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Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services

Poslato: 09 Apr 2015, 03:51
od Sunce
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Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services ... SXaIfmUdS8" target="_blank

The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services provides empirical knowledge and conceptual information related to sexual minorities and their social environment.

Filled with innovative ideas and resources for the design, evaluation, and delivery of social services for these populations at all stages of life, the journal is a positive influence on the development of public and social policy, programs and services, and social work practice.

Dedicated to the development of knowledge which meets the practical needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people in their social context, the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services is a forum for studying, for example, the connection between the public issues of homophobia and heterosexism and the personal, day-to-day experiences of people affected by these attitudes.