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Originally posted by Black Lady
Poslednja koju sam lajknula
"Gađanje sirotinje s kavijarom."
Originally posted by KorvinOdAmberaja volim svoje grupe, ali ovo je hit, stokeru! xD
jao meni mrsko tražiti smešne grupe od svih grupa
evo vam sve str00jkine grupe pa uživajte
uvek sam umoran jer postajem superheroj preko noći, Not knowing what to say when someone says "Im so fat",and they actually are, My friend's status said 'suicidal and standing on a cliff', so I poked him.,
Svima nama kojima roditelji kriju pismo od Dumbledora, Boze,kad sam trazio sunce nisam mislio na +50..xD,Иди Жућо тамо иди Жућо вамо чибе чибе па није Жућа енимл XD,
when you're waiting for someone and you look like a prostitute, Piti ili ispiti ?! Pitanje je sad... :-], Using complicated words when arguing against dumb people., Tresnje,
Na moru je lepo, al' na ispitu je ekipa!, ... ljubav je kad devojka kaze 8 a decko se samo blago nasmesi <3,All i need is love. And shoes. And money, and clothes, and cars...xD,Opening the refrigerator 50 times, hoping something new will appear.,
,Alarm Clocks. Because every morning should begin with a heart attack., Status veze: Dizem ruke od budale !,
I hate it when my clothes catch on fire because I'm so hot.,
I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it!,
I hate when I call Lady GaGa and she's kinda busy
antoniooooo hladno mi je........- pa pokrij se picka ti materina ,
I sleep with my books because I believe in osmosis., Мрзим кад пропустим почетак порнића, и онда не знам о чему се ради .., -Imam amneziju. -Sta imate? -Sta imam?!
Getting paranoid when your test answers are B, C , D, A, C, C, C, C, C, C, Svi mi koji smo rekli NE češljanju, -Jel ti to novi decko...-Mora da je novi......-NE opran je pervolom xD, give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt,
Da mene nema neke osobe ne bi imale temu za razgovor..., I hate when part of the outfit I've mentally planned is in the laundry,
screaming DIE when you spray bug spray on a bug.
I LOVE having retarded conversations with my friends!, ,MILKA... JEDAN KOMADIC I KRAVA STE , , "Tu sam za pet minuta, ako kasnim, procitaj opet" :-))),
Moje komsije slusaju dobru muziku - hteli to il ne! , Lajkujem statuse i komentarisem slike za pare , Uvece ne mogu da zapsim, ujutru ne mogu da se probudim!, My Music is Electronic, Svi koji misle da bi Jack preziveo da je Rose samo malo pomerila dupe... xD, Svi mi koji gledamo u plafon i kroz prozor dok traje pismeni iz matematike, Svi mi koji se NE smejemo kursadzijama!!!!, Jebes Cak Norisa, Karleusa je budna i kad zaspi xD, JKST, Karte na pregled..imas kartu? Imas ti bojler.. Kakav bojler? A kakva karta?, (x... SvI mI kOjI sVoJ PeVaCkI tAlEnAt PrOmOvIsEmO pOd TuSeM... x), Samo Čak Noris zna ko mu gleda profil i niko vise!!!, "Mom, mom, mommy, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, My voice sounds differently in my head than it does on tape =(, I check my phone twice cause I forgot what the time was the first time, Terrorists have two eyes, Pandas have two eyes. Coincidence? I think not., možda je rođena s tim....a možda je to ČERNOOOOBIIIL!!! XD, Eva Longoria, Love and Money, Dzoging !, Madonna Serbia, Pierre Woodman, Leto + More + Plaza + Izlazak Sunca, I ♥ Belgrade,Oskar - Ami G Show, Vitez Koja, Steve Stifler aka The Stifmeister,Hakuna Matata, Happy Island, 成龍 Jackie Chan, Milka Canic, Milan Tarot, Karen Walker, Dr. House, Milorad Cavic, Adam Sandler,Nikola Tesla, sevdahBABY, Kama Sutra, Arvina Shabic (Crna Mamba) NIKADA nece biti lepsa od Tanje Kovacevic!!!!!!!, Uuuuu pola 3 jbt....!!!!!!!!.......!Za pola sata zovem Karleusu... , Don't worry, I also don't know what to do while they sing me Happy Birthday, I Wish Music Played During Epic Moments of My Life and Not Just in Movies., Svi mi koji smo se kao mali otimali oko banane sa nalepnicom , Hocu da postanem sultan umesto sultana, i wish i could get a hug from a teletubie when im sad :'(, NAPUSTI PROSTORIJU!!!!!!, I laugh at my own funny text before i send it because im that damn funny, A da se zaglavimo u liftu? , Ovaj fejs je postao cigamala ... svi imaju po 50 braći/sestara , Izgradimo Plesnu Akademiju!, yupiii!! NEMA ČASA, IDEMO NA KAFU !!! ,Živeo sam u 3 decenije, 2 veka, 2 milenijuma i 4 države, a tek mi je 20a!, When a Song Instantly Reminds You of A Person.. A place..A memory, Walking down the road with music and feeling like you're in a music video., CRNO VINO MMMMMMMmmmmMMMMMMmmmmMMMMM, The moment when only you & your bestfriend know what your laughing about., If God made everything, God must be somewhere in china, Nisam ja pokvario....Samo se pokvarilo..., Walk into an exam, read question 1, and think “Fuck”!, Književnost na struju, Zlatni Srpski Vaterpolisti,we want 'repeat button' on youtube!, ----Nije bitno GDE ces za Novu,bitno je S'kim ces za Novu---, I can turn almost anything you say into something sexual., • ¤* MoZe Mi sE * ¤ •, I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later., WHERE THE F*CK IS MY.......... found it, Laughing uncontrollably with your best friend over something stupid. (:, I never realized that after Monday and Tuesday, the calendar says W T F., Tusiram se sve dok ne potrosim svu toplu vodu , svi koji se obradujemo kada nadjemo zaboravljene pare u nekom od dzepova , ..pravimo se ludi, kao drugovi smo samo... (;, Nismo neozbiljni! Samo uzivamo u najboljim godinama.. , Ne treba mi alkohol, prirodno sam blesav xD,Pretending to Text in Awkward Situations, Idemo u mrak )),Inappropriate jokes when famous people die, BRE!, znas me, znam te..., PLAZMA & EUROKREM, Zašto da nameštam krevet kad ću opet da legnem u njega?!, I Hate Stupid People that are Ignorant of their Own Stupidity, Zadnji dan skole , JA ZNAM DA VOLIM !!, McFlurry Kit-Kat, Nes Kafa, International Association for Political Science Students, Ali mama! Svi su loše uradili kontrolni.., Talk To The Hand !, Centar Za Sirenje Pozitivne Energije, Rockstar Games, BooM - Practice RooM, kapuera, Jebes ucenje,facebook je zakon!, Necu zvaku, ocu kusur, Siberian Husky, ((( I HATE SCHOOL ))), Sleep,Golden Retriever Puppies, Biljana Srbljanovic, Pizza Hut, Dhaka, The Sims 2, Barack Obama, Svi mi koji odjednom trgnemo nogom u snu misleci da padamo.. , Cevanica - Deo tela koji sluzi za lociranje namestaja u mraku xD, I hate it when I'm eating something crunchy and I can't hear the Tv anymore, Da Bog da nasa deca imala bogate roditelje! xDD, my voice goes higher when im angry, <3 Mrzim kad me neko probudi bas kad je najinteresatniji deo sna <3, Trudio/la sam se da budem normalan/a ali mi se nije svidelo... x)))), Svi koji posle Tusiranja ostavimo Kupatilo kao da je poplava bila xD, Svi mi koji ne mozemo da obuzdamo smeh na casu )), ШКК ??? ---------> Шта Који Ку*ац ???, Evo baba sedi,jebalo te mesto!Trchish za basom,a glumish invalida!, NE LAŽEM,ali kad me gledaš tako,kako da se ne smejem?? XD, You: "I'd like a Coke." Waiter:"Is Pepsi ok?" You: "Is Monopoly money ok?", Knjiga...Toliko jaka da moze da vas uspava na licu mesta! xD, Volim da peeevam iako neee znaaam i ne mozeees mi nistaaa! xD, UČENJE POČINJEM UVEK NA ISTI DAN,SUTRA! , "Mama daj mi da jedem" "Uzmi sam" "Nema veze,nisam gladan", Ko rano rani, zajebao je petla.. , Mom... Quit telling me to not raise my voice when you're the one yelling..., Svi mi koji poruke zapocinjemo sa "E..." , Razumijem..Da piju,da puse,da se drogiraju.Al` da sede na `ladnom betonu..., jbt, legnem-noc, ustanem-noc...xD,█████████████████████████████████████ Ogrebi i sjebaces monitor xDDDDDDDDD, Svi mi koji okrecemo hladnu stranu jastuka dok spavamo , I survived Y2K, Bird Flu, Mad Cow, 9/11 and Swine Flu. 2012, Here I Come!, "Mom, make me some food?" "Get it yourself." "Nevermind, I'm not hungry.", Me? Sarcastic? Never., I finish half of my popcorn, before the movie even starts!, I lose my cell. I call it. It's on silent. Oh crap., Next semester, things will be different, ** Kada mi pricaju iza ledja, znam da sam uvek jedan korak ispred njih!! **, Svi koji imamo DRUGA/DRUGARICU koji nam znace kao BRAT/SESTRA...!!!, Ejj,dajj mi zwakuu!!...ew0 ti...nem0j nik0m da pricash da imam...:PPP <3,Svi koji volimo Choco Banane ), Drug,drug pa drugo stanje... , I sleep less, i'm tired. I sleep more, im tired. What the hell?, Aman Začepi i POLjUBI ME više!!!, Jebes Chuck Norrisa kad Sundjer Bob pece rostilj pod vodom xD, Svi koji vole da su po ceo dan u pidzamiiiiii , Na greškama se uči. Evo već spremam doktorat...,Najveci jutarnji problem: USTATI ILI ODUSTATI...., KO JE OVDE NORMALAN..?? OPUSTENO NIKO.... )))), OMG THEY KILLED KENNY!!!, When i'm on the phone i like to walk around the room or doodle <3, zbog fejsa ćemo svi da popadamo u školi ) :PPPPP,Nema iskrenije ljubavi od ljubavi prema hrani., Ja ne bezim iz skole!!!!-ja elegantno izadjem , I kad si sam,muzika je tu, Making unnessesary sounds when your bored., JEDNOM SE ZIVI ZATO SVE PROZIVI;), NIKAD NE ODUSTAJ!!!, Mrzim rano ustajanje!, Mama sredicu sobu posle Izadji, "Tu sam za 2 minuta!!", I kad je NAJTEZE, ti samo NASMEJ se )), Trenerka STIL, Neću u školu,hoću da spavam!!!!!!, Kad ce pauza???, Gde god sam bio(la) svud sam poginuo(la), DeltaCity, On: Zasto nosis brus kad nemas sise? Ona: I ti nosis gace zar ne?, Ljubav je kad preslusas sve njegove/njene linkove iako su glupi ko kurac (:, ..Pita Eva Adama: -Volis li me ? -A koga cu drugog, majke ti?... ), Where has live feed gone???,Istorija-nauka u kojoj mrtvi muce zive xD, Pokupi svoje igracke, i mars iz mog peska!, Kad vidim bivseg/bivsu kako seta gabora nesto mi toplo oko srca XDD, Guza? TU JE! Sise? TU SU...Puder? TU JE! Mozak?..Mozak??...MOZAAAAKK!!! ), Jos se na bojler niste popele da se slikate...!!! O.o, ,,Idi jedi" ,,Nisam gladan" ,,E onda idi uci" ,,Odoh da jedem" xD., Don't worry about the children of Haiti, Angelina Jolie will adopt them., Uvek sam zeleo da udjem u taxi i kazem: "PRATI TAJ AUTO", "Don't see me, don't see me, don't see me"... "HEYYY!!!" ... "f*ck", E jel imate 2 knjige? xD, Tri nepisana pravila: 1.______ 2.______ 3.______, ''are you asleep?'' ''no im just fcukin looking at my eyelids!!!'', Nije vazno sta ti govore iza ledja,bitno je kada se okrenes da svi cute!!!!, .ako niste zadovoljni sobom, idite u predsoblje. xD, B 92 VRATI NAM SERIJU "MOJE DRAGE KOMSIJE" U NEKI NORMALNIJI TERMIN, (: Svi Mi Koji Nosimo Patike I Po Snegu , Najgore je kada se 5 dana posle svadje setim sta sam trebao/la reci!!! xD, Danas ne radim nista jer juce nisam radio nista, a nisam zavrsio... )))), <3....VOLIM TATU....<3, Nova opcija '' Dodaj u Neprijatelje'', U MENI CUCI GENIJE......AL NIKAKO DA USTANE PIZDA MU MATERINA xDDDD,Hahahahahahaha........Ne., ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ TDI 91.8 █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃, Voleo bi da su kuce mojih prijatelja povezane sa mojom preko tajnih tunela,pizzeria & palacinkarnica DUPLO, ''Cao, sta ima???.... opcije- odjavi se .....Ћаскање (Недоступно), PERVERZNIJI NEGO ŠTO IZGLEDAMO, Svi mi koji za Dan zaljubljenih necemo morati da trosimo pare! (:, College sucks ! I'm going to Somalia to be a Pirate!!, Na Pink-u kad gledam reklame povremeno uskoci poneki film..., "FAIL.", Fake sleeping when someone comes into your room!,Da nije bilo Kosmodiska,ovo slatko danas ne bi bilo na mom stolu... :DDD, We act like its a secret drug deal when someone is just giving us gum, Hronicno mi fali 50 000 evra, U mojoj sobi nema nereda. Samo su stvari umetnicki razbacane. , Yes, i do smile stupidly at the computer when someone says something cute., Sarcasm is the body's natural reaction to stupidity, That plan worked soooooo much better in my head., I'm nice, until you give me a reason not to be,Feeling like a ninja when I drop something and catch it., Mladost mi je ostala na Fejsbuku... , Svi mi koji vrebamo iz OFFLINE... , .... Postoje musko-zenska prijateljstva...., ELECTRONIC MUSIC,Sarkazam, Moje drage komsije - Aquí no hay quien viva, EARL GREY!!, JA VOLIM BEOGRAD NOCU, Kokice, Oprastam.ali pamtim.,Jogging, Masaža, SRBIJA, Kisses, Electronic Music, NAJBOLJI OSECAJ:PUN BUS,A TI SEDIS!!! ))))), PERSONALNI TRENER, In A Chocolationship!!! Mmmm )), ''Ali, ipak, ljubav je pobedila.'', reche ona i udje u audi A6... , Seeing Japanese Tourists Taking Photos of the Most Pointless Things, If you should be studying right now. You should join., Nescafé , Old enough to know its a bad idea, young enough not to care, Pljeska posle izlaska u 3 ujutru mmmmmmm... , Twix, PLAZMA KEKS, Smeh....xD, Tandrljaj....na drugom mestu.... , Svi Mi K0ji W0lim0 KaDa Sm0 SaMi kOd KucE ! ), Znam da Volim, SOUTH AFRICA 2010, Electronic Music, Hitman,Jagode sa šlagom, Chocolate Milk, Earl Grey tea, Strawberry, Topla cokolada, ČUPAVCI, .ZeLene ORBIT. =)), I LOVE CHOCOLATE!,Sladoled, PALACINKE, Bajadera, Milka, Kalemegdan - Kališ,Chocolate, iPod, Facebook, Spanien - Spain - España, MTV Finland,Ferrero Rocher, Water, Smiley, I need a vacation!!!, You have cancer? Katarina Rebrača likes this., HAVING A ONE NIGHT STAND WITH STUDIES BEFORE EXAM, Jelix, Swearing in a different language because your a multilingual bastard, Well, I'm bored again. Time to open the fridge., Boycott of Chelsea Handler until she apologizes to the Serbian people, No, you're not a photographer, you just own a camera., I have a PhD (pretty huge dick), Mahjong Trails, "I wasn't that drunk" Dude, you played Pokemon with my cat all night., Extending your doorways to fit your huge biceps.,Realising you've overslept and jumping out of bed like a ninja.,Nego, de ti meni reci. oš ti pojest to?, Razbijanje plastičnih čaša o čelo u trenutcima ekstaze, No, you're not a photographer, you're a teenager with a Nikon., That friend that always has funny groups which you steal daily., Saying "mooooo" to a cow, to see if it understands you, puno zujiš malo meda daješ, Nije gotovo dok ne dobiješ sudsku zabranu prilaska, "Zdravo curo,ja sam slobodan"-"Zdravo dečko,ti si odjeban", theres always that one person who always catches you doing something weird, I like kids, but I don’t think I could eat a whole one., Thanks for ruining my status with your shit comment., Fali mi vitamin €, Sve se nema, a kontejneri puni., Dear Pinocchio, So all I have to do is lie? Sincerely Lord Voldemort, Being the coolest member of my family., Saying oh! like you get it. But you still have no idea., Hédonisme, Sleeping diagonally on your bed because you're an adventurous bastard.,Violently head banging to hymn's in church, Being a fearless bastard because your a fearless bastard, Liking your own status; because you're a fearless bastard, Answering rhetorical questions because you're a fearless bastard., Confronting people online because you're a fearless bastard, I dont care how old you are, if you dont respect me i'm not respecting you, Waking up & checking your FB like its the morning paper, Daj mi 6 i da se nosis u picku materinu, Trying to peel a mandarin in one go because your an ambitious bastard, Onaj osjećaj kad kupiš novu četkicu za zube pa ti je sve čudno xD, Taking off your sandals after a hard day being jesus, Stairing back at your teacher because your a fearless bastard, A human without a religion is like a fish without a bike., Singing in a shower & thinking 'why the fuck don't I have an album yet?'., Letting the shop keeper keep the 1p change because your a rich cunt, I think your eyebrows need a divorce, "Treat her like a princess, fuck her like a pornstar.", Jao opet mi se ide na Havaje. "Kako opet?" Ma i juče mi se išlo ))))),Never hit a woman. No matter how bad the sandwich is., Going To AA Meetings To Find New Drinking Buddies, Lifting your pinkie finger when drinking coz you're a fancy cunt, Stroking your beard after a long day of being wise, Staying in your room all day and only emerging for food like a gremlin, I will do anything humanly possible to reach the remote without getting up, Being so sexy that people forget what they were saying when you walk past, Note to self. Dont steal candy from fat chidren., "Its so hot in here" " I'm sorry do you want me to leave?", Hit with the ugly branch? You've been gangbanged by the whole fkin forrest!!, Walking around the house in underwear, I just wrote you a long meaningful paragraph do NOT reply back with 'k', Feeling like a retard when you run with your backpack on., Yes I have a dirty mind and I refuse to clean it,Typing in full sentences because you're an educated hero., Internet Explorer is the best browser for downloading a better browser,Hearing noises when home alone and just accepting the fact you're gonna die, "Move bitch get out the way" "Nan, please we're on an escalator', Using proper grammar, because you're an educated cunt., Liking humorous pages because you're a funny fucker,Spending your taxi money on acid and riding a panda home., If you're gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty, All people who are OUT of CONTROL, Thinking of something funny and laughing like an idiot by yourself., I love it when someones laugh is funnier than the joke., Friends are like bananas, if you peel their skin off and eat them they die., "I wasn't that drunk!"u Gave a sock to a midget yelling "dobby YOUR Free", Spavanje je za pičke, "I wasn't that drunk" "Dude, you were asking my cat why he killed mufasa", "I wasn't that drunk" "Dude, you made your girlfriend a sandwich!", "I wasn't that drunk." "Dude, you were on Myspace ","how was school", mom i told u i dropped out and i sell crack now,Making faces at little kids when their parents arent looking, I always wonder what I look like from someone else's eyes., "I wasn't that drunk" "Dude, you made your girlfriend a sandwich", That feeling of freedom when you take off your bra at the end of the day., Short people are cute, Svi mi koji cemo kako stoje stvari da prodajemo akumulatore xD, I wasn't that drunk. Dude you asked your girlfriend if she was single, Hanging with old friends and saying remember when., Single and Fabulous, The urge to push your desk over, yell "fuck this", and walk out of an exam., Having a dream so realistic you had to think if it really happened or not., No matter how close exams are we still have time for faceboook, "Money can't buy you love, but it can buy drinks, hookers and cocaine", Getting kicked out of a library for putting bibles in the fiction section, Drinking may cause memory loss. Or worse, memory loss., Ne da mi majka., Cek da vidim da li me zanima. Ne zanima me., Hanging up your whips and chains after a long day of being a kinky fucker, Turbo Volk,Jebao vas Novak Đoković, Intelligence is sexy., I Can't Tell if You're an Ironic Hipster or a Homeless Person., The awkward moment when you're from the Balkans and you're not a homophobe.,Hanging with old friends and saying remember when, I'M NOT FAT I'M ROMANTICALLY FLUFFY, Looking round in an exam and thinking what the fuck are they writing?, Going to the supermarket during the exams is like going to disneyland, I'm going to hell in every religion,I leave homework to the last day because I'll be older and therefore wiser., Taking shrooms before an exam and copying off the unicorn next to you., Randomly laughing because you're a retard.,Appearing Offline Because You're A Mad Bastard, Supporting slytherin because you're a mean bastard, Giving bitches tea, because you're a fucking gentleman, Liking old statuses, because you're a memorable bastard., Calling Voldemort " Tom " because you're a fearless bastard., The awkward moment when you accidentally open internet explorer, Naming your son Jesus to increase your chances of being God., I may have alzheimer's but at least i don't have alzheimer's., I dont have bad handwriting. I have my own Font., Saying something, then realizing it sounded extremely sexual and wrong, Pretending to Text in Awkward Situations, i hate when people argue, because im always right.,Rubbing your fake "beard" while you "think", Liking someone's status cause they are hot., Taking off your Converse after a hard day of being a fucking legend, You got butterflies when we first kissed, I got a boner., Selling family members on ebay, That mysterious toothbrush in the bathroom that nobody in your family uses., Being with yourself because you think your the one, Seeing a used condom in an odd place and thinking "REALLY?! THERE?!",Running like a gorilla up the stairs because it's easier that way.,Wondering if you're adopted because you're the only sexy one in your family, Mephobia- a fear of becoming so awesome that the human race can't handle it, My penis is always up before me in the morning., Ljeto stize, a ja opet kurva , Onaj osjećaj kad' kupiš novu motiku pa se foliraš po njivi, Jumping off a bridge because your friends did it, "I wasn't that drunk" 'Dude,u were in my fireplace yelling "Diagon Alley"', I enjoy exams so much I usually take them twice., On my playlists, I can't have two songs by the same band next to eachother, Drinking tea because your a classy cunt., Moja soba je bila uredna, ali onda mi je nesto trebalo., Svi mi koji nosimo šampon za kosu u slučaju da nas napadnu metalike., If you can't win an argument, correct their grammar instead., Making up nicknames for people you don't know but see all the time, I like talking to you, you make me happy. Simple as that., Ja se NE derem.Ja sam sa Balkana, mi tako pricamo. : D, APP - ( Ako padnem pijem - Ako prođem pijem), Spending ur taxi money on LSD n flying the magic carpet home, Ratko Mladić is now friends with Vojislav Šešelj and Radovan Karadžić, I daydream while im reading so I have to read parts over again, Putting "Das" in front of a word makes it german, I hate it when I get comfy in bed and realize I forgot to do something, Bitak biću daje bićevitost, Nebitan si.,"Because I'm Awesome" IS the answer to all questions., Accepting a drink doesn't mean I'm interested, it means YAY,free drink, I'm even weirder when no one is watching, Not studying because you're too busy playing the google guitar., The awkwardness when an Arts student talks about their "future prospects"., I just added a period to that sentence, now that bitch knows I'm serious., Who says nothing is impossible. I've been doing nothing for years., Eating After Eights at 7:59 cos you're a fuckin maniac, I meow back at cats when they meow at me, Sitting down after a hard day of being fat, At the end of the day i always realise one thing. I'm awesome, The awkward first hour of any party., Cause I may be fat, but I'm perfectly good at eat., I'm going to take a hot shower. It's a normal shower, only with me in it., Dismounting your kangaroo after a hard day of being Australian, You know you're awesome when people you don't even know hate you., Today I don't feel like doing anything. Except you, I'd do you., Hey, I found your nose. It was in my business again.,"Prvi Srpski Top Model"-Milica Djordjevic, being a facebook slut at 3 a.m for no reason, Eating in class coz ur a fearless bastard, Not eating vitamins because your a fearless bastard, Taking Candy From Strangers Because Your a Fearless Bastard, I'm so smart sometimes I don't even understand what I'm saying, You Are What You Eat, Thats Strange, I Havent Eaten Any Sexy Beasts Today, Jebala vas Zaz, Carefully hanging up my clothes on my floordrobe, Life's too short to remove usb safely, Taking a 10 minute nap and waking up 2 days later, I forgot my password, GOOGLE- Jedini koji ti se ne smeje kad postavis glupo pitanje.xD, Slugs are snails that sold their house for drug money, Nesposobni imaju sposobnost da onesposobe sposobne, Shaving your cat because you wont tolerate a hairy pussy, Slapping vegetarian with a piece of ham., Strpljene je velika stvar. Ali ni to neće pomoći petlu da snese jaje., Ne lazite vise za taj "Smak Svijeta"-devojke bzvz izgubile nevinost, Kad te vidim pocep'o bi te k'o poziv za vojsku!!! xD, I can identify my family members by the sound & pattern of their footsteps, Control your whoremones, slut., Jel si ti toliko glup/a da ti se ja ne svidjam , I know a bunch of random usless facts that will get me nowhere in life., Why am I acting Like I don't have exams?, Svi mi koji imamo skriveno mjesto u sobi gdje drzimo svoj pistolj i kokain, Previše glupih ljudi, premalo metaka., Talking to yourself, because you're the only person you can trust., Eating dessert before dinner because i'm a fearless bastard., Eating coffee biscuits without coffee, because i'm a fearless bastard, Saying Voldemort's name because I'm a fearless bastard, I Survived 21/05/2011 because I'm a fearless bastard, Pouring water on your cat because you like a wet pussy, I Don't Speak German, But I Can If You Like., The pure bullshit that comes out of your pen during exam time, Walking around kicking people and saying "This is Sparta", i hate it when i google my name and google asks "did you mean: God?", Ne govori sve sto znas,ne cini sve sto mozes,ne veruj u sve sto cujes!, I hate it when my daughter escapes from the basement .., Licking the knife because im a fearless bastard, I say Deoxyribonucleic Acid instead of DNA just because i can., Collecting cats to die alone with., Someone told me I am Immature. Guess who's NOT allowed in my treehouse now, I hate it when I do something cool but nobody is around to see it., Svi mi koji smo umrli od svinjskog gripa jer se nismo se vakcinisali, Kad se usisava ja dignem noge., Smoking weed is illegal. but then again, so is the music on your ipod., Putting ! at the end of a sentence cause you're an enthusiastic bastard, Waiting for your parents to go out so you can watch porn with sound, 2,377 other pages., I hate it when my boobs jiggle when I run. , I don't care if its designer, its ugly, The Idiot in Horror Movies Who Suggests "We Should Split Up", Nije da se hvalim,ali ovo je peti smak svijeta koji sam preživio xD, Bitch, why are you even breathing my air?, making it through secondary school without getting pregnant, Yelling out random qutoes in spanish, Liking a page then watching all your friends like it cause your a boss., Collecting cats to die alone with., Etnografski muzej u Beogradu - Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, ConQUIZtador.rs,New Yorker, Being a strong black woman who dont need no man,Thinking "fuck!" while turning the pages of a book one day before an exam!, Those mornings where you wake up, look in the mirror and you're like "no.", Math. The only place where people buy 60 watermelons and no one wonders why, The awkward moment when someone you hate is breathing., The awkward moment when you accidentally touch someone's boob., That awkward moment when people think you care., Yes, I'm single, and I can handle on my own. The accent is on HANDle., Putting a smiley face after every sentence cause your a cheerful bastard, When life is hard, I take a nap., I'm so cool, sometimes i wish i was someone else so i could wish i was me!, Looking up your symptoms on google and ending up terrified,When I'm home alone I dance like an idiot and sing at the top of my lungs, yes, i think too much. yes, it upsets me. no, i can't stop doing it., Those who criticize our generation, forget who raised it., Having those "Remember when we..." moments with your friends, I'm not as think as you drunk I am., I'm ok , I just need some drugs, You can be my nutella ella ella ay ay ay, I leave all my assignments until the last minute then I want to die., Those friends you always have epic adventures with, That awkward moment when a GPS tells a gay person to go straight, ... lako je bilo ZAVRŠITI FAKULTET prije kad nije bilo FEJSA!!!..., Svi mi koji vadimo pistolj kada neko zazvoni na vrata, Mom, we're having sex........ not hanging out., My room is not dirty. I just have everything on display. Like a museum., The awkward silence with your friend after having sex with their dad,Going out for a quiet one and coming home with no pants and a new cat, Brate, GDE su ti kafici sto sipaju drogu u pice????, Tvoja mama mi daje novac da ti budem prijatelj, Killing hookers so you don't have to pay them, Rolling your eyes at someone's pathetic status.,I'm not lazy, I'm chronically unmotivated., Not Safely Removing Your USB Because You're A Fearless Bastard, FRAGOLE E PANNA,ZARA, Crepes alla Nutella, Eurokrem, Politikin Zabavnik, Plazma Keks, Serbia, Beograd, Being a person is getting too complicated. Time to be a cat., Chilling with Satan and prostitutes. , The raised eyebrow look, Standing up for something you truly believe in.,Mentally telling yourself to shut up, Calling your mum by her first name cause you're a fearless bastard, Sleeping without the night light on because youre a fearless bastard, Human's suck, thank god I'm a Unicorn, Astrology, The awkward moment when you realise that Osama Bin Laden made 7 horcruxes, On a scale from Anne Frank to Osama Bin Laden how good was my hiding spot?, Awkward eye contact, This video is not available in your country* so where am I from, Narnia?, growing your beard during exams to seek extra wisdom, Ušće Shopping Center, Why don't you slip into something more comfortable, like a coma., Friday, ...nikad ne odustajem...ili dobijem sto zelim...ili se predomislim... xD, Next time? There will be no next time., Svi mi koji volimo da udaramo nekoga bez razloga :-), Very Demotivational Posters, People becoming fans of pages right after me, Netačno., saying "this is the last time" and doing it again.,Nemoj ti meni ERROR, Svi mi koji smo se kao mali pravili da smo mrtvi u krevetu kad neko naidje, You know you're eastern european when..., Fakultet za losu administraciju i zivcologiju, odsek MarksJeUmro., Kuća gimnazija gimnazija kuća, eto šta znaam, ništa ne znaa, a đe da znaam!, Svi mi koji smo prebili Chuck Norrisa ali se ne hvalimo xD, Ko ne voli cipele, ne voli ni ljude, Svi koji smrcemo kokain sa mrtvih kurvi, Vegetom protiv Bibera xD,Scorpio, I Know What I Meant Google, ,,SvI mI kOjI vOlImO dA cItAmO uMrLiCe DoK cEkAo BuS'', I "Liked" your post so you would consider having sex with me., Svi mi koji otvaramo Google kad nam roditelji gledaju u komp, Behind every sucessful woman, is an unused kitchen they should be in, Ništa nije pogrešno,ako te to čini srećnim, Palacinkama protiv mentalnih oboljenja, Trying To Tell My Parents A Funny Story ... And It Turns Into A Life Lesson, Chuck Norris je ubedio babu da nije gladan, When I wake up in the middle of a good dream, I try to finish it myself, "What the hell just happened?!" moments., Swallow bitch! There's people starving in Africa, Umotati se u cebe i vikati "ja sam dzoint!", Revenge? Nah I'm too lazy, I'm gonna sit here and let karma fuck you up., Sportom protiv droge,biciklom u Amsterdam., Dropping food and picking it up saying "Ah the 5 second rule!", Dzabe se palis na mene kad nisi satanista, randomly singing a song that relates to the conversation,Svi mi koji vičemo ''Iš sotono'' kad vidimo metaliku na ulici, I don't smoke, drink, swear or have sex. I am a virgin who loves God,Saving your friends from Ugly people when they are Drunk,Njuz.net, Going out for a quiet drink and coming home completely Charlie Sheened, Answering the door half naked because you're a fearless bastard, Being a Lazy Bastard., Ojacavanje, nadogradnja i izlivanje noktiju - Nis, Slovački debeli kulen, Mrzim kad mi interferon-γ (INF-Y) nespecifično aktivira makrofage ( MAF), Svi mi koji furamo sataru u unutrasnjem dzepu od jakne!, Jesam Budala, Al meni je bar zanimljivo xD, Jel te smaram? Ma jok, i ne slusam te. -,Narcis sam, pa sta?!, Mrzim kad me babe pitaju "A čija s' ti?",Drustvo sa psihijatrije zauvek u srcu! xD, Forever Alone, Why is your phone always on silent when you can't find it?, DEBELI ALI SRECNI , Svi mi koji volimo mene., Klub Apartman, Nesam školovala, Putting vodka in the holy water, Da ti iseče kosu da budeš ćelav? Booože Petraa, Svi oni koji se nikad ne mogu naspavati.... :o :o :o, I use the internet to self-diagnose my symptoms & convince myself I'm dying, The eargasm you get from listening to your favourite songs., Padne na pod, puhneš malo i dobro je!, Digitally Imported, ..Previše čokolade je baš onoliko koliko mi treba!!.., Pre ce Srbija u ''EU'' nego ja u " In a Relationship" , "Светиславе, насмеши се - да насмејан погледаш смрти у очи", Chocolate Cake,I'm not drunk, I'm just naturally a loud, clumsy, friendly person ,Jedi govna! Zbog? Zbog da jedes govna, when i was your age i wanted a nokia 3310 not sex, I speak SARCASM as a second language., Writing a note for yourself because you assume 'morning you' is an idiot, Buying new books despite having 80 unread ones at home, Valentine's Day is just an excuse to make single people look pathetic., Nacrtaj šumu i izgubi se! -, "Hi, I'm Edward. I sparkle. I'm fast and strong, I .. " "Avada kadavra", Mrzim kad idem kod tebe i sretnem Nedu Ukraden na pola puta, Kako ide učenje? IDE MI NA Kurac, ETO KAKO IDE, Sa pravom mačkom svaki mesec je februar,Demotivational Posters, Mozart Kugel, As we grow up, we don't lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are, Dont poke me unless you are planning to have sex, -Sta ako x ne zeli da bude pronadjen?, When your clothes smell of that special person you have been with , Dear "ppl hoo tawk lyk dis", We are coming for you. Sincerely, The Grammar Nazis., My room was clean, but then i needed something...., I throw my turban in the air sometimes saying لوحة المفاتيح العربية., ''Stepin vajat" najbolja klopa u Bg-u!!!, Ko se nije vozio na konjicima u robnoj kuci, taj ne zna sta je zivot, Mrzim kad polozim sve ispite u roku i onda mi bude dosadno :-(, Retardirana muzika, Mi koji hocemo 'leba bez motike , Zene trljaju oci kad se probude,jer nemaju muda da pocesu., Hate when nobody comments on your awesomely thought up status, OSHO, Likovno Treca Beogradska, Bermudski trougao: Vranje, Pirot, Niš - mesto gde se padeži gube i nestaju, I see youve liked your own status? Someone has no friends, Ah ta prehlada...-Znam kako vam je...-Ma sta ti znaš pička ti materina..., Trying to say goodbye to someone & 15 minutes later your still talking., Neki ljudi setaju po kisi, a ostali samo pokisnu., Maybe if i stare long enough, the answer will just appear.,Prijatelji su kao krompiri. Ako ih pojedes, oni umru., Gleda me u chat i laze, Svi mi koji evo ništa, The awkward moment when you have an awkward moment and its just awkward., Od kad moj muz spava na njemu,on vise ne hrče..., That awkward feeling when you realize you're chewing on a borrowed pen.., Legenda kviza "Slagalica" -5 poena (VIDEO), You and your split personality can F U C K off., At 11:56p on December 20, 2012, I'm Going To Blast "4 Minutes" by Madonna., Why am I acting Like I don't have exams?,Muzika je moja droga, YouTube mi je diler. XD, Glad - Stanje prouzrokovano neprekidnim petominutnim učenjem, Nutella is a form of sex., Pozdravljam samog sebe uz pesmu, Otkud tebe da se setim ))))))))), "You didn't!" "I did." "You're so evil." "I know. ",Gde ćeš za Srpsku ? Brate na kolokvijum., The awkward moment when Rihanna sees another girl in the world, It's Funny How The Smell Of Perfume Can Bring Up Memories <3, Dok ne poludis, niko te ne shvata ozbiljno, When I was your age, I was your age., Luda Kuca, Svi koji dodemo na faks i pitamo se "Koji sam k. dolazio", The pure bullshit that comes out of your pen during exam time, Перун (Perun), You look like I need another drink., People who don't sleep enough because they stay up late for no reason, Wikipedia, Shower = The place of thoughts and decision making, Janice from Friends,Nepotrebno znanje, Vedrana Rudan, We want Myth Busters to test myth about drunk Serbian and shark, ,,Dobro jutro'' je oksimoron,Ironija, Sklonite crveni tepih - ipak ne dolazim xD, Oči još nisam otvorio, a već sam se smorio., 19h :"učiću kasnije..." 21h :"učiću kasnije..." 23h :"idem da spavam..." xD, Lignjoslav: -Jao kako dirljvo.... Idem kuci da povracam.... xD, Gde ces za Novu godinu? a gde ces ti za 1.maj.. , Svi mi Koji bi Voleli DA Znamo KO JE Svetlana!!! xD, That awkward moment between your birth and your death, ljubav na prvi "like", You tell me problem, we drink Vodka, problem kaput!, That awkward moment when a German student opens a history book., Your Best Profile Picture, Shut-Up-I'm-Talking, Bas me briga sto sam velik/a hocu Paketic, E sta ces obuci za Novu ?! -- Pidzamu... eto sta... -, Bica i Dzeljana-FAN CLUB,Za sve one koji vole svoje koleginice i kolege sa faksa. . . :-), No. Your Wrong. So just sit there in your wrongness and be wrong.,Giving people really good advice, and never using it yourself., Sada shvatam zasto je OSMI mart dan zena xDD, Neću imati djecu zbog rizika da postanu indie., always single. . . never alone ♥, I hate it when seljaci complain about other seljaci., Megan Fox, Svi mi koji se nadamo velikom nasljedstvu od neznanih rodjaka, When Life Gives You Lemons.... Keep Them... Cause. Hey.... Free Lemons..., Kakvih sve ima, ja sam ZLATO! , I'm so proud of all the cool pages I am a fan of., The Annoying Orange, "Feed a child with a click." I don't wanna feed no child that eats clicks, Podznak, Ko mi ne dodje na sahranu..-necu ni ja njemu..........xDD, Lignjoslav:"Patrice,molim te,idi budi glup negde drugde..." , Mrzim kada na aerodromu izgubim kartu za Maldive,pa moram na Kubu!, You, FPN, Everything is relative... Only vodka is Absolut, Ustajem za 5min. 7:05 - 7:10 - 7:15 - 8:30 - Uuuu jbt, чапкање хлеба на путу из продавнице, Sta rade huligani iz gimnazije? -Nose ranac na jednom ramenu xDDDD,Svi Mi Koji Volimo Italijansku Muziku, Mobilni magazin, Minut ćutanja za makrofage koje svakodnevno ginu u borbi sa antigenima., Pre ce Bica i Djeljana zavrsiti fax nego ja.. , A JA U KOMU, Bree Van De Kamp, Gabrielle Solis, Yes. You are orange. And no. It does not look natural., Necu da mrzim, VH1, Zašto da se uklapam kad sam rođen/a da se ističem?!?, Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless telephone, "JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA", "WTH?", "Dude I'm laughing in Spanish.", that 1 friend we can tell everything to no matter how stupid or embarrassing it is =] ♥, I just wanna slap whoever started "Become a fan to see picture", Mozilla Firefox, Svi mi koji nosimo Perwoll Black Magic kada podjemo u Pozoriste... XD,Orbit Gum, That moment when you stop and realize how unbelievably awesome you are., Antidepresiv TDI, Stop rasizmu!,Idu dva momka ulicom,jedan voli svoju devojku,a drugi je isto lazov.. , I wonder if kids in China push their eyes in and say 'haha, I'm American!', "Kao prvo, ne moram ja ništa.", Mocking someone in a voice that sounds nothing like them, Your weird. I like you., Šta rade huligani iz Trinaeste gimnazije? Stave fantomku, pa lome krede.
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