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Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
#2789381 ... -brussels/" target="_blank

Bulgarians tend not to trust their institutions: be they government, media or NGOs. “When you don’t trust institutions you don’t engage with political life, and that includes LGBT organizations – it covers all issues,” Stoyanov said.

A growth of a visible LGBTI community in Bulgaria’s post-Soviet era was undercut by the arrival of internet apps.

The apps allow gay people to find each other, meet, and form small networks. Alongside this the need for cafés and bars as meeting places has diminished, as have opportunities for activists like Stoyanov to organize. “Now people are pretty much happy being in the closet,” Stoyanov lamented.

While Sofia Pride set for June 10 this year has slowly grown in size over the last decade — to around 2,000 people attending in 2016 — so has the backlash.

Sofia Pride is typically accompanied by an “anti-gay parade” and next to no political support.

:srba: :zastava:

ormar je kao kapitalizam, sve ce kooptirati za svoje interese. :drama:
Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
sindrom zvani post-varšavski ugovor istočna Evropa, svugdje je u takvim državama slično izuzev donekle Češke i Slovenije (this latter one used to be through Yugoslavia nonaligned...)..... a glede Srbije koja je takođe used to be through Yugoslavia nonaligned, poznato je da je zlobamiloševićevim dolaskom na vlast i jogurt revolucijama Srbija htjela da pristupi varšavskom ugovoru s tim što je imala problem taj da se ovaj već bio počeo ubrzano raspadati....
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