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Korisnikov avatar
By Tot
Na GayHr je uzašao tekst o Fredu Phelpsu jednom od najvećih američkih homofoba i čini mi se da je ova priča dobar način da promislimo zašto se dešavaju takve stvari kao što je ono što su učinili Matthew Wayne Shepardu koji je zverski ubijen samo zbog svoje seksualne orijentacije. Ovu temu postavljam kao podsećanje na ovu tragičnu žrtvu.

Fred Phelps- neprijatelj

By Simor
Joj, grozna priča. Neverovatno je da postoje psihopate kojima toliko smeta neko samo zbog svoje drugačije seksualne orijentacije da su spremni na smrt da ga prebiju. Mene ovakve priče uvek iznova iznenade i iznova uzdrmaju, iako mi je jasno u kakvom svetu živimo.
Korisnikov avatar
By 2kune
Da, zbilja... Genocid je mnogo manje stresan... :povez:
Korisnikov avatar
By Morgan Le Faye
Shteta shto se Morgan odrekao tamne umetnosti inache bi pokazao dotichnom pravi ukus bozijeg gneva...
Kako je Morganu teshko da bude dobrica....:teletabisi:
Korisnikov avatar
By Phoenix
I na kraju su dobili samo doživotne kazne. Da se ja pitam, dodao bih u kaznu svakodnevno silovanje ananasom. Oni sigurno ne bi uživali, a video sam u jednoj komediji da to rade Hitleru u paklu.


(da pojasnim za svaki slučaj, u ovom postu sam bio 100% ozbiljan)
Korisnikov avatar
By kal zakath
Govor oca na sudu

My son, Matthew, did not look like a winner. He was rather uncoordinated and wore braces from the age of 13 until the day he died. However in his all-too-brief life, he proved that he was a winner. On October 6th 1998, he tried to show the world he could win again. On October 12th 1998, my first born son, and my hero, lost. On October 12th 1998, my first born son, and my hero, died. 50 days before his 22nd birthday. I keep wondering the same thing that I did when I first saw him in the hospital. What would he have become? How could he have changed his piece of the world to make it better? Matt officially died in a hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. He actually died on the outskirts of Laramie, tied to a fence. You, Mr. McKinney, with your friend Mr. Henderson, left him there, by himself. But he was not alone. There were his lifelong friends with him, friends that he had grown up with. You're probably wondering who these friends were. First he had the beautiful night sky and the same stars and moon we used to see through a telescope. Then he had the daylight and the sun to shine on him. And through it all, he was breathing in the scent of the pine trees from the snowy range. He heard the wind, the ever present Wyoming wind for the last time. He had one more friend with him. He had God. And I feel better, knowing he wasn't alone. Matt's beating, hospitalization, and funeral focused worldwide attention on hate. Good is coming out of evil. People have said, 'Enough is enough.' I miss my son, but I am proud to be able to say that he was my son. Judy has been quoted as being against the death penalty. It has been stated that Matt was against the death penalty. Both of these statements are false. I, too, believe in the death penalty. I would like nothing better than to see you die, Mr. McKinney. However, this is the time to begin the healing process, to show mercy to someone who refused to show any mercy. Mr. McKinney, I am going to grant you life, as hard as it is to do so, because of Matthew. Everytime you celebrate Christmas, a birthday, the 4th of July, remember that Matt isn't. Everytime that you wake up in your prison cell, remember you had the opportunity and the ability to stop your actions that night. You robbed me of something very precious and I will never forgive you for that. Mr. McKinney, I give you life in the memory of someone who no longer lives. May you have a long life. And may you thank Matthew everyday for it.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
Ako raj i pakao zaista postoje kako vernici tvrde onda treba da budu sigurni da ce ovaj 21-godisnji decko koji je ubijen bez razloga samo zato sto je gay zavrsiti u raju. :saint:

Dok ce osoba poput Freda Phelpsa koji poziva na mrznju i osudu homoseksualaca i time direktno utice na to da se ovakve stvari desavaju zavrsiti na manje lepom mestu koliko god on sam bio uveren da time shto poziva na homofobiju radi boziji posao :lood:

Neki ljudi jednostavno pronadju pogresne ciljeve u zivotu a Phelbs je pravi primer za to :lood:
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