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Korisnikov avatar
By Kupper
Originally posted by avalon
10. Lara Flynn Boyle: Sometimes a single fiasco is all it takes - that tutu terror was one of the all-time worst fashion mistakes! A beautiful face . . .but no taste . . . what a waste!

9. Courtney Love: The torrid temptress of fashion - "Rock Pack" is the undisputed queen of tack.

8. Melanie Griffith: Melanie defines "fatal fashion folly" A botox'd cockatoo in a painting by Dali!

7. Missy Elliot: Missy's experiencing a bling-bling take-over - time to lower the wattage and get a makeover!

6. Celine Dion: Half-sequined scarecrow, half-gaudy acrobat. Is it Abe Lincoln in drag? I'll leave it at that!!!

5. Jessica Simpson: Forget putting her stylist on suspension - just clean out that closet, and hire a magician!

4. Diane Keaton: In prudish fashion pitfalls that bury her beauty, it could be Queen Victoria on jury duty! Dowdy, dumpy, and frumpy!

3. Shania Twain: What can I say? In buckled bombs and country-fried kitsch. Has Calamity Twain, popped a stitch?

2. A TIE --- Madonna/Britney Spears: So many tacky trends, so little time - please, will someone arrest The Kissing Cousins of Couture Crime?

1. Paris Hilton: How are you gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they'veseen Pareé. Grab the blinders, here comes Paris. From cyber disgrace to red carpet chills - she's the vapid Venus of Beverly Hills!

These women really have to get their acts, or wardrobes, together to get out of the red in time for next year's list.
Meni ova lista sasvim odgovara. Posebno sto su na noj Celine, Shania i Simpson.
Korisnikov avatar
By Heartbreaker
Mada se ipak mora priznati da se Celine u poslednje vreme znatno popravila sto se oblacenja tice.
Korisnikov avatar
By Heartbreaker
Originally posted by ParisH.
Pa jeste lepsa je Nicky. Mladja je i sladja. :kiss:
Ma kakva Nicky, Paris je zakon! :kralj: :hail: :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Kupper
Veruj mi, Celine nisam odavno sreo, pa nisam bio u prilici da vidim sta nosi:)

Salim se, dugo nisam video to lice.
Korisnikov avatar
By Heartbreaker
Originally posted by Kupper
Veruj mi, Celine nisam odavno sreo, pa nisam bio u prilici da vidim sta nosi:)

Salim se, dugo nisam video to lice.
Ma svratila pre neki dan kod mene na kaficu pa sam je malo osacovao. :wink2: :grin:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kupper
Ovaj tvoj nista ne prica...a bila je lepa prilika da se prisetimo lepih vremena (Celine and me):lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Heartbreaker
Originally posted by Kupper
Ovaj tvoj nista ne prica...a bila je lepa prilika da se prisetimo lepih vremena (Celine and me) :lol:
Ma nije hteo da ispadne da se hvali. :trep: A inace je toliko voli da je to jednostavno neopisivo! :rool: :rool: :rool:
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