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Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
[url=]barni napisao:[/url]Ne znam, pitaj Marsa jel to istina on zivi u Kanadi, mozda je cuo za ovo.
Osvrnuo sam se na vest o dogadjaju a ne na novinarsku interpretaciju dogadjaja.
ali, osvrnuo si se s kao nekom validnošću na antigejno pretenciozno dezinformaciono senzacionalističko đubre (zovimo to baš ovako preciznim terminima) koje bi očajnički da pretenduje na klasifikaciju informacije iliti vesti, a ne na vest u pravom smislu reči i pojma vest.
i to đubre bi da namećeš u topicu koji se upravo bavi ili bar trebao baviti vestima, queer/lgbt vestima iz sveta.
zato ti rekoh da bi bilo smislenije i poštenije da prebaciš, barni, sporni post sa sadržajem u temu Diskretni šarm patrijarhata jer baš tamo bi trebalo da bude nešto onakvog sadržaja.
Korisnikov avatar
By AuroraDark
#2632661 ... -festival/" target="_blank

Ne znam gde da kačim ovo, al morala sam da prokomentarišem komentare. Ustvari jebeš komentare, uvek će biti kvazi patriota, kvazi strejtera, kvazi velikih Srba..Gde je pravopis, o veliki moji neobrazovani moralisti i borci za porodicu.. Pravopis...

"Molim vas nemojte takva sramota da prikazujete, posto nasa deca gledaju po fb. da nedaj Boze nekome bude poctrek za takva nemoralna i bolesna stvar."

"за 50 година ће и Педофилци да траже своја људска права и права да венћају Дете.Штаћете ви који ово видите као нормално да кажете тада када вам ваше дете неки силеђија силује?На западу нпр. у Америци човек може и животињу да венча јели требамо и ми Срби или уопште Православци такође даби ушли у ту неморлану ненормалну ЕУ такође дозволити венчање човека са дрветом или са пасом итд.?"



Korisnikov avatar
By Galadriel
ne znam odakle taj podatak za dečji gay festival u Norveškoj, nisam našla ništa na netu. a ta pesma je na holandskom nije na norveškom... snimak je star bar dve godine

Ima samo ovo ... 2131737468" target="_blank

ali opis je: Project documenting the childhoods of grown up Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-persons (LGBT -persons).

na stokholm pride gay ljudi vode svoju decu, ima i str8 porodica koje se šetaju i solidarišu, a pola miliona ljudi sa decom ili bez izađe da gleda. nije ništa neobično. ne znam što se toliko uzbuđuju

ima dece i u pride parku
Korisnikov avatar
By AuroraDark
pravo da ti kažem nisam proveravala izvore, orijentisala sam se više na komentare.. nekako se zadesi da kad god naiđem na pljuvanje po homoseksualcima, uglavnom je i nepismeno.. sad su mi bili na gomili
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Za ono sto je bitno - kudos!

ali moram, ali moram da komentarisem - wtf, el to jedna pokusava da lici na drugu plasticnim operacijama? slika je skeri - kao da su i kosom, sminkom, haljinama pokusavale da budu blizanke a ne partnerke.
Korisnikov avatar
By 李香兰
[url=]Hys. napisao:[/url]ali moram, ali moram da komentarisem - wtf, el to jedna pokusava da lici na drugu plasticnim operacijama? slika je skeri - kao da su i kosom, sminkom, haljinama pokusavale da budu blizanke a ne partnerke.
komentar ispod. :D
Oddly enough the natural female of the two is the one on our left, the one of the two who looks like she’d had plastic surgery. The more natural/feminine looking of the two was the genetic male of them. :P
Korisnikov avatar
By Mindphaser
USA - Gay Marriage Upheld by Supreme Court in Close Ruling

Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage - The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution guarantees a nationwide right to same-sex marriage

The New York Times - June 26, 2015

WASHINGTON — In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a nationwide right to same-sex marriage.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in the 5 to 4 decision. He was joined by the court’s four more liberal justices.

The decision, the culmination of decades of litigation and activism, came against the backdrop of fast-moving changes in public opinion, with polls indicating that most Americans now approve of same-sex marriage.

As in earlier civil rights cases, the Supreme Court had moved cautiously and methodically, laying careful judicial groundwork for a transformative decision.

As late as October, the justices ducked the issue, refusing to hear appeals from rulings allowing same-sex marriage in five states. That decision delivered a tacit victory for gay rights, immediately expanding the number of states with same-sex marriage to 24, along with the District of Columbia, up from 19.

Largely as a consequence of the Supreme Court’s decision not to act, the number of states allowing same-sex marriage has since grown to 36, and more than 70 percent of Americans live in places where gay couples can marry.

The court did not agree to resolve the issue for the rest of the nation until January, in cases filed by gay and lesbian couples in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee. The court heard extended arguments in April, and the justices seemed sharply divided over what the Constitution has to say about same-sex marriage.

Lawyers for the plaintiffs said their clients had a fundamental right to marry and to equal protection, adding that the bans they challenged demeaned their dignity, imposed countless practical difficulties and inflicted particular harm on their children.

The Obama administration, which had gradually come to embrace the cause of same-sex marriage, was unequivocal in urging the justices to rule for the plaintiffs.

“Gay and lesbian people are equal,” Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. said. “They deserve equal protection of the laws, and they deserve it now.”

Lawyers for the four states said their bans were justified by tradition and the distinctive characteristics of opposite-sex unions. They added that the question should be resolved democratically, at the polls and in state legislatures, rather than by judges.

The Supreme Court had once before agreed to hear a case arising from a constitutional challenge to a same-sex marriage ban, California’s Proposition 8, in 2012 in Hollingsworth v. Perry. At the time, nine states and the District of Columbia allowed same-sex couples to marry.

But when the court’s ruling arrived in June 2013, the justices ducked, with a majority saying the case was not properly before them, and none of them expressing a view on the ultimate question of whether the Constitution requires states to allow same-sex marriage.

A second decision the same day, in United States v. Windsor, provided the movement for same-sex marriage with what turned out to be a powerful tailwind. The decision struck down the part of the Defense of Marriage Act that barred federal benefits for same-sex couples married in states that allowed such unions.

The Windsor decision was based partly on federalism grounds, with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s majority opinion stressing that state decisions on how to treat marriages deserved respect. But lower courts focused on other parts of his opinion, ones that emphasized the dignity of gay relationships and the harm that families of gay couples suffered from bans on same-sex marriage.

In a remarkable and largely unbroken line of more than 40 decisions, state and federal courts relied on the Windsor decision to rule in favor of same-sex marriage.

Supporters of same-sex marriage gathered outside the Supreme Court on Friday
Korisnikov avatar
By antibiotic
Ovaj istorijski dogadjaj je na forumu propracen vrlo burno :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By antibiotic
wtf?? sta se to desava u Istambulu? Gledam i ne shvatam.
Korisnikov avatar
By .:Q:.
ne znam nista o ovom blogu, a linkovao sam ga jer do njega i sam video link, a pri tom je na engleskom

nego pokusavam da skontam sta je u informacijama koje su tu navedene netacno?
Korisnikov avatar
By .:Q:.
gay pride amsterdam
dzeparosi vole kite :eviltrep:
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