Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Prijateljstvo, druženje i ostale radosti socijalizacije

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Heartkiller
Naravno da imam grižu savest, nisam od kamena. Ne radim ono što želim neko meni da uradi.

Što se tiče podložnosti, podložniji sam joj manje nego ranije...
Korisnikov avatar
By svejedno
Meni je sad hlevdija objasnila zapravo sta je za nju griza savesti, nisam bas shvatao koncept.


Umelo da mi se desi - ako kazem ili uradim nesto zlobno npr. clanovima porodice iz povredjenosti - da mi polse bude zao, neposredno posle toga, i to mu dodje to.


U vezi drugih ljudi, manje bitnih, nikada.

Sta je uradjeno, uradjeno je.


I to sto m.. kaze, ume da mi bude krivo samo ako nesto NISAM uradio.

Sta sam uradio uradio sam, jbg. Ili pokusam/moguce je popraviti, ili ne.


Gizu savesti nemam. I ne mislim da sam monstrum.
By Guion Nerville
Nekad izgovorim ili uradim takve budalaštine
koje teško mogu ispraviti
i posle na momente pokušavam da racionalizujem
da to nije tako strašno
ali ako sam iskren prema sebi
znam da sam kriv...

e niske strasti
e đubre koje vučem u sebi


00:15:02,151 --> 00:15:07,145
Master, there is a stone on my back.
Please take it off

00:15:07,856 --> 00:15:11,053
- Does it torment you?
- Yes, Master

00:15:11,727 --> 00:15:14,719
Didn't you also do it to the fish?

00:15:14,763 --> 00:15:16,731
Yes, Master

00:15:16,832 --> 00:15:19,198
Didn't you also do it to the frog?

00:15:19,334 --> 00:15:21,063
Yes, Master

00:15:22,905 --> 00:15:25,533
Didn't you also do it to the snake?

00:15:25,607 --> 00:15:27,541
Yes, Master

00:15:28,210 --> 00:15:30,201
Stand up!

00:15:36,885 --> 00:15:38,910
Walk around!

00:15:43,058 --> 00:15:45,458
I can't walk, it's too heavy

00:15:46,261 --> 00:15:50,664
How do you think the fish,
the frog and the snake endured it?

00:15:52,201 --> 00:15:54,465
It was wrong to do it

00:15:55,104 --> 00:15:58,767
Go and find all the animals
and release them from the stones

00:15:59,374 --> 00:16:01,239
Then I will release you too

00:16:02,044 --> 00:16:07,482
But if any of the animals, the fish,
the frog or the snake is dead,

00:16:08,717 --> 00:16:14,314
you will carry the stone in your heart
for the rest of your life


Sinoć me grickala, nije mi dala da spavam.
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
imam valjda al' se pokvarila u posl. vreme :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By mrgud
:skorpija: imam nepodnosljivu grizu savesti sto ne radim stvari zbog kojih bi me grizla savest :skorpija:
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