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Korisnikov avatar
By unic0rn
Aleksandar Mijatović i Shantu Bhattacherjee

ja ne mogu da prestanem da se smejem :pucaodsmeha: :pucaodsmeha:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Evo su (nije Mimi).

Al se vode kao German gay couple.

I Aleksandar mi je mnogo mnogo poznat...



After moths of campaigning and 81,640 votes, German gay couple, Aleksandar Mijatovic and Shantu Bhattacherjee, will become the world’s first same-sex couple to get married in the air. It was arguably one of the most successful social media campaigns done by any airline—the "Love is in the Air" competition acquired 536,000 links on Google and press attention from around the world.

The couple will be married over Swedish airspace onboard Scandinavian Airlines’ flight SK903 on December 6 between Stockholm and New York and enjoy a beautiful honeymoon with all the fixings in both NY and LA.

These boys won over the hearts of many, mostly because of their unconditional love for one another.

"After seven years I still have butterflies in my stomach when I look at him. And I love the fact that I alway feel that I am in a team and that I can rely on him and trust him unconditionally.” Shantu says that “I love the fact that Alex completes me throughout and gives me the feeling that I don’t need anything else at all.”

Congrats guys! We wish you many years of sky-high, marital bliss.
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Originally posted by unic0rn

Aleksandar Mijatović i Shantu Bhattacherjee

ja ne mogu da prestanem da se smejem :pucaodsmeha: :pucaodsmeha:
Pa verovatno nam se u tastbini smeju i našem Aleksandru Mijatoviću...
Al gle kako su slatki..
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
...i meni jedan jako liči na jednog forumaša...:dedamraz:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
Ne smejte se ne morate uvek da budete tetke zajedljive :D

Ovo je bas super simpaticna vest :cowboy:
Korisnikov avatar
By walt333
Kada smo vec kod svadbi, meni se ocajno ide na neku. :kolo:
Korisnikov avatar
By Rei
Kontam da bih trebao znati ko su oni (ili bar Aleksandar Mijatovic) da bi skontao sta je smesno
Korisnikov avatar
By lav
sta je ovo svi gasterbajteri se pozenise :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Lux_bl
Ma to samo radi drzavljanstva! :krezavi:
By loreenche
Ja nikako da mu prezime izgovorim...

Anyway, felicitacion...
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