- 24 Feb 2011, 19:19
Alexa.com je direktorijum sajtova na internetu. Rangira ih po posjećenosti, ključnim riječima za pretragu, profiliše posjetioce itd. Alexa podatke o posjetama dobija iz sopstvenih izvora, a ne kao Google ili Bing - direktno sa sajta.
Evo šta veli računarski stvoren opis:
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Evo šta veli računarski stvoren opis:
This site is relatively popular among users in the city of Cacak (where it is ranked #26). Compared with the overall internet population, its users are disproportionately low-income, and they are disproportionately childless men browsing from school and home. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is about seven minutes, with 27 seconds spent on each pageview.Je li još nekom para uši ovo "disproportionately childless men"? Mislim, glupa Aleksa, zove se GAY, hellooooo. Ali bez obzira, fraza je jeziva (homofobična?).
Dalje veli:
Top Queries from Search TrafficTriper, samoubistvo, ispucale pete i sociologija...
The top queries driving traffic to gay-serbia.com from search engines. Updated monthly.
Query Percent of Search Traffic
1 triper 1.76%
2 gonoreja 0.57%
3 gej oglasi 0.54%
4 gej parada 0.44%
5 samoubistvo 0.42%
6 pisanje diplomskog rada sociologija 0.42%
7 gej parada u beogradu 0.40%
8 ispucale pete 0.32%
9 2q2bstr8 dan 0.27%
10 tettlies stout 0.27%