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Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
Obama nominates first openly gay service secretary to lead Army

US President barack Obama nominated Eric Fanning to become the next secretary of the Army, the White House said on Friday, paving the way for the first openly gay leader of a military service branch in U.S. history.

Fanning is currently serving as acting Army undersecretary, and previously worked as Air Force undersecretary and chief of staff to U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter. His nomination to the post must still be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

"Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role," Obama said in a statement. "I am confident he will help lead America's soldiers with distinction."
Korisnikov avatar
By .:Q:.
#2761666 ... bbeld.html" target="_blank

Nasilje nad homoseksualcima i lezbejkama se proteklih godina gotovo udvostrucilo.
Broj incidenata se popeo sa 623 u 2011. na 1143 u 2012.
Rec je o raznim oblicima agresije: od psovanja i pljuvanja do fizickog nasilja.
Porast delom dolazi zbog vece spremnosti da se nasilje prijavi, ali prema istrazivacina i zbog realnog porasta nasilja.

Korisnikov avatar
By 李香兰
[url=]HalfJack napisao:[/url] ... .nUnbMHjFo

Denmark to Become First in World to Drop Classification of Transgender as Mental Illness

Over the rainbow napisao:^
I krenuli smo polako. :yay:
Znam da je ovo stari post, ali tek sada vidim.

Ne mislim da je to strašno. Gender Identity Disorder (pre-2007ish termin) ili Gender Dysphoria treba da se klasifikuje tako (kao disorder).

Međutim, dosta ljudi misli da je isti prograšen disorderom pod istim razlozima zašto je do pre 20ak i nešto godina bila homoseksualnost, međutim nije.

Razlozi su potpuno drugačiji i štaviše su "pro" a ne "anti-trans".

Nije disorder zato što je pogrešno osećati se da si u pogrešnom telu po nekim moralnim načelima štagod, već zato što se rodna disforija manifestuje kroz vrstu anksioznosti i depresije, a to nije zdravo osećati.

Samim tim je disorder koji ima lek. A taj lek često zavisi od slučaja do slučaja, međutim lek/način terapije nikad nije da profesionalac trans osobu ubeđuje da ona zapravo nije trans i da treba da se reši toga već doktor sa pacijentom radi na načinima da se ti simptomi disforije smanje ili nestanu.

U 90% slučajeva je to (taj lek) zapravo tranzicija propraćena redovnim odlascima kod psihijatra, i statistički, u velikoj većini slučajeva to "izleči" osobu od Gender Identity Disorder-a iliti rodne disforije tj. time se reši te "dijagnoze" ali je i dalje trans. :)

Mada, uz sve to, jasno mi je što su i to skinuli sa liste "bolesti" iako to nikad nije bila bolest na taj način.

Verovatno zbog toga što brdo ljudi kojima se ne sviđa ideja o trans ljudima, njihovoj tranziciji i sl. često vole da koriste argument da je transseksualnost zvanično "bolest" i da je time biti trans automatski loše po medicinskim standardima.

A često ne shvataju da psihijatrijske organizacije koje danas stoje iza toga da je Gender Dysphoria bolest su zapravo itekako pro-trans i da po istim tim standardima trans osoba koja prođe tranziciju (ili pronađe način da zdravo živi bez nje a da u istom trenutku prihvata da je trans) zapravo nije više "bolesna".

Zapravo poslednji put kad je u zapadnom svetu (pa jbt čak i u Iranu (lol it's true)) biti trans bilo bolesno zbog transfobičnih razloga je mnoooogo davno.

Tako da ovo nije neki progress, već pre "slight adjustment", a imam osećaj uveden jedino da bi transfobične individue prestale da koriste medicinu za backup njihovoj transfobiji iako to tehnički ne mogu da rade decenijama.. explained above
Korisnikov avatar
By 李香兰
#2763569 ... -boyfriend" target="_blank
Ohio Trans Woman Rae'Lynn Thomas Murdered by Mother's Ex-Boyfriend

The horrifically deadly summer for black trans women claimed another victim this week, this time in Columbus, Ohio.

Rae'Lynn Thomas, 28, was shot and then beaten by her mother's ex-boyfriend in their Columbus home Wednesday, reports local TV station WBNS. Thomas is the 19th trans person known to have been murdered in the U.S. this year.

While Thomas's family was accepting of her authentic identity, an ex-boyfriend of her mother's who still lived with the women, James Allen Byrd, made no secret of his transphobic attitudes. He reportedly often referred to the transgender woman as "the devil."

Thomas's mother, Renee Thomas, was home at the time of her daughter's murder, and described the attack to police and media. "He was in the bedroom and he just came around the corner and shot [Rae'Lynn],” she said. After firing at her twice, Byrd — who was nearly a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than the petite Thomas — proceeded to beat her with any heavy object handy.

Renee Thomas says the last thing she heard was her daughter begging for her life, saying "Mom, please please don’t leave me. Mom, I’m dying."

Thomas called police and Byrd was arrested shortly thereafter.

Shannon Thomas, Rae'Lynn's aunt, believes her niece's murder was a hate crime. "In my heart of hearts, I feel like that’s what it is," she told reporters. She also shared her desire to see Byrd pay for his crime, saying "I want to see him go to jail forever."
Columbus police are not investigating the attack as a hate crime at this time, though the city's hate-crime law does include crimes based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Ohio's statewide hate-crime laws, however, do not have such provisions, and conservative lawmakers in the state have spent the past three years resisting efforts to add LGBT identity to list of characteristics covered.

Shannon Thomas says she will remember her niece as a performer, a fashionista, and the life of the party. "[Byrd] took a light away from all of us," she told WBNS.
Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
[url=]李香兰 napisao:[/url]
Columbus police are not investigating the attack as a hate crime at this time, though the city's hate-crime law does include crimes based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Ohio's statewide hate-crime laws, however, do not have such provisions, and conservative lawmakers in the state have spent the past three years resisting efforts to add LGBT identity to list of characteristics covered.

ah, Ohio :bljak: everything I didn't like about western Pennsylvania is due to its proximity and similarity to Ohio and West Virginia.....
Korisnikov avatar
By Casino

Na zagrebački LGBT klub "Super, super" na Radničkoj cesti noćas oko 3.30 sati bačen je suzavac. Ljudi su u panici bežali čak i kroz prozore kluba, intervenisala je Hitna pomoć i policija.

Na zagrebački LGBT klub "Super, super" na Radničkoj cesti noćas oko 3.30 sati bačen je suzavac.

U Zagrebačkoj policijskoj upravi, rečeno je da je nepoznati počinitelj 'aktivirao sredstvo s nadražujućom stvari'.

U klubu je u tom trenutku bilo nekoliko stotina osoba. ... jeno-8492/" target="_blank
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