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Arthur Evans, Leader in Gay Rights Fight, Dies at 68

Arthur Evans, who helped form and lead the movement that coalesced after gay people and their supporters protested a 1969 police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a Greenwich Village gay bar, died on Sunday at his home in San Francisco. He was 68.

The cause was a heart attack, his friend Hal Offen said. Mr. Evans was found to have an aortic aneurysm last year.

Mr. Evans was not at the Stonewall disturbances, but they fueled in him a militant fervor and inspired him to join the Gay Liberation Front, an organization started during the wave of gay assertiveness that followed.

For Mr. Evans and other militants, however, the group was not assertive enough. They worried that it was diluting its effectiveness by taking stands on issues beyond gay rights — opposing the Vietnam War and racial discrimination, for example. So in December 1969 they split off to found the Gay Activists Alliance, choosing a name to suggest more aggressive tactics.

Based in New York, the alliance became a model for gay rights organizations nationwide, pushing in New York for legislation to ban discrimination against gay men and lesbians in employment, housing and other areas. Mr. Evans wrote its statement of purpose and much of its constitution, which began, “We as liberated homosexual activists demand the freedom for expression of our dignity and value as human beings.”

To attract attention the alliance staged what its members called “zaps,” confrontations with people or institutions that they believed discriminated against gay people. Among other incidents, they confronted Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York, went to television studios to protest shows perceived as anti-gay, demanded gay marriage rights at the city’s marriage license bureau, and demonstrated at the taxi commission against a regulation, since abolished, requiring gay people to get a psychiatrist’s approval before they could be allowed to drive a taxi.

In the fall of 1970, Mr. Evans and others showed up at the offices of Harper’s Magazine in Manhattan to protest an article it had published sharply criticizing gay people and their lifestyle. It was Mr. Evans’s idea to bring a coffee pot, doughnuts, a folding table and chairs for a civilized “tea party.” When the editor, Midge Decter, refused to print a rebuttal as the group demanded, Mr. Evans erupted.

“You knew that this article would contribute to the oppression of homosexuals!” he yelled, according to the 1999 book “Out for Good: The Struggle to Build a Gay Rights Movement in America” by Dudley Clendinen, a former reporter for The New York Times, and Adam Nagourney, a current Times reporter. “You are a bigot, and you are to be held responsible for that moral and political act.”

Arthur Evans was born on Oct. 12, 1942, in York, Pa. His father was a factory worker who had dropped out of elementary school, and his mother ran a beauty shop in the front room of the family house. Mr. Evans attended Brown University on a scholarship and there joined a group of self-styled “militant atheists.”

He left Brown after three years and headed for Greenwich Village, having read in Life magazine that it welcomed gay people. In New York, he transferred to City College and switched his major from political science to philosophy. Graduating in 1967, he entered the doctoral program in philosophy at Columbia, where he studied ancient Greek philosophy and participated in antiwar protests.

But, becoming disenchanted with academia, he withdrew from Columbia in 1972 and moved to rural Washington State, where he and a companion, calling themselves the Weird Sisters Partnership, homesteaded a small patch of forest land and lived in a tent.

When the Washington experiment failed, Mr. Evans and his companion moved to San Francisco. There, he and Mr. Offen opened a Volkswagen repair business they named the Buggery.

While living in Washington, Mr. Evans had spent his winters in Seattle researching the historical origins of the counterculture. After settling in San Francisco, he wrote “Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture,” a 1978 book tracing homophobic attitudes to the Middle Ages, when people accused of witchcraft, the book contended, were being persecuted in part for their sexuality, often their homosexuality.

He went on to write “Critique of Patriarchal Reason” (1997), arguing that misogyny and homophobia have influenced supposedly objective fields like logic and physics.

Mr. Evans is survived by his brother, Joe.

Growing up, Mr. Evans had hid his sexual orientation, though he himself was aware of it at 10, he said. By November 1970, when he was scheduled to appear on “The Dick Cavett Show” with other gay leaders, he had still not told his parents that he was gay. But, by his account, he did tell them he was going to be on national television. Thrilled, they told friends and neighbors to tune in.

Mr. Evans later said he regretted his handling of the matter.

a evo kako je izgledala jedna od poznatgijih akcijaa GAA :love: :zastava:


prkosni, ponosni, odlučni, radikalni :zastava:

naravno, arthur evans si je, kao svaka prava tetka, sam napisao posmrtnicu :D ... rthur.html

In effect, GAA created a new model of gay activism, highly theatrical while also eminently practical and focused. It forced the media and the political establishment to take gay concerns seriously as a struggle for justice. Previously the media treated gay life as a peripheral freak show. The new gay activism inspired gay people to act unapologetically from a position of gay pride. This new model inspired other gay groups across the county, eventually triggering revolutionary improvements in gay life that continue to this day.
GAA su uvijek bili jedan od mojih uzora :love:

no, sto bi se dogodilo da je ekipa od 20 pedera i lezbi upala u djilasov ured i suočila ga s time da svojim izjavama ponižava LGBT osobe, da ohrabruje nasilnike i fašiste itd? :hmm:
pretpostavljam da bi najglasniji u osudi bili "pristojni" homoseksualci. :party:
Popeye napisao: no, sto bi se dogodilo da je ekipa od 20 pedera i lezbi upala u djilasov ured i suočila ga s time da svojim izjavama ponižava LGBT osobe, da ohrabruje nasilnike i fašiste itd? :hmm:
Ako ćemo realno, ne verujem da bi mogli kabinetu da priđu od obezbeđenja. :D
A zatim, ne verujem ni da bi takav pristup imao željeni rezultat 'buđenja' svesti gej naroda Srbije o značaju borbe za svoja prava. Srbija je potpuno različita platforma i mislim da sve akcije koje se aktivistički čine moraju da se promatraju iz različitijih uglova nego ove u Americi. Ipak je, priznaćeš, razlika poprilična. Treba uvažiti stanje na terenu kako bi rezultat bio zadovoljavajuć.

A opet, Đilas je nekim potezima pokazao da i nije baš neko kome odmah možeš da zalepiš etiketu 'homofob'. Ipak je čovek sedeo s predstavnicima GSA na predstavljanju godišnjeg izveštaja o stanju LGBT prava u 2010. godini u Skupštini grada Beograda. Isto tako je učestvovao u razgovorima za otvaranje sigurnog prostora za gej omladinu koju roditelji usled autovanja izbace iz kuće. Dakle, mislim da je on materijal s kojim može da se hendluje. Ako se izabere pravi način.

Ja bih, ako mogu da dozvolim sebi taj luksuz da maštam, više voleo da npr. upadnem u reč tipu poput Koste Čavoškog na nekoj tribini ili amfiteatru pred studentima i ispreskačem ga pošteno ne dozvolivši mu da progovori ni reč. Cilj: Iznervirati matoru drtinu toliko da napusti sopstveno predavanje. :D I bio bih zadovoljan sobom. Pa makar me izbacilo obezbeđenje zbog remećenja javnog reda i mira. :)
slazem se sto se razlicitih konteksta tice, ne moze se slijepo slijediti tudja historijska linija.
no, to ne znaci da slicne stvari ne bi funkcionirale slicno u razlicitom kontekstu. mislim da bi bilo super suočiti i posramiti đilasa. doduse, osobna konfontacija jest tricky stvar... you gotta play it by ear.

sto se tvojeg primjera s GSA tice, mislim da to nisu trebali napraviti aktivisti, a ne đilas.
Popeye napisao: sto se tvojeg primjera s GSA tice, mislim da to nisu trebali napraviti aktivisti, a ne đilas.
Hoćeš da kažeš 'već Đilas'? :hmm:
Slažem se da bi to bio svakako korak unapred i da bi poruka tada tek dobila na značaju. (Kao što je Vlada CG nedavno pravila forum/konferenciju ili šta već o stanju LGBT prava tamo. Nažalost, to je za nas u Srbiji trenutno nezamisliv scenario. :shrug: )
Al opet, moraš da radiš s onim što imaš. Đilas mi deluje kao pragmatičar. A s pragmatičnim ljudima se može dogovarati. S istinskim homofobima nikako.
rogobatno se izrazih. hocu reci da GSA nije trebala dati djilasu takav legitimitet. jel on privatno homofob il ne, nije vazno. on je politicki homofob i sve sto on izjavljuje u javnosti pomaze fasistima a odmaze pederima. a ovako uvijek ima argument 'ali znate, ja sam bio na predstavljanju GSA...'

moje iskustvo je bas suprotno: zagrebackog gradonacelnika se sustavno ignorira od strane zg prajda, jer je korumpirani katolicki manijak i uopce ne zelimo njegovu podrsku, cak i da je nudi. ista stvar s HDZ-om na nacionalnom nivou; zapravo, njih otvoreno prozivamo i ismijavamo u javnim nastupima. :D

biti prijatelj sa svakim nije izraz snage nego slabosti. ;)
Popeye napisao: biti prijatelj sa svakim nije izraz snage nego slabosti. ;)
Kompleksna tema, a ja sam mrtav i odavno sam trebao da budem u krevetu, pa bih sad samo na ovo odgovorio.

Mislim da treći čovek države nije svako. Možda grešim. Nekako mi se čini da u situaciji u kakvoj se nalazi aktivistički pokret kod nas nemaš preteran izbor kad su u pitanju 'prijatelji', da ne kažem, ljudi koji imaju nekakav/ikakav uticaj.

(Znam. Kontraargument je da su aktivnosti tipa Prajd nešto za šta suštinski u nekim uređeni(ji)m zemljama tebi ne treba podrška ovoga ili onoga jer ti zakon i Ustav garantuju pravo da izađeš na ulicu i izraziš nezadovoljstvo, ali u Srbiji je stvar drugačija. Pisao sam već o tome. Ne da mi se ponovo.)

Bandićevu karijeru nisam pratio te ne mogu da upoređujem njegov nivo odnosa prema LGBT pitanju u odnosu na Đilasa. :shrug:

A i ko zna? Možda promenim mišljenje ukoliko ikad budem imao priliku da sa Đilasom zapravo i popričam pa steknem neki svoj deseti utisak.

Da se vratim na početak, mislim da upadanje Đilasu u kancelariju nije nešto što bi trebalo da se uzima za ozbiljno niti pametno. Pre bih recimo rekao da je smislenije da se ode u Jagodinu i da se npr. gej parovi ljube po centru kao odgovor na onu Palminu da tamo nema pedera. To je prajsles za kreativne ljude i smišljanje aktivističkih akcija po gradu, a bogami i u kabinetu dotičnog.
Ovim ne mislim da bi odjek akcije bio slabiji jer je u pitanju Jagodina, a ne Beograd. ;)
By Glasnik
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Centralna Srbija. Uz Veliku Moravu. ^^
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