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LSD art

Poslato: 12 Sep 2008, 19:01
od ns.happy

crtezi su pravljeni u razmaku od po sat vremena....pod dejstvom lsd-a.


Drawings under the influence of LSD

These nine drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD - part of test conducted by the US government during it’ s dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950s.

The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him.


^ First drawing is done 20 minutes after the first dose (50µg).

An attending doctor observes - Patient chooses to start drawing with charcoal.

The subject of the experiment reports - “Condition normal.. no effect from the drug yet.”


^ 85 minutes after the first dose and 20 minutes after the second dose has been administered (50µg + 50µg).

The patient seems euphoric.

“I can see you clearly, so clearly. This … you … it’ s all.. I am having a little trouble controlling the pencil. It seems to want to keep going.”


^ 2 hours and 30 minutes after the first dose.

Patient appears very focused on the business of drawing.

“Outlines seem normal, but very vivid - everything is changing colour. My hand must follow the bold sweep of the lines. I feel as if my consciousness situated in the part of my body that’ s now active - my hand.. my elbow.. my tongue.”


^ 2 hours and 32 minutes after first dose.

Patient seems gripped by his pad of paper.

“I am trying another drawing. The outlines of the model are normal, but now those of my drawing are not. The outline of my hand is going weird, too. It’s not a very good drawing, is it? I give - I’ll try again…”


^ 2 hours and 35 minutes after first dose.

Patient follows quickly with another drawing.

“I’ll do a drawing in one flourish.. without stopping . .one line, no break!”

Upon completing the drawing, the patient starts laughing, then becomes startled by something on the floor.


^ 2 hours and 45 minutes after first dose.

Patient tries to climb into activity box, and is generally agitated - responds slowly to the suggestion he might like to draw some more.

He has become largely non-verbal.

“I am everything is…changed…they are calling..your face..interwoven..who is..”.

Patient mumbles inaudibly to a tune (sounds like “Thanks for the Memory”. He changes medium to Tempera.


^ 4 hours and 25 minutes after first dose.

Patient retreated to the bunk, spending approximately 2 hours lying, waving his hands in the air. His return to the activity box is sudden and deliberate, changing media to pen and water colour.

“This will be the best drawing, like the first one, only better. If I am not careful, I ll lose control of movements, but I won’t because I know. I know.” (This saying is then repeated many times.)

Patient makes the last half a dozen strokes of the drawing while running back and forth across the room.


^ 5 hours and 45 minutes after the first dose.

Patient continues to move about the room, intersecting the space in complex variations. It’ s an hour and a half before he settles down to draw again - he appears over the effects of the drug.

“I can feel my knees again, I think it’ s starting to wear off. This is a pretty good drawing - this pencil is mighty hard to hold.” (He is holding a crayon.)


^ 8 hours after first dose.

Patient sits on bunk bed. He reports the intoxication has worn off, except for the occasional distorting of our faces. We ask for a final drawing, which he performs with little enthusiasm.

“I have nothing to say about this last drawing. It is bad and uninteresting. I want to go home now.”

Poslato: 12 Sep 2008, 19:03
od Blady
Juuuu, haos

Poslato: 12 Sep 2008, 20:53
od m..
Super mi je onaj 6, temperom, steta sto nije u boji.

Poslato: 12 Sep 2008, 21:42
od J...

Poslato: 12 Sep 2008, 21:47
od Ulix
Originally posted by m..
Super mi je onaj 6, temperom, steta sto nije u boji.
Podseca pomalo na ranije radove Kandinskog.

Meni se svidjaju svi, i to u tom redosledu kako su nastajali. :)

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 03:01
od Orlando the Lady
Mislim da je tema ranije bila u opticaju, sa sve prilozenim slikama.
Ne priznajem ma kakav..... trag kakvu posledicu hemije ne priznajem kao umetnost.

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 11:37
od Modesty
talentirani slikari,orjenitirani na apstrakciju,postižu isto i bez droga.
tako da me ovdje ništa ne oduševljava.

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 13:59
od Zonche!
Niko nije rekao da je odusevljen zato sto je covek nadrogiran.
Ocigledno je bio eksperiment da se vidi kako deluje na umetnika i njegovu vestinu slikanja kao i percepciju.

Bas je super fora...

Nije poenta u samom lsd-u

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 14:11
od Modesty
Originally posted by Superstar!
Niko nije rekao da je odusevljen zato sto je covek nadrogiran.
Ocigledno je bio eksperiment da se vidi kako deluje na umetnika i njegovu vestinu slikanja kao i percepciju.

Bas je super fora...

Nije poenta u samom lsd-u
Rekla sam samo za sebe da nisam oduševljena(uvijek govorim samo u svoje ime) a to da se vidi koliko djeluje na umjetnikovu vještinu je vrlo diskutabilno...prvo postoje umjetnici,Bogom dani(sa izvrsnim talentom) koji to isto postižu samo sa svojim darom...i na kraju krajeva..koji je to i kakav umjetnk radio taj eksperiment?

Ja inače obožavam fotografiju i likovnu umjetnost ali ovo me nije fasciniralo.

Koga je ,na znači da je gori ni bolji od mene i zato je suvislo komentirati tuđe mišljenje,osobito kada je umjetbnost u pitanju.
Sve je to vrlo relativno i diskutabilno i svako ima svoje viđenje.

Svaka slika ponaosob mi je OK.

I ja sam na LSD-eu čuda činila :pegla:


Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 14:14
od Zonche!
Nije fora u umetnosti i ukusu. Niti o tome da li su ti crtezi dobri.

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 14:15
od Modesty
Originally posted by Superstar!
Nije fora u umetnosti i ukusu. Niti o tome da li su ti crtezi dobri.
Srećo,ali maloprije si napiala da nije fora u LSD-u,sad nije u u čemu je fora...o marki olovke kojom je crtano?


Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 14:30
od starky
kao eksperiment,i rekcija istog,moze da prodje.

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 14:34
od Zonche!
Originally posted by Modesty
Originally posted by Superstar!
Nije fora u umetnosti i ukusu. Niti o tome da li su ti crtezi dobri.
Srećo,ali maloprije si napiala da nije fora u LSD-u,sad nije u u čemu je fora...o marki olovke kojom je crtano?

ITS A FUCKING XPERIMENT!!! Nije ni oda drogama nije ni ocenjivanje umetnosti!

Vise kao "Aj da vidimo sta ce da se desi"

And, btw, im a guy!

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 14:52
od Modesty
Originally posted by Superstar!
Originally posted by Modesty
Originally posted by Superstar!
Nije fora u umetnosti i ukusu. Niti o tome da li su ti crtezi dobri.
Srećo,ali maloprije si napiala da nije fora u LSD-u,sad nije u u čemu je fora...o marki olovke kojom je crtano?

ITS A FUCKING XPERIMENT!!! Nije ni oda drogama nije ni ocenjivanje umetnosti!

Vise kao "Aj da vidimo sta ce da se desi"

And, btw, im a guy!
:) btw,znam :tamoamo:

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 15:01
od colorado
Oh btw betch...

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 15:44
od ljubav91
najjaci je sesti :)

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 17:21
od coka
videla sam ovo ranije... drugi i sesti su naj za mene :)

Poslato: 13 Sep 2008, 22:07
od mirth
Meni se sedma i osma najvise dopadaju - imam utisak da mu je "najlepse" bilo tada. Ove od druge do seste su mi nekako pregrube i asociraju me na strah i agresiju.

Poslato: 14 Sep 2008, 00:12
od .L O S T
gotivan test:napitak:

Poslato: 14 Sep 2008, 00:20
od reveal
Meni je prva najbolja.. podseca na Ivu Andrica :lol:

Poslato: 14 Sep 2008, 01:33
od .L O S T

Poslato: 14 Sep 2008, 01:53
od Tresh-grl
a ja mislila neshto o esidima :sigh:

Poslato: 18 Sep 2008, 10:39
od m..
Originally posted by Ulix
Originally posted by m..
Super mi je onaj 6, temperom, steta sto nije u boji.
Podseca pomalo na ranije radove Kandinskog.

Meni se svidjaju svi, i to u tom redosledu kako su nastajali. :)
aham, ali hocu u boji!