s national language
--world peace (which genocidal dictators define as: "the absence of conflict"--dead men cannot resist your brutal oppression)
--the conservation of the environment over the conservation of humanity
--the promotion of abortion as birth control, eugenics, and teaching the theory of evolution as fact (even though the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes it from the get-go)
Not surprisingly, there is a thread of anti-Americanism that runs through these ideas. A libtard cannot stomach the idea that America, despite its faults, is the greatest country in the world. As such, he/she sees it as their duty to tarnish the country's current and past image using all available means including: cherry picking facts and using innuendo, half-truths, lies and fabrications

iskreno, koliko god da su naivni, i imaju neke idiotske ideje, imam puno vise simpatija za libtarde

ot: stvarno ne podnosim kretene kao sto je ovaj koji je pisao tu definiciju :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
Vec sam rekao da mi se elizevin dopada pa da ponovim
Korisnikov avatar
By elizevin
oh, tnx, polaskana sam :sunce:

ot: ljude koji nisu fizicari ili nemaju solidno razumevanje termodinamike, a gadjaju se drugim zakonom termodinamike. Mozemo li jednom za svagda nauciti da COVEK NIJE ZATVOREN SISTEM, jer jelte zahteva konstantan unos energije? Tako da nemojmo jos obarati teoriju evolucije, pliz
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
masivne ljude koji tripuju da su moc.
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
Kad ih vidim kako peru sudove dosta mi
Korisnikov avatar
By 李香兰
[url=]elizevin napisao:[/url]
[url=]Kiborg napisao:[/url]ne podnosim libtarde

priznajem da sam morala ovu rec da potrazim u recniku

evo definicije u urban dictionary:" target="_blank

treba li reci da je definiciju pisao konzervativni, pro-fasisticki kapitalista

sve sto ja volim

za one koje mrzi da citaju, evo sta, izmedju ostalog, autoru definicije smeta kod libtarda:
"In a large nutshell, a libtard's goal in life includes one or more of the following:

--the establishment of a Socialist "utopia" (a.k.a. a global nanny state)
--the promotion of the tyranny of the minority
--the filing of specious law suits to shakedown corporations for cash (under the guise of "social responsibility")
--the disproportionate taxation of citizens "who have more money than they need"
--the banning and confiscation of all privately owned guns (even though it has lead to genocide)
--the destruction of Capitalism
--the further insertion of Socialist ideology and indoctrination into public school curricula
--mass thought control through "speech codes" and political correctness
--the further promulgation of the homosexual/pedophile agenda
--the teaching of HATE (superficially disguised as "Women's Studies", "African Studies", etc.)
--the legalization of marijuana ("far OUT, man")
--the establishment of world wide socialized medicine (under the guise of "fairness")
--the conservation of the environment over the conservation of the American economy --the demonization of attempts to make English America’s national language
--world peace (which genocidal dictators define as: "the absence of conflict"--dead men cannot resist your brutal oppression)
--the conservation of the environment over the conservation of humanity
--the promotion of abortion as birth control, eugenics, and teaching the theory of evolution as fact (even though the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes it from the get-go)
Not surprisingly, there is a thread of anti-Americanism that runs through these ideas. A libtard cannot stomach the idea that America, despite its faults, is the greatest country in the world. As such, he/she sees it as their duty to tarnish the country's current and past image using all available means including: cherry picking facts and using innuendo, half-truths, lies and fabrications

iskreno, koliko god da su naivni, i imaju neke idiotske ideje, imam puno vise simpatija za libtarde

ot: stvarno ne podnosim kretene kao sto je ovaj koji je pisao tu definiciju :D
jedva sam cekala da neko odgovori na ovaj post ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Korisnikov avatar
By Anhedonie
neko ko koristi libtard izraz zaista nije vredan odgovaranja.

to je kao kad bi psu pokazivao mona lizu.
By Aven
Kacmo kod pasa, ne podnosim kad netko na silu mazi životinje i djecu.

Daj teti pusu & such.

Ako će se htjeti maziti, doći će ti samo, Elmyro jedna. :|

Korisnikov avatar
By Anton Pavlovič
Не подносим јапанке, папуче и којекакве натикаче у Кнезу и тим централним уличицама, колико год "носачи" имали шта да покажу и можда чак били занимљиви призори. Дакле, ок ми је за плажу, базен, језеро, море, ок ми је и ако је нека медитеранска варијанта града, да зажмурим и да неко слети до продавнице по јогурт у таквом издању, али у неком копненом појасу, па још централна џада, то ми је скроз одбојно. И још ако се хобитска стопала, онако сва "сређена", провуку... :zid:
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