- 02 Jun 2008, 03:12
Onda preko vašeg facebook naloga pristupite grupi Let's break a Guinness Record! 2009 Approved by guinnessworldrecords.com i pozovite sve sa svoje friends liste da to isto učine
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=1 ... 016&ref=nf
CLAIM ID: 201898
Ok listen people!!! We applied to set a new world record to the guinnessworldrecords.com officials last October, and now they have accepted our attempt of setting a new world record on facebook (UNITE LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN ONE GROUP)
Here we need at least 5 million people to set a new and first of its kind world record here on facebook!!!!!
All members who will apply for the certificate will receive an official Guinness Record Certificate from guinnessworldrecords.com. YOU CAN ONLY APPLY AFTER WE SET THE RECORD!!!
All these other groups that are attempting to set a record are not recognized by Guinness records because they did not apply for setting a new world record to the Guinness officials.
This group has received an official license from guinnessworldrecords.com.
You can find more about our attempt and about the rules and regulations here on guinnessworldrecords.com
To take part all you have to do is:
1 Join this group.
2 Click on "Invite People to Join" from the menu on the right.
3 Select all your friends (for this record to work, you need to do this).
4 Click on "Send invitation"
It's that simple.
Dodatne informacije i ovde:
Onda preko vašeg facebook naloga pristupite grupi Let's break a Guinness Record! 2009 Approved by guinnessworldrecords.com i pozovite sve sa svoje friends liste da to isto učine
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=1 ... 016&ref=nf
CLAIM ID: 201898
Ok listen people!!! We applied to set a new world record to the guinnessworldrecords.com officials last October, and now they have accepted our attempt of setting a new world record on facebook (UNITE LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN ONE GROUP)
Here we need at least 5 million people to set a new and first of its kind world record here on facebook!!!!!
All members who will apply for the certificate will receive an official Guinness Record Certificate from guinnessworldrecords.com. YOU CAN ONLY APPLY AFTER WE SET THE RECORD!!!
All these other groups that are attempting to set a record are not recognized by Guinness records because they did not apply for setting a new world record to the Guinness officials.
This group has received an official license from guinnessworldrecords.com.
You can find more about our attempt and about the rules and regulations here on guinnessworldrecords.com
To take part all you have to do is:
1 Join this group.
2 Click on "Invite People to Join" from the menu on the right.
3 Select all your friends (for this record to work, you need to do this).
4 Click on "Send invitation"
It's that simple.
Dodatne informacije i ovde: