pročitah sve postove na ovu temu, svakako pročitah i article ... oneliness/" target="_blank u celosti, i, zanimljivo, bolje reći nažalost tipično, niko još nije uočio i izneo najvažniju poentu članka.
a, ona je ovde
....And then you realize that everyone else here has baggage, too. All of a sudden it’s not your gayness that gets you rejected. It’s your weight, or your income, or your race. “The bullied kids of our youth,” Paul says, “grew up and became bullies themselves.”
“Gay men in particular are just not very nice to each other,” says John, the adventure tour guide. “In pop culture, drag queens are known for their takedowns and it’s all ha ha ha. But that meanness is almost pathological. All of us were deeply confused or lying to ourselves for a good chunk of our adolescence. But it’s not comfortable for us to show that to other people. So we show other people what the world shows us, which is nastiness.”
Every gay man I know carries around a mental portfolio of all the shitty things other gay men have said and done to him. I arrived to a date once and the guy immediately stood up, said I was shorter than I looked in my pictures and left. Alex, a fitness instructor in Seattle, was told by a guy on his swim team, “I’ll ignore your face if you fuck me without a condom.” Martin, a Brit living in Portland, has gained maybe 10 pounds since he moved there and got a Grindr message—on Christmas Day—that said: “You used to be so sexy. It’s a shame you messed it up.”.....
The fundamental reason for this, he says, is that “in-group discrimination” does more harm to your psyche than getting rejected by members of the majority. It’s easy to ignore, roll your eyes and put a middle finger up to straight people who don’t like you because, whatever, you don’t need their approval anyway. Rejection from other gay people, though, feels like losing your only way of making friends and finding love. Being pushed away from your own people hurts more because you need them more.
and so on.... til,
We have to recognize that as we fight for better laws and better environments—and as we figure out how to be better to each other." !!!
dakle, nedostatak SOLIDARNOSTI, internokomunalna zloća, pakost, bezobraznost, nepoštivanje, omalovažavanje, stereotipizovanje, diskriminisanje...., sve ono što heteropatrijarhalni svet čini svim gejevima, određeni brojni gejevi su uzeli sebi za pravo da čine odabranim drugim gejevima. ali, pošto gej "zajednica" ili zajednica to prenošenje homofobičnih heteropatrijarhalnih uzusa NE MOŽE DA PRIUŠTI a da ne počne pucati po šavovima, to pucanje po šavovima se upravo dešava kroz ove probleme koje opisuje i navodi celi article.
dakle, to. najveći neprijatelji životnoj sreći gejeva su često drugi gejevi, na veliku žalost.
dovoljno je samo videti mnoge primere na ovom forumu. ... da ne pominjem određene korisnike.....
i samo ću kratko, npr. zašto sam, ja u temi o korisniku blenta rekao ono što sam rekao je upravo zato što je taj korisnik urlao protiv gej solidarnosti i međupoštovanja karikirajući je i banalizujući je da je to aminovanje svakom geju bez obzira šta govori i kakav je, samo zato što je gej, što svakako nije uopšte tačno, ali on je to svesno tako izvrtao.