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Korisnikov avatar
By ns.happy

Slusate li ovaj duo? Meni je poslednjih par meseci uglavnom u playeru :love:
Koop is the Swedish electronic jazz duo of Magnus Zingmark and Oscar Simonsson from Uppsala, Sweden, formed in 1995. Though the music may sound as if it is played by a tight jazz group, it is actually sample-based. Thousands of small clips of drums, strings, horns, and choirs are taken from old records and puzzled together into new songs. This time consuming production process is one of the reasons Koop’s albums are released 4-5 years apart.

The group’s 3 albums all feature guest vocalists. On their latest, “Koop Islands”, the singers are Yukimi Nagano, Ane Brun, Hilde Louise Asbjornsen, Rob Gallagher and Mikael Sundin. Also contributing to the percussion, solos, and bass are Mattias Ståhl, Magnus Lindgren, Karl Frid, Nils Berg, Martin Höper, Ola Bothzén, Dan Berglund and Mats Lindfors.

Live, Koop transforms into a 7-9 piece swing orchestra including 1-3 singers. The lineup varies from time to time.

Koop prefers to label their music “romantic swingtronica”.
Korisnikov avatar
E, pa nisu loši, opšte! Preslušah ovaj klip sa You-a, videću da potražim :-)
By Swanheart
slusam ih par godina vec, prijatni su za slusanje

bili su 2007e valjda na Kalishu
Korisnikov avatar
By ns.happy
ima li neko mozda neki link za neki album njihov? ja nemam nesto mnogo pesama...
By Swanheart
ja imam 4 albuma
ako ne nadjem na netu postavicu ti ih na rapid
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
Originally posted by Swanheart
ja imam 4 albuma
ako ne nadjem na netu postavicu ti ih na rapid

onda imam i ja 4 albuma :roflmao:
By Swanheart

istina ziva

imas ih u:Music\YaaaaaaY\Jazz\Koop-4 cd
By cumpig
znaci snasli ste se, da ne aploudukem i ja :)

strasni su koop, jedini iz cele te grupe lounge/nu jazz/sta jos koji mi ne idu na kurac i ne zvuce upravo kao muzika za liftove i sarahe (ovo kradem od nekog, moguce da je onaj ludak, petar lazovic piaso tako nesto u xzabava svojevremeno)

Waltz for Koop - savrsen , ali savrsen album za sve prigode, mozda cak i za liftove i sahrane :D , savrsen izbor vokala za svaku stvar

Koop Islands - takodje odlican, mozda ipak za nijansu slabiji od waltza

Prvi album , ne secam se kako se zvase mi se nije dopao, a bogami ni usiljeni remix album za Waltz

Naravno, da sam se dovukao u bg na koncert gospode, iako je za moment sve licilo i obecavalo totalni krah, koncert je ispao vise nego dobar + Yukimi nagano u zivo, mmmmmm, preslatak je bila.
Inace gospodjica je zauzela Jozea Gonzalesa (nema los ukus klinka ;) ), a mozete da overite i njen bend Little Dragon, daleko je to od Koop kvaliteta, ali probajte.
Korisnikov avatar
Cumpig, ja sam još uvek nesnađen! Jel može meni link? Pretty please...
By cumpig
znaci royal druze, jesi in?
in the fan club, i mean ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By ns.happy
inace, posto strebam ovih dana, skontao sam da me jako inspirisu da citam. smiruju me skroz, nema da mi misli blude... :D
Korisnikov avatar
Originally posted by cumpig
znaci royal druze, jesi in?
in the fan club, i mean ;)
Yeah, yeah, sign me in :-)
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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