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Moderatori: Casino, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet

dakle, pratim tu pricu, jedna je od gorih na koje sam ikada naletio. jedan decko od 14 godina je s dva metka u glavu smaknuo u sred razreda drugog decka od 15 godina, zato sto je ovaj bio gej.

suđenje ubojici se, naravno, pretvorilo u freakshow, zahvaljujući obrani koja je išla s gay panic pričom. također, ubojici se sudi kao odraslom, što je prilično grozno. njegovi roditelji pak nemaju nikakvu krivičnu odgovornost.

enivej, evo kako je išlo suđenje:

slijedi još završna riječ obrane i onda porota odlučuje.
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
A zašto je suđenje tek sad, nekoliko godina kasnije... gde je optuženik bio do sad?

Čak i da presude najmanju kaznu, od 18 godina kako sam razumeo, to je mnogo bolje no što rade kod nas.
Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
well, this sucks too: ... -gay-club/

Hall said he left Club Sound, which is gay-themed on Friday nights, and crossed the street to the corner of 600 West and 200 South in Salt Lake City, when four men approached him and began yelling gay slurs. He was then punched in the back of the head and knocked to the ground. One of the assailants grabbed his shirt and began punching him in the face, he said. After Hall fell to the ground again, the attacker grabbed him, placed his open mouth over the street curb and stomped on the back of head, knocking out six teeth in a move commonly referred to as ‘curb checking,’ which can result in death in many cases. Two other assailants kicked him repeatedly in the stomach, Hall said. The attackers called him a ‘fag’ and took his identification and $40, he said.

ovdje ima i video clip: ... A.facebook
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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Lasagna on me this time ok? I got plenty of cash

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