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Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
Sajo, s predhodne strane, hon, :hug: samo Talking Heads' Psychokiller ima deo tvog nadimka SAJ-KO killer, nadam se da nema veze s tobom.... :smeh:
vi'š kako sam ja znao da Plavci i Nada pevaju nešto malo o tebi :kiss: .... nema na čemu


Do you remember a guy that's been
In such an early song
I've heard a rumour from Ground Control
Oh no, don't say it's true

They got a message
from the Action Man
"I'm happy, hope you're happy too
I've loved
all I've needed to love
Sordid details following"

The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of Jap girls
in synthesis and I
Ain't got no money and I ain't got no hair
But I'm hoping to kick but the planet it's glowing

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom's
a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all-time low

Time and again I tell myself
I'll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
I'm stuck with a valuable friend
"I'm happy, hope you're happy too"
One flash of light
but no smoking pistol

I've never done good things
I've never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue,
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

My mother said
to get things done
You'd better not mess
with Major Tom
Korisnikov avatar
By sAja
[url=]Vel boy napisao:[/url]Sajo, s predhodne strane, hon, :hug: samo Talking Heads' Psychokiller ima deo tvog nadimka SAJ-KO killer, nadam se da nema veze s tobom.... :smeh:
vi'š kako sam ja znao da Plavci i Nada pevaju nešto malo o tebi :kiss: .... nema na čemu


Do you remember a guy that's been
In such an early song
I've heard a rumour from Ground Control
Oh no, don't say it's true

They got a message
from the Action Man
"I'm happy, hope you're happy too
I've loved
all I've needed to love
Sordid details following"

The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of Jap girls
in synthesis and I
Ain't got no money and I ain't got no hair
But I'm hoping to kick but the planet it's glowing

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom's
a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all-time low

Time and again I tell myself
I'll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
I'm stuck with a valuable friend
"I'm happy, hope you're happy too"
One flash of light
but no smoking pistol

I've never done good things
I've never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue,
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

My mother said
to get things done
You'd better not mess
with Major Tom

"I'm happy, hope you're happy too"
One flash of light
but no smoking pistol

Maybe I was once.Maybe I m not ..any more. Fafaffaafafa :rotflmao: :) :sunce: EJ OH OOOOo.._
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