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Korisnikov avatar
By Clockwork Orange
David Blaine starts life underwater
Magician to emerge from 'human aquarium' Sunday

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 Posted: 1310 GMT (2110 HKT)

David Blaine in his "human aquarium" at New York's Lincoln Center.

David Blaine
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Manage Alerts | What Is This? NEW YORK (AP) -- Take a deep breath. David Blaine's latest stunt is spending a week living in an 8-foot acrylic sphere filled with water.

The 33-year-old magician, shirtless and with an oxygen tube in his mouth, slid into his snow globe-like "human aquarium" Monday at Lincoln Center.

In a week, he will remove the device and attempt to hold his breath underwater longer than the record of 8 minutes, 58 seconds.

He also will try to escape from 150 pounds of chains and handcuffs during the breath-holding finale, which will air live in a two-hour ABC special, "David Blaine: Drowned Alive," on May 8 (8 p.m. EDT).

"As a kid, I always was obsessed with Houdini," Blaine explained Monday.

"I don't think about death, but I am prepared for it," he said, adding that his only fear is "the fear of the unknown."

Blaine said he started training in December, with some help from U.S. Navy SEALS. He lost 50 pounds so his body would require less oxygen.

The water in the sphere will be kept at a balanced temperature to help keep his core temperature near 98.6 degrees. His gear includes a diving helmet that allows two-way communication with his support team.

Blaine invites visitors to stop by and wave at him. The water should be nice and clear; he will be fed and, uh, relieve himself by tubes.

His previous feats of endurance include balancing on a small platform for 35 hours, being buried alive in a see-through coffin for a week and surviving inside a massive block of ice for 61 hours. In 2003, he fasted for 44 days in a suspended acrylic box over the Thames River in London.

Korisnikov avatar
By Dominion
interesantno, ali posle hudinija i koperfilda tesko je izmisliti nesto novo sto ce me impresionirati.
By superfly
Originally posted by bella_the_weird
...i shta mu je bilo?
David Blaine omanuo

Razvikani iluzionist, koji je sedam dana proveo zatvoren u akvariju u New Yorku, nije uspio srušiti svjetski rekord u držanju daha. Nakon šest minuta je poplavio od muke, pa su ga izvukli iz vode.


NEW YORK - David Blane, iluzionist sklon fizi?kim i medijski pra?enim izazovima, hitno je izvu?en iz akvarija u kojem je proveo tjedan dana jer se umalo utopio u pokušaju obaranja rekorda u držanju daha.

Prije izlaska, Nujor?anin koji je od 1. svibnja uronjen u akvarij visok 2,5 metra, ostao je 7 minuta pod vodom ne dišu?i, ali nije uspio oboriti svjetski rekord od 8 minuta i 58 sekundi.


Blaine nije uspio ni u potpunosti otkop?ati 50 kg ?eli?nih lanaca, devet lokota i ?etiri para lisica koje su ga držale za dno.

Tijekom posljednjeg iskušenja a la Houdini, 33-godišnji iluzionist je isprva bio mirnog lica i zatvorenih o?iju i pratio je savjete svog trenera. Nakon šest minuta po?eo je pokazivati nemir, naborao je ?elo, ?inilo se da pokušava disati, što je prisililo dvojicu ronioca da interveniraju.

Nakon što su ga izvukli i poslije nekoliko sekundi pod maskom kisika Blaine je u suzama i jako slab rekao da ga je "duboko ganula podrška New Yorka i cijelog svijeta".

"Bio je to težak tjedan, ali zahvaljuju?i vašoj energiji lakše je prolazio. Hvala svima, volim vas", rekao je mnoštvu okupljenih na trgu Lincoln Center, koje je skandiralo "David, David".

Korisnikov avatar
By gari
Jadnik, nadam se da ?e slede?i put uspeti-kad mu je to tako važno. A ne znam kome je bitno da li je neko zadržao dah osam ili devet minuta?

:vezan: :maca: :spijun:
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