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Prijateljstvo, druženje i ostale radosti socijalizacije

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

The Oscar Wilde Bookshop in Greenwich Village, which is believed to be the oldest gay and lesbian bookstore in the country, will close on March 29, its owner announced on Tuesday, citing economic troubles.

The store nearly closed six years ago, only to be sold and given a last-minute reprieve.

It was opened in 1967 on Mercer Street by Craig L. Rodwell, who was influential in the gay rights movement. It later moved to 15 Christopher Street. Mr. Rodwell, who inspired owners of gay bookshops around the country and who helped organize the city’s first gay pride parade in 1970, died of stomach cancer in 1993.
jes' da se nas to toliko ne tice, ali pomislih kako bih se skenjao da zatvore nubly...
Korisnikov avatar
By bakalar
Originally posted by ns.happy
jes' da se nas to toliko ne tice, ali pomislih kako bih se skenjao da zatvore nubly...
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Pa nećemo sad babe i žabe.
Nubl nije gay knjižara nego knjižara u koju (trenutno) vole da odlaze gay ljudi.

(a baš bi bilo lepo da postoji neka)
Korisnikov avatar
By jovanabeograd
phew, kraj marta je u pitanju
planiram da je posetim za 2 nedelje.. stizem stizem :bubbles:
By ...Sitnicava...
Originally posted by ns.happy
jes' da se nas to toliko ne tice, ali pomislih kako bih se skenjao da zatvore nubly...
I ja pomislih da je Nublu u pitanju kada videh temu (iako nije gay knjižara).

Dobro da nije.

Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Videla sam tu knjizaru, nedaleko je od hotela u kome sam bila odsela.
Nisam ni znala da postoje stvari poput "gej knjizare".:psiholog:
By Sixto
PA zar Mamut i Taschen nisu jedno veliko gay knjizarsko delo!
Korisnikov avatar
By ns.happy
Taschen nisu knjige, vec fancy slikovnice.

znam da nubly nije gay knjizara, ali jeste gay pribeziste :giggle:

@abcd - gde bih sa tobom poceo da pricam :P
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