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Prijateljstvo, druženje i ostale radosti socijalizacije

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Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Jedan (nasem Marsu) nevidljivi pozdrav i poljubac, za uspesan mu dan (po Marsovom vremenu:D)...


:kiss: :mazi:
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
imamo slušaoca na vezi...zašto je tvoj film...
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Huh...Elem,kao srednjoskolac dosta se furao(mada i danas),nosio zvoncare,slushao(kao i danas) :) psihodeliju,pushio hashish svojevremeno u gimnaziji(pocetak 2.godine),Vodolija...Tako da ,Moj:D
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
...a ništa dublje,gluma,muzika,PRIČA...

ja sam deran,a vi ste i dalje u marsovom klubu...
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Poshto odrastah uz taj film(derane a otkud to pitanje:wtf: ),istina hteo sam da upishem glumu,da bi se to kasnije promenilo,pa sam bio opsednut rezijom,koju nisam upisao,jer nisam ni konkurisao,zbog rigoroznosti,a i nedostatka potrebnih knjiga,kao i obimom onih sto sam imao:D
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
..ćakulamo,eto,niš' posebno...

...ja ga doživljavam kao svoj fillm,iz razloga što ja nisam nosio zvoncare,ni rastao u velikom gradu,ni bio buntovan,a tako sam želeo to...:lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Dodji da buntarimo zajedno:lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
...zakasnilo se morrisone,zakasnilo se...:smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By svejedno
Svaka cast za pesme iz KOSE :)

hm...hvala, dugo nisam cuo ,)


Ja ga dozivljavam kao film za svakoga, lol ,)

I svaciji film.
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Originally posted by deran
...zakasnilo se morrisone,zakasnilo se... :smeh:
Nikad nije kasno.Ceo zivot je jedan veliki hir,bunt je uvek na "snazi" i ne bih sebe sutra mogao zamisliti kada ne bih imao protiv chega da se borim;)
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
pa borim se protiv ili za život,kako ti milo...nije lako,nije lako...:lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Obrni okreni Pinokio se zeni.

Al' se borish,to je bitno:D
Korisnikov avatar
By svejedno


Soldier 1:
We starve-look
At one another
Short of breath
Walking proudly in our winter coats
Wearing smells from laboratories
Facing a dying nation
Of moving paper fantasy
Listening for the new told lies
With supreme visions of lonely tunes

Soldier 2:
Inside something there is a rush of
Who knows what stands in front of
Our lives
I fashion my future on films in space
Tells me secretly

Manchester England England
Manchester England England

Across the Atlantic Sea
And I'm a genius genius
I believe in God
And I believe that God believes in Claude
That's me, that's me, that's me

Ensemble Background:
(Eyes look your last)
(Arms take your last
(And lips oh you the
doors of breath)
(Seal with a righteous kiss)
(Seal with a righteous kiss)
That's me, that's me, that's me
(The rest is silence,
The rest is silence,
The rest is silence)

Singing our space songs on a spider web sitar
Life is around you and in you
Answer for Timothy Leary, dearie

Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sun shine in...
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Kraj me uvek rasplache,bez obzira koliko puta gledao.:love:
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
...koliko su neke stvari večne...
Korisnikov avatar
By nsBeckie
Originally posted by deran
OMG!!! Ovo je moja pesma! :eya: :eya: Hvala :kiss:

p.s. imate pravo da pogadjate samo jednom koji sam znak u horoskopu :D
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
...i ja sam becki.... :D

...i sad nešto sasvim drugačije-nisam našao bolji video-zapravo bio je,ali su ga uklonili-izvođenje ove numere iz '80 sa karerasom...


Korisnikov avatar
By svejedno


Dobro jutro :)

Jos pod utiskom muzike od sinoc ,)
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
I dobar dan:)Evo i od mene nesto.

Korisnikov avatar
By nsBeckie
@spliff: sta, ovo je nesto kao "before and after" ?

prva verzija :up: :up: :up:
druga verzija :bljak:
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
#1659517će ovo kilava noć,evo sam bolestan ko niko... :temperatura: evo za početak...


...KOLIKO VOLIM kad ubace gospel pevače...:love:
By Storm
Najzad sam pročitao celu priču o Marsovom banovanju.

Ovaj forum je čudno mesto.
A jedna od zanimljivijih stvari je kada pristojnim ljudima prekipi.

Mars je ok momak, ne pravi sranja...
Ali bilo je ovde nekih esktremno tolerantnih ljudi koji su imali po lepu reč za svakoga pa su kasnije pukli i isključivo se svađali i progonili ljude.
Tako je to kada lažne "dobrice" puknu.

Međutim Mars je i ovog puta ispao uglavnom ok, pogotovo što je provokacija koja je prethodila bila prilično bizarna. Jeste malo preterao, ali i to se dešava.
Biće to sve u redu.
Korisnikov avatar
By nsBeckie
Originally posted by deranće ovo kilava noć,evo sam bolestan ko niko... :temperatura:

...KOLIKO VOLIM kad ubace gospel pevače... :love:
evo za brzo ozdravljenje, uplifting song, sve sa gospel pevacima

R Kelly
The Storm Is Over Now

I was in a tunnel, and couldn't see the light
And whenever I'd look up, I couldn't see the sky
Sometimes when I'm standing, it seems like I had walked for miles
And my heart could be crying, dead in the middle of a smile
But then I climbed the hills and saw the mountains
I hollared help cause I was lost
then I felt the strong wind, heard a small voice saying

The storm is over
(the storm is over now)
I can see the sunshine
(somewhere beyond the clouds)
I feel heaven yeah
(heaven is over me)
Come on and set me free

Now, in the midst of my battle all hope was gone
Downtown in a rush-crowd, it felt all alone
Every now and then I felt like I would lose my mind
I've been racing for years and still no finish-line
But then I climbed the hills and saw the mountains (mountains)
I hollared help cause I was lost
then I felt the strong wind, and then a small voice saying

The storm is over
(the storm is over now)
I can see the sunshine
(somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel heaven yeah
(heaven is over me)
Come on and set me free

Somehow my beginning stepped right in (right in)
And faith became my friend (my friend)
And now I can depend on the voices of the wind
When it's saying (saying!)

Storm is over
(storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel heaven yeah
(heaven is over me)
Won't you come and set me free
Won't you set me free

The storm is over
(the storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel heaven yeah
(heaven is over me)
Won't you come and set me free
(yeah yeah)
Won't you come and set me free
(yeah yeah)
looks like
(looks like I can see the light shining)
somewhere beyond the clouds
(looks like I can see the light shining)
(down on me! looks like I can see the light shining)
the clouds moving
the sun shining
(looks like I can see the light shining)
I made it home
baby, I'm coming home

The storm is over
I'm telling you I can see the light
(somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel heaven over me
(heaven is over me)
Come and set me free
Come and set me free
Won't you come and set me free
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